Monday, March 26, 2007

Whats the funnest outdoor activity that burns calories real well? -

Help..i cant go swimming or bikeing (cuz no pool n i have flat tiers)I love the trampolleen and walking/runningwhat elts??Please tell me(any other weight loss tips welcome)

Sex on a park bench

Try Hula Hooping or Jump Roping. Hula-ing for 10 minutes burns 200 calories! Jumping for 10 minutes burns 250 if you do it quickly. Good luck! =]

horseback riding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skating in the winter.. or snowboarding / skiing.Roller blading, maybe...

there is jump roping and running or jogging ...i really dont know

Does anyone have any good weight loss tips? or good diets to try? -

I need to loose as much weight as poss before september 23rd to get into my wedding dress... anyone have tips? ive tried 3 diets and none of them work for me, slimming world, weight watchers and g.i diet!i have noooo willpower :(

Weight loss tipsweight loss tips to help you lose weightNeed some help with your weight loss? Below are some great weight loss tips to help you that extra bit, these weight loss tips offers pointers for pratical, effective weight loss tactics. Tips include healthy eating advice, support, exercise, preparation of food and much more. Enjoy!Tip #1To make a delicious low fat mayonnaise simply combine one teaspoon Dijon mustard or one teaspoon satay sauce with low fat yoghurt.Tip #2Avoid skipping meals. Eating increases your matabolism, thus skipping meals can trick your body into slowing down its metabolism in an attempt to conserve calories during a period it perceives as a situation where limited fuel is available.Tip #3Stuffing vegetables such as capsicum and zucchini with tasty fillings of mince chicken, meat or tuna are easy to do and very healthy and low fat.Tip #4Pita bread roll ups or wraps with salad fillings, are great for picnics, school lunches or to take to work.Tip #5Exerise, exercise, exercise! Exercise increases your metabolism and burning off excess fat. When is the best time to exercise? Our metabolism slows down about 8 hours after we wake up, so 30 minutes of exercise in the evening, before dinner will increase your metabolism for about two to three more hours just when it was starting to slow down. This produces a significant increase in fat burned off, even after the exercise is over.Tip #6Adding alfalfa or mung beans to your salad brings in extra iron.Tip #7Good cooking and healthy eating begins with learning about nutrition and how to prepare healthy recipes.Tip #8Plan the week s family menus in advance and just purchase those ingredients at a once weekly shopping trip.Tip #9Be positive! The more you feel good about yourself the easier and faster it is to lose weight.Tip #10Learn how to make over family favourite recipes by cutting out fats, salt and sugar. Substitute non fat yoghurt for cream, stir fry minus oil and use herbs and spices instead of salt for flavour.Tip #11Please consult your doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss program.Tip #12Eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetiteTip #13Eat three small meals and two snacks daily instead of two or three huge meals.Tip #14It s a myth that you need oil to stir fry! Use chicken stock instead and cut down on hidden fat.Tip #15There is more fat in a plate of toasted muesli than a plate of bacon and eggs! Purchase non-toasted muesli instead.Tip #16Avoid removing the skins of fruits and vegetables - most of the nutrients are concentrated just under the skin.Tip #17Hot water with a squeeze of lemon before breakfast get the metabolism going for the day, helps prevent constipation and is excellent for the skin.Tip #18The best source of vegetable protein is from soya beans or tofu. All legumes provide some protein, so include lentils, lima beans etc into casseroles and soups.Tip #19Find a weight loss buddy, club, or support group. This will help you stay with your weight loss program.Tip #20Though difficult, try not eating 3 hours or more before bed time.Tip #21I cut up a whole watermelon and leave it in the fridge to snack on over a few days. it is sweet, juicy, yummy and filling. it really has helped me because when i go to the fridge looking for something when i see the watermelon it stops me having something more calorie laden. having it handy so that it is just as easy to eat as a biscuit or whatever makes the world of difference. eating at night time is my downfall too. i cant just not eat at night so i allow for it in my daily eating. i have those 97%fat free rice crackers and/or fruit or air popped popcorn. for me i just cant not eat at night time. i find i dont sleep very well if i go from dinner time to breakfast without anything. although we do eat dinner very early (around 5.30) because we like to eat with the kids. i think it is best to know your weaknesses and try to work around them. also, i dont think it can be said too many times - drinking water makes all the difference.Tip #22Make pasta your fast food choice - you can prepare a pasta meal and salad in 10-12 minutes.Tip #23Chilli helps to speed up metabolism - even the milder varieties.Tip #24Omelettes can be made just using egg whites! A dramatic reduction in fat.Tip #25Limit salt in cooking. Other names for salt include baking soda, baking powder, MSG and soya sauce.Tip #26For low fat gravy, drop ice cubes into the baking tray. Fat will stick to the ice cubes and can then be removed.Tip #27Chew sugarless gum. It speeds up the digestive system, burning more calories, and sometimes kills a craving.Tip #28Drinking hot water as appose to cold water can increase the speed of your metabolism and burn more calories.Tip #29Make casseroles the day before use. Refrigerate and skim fat from the top before re heating.Tip #30Always eat before you go food shopping and always prepare a shopping list. Only purchase food which relates to your weekly menu plan and don t be tempted to buy goodies.Weight loss Tips

I know everyone says the Atkins diet is extreme but it is a great weightloss diet and plus I get to eat all the stuff I like and never go hungry! On the other hand your man has been loving you they way you are and losing a few pounds won t make him love you any more than he already does! In addition your guests are coming to the wedding because they support it, not bcause they want to see an ultra thin bride!

Here are some suggestions to try:1. The Schwarzbein Principle Requires some willpower, but gives results - I used it to lose baby weight after two babies.2. The new Nutrisystem looks good - seems like it s close to The Schwarzbein Principle , but they send you all your meals, so it requires a lot less willpower, since you don t have to cook your own food. Plus they let you eat chocolate.3. If you have time, try reading stuff from It turns nutrition on its head, makes sense, and leads to long-term health! Plus one guy lost over a hundred pounds eating that way. It s my all-time favorite of the diets I ve read.Good luck and congratulations!

its easy use souna belt!!

Get some vanilla sense NOT ESSENCE if you take a sniff of it every time u crave for something sweet e.g. chocolate it will get rid of your craving thus meaning you eat less fat and calories.

the best diet in the world is to only eat when u r hungry and dont over eat when u are. u have to make sure u r hungry tho and not thirsty.

Nettle tea-3 cups a day-supports metabolism and is a dirureticExercise-raises metabolism

exercies for 30 minutes everyday building up and adding more time every 3 weeks. do both cardio and resistance training. try new sports like tennis, pickleball, rollerblading, etc. eat a healthy diet that is high in FIBER and includes all of the food groups. don t deprive yourself. it s good to indulge in goodies once in awhile. try to have just 2-4 bites. eat a rainbow of fruits and vegies everyday. drink plenty of water, green tea, black tea, orange juice, etc every day. get plenty of sleep. eat 3 small meals a day with 3 small snacks...meals should be around 350-375 calories and snacks should be around 200 calories. if you fall off the wagon, start over the next day. make sure to exercise no matter what and change your lifestyle.

Diets do not really work, as long as you eat sensible healthy foods and exercise you will lose weight. These quick weight loss diets are what can be called yo-yo diets because you might lose a little bit but you will put it straight back on. A good site that helps manage weight loss and includes a daily planner for calorie intake and the exercises that use up calories is this one can sign up to try their calorie counter, food diary and calculation tools for free, for a trial 3 days�� , which is will give you the idea of what needs to be done to successfully lose weight.

this is what im doing, and its without even trying, cut out fizzy drink, lose 2 pounds in 1 month.cut out crisps-lose 1 pound in a month.cut out crisps and limit chocolate, 3 pounds in 1 month.drink 8 glasses of water a day-lose 2 pounds in a month.please eat 5 fruit and veg a day-lose 2 pounds in a easy is that, it sure is working for me,

well so far i ve done slimming world, you are what you eat and weight watchers but none of them worked for me either.I am now doing the calorie counting and finding it very effective, you can still eat what you like but you have to count the calories and when you reach your limit you can t have anything else. Everything has got calories on the back of it so it s easy to work out and just keep a pen and pad handy to tally them up. The recommended calories per day for a woman is 2000 but if you want to diet and lose more you can take it down to 1500good luck and enjoy your day.

Eating celery is a good way to satisfy your munchies without gaining weight cuz eating it actually takes more energy than it gives you. Works 4 me!!! lol

If you have no willpower (or keep telling yourself you have no willpower), then it s going to be very difficult to stick to any diet programme. I think we all know the steps we need to take to lose weight - it s just putting them into practice that s the hard part!At the end of the day though, you will only lose weight if you really want to and are committed to succeeding. Whatever diet plan you choose to follow, you need to keep reminding yourself why you are doing this - for your wedding day. Try picturing yourself in a wedding dress a couple of sizes smaller than you wear now - this should provide some motivation (I don t know how much weight you have to lose of course).The other piece of advice I would give is to steer clear of faddy diets because chances are they will be so difficult you won t stick to them.Good luck!

Awwww congrats!! I would say just plenty of excersise and fresh fruit and veg! Remember pleanty of water! Also walk instead of taking the car,also try a couple of sauna sessions too! Good luck enjoy your day!!

Find exercises you enjoy. When I do exercises I enjoy, it doesn t feel like exercise at all. Fun stuff like going for walks, hiking, swimming and cross-country skiing. If you can t lose enough weight by that date you can always wear some foundation garment like a girdle. Almost everyone wears foundation garments with their dresses anyway, even thin people.

yes im on a great eating and excercise plan and its working very well

South Beach is a good diet. You need to have will power for a diet to work, they are all difficult to adhere to. The key is to reduce carbohydrate intake (pasta, breads, cookies, rice, potatoes, cereals) and increase your protein intake. Some increase in fats is ok as well, but watch saturated fats which are the ones that clog your arteries. Make sure your eating your share of vegetables as well.

First Day : take only Fat free Vegetable soupsSecond Day : Take only Fruits and Fruit juice without sugarThird day : Vegetable soups and sproutsFourth Day : Only vegetables rich on fibersFifth day : Fruits and vegetableSixth day : Vegetable+ Fruits + Little Carob food In all the days take lot of waterBy this you will comfortably reduce weight without feeling the pain of loosing wt.

Very unhealthy wieght, i need easy tips to lose weight... any ideas? -

I am 12 years old and weigh 155 pounds. I really need some quick weight loss tips.

You re too young, I promise. Not only do you still have baby fat, but you re still growing. Give it time, eat healthy, and exercise. Crash diets will do nothing for you.

The formula for losing weight is simple - eat less food and exercise more often - the problems appear when we really try to put that into operation! There are lots of temptations out there aren t there?! I uncovered some splendid help by following the site in the box below, they have lots of tips and tricks, I lost 10 pounds by following their helpful advice.

I was very overweight when I was your age. It is not only baby fat like someone else said. First thing, you need the support of your family. Ask them to stop buying white bread, cheese, soda or anything that is unhealthy. When I was 12, I ate oatmeal in the morning, a salad with virgin oil and chicken w/ rice at school lunch, some fruit at home and a healthy dinner made by my parents. Just by doing that, I lost 45 pounds in 4 months. It would have been faster if I had exercised but I was 12 and gyms didn t allow 12 year olds in ^_^ Good luck to you.And for the person who called her a fatty, go **** yourself.

first of all you really dont need to worry cuz you still so young and your body will eventually fill itself out but alright if you want to lose weight then:start by cutting out just the junk food like chocolate and chips. after about a week you will have noticed a drop in your weight but it probably wont be much, so moving on. start replacing food items for a lowfat option e.g. full cream milk with lite/no fat/skim. if you have cereal replace it with oatmeal or porridge (watever), white bread to whole grain or rye and you probably get the idea. now do that for a week or a few days, however long it takes to get youre body used to eating these different foods. now start adding excersize. you could take a brisk walk around the block each day or do some star jumps in your room. now, if you want, you can start cutting out things like cheese, yoghurt, butter and some meats. if you are not comfortable with doing that however you dont need to. get yourself eating lots of vegetables (dont fry them though) and fruits. from here on im sure youll know enough to continue. how do i know all of this works?? its cuz this is how i managed to lose weight. its a tough process but keep at it and itll be worth it!!remember, motivation is the key to weight loss so keep focusing on the positives and dont let anyone push you around. reach for the stars!! lol good luck

First, you need to believe that you can do it, don t give up.Then you have to exercise everyday without fail. Do sit ups, skip, and swim.Eat healthily, with lots of veggies. Ask your mom to cook with less oil, or olive oil instead.If you re hungry, DO NOT SNACK. Drink water instead, and no soda!Don t go on a low carb diet. Instead, try high protein. Low carb leads to unhappiness (really, I m not making this up)Don t skip meals. It ll only make you hungrier and you ll end up eating way too much for your next meal.And don t be so unhappy about your weight. You don t have to be Kate Moss.Oh and it takes time to lose weight.

There is this new thing i have heard of where you buy a pedometer that will count your steps and take 10000 steps a day and you tend to lose weight. Burn more calories because it speeds up your metabolism. :D im starting to try it and i feel like i have alot more energy walking then i would if i had ran a mile or so. :D you should google this to find out more about it. lol hope i helped.

I recommend you my weight loss way. It works amazing and fast. If you are really serious about losing weight. You should have a look weight loss right way. It will work for you if you do it right. I lost 22 pounds in 55 days with this way. You can get more info here link below.

it s called walking fatty

Does anyone have weight loss programmes to share with me? -

i need easy to do, simple weight loss tips. like something i can do around the house with weights and such. or maybe some simple food i can put together. help!!

u can use detox diets to loose weight .The detox diet focuses on getting rid of the harmful aspects of our everyday diet.detox diets will help u to a great extent to reduce weight and be slim.Instead of eating 2 - 3 meals per day, try eating 4 - 5 small meals per day, or 3 meals and 2 healthy snack meals. Food substitutions can help tremendously when trying to reduce calories and speed up the metabolism.source

trust me (just eat or drink pomegranate molasses with your meals) it and you will see

I m not sure this considered a weight loss program. However, I went to a weight loss clinic (your MD can prescribe the same thing). My second baby was born May of 06. As of Dec. I was 174. My ideal weight- 125. I went to the Dr. where he gave me a B12 shot (which naturally stimulates the metabolism) and phentermine (an appetite suppressant and ephedera free) I am now 140. (By the way, I have only gone twice since December of 06.) You you will loose weight. They estimate somewhere between 10-15 pounds a month. You don t even have to work out....!!! Hey- when you get to that point it s worth a shot!! I m attaching a link that you can read more about phentermine and other peoples testimony s. Good Luck!!

I ve got a few tips. 1. Do crunches. Basically they are half a sit up. Do 15 of them, but 3 times. 2. when you are watching tv (or even when you aren t) basically jog like mad on the spot during ad breaks. 3. So the plank position for 10 seconds. Move your body in the push up position but instead of having your hands on the floor, have your elbows on the floor and rest on them. Keep it like that for 10 seconds, 3 times. Food wise, the first thing from waking up drink a glass of water with a bit of lemon juice (I know, its gross as but just suck it up) this will increase your metabolism. Do it before going to bed as well. Also, choose diet softdrink. So many less calories its amazing.

Uneven weight loss? (weight loss tips)? -

I ve been working out for a for a weeks now, ive noticed my calves have gotten a lot more toned than my thighs and hamstrings. Also my shoulders and chest are more toned than my abs. Basically my midsection hasn t seen any change. Will that come later?

it will come eventually, make sure you keep an eye on the diet that will help speed up the process

The key for losing weight is easy - eat less and exercise more - the problems surface when we actually try to put that into operation! There are lots of opportunities to fail out there don t you think?! The one thing that clearly delivered for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box below, they have a limited number of free trials left, it was reported in Fox News and CNN. I melted away twenty five pounds, it clearly does produce results!

Weight loss became a permanent drag for me until I used acai berry. I know they say that pills will not work, nevertheless they sure worked for me, and they ve been shown on CBS News too. There s a free trial going on at the moment at, give it a try , why not?

You have to lose the fat on your midsection and you will see a change there. Doing Cardio for more then 20 minutes will burn the fat, from where fat is, eventually you will burn the tummy area fat.

Yes, keep at it. Fat usually leaves from the outer parts of your body and then towards the middle near the end. The belly is one of the last places to lose! I m still working on mine :)

are you working out like your midsection....if yes then probly but if not probly not.try doing situps.

I need some weight loss tips??? 10 Points!? -

I am 5 7 23 year old female and I weigh 160...The thing is that I am not proportioned right! I have big boobs, and no legs or butt. I have been trying the Atkins diet, but I enjoy bread, and fruits too much to give them up forever... and ice cream, yum!!!! I hate to exercise but understand that if I want to lose weight I will have to suck it up and just exercise. I don t really know how many calories I should be consuming, and how much I should be exercising. The equipment I have available to me is a tread mil, elliptical, 5 lbs weight, and a resistance band... I work full time and go to school, so what type of exercise should I focus on, and for how long... what types of food promote an increase in metabolism and fat burning... what exercises promote the same thing? Thanks for the help! BTW: I love fish, chicken, all veggies except brussle sprouts... What should I avoid? Thanks!!!!

Hi,You need to exercise at least 30 mins a day 5 times a week, this can include going to the gym, Horse riding, swimming, walking or running. I Would concentrate on using the treadmill and stretching exercises. Maybe you should invest in a exercise ball or yoga beginners set I picked one up last year for ��10. You will then be able to exercise at your leisure and in privacy.An average women needs 2,000 calories a day while the average man needs 2,500. Most people consume much more than their recommended calorie intake a day, so I would cut down to 1,900 first then slightly lessen the number of calories over the following weeks.Whole foods such as brown rice, brown bread, whole grain pasta and whole grain cous cous help you to lose weight as do low fat dairy foods such as skimmed milk, low fat yogurt or low fat cottage cheese.AVOID foods that are high in saturated fat or eat reduced fat alternatives. You should also avoid fast/prepared/fatty snacks and meals like crisps, pizza and cakes.Ensure you get the recommended 5 portions of fruit and veg each day as your body needs the nutrients from these. If you have a sweet tooth weight watchers, special k and go ahead all do delicious low fat/low calorie snacks that are great anytime.Use olive oil when cooking as it has less saturated fat than most other oils.Also swap your portion sizes the food on your plate should be 1/3 less than a man, when eating chew food slowly and put your knife and fork down between bites this helps give your body enough time to send messages to the brain that it is full up. Avoid eating after 8pm if you can and try to eat around the same time everyday. DO NOT miss breakfast. Eating at regular intervals and starting the day full help boost your metabolism. Eat foods that are high in protein such as soya products, fish, beans, egg etc as protein helps keep you feeling full up for longer.Cut out sugary fizzy drinks and switch to a diet version, sweeten things like herbal tea and natural yogurt with honey instead of sugar, as honey is better for you.When I lost two stone last year I switched from cows milk and butter to soya I haven t switched back since, if you do not like soya milk try rice milk.Treat yourself once a week whether it be a takeaway, a slice of cake or some chocolate, it will help to keep you motivated for the following week and you will feel so good that you went a whole week without any naughty treats.On average you should lose 1-2 pounds a week although the first few weeks you may lose more or less than this. To lose 25-30 pounds would take you about 16 weeks depending on your personal weight lose each week. By the end of September you could have lost 8-12 pound again depending on your personal weight lose. Losing more than this is very unhealthy and not recommended, also once you stop the diet your weight will start to creep back up.As for your boobs that is usually one of the first places you lose weight from.Hope this helps, if you need any more information please ask.xxP.s good luck with your diet.x

I tried many different way to lose my weight, but nothing worked untill I got this amazing way. It works fast and I lost my weight fast after I got right way. I lost 15 pounds in 4 weeks and it was so fast. If you are really serious and really want to lose weight you should have a look. You can get info from

Being as personal trainer teaching people about nutrition and weight management through my training sessions and Wanted to share some basic weight loss tip with those who are struggling or finding their diet boring.1. Break fast is Must. The most important meal of a day. Fast is broken that your body has been on for the last 6-9 hours during sleeping. Those who takes break fast have better weight management ability.2 Drinking Water is best �CPlenty of water! The First weak Drink 1-2 liters then after a weak drinks 2-3 liters a day... 3. Start Eating Regularly! Eat every 3 hours. This helps your body to fight off cravings, gives your body a smoother energy level throughout the day, will help you eat less at meal times and will keep your hunger at bay.4. Eat 5 Times a day. Breakfast, small snack mid morning, Lunch, small snack mid afternoon, evening meal no later.5. Excersise is Must! Eating healthily will make you lose weight but you will lose more and feel better by doing some exercise. It wills tight loose skin after weigh loss created 6. After Exercise get enough sleep! The body repairs and grows during sleep but also adapts to changes in eating habits too. 7. Please keep notice carbohydrates! In most culture the fat is considered the worst guy but you to keep watch carbohydrates. The energy is created by curb and if we eat too many crabs it gets turned into fat if we don t burn them off. The body slows down during the late afternoon and Please avoid eating tons of potatoes, pasta or pastry type rice, is not good.8. Please maintain food diary. This will helps what to eat or not, means where are you now your weight, where has to go desired weight, how will get it , through diet exercise sleeping.9. Stop calorie count? Please be motivated when you loose weight celebrate it ,when you feel hungry please drinks water as much you can means drinking water between your meals will help keep hunger under control.10. Try to eat healthy foods available. 11. Try Yoga is most best exercise for weight loss 12. Please Put your Image in Mind that You are smart and Reducing weight quickly.

I m 5 2 and 140lbs... and I think I have the same body type as you. When I want to lose weight, I use Jorge Cruise s 8 Minutes in the Morning book. Its pretty good, he has pictures of two exercises that you do every morning and you can do it with household things for the most part. He says that doing the exercise as soon as you get up starts you metabolism so you burn more calories all day. And it only takes a few minutes ((8) 1-minute sets). It works for me. Give it a try.