Monday, May 19, 2008

How to lose weight in a quick way with no drugs.? -

Hey i am 126 pounds and like i wanna lose some weight! Because my friends threw these big birthday bashes for 3 friends and their party s were one after the other and like all the cake and soda and chips really added up in the end so could someone help me Please!

126 is not a high number at all. If you want to lose weight just cut out junk, fried food, and fast food. You ll also need to up your cardio and stregnth training. You probably won t lose it easily because you weight so little, but you ll see the tone come into your body and you ll feel healthier.

OMG!!!! why do you need to lose weight if you weigh 126, I m 24 an i weigh 120/124 on a bad day, how much do you wanna lose 10 /20 lbs. i don t have any suggestions that s just ridiculous your fine no need to lose weight when your already skinny , you ate a whole lot of cake the past 3 days don t worry its not gonna bump your weight up to any thing drastic like 90lbs just chill, run it off a couple blocks you ll be fine.

One thing that will help you lose weight: a colon cleanse. I was one of those who did not believe in them until I tried it. And I tried a few until I found a great one that works (its all natural too! - it s just pills, but you ll detox, lose weight, and fell much, much better). You can go to and order you free trial, also you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling. Good luck!

dont drink soda at all and only eat subway and speical k porducts if you really wanna lose 8lbs in a monthalso run 30min a day

How to lose weight and keep it off? -

Im trying to lose weight, I want to lose 50 lbs, just because I want to look good for my husband, although he thinks I look good now, but I want to feel happy about my body, I can only do low impact on account of a bad back, so any tips?

While traveling in an elevator instead of just standing there and staring stupidly at the numbers going up or down, try raising your self onto your toes and then back on your feet again. Do this several times. Also try flexing your buttock muscles as well. In fact there are many muscles in our body that we can twitch and flex without inviting the attention of others. Even if others do notice you, it��s no big deal provided you are flexing a muscle in a decent part of the body. (Most of the other parts do not have muscles any way.) Others might brand you as a health freak but it is miles better to be known as a heath freak than as a sack of potatoes.

Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can. Elevators are one hell of a convenience particularly if you have to go up or down some twenty floors. But elevators also make us very lazy. There may be no sense in trudging up some twenty flights of stairs because by the time you get there you will be totally pooped. But while coming down, if you have the time, you can easily come down the stairs instead of using the elevator. Coming down is not at all exhausting. And talking about the time factor, I don��t think that there is much of a difference. Sometimes waiting for an elevator door to open at your floor after you hit the button can take up all of eternity.

Do things like fetching, turning things off and on by you�� Often when we come back tired from work, we tend to get others to do simple chores for us. These things are no big deal. They are things that we can very well do for our selves but we don��t. That is why we often ask our kids to fetch us this or take away that. Training your pet is a wonderful thing indeed. It is quite remarkable how some people get their dogs to fetch them something. But the fact is that while you may be making sure that your dog is getting a lot of exercise, you are neglecting your bit of the story.

Try breathing exercises. You might be surprised to know that breathing exercises too can lead to weight loss. If you are doing the breathing exercises properly, you will find that you can exert a lot of pressure on the muscles around the mid section. You can feel a tightening of these muscles each time you breathe in or breathe out. So go ahead and breathe properly, it is good for you.

I lost 100 lbs last year and have gained 50 of them back, which I m now trying to lose, so I m in the same place you are. I am simply drinking lots of water a day, not going out to eat, and have reduced my daily calories. I haven t gotten on the scale yet to see how much I ve lost (I ve been on my diet about a week), but I definitely feel as though I ve lost weight. When i lost the 10 lbs, I did the same thing, plus I routinely used the treadmill. Good luck to you!

How to lose weight in my bottom area ^^? -

I ve got a big bottom and that makes my thighs huge also, everything else on my is tone and healthy looking but those. I m embarrassed to wear shorts because i have cellulite on my butt and legs. whats a good way to lose weight in those areas without really working the rest of my body cuz the other parts are just fine the way they are (if you have something other than running that would be wonderful)

Lose Weight FastIn this article we are going to show you some sensible PROVEN Ways to lose weight fast.1. Drink water2. Eat regularly3. Eat lots of fibre4. Consume more good fats5. Get plenty of quality protein6. Carbohydrates can help you lose weight- Healthy life every day!

To reach and maintain a healthy weight, you need to eat a diet that contains balanced amounts of carbohydrates and proteins. You should also aim to include five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Your diet should not include too much fat, salt or sugar.Dieters are often tempted by foods labelled as low fat, but low fat does not always mean the food is low in calories. Do not cut out all fat from your diet because your body needs some fat to work properly. However, make sure that you choose unsaturated fats, such as sunflower, or olive oil, rather than saturated fats, such as lard and butter.The best advice is to eat normal foods, but in moderation, and only have fatty foods, like crisps, chocolate and cakes as an occasional treat. The time of day that you eat is also important. You should eat a healthy breakfast soon after getting up, and should try to avoid eating late at night.Slimming pills should only be used if you are obese (extremely overweight) and if your GP has prescribed them for you. Do not buy them for yourself because they can have lots of side effects and will not benefit your long-term health.

for reducing the weight their use some cellulite creams,try to avoid junk foods.The Body Solution anti-cellulite system has been clinically proven to give your skin a much smoother, firmer, and toner look, by reducing the appearance of cellulite. Body Solution s 3-step kit proved to be more effective than any other product we tried, and the consumers agree. For a limited time only, the company that manufactures BodySolution is giving away risk-free trials so you can see how well this system actually works.

Burn fat while you sleepDo Tae-bo or some sort of weight loss interval workout first thing in the morning before eating breakfast and for at least 3 of the next 10 days�� Do a moderate-to-high intensity activity you like for 45-60 minutes in the evening like basketball, racquetball, tennis, or playing golf without a cart. Morning workouts burn more fat than working out at any other times during the day and... The Tae-bo or weight loss intervals keeps your metabolism burning fat longer all day plus�� your evening activity will keep your metabolism higher so you can burn fat while you sleep.

Increase your metabolism by 43%Take a fat burner 2 times a day once in the morning after working out and in the afternoon. Fat burners that have green tea in them can raise your metabolism by up to 43%.

The right way to eat to lose weight fasterEat 4-to-5 small (300-to-400 calorie) meals every 4-to-5 hours. That��s 1200-to-2000 calories every day. Women should eat no more than 1200-to-1600 calories a day and see step 9 for the foods you can eat .

You should check this out this method that I tried. It works fast for me and I lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks. You can find more info here bit,ly/ytrhh34 (Please edit , to . in the link)

dont you dare get rid of the booty... please��

First, to dispel a common myth that goes around, you cannot target your weight loss at a particular part of your body. Different people tend to gain weight in different places. Honestly the best way to do it is to work with a personal trainer. And also, doing the things you need to do to lose fat with not make you big and muscular in the other parts of your body, but will help keep you lean. To get rid of the booty you ll have to get lean, plain and simple. As far as losing weight, you need to look at your habits. A little bit of lifestyle change can go a long way. Weight loss is a very simple concept. If you consume fewer calories than you expend, you will loose weight. To be most effective, avoid foods high in calories that don t keep you satisfied for long. Example: bagel with cream cheese. Some people still tend to think this is a healthy breakfast. WRONG. Very calorie dense and doesn t keep you feeling full. Sometimes with breakfast try a piece of toast with peanut butter. It will keep you feeling full longer and encourage you to drink water. Water should be your favorite drink. Try to eat lean meats like turkey, chicken and fish. And fruits and veggies are your friend. The other side is exercise. Try to exercise 3 times a week or more. And don t just do cardio. If you really want to loose weight, combine a cardio routine with resistance training (lifting weights). If you do low weights with high number of reps you won t build bulky muscles but will increase your lean muscle mass which will help you burn more calories when you aren t exercising. Also, drink plenty of water. 96 ounces a day is a good goal (I know that sounds like a lot). If you have problems with over eating at meals drink a tall glass of cold water 10-15 minutes before meal time. This will help you not eat as much and will help jump start your metabolism a little as well. Good luck =)

Why do people keep asking how to lose weight? -

It s very annoying.Are they stupid or just slow?you eat less calories than your body burns in a dayITS SIMPLE.why make it harder than it is?unless you have a medical issue (which only about 1 percent of people have) drink water eat less caloriesdo they not teach you this in grade 4food= caloriescalories= fat stored when not usedthis is simple... there is no other way..the only people that don t lose weight11. dont try2. dont follow the easy rule3. like being fat and you actually think people are this stupid; or are they kidding around?

For people who have put on weight it is not as simple as you think so. It is not simply eating that puts on weight. Seldom fat people eat more than the thin people because lots of fat around belly has actually compressed the size of their stomach and they cannot eat as much as thin people who can fully stretch their stomach due to lack of fat. Regarding eating they cannot stop eating because they have to maintain their bulk weight body which requires more calories for the nutrition hence the only way to reduce weight is by doing exercise like yoga which causes least strain on one hand and gives the maximum result on the other and gives the person an overall good health throughout one s life.

Well to answer you question, i ll let you know this.last year survey shows that 60% of Americans are overweight while 40% is considered obese.It is very hard because of the culture and conditioning that we live in now favors convenience and convenience compromises health and nutritional value.The culture of home entertainment where people now prefers to sit at home than go outside and be active adds to the equation also. Okay now to your list of people who don t lose weight:1. Don t try.Well with the culture we have now, with the work load we have and long office hours or study time. It is easier to break down and chomp down those pizzas. With mindsets like that I think health became an afterthought until they looked themselves in the mirror. I know, I went thorugh it.2. Don t follow the easy rule.Same as above. I don t think rules are the first thing that comes to mind when you re busy3 Like being fat and lazyIf that is so, that means 60% of the world population enjoys being lazy fat pigs. I don t think so. But in the end, if fat people don t exist, there should be no demand for professional health consultant and trainers like myself.

I think it s cyclical. Right after New Year s the questions start pouring in. Now we re getting ready for spring break, summer, bikini season... it may taper off after August. My pet peeve is those who ask how they can loose weight. Pity spell check doesn t check grammar too!

you may b thin dat s y u find this question annoying.

dont know

I lost 60 lbs in 6 months, I was tired of being fat, now i m ok, everyone keeps asking me how I did it, I spent 1 hour making up a meal plan for someone that asked me, they just waste my time, now I just say Weight watcher s , most people don t have the drive, and commitment it takes to lose wt., some will even ridicule you for doing it, I used to work with a really fat annoying guy (at leats 380 lbs.), I saw him in the bank last week, he shouted out to me Eat a cheeseburger will you , and everyone in the bank laughed at me, I retorted with You must have about a dozen cheeseburger s in your pocket, You think you could spare one , with an even LARGER LAUGH FROM THE CROWD !

its a lot harder then it sounds. people aren t educated on weight loss and even when they are its hard to stay motivated and change your lifestyle.

they re hoping for an easier solution.

maybe they are being self conscious.yup, i hate it too when some people are being too concerned about their weight.

Well, there is this thing that the category is Diet and Fitness . If people did not ask how to lose weight what would this category contain?? But anyway, its also the fact that losing weight is not the same thing with all people. Metabolism has much to do with it. And what you say is not true. Its, as you said, 4th grade logic. Less food=less carlories. Well, there are people that eat next to nothing and still gain weight, and people that dont seem to stop eating and still remain slim. My best friend has always his mouth stuffed with junk food (burgers, chocolates, chips, snacks, etc.) yet there is not one point on his body that has extra fat. So, I suggest, if you dont like to see questions about How to lose weight, and if you think its annoying; well you can simply CHANGE CATEGORY.Have a nice day.