Saturday, February 18, 2017

What is the best and easy way to lose weight fast? -

Have you tried the Lil Jack work out vidoe?��

losing weight fast is never a good idea, you dont lose fat, only water weight and muscle, and you end u gaining it back, trust me.just cut down on the crap junk food,cut out sodashave fruit as snacks instead of sugary chocaoltes e.t.ceat ehalthily, and increase your exercise, aim to lose no more than 2 pounds a week because anymore is bad for you, i learnt that myself unfortunately.have something like porridge with milk for breakfasta wholwheat proetin rich sandwich at lunchsnacks of rice cakes/fruit/veges and dips e.t.chave a balanced dinner, and this does eman carbs! they are not that bad really...something like fish with potatos and vegeat a little less and move a little more! and stay healthy!

How can you lose your fat or weight quickly and permanently? Are you worried about taking drugs to achieve weight loss? Or do you eat less and exercise more but still find yourself stuck at the same weight?Finally, the top 5 secrets to losing fat quickly have been revealed:Secret #1 �C Do not engage in moderate exercise. Your appetite will increase immediately after your exercise. You are not burning much fat, but burning your carbohydrates mostly. You are also building up muscles and muscles are 22% heavier.Secret #2 �C Do not engage in vigorous exercise. Your appetite will decrease immediately after, but will increase the next 3-5 days. You are burning 0% fat, and burning 100% carbohydrates! Secret #3 �C To burn those fats quickly, you should do light activity like walking, household chores, grocery shopping, carrying an infant, or even walking up stairs. Though light activity, you will lose 30-60% fat. Not bad!Secret #4 �C Drink sufficient water for your weight to reduce water retention and remove toxic waste. How much to drink? Drink half of your body weight (measured in pounds) in ounces. 1 glass is about 8 ounces.Secret #5 �C Reduce your daily calorie intake. Every 500kcal you reduce a day will help you to lose 1.1 pounds or 0.5 kg a week. So have a diet plan that focus on food nutrition and regular meals. Cut down on those snacks too.Follow these 5 secret tips and you will be on your way to burn that fat and lose weight permanently, without any drugs or supplements!You can find more tips at

There is no short takes discipline...Changing the composition of your body all starts with diet. Check out�� for a some general guidelines. Getting the diet in check is the first step. The next step is to add in exercise. You need to start slowly with what you can handle: walking, light jog, biking, swimming, light weightlifting, and continue to improve. I would shoot for 3-4 workouts a week with about 30 minutes per session. You should keep the exercise varied so you don t get bored with need to bang out hours on the treadmill. One of the most valuable things you can do is keep track of your diet and workouts in a notebook. Write down EVERYTHING you eat and drink, and record your workouts. This gives a reality check real quick.Another useful post:��If you do these things, you will see the fat melt away. Let me know if you would like any help, or if you would like me to help you put together an exercise plan (free of course).Regards,joe (

go in your room and blast some music. then time yourself. jog in place or around your room for 5-10 minutes. then do some push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, etc. then do squats to the beat of the song you are listening to. also do not eat more than 600 calories a day. i just started last week. i lost 7 lbs so far! no joke. no lie. i promise it works!

well I am on Weight Watchers, and I have lost 12 pounds, and it is really working for me, it is healthy, and you will keep it off.

Diet and exercise. It is not a fast process. You should only be losing 1-2 lbs. per week. If you do it healthy you are more likely to lose it and keep it off. Gimmicks do not work!