Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Weight loss tips for soda addict? -

Ok, I m not by anymeans overweight, however I m a little more snug in my jeans than I d like to be and I ve actually gone from a size 5 to a size 9. I only weigh 130 pounds, and I m 17 years old.I know why I m not losing weight; it s because I m so addicted to soda and I can t stop drinking it. I know if I stopped I d lose the extra weight on my stomach and give me the flat tummy I ve always wanted. Anybody know some really good advice or tips on how to help me ween off of soda so I can lose weight and slim down? I really want to, I ve tried cold turkey and it doesn t work.Thanks for all answers!

These drinks are loaded in sugar that s your main problem - check out the calorie info on the back and how much you drink per day.Go for a diet one insted.Try and reduce FAT (frying foods) and alcohol (a night out could pile on a lot of weight)Reduce SUGAR, FAT and ALCOHOL, these are the worse when it comes to weight.Exercise more too. I use to drink sugar drinks when I was young (about 13-15) and I was fairly chubby, I stopped all together and drank more water ... today I drink water, tea and cola still. I go for Asda s store brand caffiene/diet free cola (you ll only know them if your in the U.K.) and I don t consider myself at all overweight.I rarely use sugar, I don t even like the stuff anymore ... overtime you get used to it. I almost never sweeten my tea with anything just because I don t feel the need to.Rebecca Louise!: She raises a good point - becasue it s orange juice with added vitimin C doesn t mean it s better ... half these drinks are loaded with crap. Go the supermarket and check out how much kcals there are per 100ml and compare drinks.

get rid of all the soda in your house so that makes it harder. or just try to limit yourself to like a few a day depending on how much you drink. then after a few a day do 1 a day and then none. soda is so bad for you and just doesn t make you fat it does alot of other damage.

your right fizzy soda will bloat you up, but drinking fruit juices can also make you put on weight because they are full off callories. I would say try the fruit juices for a while. or even sparkling water with fruit juice added and cut down like that.

Diet soda? Low sugar soda?

no sodas period !!!

definitely try diet soda. you might not like the taste at first but think of zero calories. but i think there is still a bloating problem associated with sodas. i personally like Diet RC and Diet Rite(no caffeine or sodium) but think all diet soda taste pretty good once you get use to them.i quit for 8 weeks and i was angry and depressed for a few weeks.i was drinking many a day so it was a shock for my system./ i changed over to sipping a gallon of ice water a day. from the time i woke up til bedtime./i have had a few sodas this week and am going to just start back on water before i get addicted again.

Fast weight loss tips? -

hey ladies. i need your help. i want to get in great shape for summer and during summer. how can i do this fast and easy without a gym membership? tips please... foods to eat, workouts, motivation... anything will help. thank you

top five fast weight loss tips.#1- Instead of eating three big meals per day, try eating more frequent, smaller meals. This notion has started to gain some steam in recent years and it s getting great results. The idea behind it is that it keeps your metabolism going throughout the day instead of stopping and starting. When your metabolism is running, it keeps burning calories all day long. This is great for losing weight and it s really a common sense idea. When you go a long time between eating, your body will get in the habit of storing up fat to get by. When you eat more often, your body will come to expect more food in the near future.#2- Put your fork down in between bites and savor the food. Enjoy every single bite of your meal. With today s fast-paced society, we have a tendency to just inhale everything as fast as possible and get on with life. However, an extra couple of minutes at the dinner table is not going to kill you. In fact, it will help you out in the long run. When we eat, it takes a minute for our stomach to realize that we re full. Therefore we often overeat. If you take your time, you ll realize that you don t need as much food.#3- Try using a smaller plate. This is more of a psychological trick. When you have a plate, you ve been taught that it should be full of food. If it s not, it seems like a smaller amount of food. If you use smaller plates and fill them up, you ll eat less and you still won t be hungry when you re done.#4- Drink a glass of water before and after each meal. When you do this, it will go a long way towards helping your metabolism. We, as a culture don t drink enough water. The more we drink, the better our bodies will function. When you drink a glass before a meal, you ll usually want less food as a result. If you can train your body to eat less food at every meal, you ll lose those unwanted pounds in no time.#5- While eating, stop when you are satisfied. Most of us get in the habit of waiting until we can t eat any more. This is a bad habit to get into as it results in storing excess fat. If we ll learn to determine when we are satisfied, it will result in you eating a lot less food. Whenever you consume less calories, it will help you lose weight quickly.

Gorilla Tape. It s extra strong, and wont let food in your mouth if applied correctly.

Fruits and veggies. Egg whites only. Brown rice. Stay away from the pasta, ice cream and high calorie alcohol if you drink. The best thing to do without a membership is run about 30 minutes a day or even twice a will be amazed with yourself if you can follow these few tips. Super model status here you come..

crunches and lunges, eat less calories by eating smaller portions, stay away from baked sweets, minimize bread and starch. eat more vegges and fruits. don t eat pork... try eating lean meats and fish.

First of all, how fast you lose weight will depend on how much you have to lose. For instance, the people on the Biggest Loser seem to lose a lot of weight very quickly in the beginning because they have a lot that needs to go. Second: you should have a goal of 2-3 lbs of weight loss a week. Third: don t look at the scale, look at how great you look in your new bikini! The numbers on the scale may not budge, but if you look and feel better, you are getting results.As for food: whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, veggies and lots of water. Cut out soda and alcohol. If you want to do more, strength training is your best bet. Muscle will help you burn fat, but doing cardio is good for your heart :).

make a list of good foods and bad foods and only have good foods.. lol i have good foods written on my walls so i know what im aloud and so i dont forget... some examples of good foods :applescelerycarrotsgrape fruitscucumberspicklesonionslettuceand stuff like that... bad foods are things likeoilbuttercakebreadricesugarand yeah.. its pretty obvious what bad foods are :PAnd do ATLEAST 30 mins walking a dayalso drink lots of tea and coffee it makes hunger go awayGood luck

Fasting would have to be the fastest way to lose weight. When you fast you must be very careful because this if not done properly can be harmful. You must make sure that you are completely hydrated and you must also make sure that you get enough rest.One tip would be to take a multi-vitamin everyday.

19/F looking for some good weight loss tips?? -

I have been 10-15 lbs overweight with the majority of it on my abdominal area ever since junior high. I ve tried just about every diet and even resorted to purging, diet pills (hydroxycut hardcore) and exercise every day. I did this for 3 months and only lost 2 lbs. I m no longer taking pills and purging but just watching what I eat and moderately exercising. I ve been doing this for a month with no change. I am so tired of having no results. Can anyone recommend something please??

Ok first of all...stop stressing...stress will cause you to gain weight. Second of all. Excercise in moderation. Just set a routine and stay with it. Third of 3 meals a day, decrease carbs slightly and snack on foods like celery, mushrooms and things as such.You may also be suffering from thyroid problems and may need to see a doctor.

drink one lemon juice mixed with one tea spoon olive oil in the morning. No eating after 6:00pm. water only. You can shed however much you want. It works for me.

uhhh lipo

Go to Weight Watchers. A good plan for any age.

Purging and diet pills is NOT the way to go. I have studied nutrition in college for several years now so please do NOT resort to those options. It is horrible on your heart and many other organs. Eat a balanced diet and exercise 3-5 times a week at 30 minutes. Limit your meat to lean meats that are grilled or broiled (not fried), eat more fruits and vegetables. Cut out sodas all together (including diet ones) and drink water instead. For your carbs, be sure to eat whole grain ones and not other types. Of course, limit fast food and try not to eat any fried foods. It will work, don t force a time limit because the healthy way is not the super fast way.

i have been suffering through a similar problem and finally decided that moderate exercise just wasn t going to cut it so I signed up for the discover fitness plan (it is free!) and has great tools a work out plan, a healthy eating plan and all the support you could want. I have been doing the plan for 3 weeks and have already lost 16 pounds! Now I will be honest and tell you that I have done a little more then the exercise plan requires- the plan gives you 2 days off a week- I don t take them I just do cardio for 20 minutes and on the strength training days I also add 20 minutes of cardio.Good Luck!!!

exercise and healthy eating

Cut back on the beer.If you don t drink, then eat one mouthful less.

Why wont Victoria Beckham go away? -

I am so fed up of switiching on my tv and being faced with Victoria s style secrets or weight loss tips. Then when I switch over it s her again yapping away about her hair extensions [or lack thereof] and her new best mate Katie Holmes. What annoys me most is her attempt to sound articualte and well spoken when she is anything but!I thought I had escaped her today when I went to my supermarket but there she was staring back from the magazines on the shelves going on about the reasons she hates her body... how superficial.She makes my blood boil....she has nothing in life to moan and why does she insist on imposing herself on us constantly... GIVE ME ANGELINA JOLIE ANYTIME!!!

because were not wishing hard enough

Well maybe some people like to look so they pay her more....i agree with you 100% but she doesnt have to please you

I completely agree with you - 100%.

youve gotta love her shes so f***ing buff

It s people like you that fuss about celebs that keep them going. if your going to stop fussing about them then they will go away.

you could ask her nicely?but I think that it is her job (though who employed her, i don t know) to be everywhere...

D you reckon she could write the word articulate without a typo though?

i know what you mean shes always there, the more stick thin celebrities are on telly or in the media, the more young girls will want to be them and have eating disorders!Why wont she just disappear and get on with her life!

Very true, like a itch you can`t get at

coz she s ugly

Because she is making money and you are not.

i agree, every time i pick up a paper she,s in it..she,s not that beautiful.. and yes i too wish she would go away.

I d like to see more of her here in the states, and less of him.

You know back in the days, she was only my 3 rd favorite Spice Girl, Geri was my favorite!!!!!!!! But anyway I never thought after they were over that in just about 6 years Victoria would become famous again. And also I never imagined she would be famous for practically nothing. Just married a soccer star and their lifestyle became magnified. I must say she does look a lot better.

Cos she s an annoying *****.

She is, slowly, slowly , slowwwwllyyyy disappearing. Should she stand sideways you would not see her. I cannot understand how she can be classed a beautiful she brings to mind a skeleton but shame she obviously is not happy with herself and feels she has to be skinny to be admired.

I think your being a little mean. Can you imagine she once was and now she has to live in her husbands constant fame, a day-to-day reminder of what she once had. she has to live a life she no longer has for herself but only exists because of who she married. I feel sorry for her.

Chill out, if thats your only worry in life then lucky you!

She doesn t impose herself on us. The media impose themselves on her and she obliges. If there wasn t any public interest in the first place, the media wouldn t want her. Those magazines she s on the cover of sell millions so SOMEONE S buying them. Alot of men want to be with her and alot of women want to be her. That s why she s a multi millionaire with a footballer husband and a sick waistline.

Why would you want her to leave? She is so hot!

eww i HATE angelina trout fish lips jolie-i rather see victoria on the cover of every magazine because at least victoria is not an incest , blood sucking homewrecking slut like angelina and her charity work is a joke-her baby is a blob-i saw recent pics. of shiloh (her name is a dog s name) a.k.a.philoh shitt-and she is extremly fat and she is not even cute and angelina jolie and brad pitt have been getting death threats from al-queda, hehehe-i hope al-queda bombs their asses

because she is like a bad smell!!

Does anybody have any weight loss tips? -

School is going to start in less than two weeks, and I gained about 10 pounds this summer. I have a diet down, but are there any good tips on how to get really skinny thighs? My waist is below average, but my thighs are slightly over.

You can t reduce weight on just your thighs. You lose weight all over. Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Do more sports and less TV and computer. Start a weight lifting routine. It will help increase your metabolism and make you feel and look better in so many ways. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall.In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Drink plenty of water. You will begin to see changes. Even though we would like it to be different, there is no quick fix. But stick with it. You can be successful. The moral support you need is what comes from within you. If you are ready to lose the weight you will stick with it and do it. It doesn t matter what your friends or family say or do. Check out websites about nutrition, weight loss, exercise, weight training, etc.Stick with it. You can do it. Here are a couple of helpful links.������

Check out the Weight Loss 4 Teens section and the Weight Loss Tips section of the site below. To help your thighs thin out a little, amp up your cardio workouts. Any activity that uses those large leg muscles will work, so think in terms of power walking, jogging, biking, swimming laps, skating, jumping rope, climbing stairs, front and side leg lunches, squats, etc. Mix it up--don t do the same activity all the time.

i started my own routine. I eat regular food without and obvious grease like McDonald or pizza. Also eat as little as possible but don t starve yourself. Eat just enough so you wont be hungry until your next meal. Go do some exercise outside too. Play a little. Oh and tea is good for your materialism so, you know drink some tea.

I got some tips. Don t eat any junk food.Drink lots of water.Eat 1 or 2 eggs for breakfast without the yolks.If you re craving something sweet, eat fruit.Replace a big meal with a bowl of soup.Exercise a lot.Eat more fruits and veggies and less fats and carbs.

For the last 3 months I have been able to lose weight successfully.I was referred a weight loss program by a doctor at my hospital.Take a look at it, I didn t regret it, So won t You:

Water fast for 3 days. Vegetable and Fruit only for the next 10 days. After two weeks be mindful of your portions or you will gain it back.

Does anyone have any beauty or weight loss tips? -

diet and consisting of lean protein and complex carbsexercise consisting of 30 min per day or 45 min only 3 days per week

As many times as you might have heard this. Set a healthy diet or fruits, veggies, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs ( not too sure what category those go in) and YES! you CAN eat carbs, but you have to measure your portions. You also have to set a goal for yourself ( a realistic one not like lose 30 pounds in 1 week ). Set up a plan of what you are going to do what excersizes you will perform. Losing weight is a slow process and you can never go to extreme. You know what? Just read the book that all of this comes from.And for beauty- go with natural colors and be yourself!

Just go on a diet with proper exercise,dear!

i just got a tip from my uncle. eat oatmeal everyday and nothing else. Put fruit No Calorie Sweetner and milk..Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

yes drink lots of water and give up cokes eat only one bread and instead of junk food eat veggies or fruits remenber eat a bowl of cereal every morning that has a lot of fiber and take some centrum and niacin and fish oil its not only good for you but also your skin.

Wear black its very slimming!Count your calories and get plenty of excercise! DRINK PLENTY OF WATERIf you wear your hear long go curly and straight at the same timeDont forget the clear lip gloss its beautiful and simple!

Drink plenty of water, get lots of rest, stay active with something you ll stick with and eat from all the food groups. Don t deprive yourself of a treat every now and again. Moderation is the key

Go have your makeup professionally done and ask for tips! I saw the editor of Allure on the Tyra show and there s some book that the editor just wrote (it s called Allure...something) that looks really interesting. All about beauty tips!Oh..and drink GREEN TEA!! (I hated it until I had Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus.) It has OODLES of health benefits and filled with antioxidents!

Make sure to drink lots of water and get plently of sleep, 10-13 hours usually. Also low carb intake, not too much protein. As far as beauty, what not to wear! Try wearing eyeshadow, that is opposite to your eye colour. White eyeshadow for brown eyes, Brown for green eyes also looks good.

work outdont be lazydon eat crapbuy good makeupbut clothes that actually fit and look good on youit s not that hard

Simple tips to lose weight? -

anyone got any weight loss tips, i started not eating after 5pm because your matabolism works off the food you ate during the day. but any easy tips on just loosing some exta pounds :]

always eat breakfast, try to within 20 minutes of getting up? I usually have plain cheerios with skim milk or oatmeal or cream of wheat, something that s healthy. I didn t like to eat any of these for breakfast before but after a few weeks of eating it, I actually am craving it in the mornings.

drink water, eat less fatty foods exercise regularly.