Monday, August 14, 2006

Any weight loss tips for a recent college grad? -

So I just graduated college, I ve put on probably 20 pounds in the 4 months I ve been home. At school, I had to walk everywhere (work, class, groceries, etc.) and I ate fairly healthy (a lot of soy, lean meat, fish, whole grains, fruits and veggies....had the occasional junk food bouts but they were rare). Now that I m home and living with the fam, healthy is something they don t care about. They all have health issues and refuse to eat healthier or exercise. I actually get yelled at for trying to eat better and exercising. Their habbits are rubbing off of me and it s starting to wear on me physically and mentally. I ve lost a lot of endurance, went up a size in clothes and just feel awful. Anyone else go through this and or have any tips on this? Any and all help is appreciated.

EDITED SINCE FIRST RESPONSE:If you can, just try to re-establish your old eating habits and let your family s criticisms roll off your back. Or speak to them about it - tell them you re an adult and can eat what you please, that they can kill themselves with fatty food if they like, but you d rather eat to live than live to eat. The only reason they are degrading you is because they are jealous of your will-power and, truth be told, misery loves company. No offense to your family but its true, whether its subconscious or not. If you re having trouble suppressing your appetite while your family pigs out in front of you, try drinking a tall glass of cool water when you feel hungy. It will, at least, suppress your appetite for a little while. Sometimes when you feel hungry, you re actually thirsty. (its a fact, look it up) And make sure it s cool, or cold water. Cold water fills your stomache for a longer period since it takes longer to digest because your stomache must first bring everything to body temperature before it can digest it.Other than that, it sounds like the only other thing thats changed is how much you walk. So just walk everywhere if you can. Try not to use your car. You ll shed pounds and reduce your personal pollution on top of it. *shrug* One summer I lost 35 lbs just because I had to leave my car in michigan, while I lived in ohio, and had to walk Everywhere I wanted to go. I still do walk everywhere even though a car sits in the driveway. It just makes me feel like I accomplished more even though I only went to get groceries.Or if you re sick of walking take a bike ride 3 times a week. To get the maximum results you should be working hard enough that you can still talk while you excersize, but don t feel like talking for very long. Do it at night or whenever your family isn t around if they belittle you for excersizing (which is totally wrong of them) until you have the ability to move out. Oooh and one more thing - I don t know exactly what her personality is like, but if your mom wont buy things specifically for you, try offering to do some extra things around the house (chores that she doesnt want to do) to help her out in return for buying the things you need to keep your health in tact. You may even get a little extra excersize in meantime without really realizing it.I truly hope this helps. Good luck.


hmmm, all I can say is I feel your pain! I have been there. All you can do is make a stand and do what you know you have to do, even though the fam might not get it. The reason they are yelling at you is that your healthy lifestyle is forcing them to evaluate their own bad habits. It will be hard for awhile, but maybe you can set them on the right path with your good example. Without rubbing their noses in it, you can just take a smaller portion, go for a walk, skip dessert. They ll definitely notice, and maybe give you a hard time, but stick it out, Try cooking them a healthy meal, or invite them to go for a walk with you. Maybe they ll start to like it!! Good luck!

Yes, I was in the Marine Corps for years and once I was out my family became the evil doers when it came to my health. The only thing I can say is do what you know is best. This is when you start picking what matters most to you in life. And sometimes your families habits and opinions are not as important as you may think. I ended up ignoring some of the banter and eating veggies for dinner instead of a massive, greasy, fat laden cheese burger. My family still picks on me for running and exercising on a daily basis. However, keep in mind that when your body is happy, you are happy as well. That and surely you don t plan to live with the fam your whole life, right?

when can you get out on your own? the quicker the better that is if you can afford to?find you are good neighbor hood and home .apt ??...walking is good and helps you not only to loose the extra lbs it will help in aiding your stress too!Good luck God bless!

If you do know that over-eating and eating the wrong food is not good for you, then don t. Do you want to follow someone who jumps out from a cliff? What you need is perseverance, but try not to be a rebeller. Eat what you need, don t overeat junk food. Don t ask anybody else to provide you healthy food. Try to provide it yourself. That way you will not burden anyone with your choice in life and you will not make anyone feel bad about themselves. Oh, don t forget to exerciseAnd Start Now. I can t emphasize this enough. If you can gain 20 pounds in 4 months, can you imagine yourself in 8 months from now? Not to mention 8 years from now. And try to get to your ideal healthy size, not those bulimic model sizes.

First - congrats on the degreeSecond - Congrats on the healthy eatingThird - My husband has slowly sucked my good eating exercise habits out of my life so I can totally relate to yuor dilemma!I suggest moving out if you are able. If not, try and find a nice gym or group to exercise with locally. Walk everywhere you can - to pos office, groceries, etc. Just keep moving! Even if you are unable to eat as healthy as you d like - you can still stay in shape by burning more calories than you take in.Just as the bad habits can take you over - the good can take them (your fam) over.I bet when they see how great you look and feel, they ll want you to show them the way!Good luck!

First get your own place, even if it is a basement apartment, go back to your college diet that seems to work for you, start exercising. Walking would be a good start. If you can afford a gym membership get one for the obvious reasons but also for the motivational atmosphere.

if you really want to lose your weight, don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts ,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details view the website


Does anyone know how weight watchers figures out their POINTS system? Or any weight loss tips/tricks? -

I m 5 6 and 190 lbs. Just curious if anyone knows how many points i should be eating in a day. I try to stay around the realm 1500-2000 calories a day, but i don t get much exercise. If anyone has any weight loss tips that helped them I would love to hear it! I ve had two babies and the weight just doesn t wanna seem to come off. And has anyone heard of the weight loss drug Phydremine? Thanks for any suggestions!

Hi Ash! There are two links below that will help you out. The first one is an article that explains how to calculate your points and do weight watchers. The second link is a great reference site for people doing weight watchers that has points for dining out, recipes, articles and more. Good luck with your goals!

You can check your Body Mass Index, it s very important for dieters to check regularly on their BMI points. Here is a great tool you can use to check on your BMI also have some other Weight Loss Product Reviews in there

They figures them out because they are very experienced in those fields.

Losing weight.? -

I��m about 28Lbs over weight. If I were to drop all my soda drinking and just drank water. How significant is that to a weight loss program? What��s the average weight loss with just stopping soda drinking alone??

I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurities come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

you d lose probably 28 pounds it might take awhile youll notice it coming off quick soon and if you were to cut out fried food it would come off even faster...

its good, but drinking water does NOT help you lose weight, if you wanna lose wait, exercise, dont eat as much as u usually do, and watch ur calorie intake

just drink water

It all depends on how much soda you drank before you quit.If it was a6pak or so a day you will see a15 to 25 lb. weight loss in several months assuming you don t replace it with other calories,especially nutrient low calories.Good Luck

What is a healthy weight loss? -

I ve decided to set some smaller short term goals for myself instead of the wopping 50lbs that i d like to use. But i m not exactly sure what a healthy number would be in a few weeks. I m 5 3 171 lbs. I d like to loose 50lbs but i want to pace myself because i have discovered in the past that you can just loose 50lbs so i want to set some short term goals for a better motivation. also....any tips and success stories are welcome.

1-2 pounds per week, some weeks will be more some less. Eat about 1000 -1200 calories per day exercise 4-5 days per week at least 30 minutes and try to incoporate weights it will help.

I have lost 40 lbs. in 3 months and I know this will work. Eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours, eat your last meal 2-3 hours before you go to sleep. Do not starve yourself or your body will go into survival mode where anything you eat will be turned into FAT. This will help you a lot but if you want more results you can exercise 4-5 days a week, include weight training and especially cardio (walking especially running). If you set your mind to lose the weight you will lose it and when you start seeing how good you look you ll want to keep going.Good Luck

Weight loss and lifting weights? -

I am trying to lose 15lbs by then end of June, I weight 163lbs my body measurements are 38-35-46, and I m 5 3I started working out last wk, I worked out 3days last wk, doing just cardio, 2.25miles (30min) and 5-10min. on the eliptical.This wk I added 5, then 10mins to the treadmill with the weight loss program which does incline, and down and it changes the speed, so this wk I have done 40mins. and 10mins. still on the eliptical cus I am new to that machine and its hard. but today I did some leg weights.My question is I dont want to make my legs bigger, I want to lose weight, So how much should I lift with out getting really big muscles, I just want to tone my legs.Also have problems w/ my thighs and big butt. What are good exercise for them?Thanks in advance for your input!

well to tone you have to lift the right amount but since you are heavy your legs will get a bit bigger cause your building mussle and have extra fat so you should just try to work your legs enough were you can burn the fat

you know very well that the priority for burning fat is can do weight lifting twice a week but i suggest you do pilates for your problem worked for me..

Has anyone ever tried wu-yi tea to help them lose weight? Does it actually work? Any other weight loss tips? -

I heard that wu-yi tea is supposed to help you lose a ton of weight. Is this true? Does anyone know any weight loss boosters BESIDES exercise and healthy eating? I m just curious - swimsuit season is coming up!

I ve had good success losing weight with tea for the last 2 years. I ve recently found my favorite. Try it yourself.

I have been reading up on the acai berry myself. The acai berry s natural combination of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, phytosterols, and amino acids work together to assit your body and make it function better. Your body will process food more easily and burn fat more efficiently. The acai berry has around twenty times the antioxidants of red grapes. It is a wonderful protein, and has a large amount of dietary fiber. The fats contained in the acai berry are healthy omega fats. The acai berry is loaded with amino acids, which muscles need to function properly and benefit from exercise. These amino acids combined with fatty acids allow the body to burn fat more effectively and help tone your muscles.I have found the following informational site very informative -

Hey, I recommend that you try Hypnotherapy!No, I m not kidding you on this. I used to weigh 198 lbs and my height is only 5 8 - for my height and with that kind of weight I m really obese! I tried the Master clense and other diet recipes, and I even watched Richard Simmons videos but they didn t helped me at all!I tried going to a gym with a strict diet once and within a week later, I stopped going to gym and started eating more than before. It brought me back to where I started again. I am sure you happen to experience it like me.One day, I was watching CNN news and they interviewed this hypotherapist guy, his name is Steve. I myself do not believe in hypnotherapy but the hypnotherapist was rather convincing so I visited his site ( and he has a Weight Loss Powerpack . I bought the part 2 Weight Loss Powerpack 2 which consist of Weight Loss, Stop Binge Eating and I Love To Exercise. It is more affordable than a month of subscription to the gym and having those strict diets.The first few days I realized my eating dropped significantly and my weight dropped a little. A week later, I begin to feel motivated to exercise and such! His hypnotherapy works! It has been a month already since I bought his program and I already lost 18.3 lbs! I recommend you give it a shot!

I ve been there and done that. If you are really trying to lose weight, you have to stay dedicated and determined to do so. I lost around 50 pounds using just these simple tips I m about to explain to you.I found three things to be the best but you have to use them together in order to get some great results. You have to understand that you are what you eat first. Dieting is something you might have to stick in there with and follow through with one. Some people can while others can t. The next thing you need to do is create a workout plan whether that be cardio or some other exercise to get the heart rate up. You have got to do at least 30 mins a day to get some results.The 3rd step that I m going to explain, helps a lot if you are slobbish on your diet or just need some help with it all. For me, it s a natural herbal supplement called Proactol. It s a fat binder and an appetite suppressant. I m very health consicious and having this supplement that is made from natural herbs, you really can t beat it. It s helped me so much but absorbing up to 28% of fat that you intake. Which means if you aren t following your dieting plans, you have a little more room for food being on the supplement. The appetite suppressant part works wonderfully too so you can actually stay away from the cookies and brownies. These steps really worked for me, you should try them out for yourself even if you want to lose very little or that extra mile. Also at the time of my 3 month supply purchase of Proactol, I saved a lot of money on it at luck and I hope this helps you out for your weight loss goals.

Nop, but I am getting fantastic results with this new weight loss pill. It s a pharmaceutically manufactured miracle formula that surpasses the original Phentermine in both performance and safety.Not only does it work the way it s supposed to, but you don t need a prescription! Already lost 20 pounds! I m so happy! ;)You should try it:��

The Burn The Fat system was developed by long time builder and fitness expert Tom Venuto. Tom says he can show you a fool proof way to turbo charge your metabolism and burn pounds of fat off your body. Because his plan focuses on fat loss and not weight loss, there is no need to starve yourself or go through any of those fad diets that you see on TV and the internet...

Wu yi will aid you in loosing weight to some degree..but you won t see like drastic drastic change .... what I ve done in my help me when I was trying to loose weight was a cleanse..because you have to get the old...*** bad stuff** out of your body first before you can start putting good in ...and seeing results in what your doing to loose weight. This may help educate you more as it has with me...I lost 18lbs in 10 days.

its not about getting the weight off,its only about getting the excess fat off...if your body fat percentage is more than 30,just mix toning/resistance workouts with the usual cardio as often as possible and eat healthy for life...thats all...supplements ruin your wallet!

I cannot really answer this question, but I saw on this site where they gave a positive review of wu yi tea

No. You can not just eat/drink some magic tea and look like the girls in your precious cleo.Exercise, healthy eating = only way to lose weight effectively, and keep it off.

Lose fat asap, please help.? -

I need to lose fat, I gained about 15 lbs in 1.5 months. I work 70 hours a week and weight 330 lbs (23 yr old male,, ~35% body fat). I am on my feet all day and I have a membership to a 24 hour gym. I don t know what is best, shocking my body by doing a large amount of cardio and some weights (like 1.5 hours of biking and 30 min of endurance training) or 15 min of cardio and 30 min of endurance training. What would be best to lose FAT asap.BTW I don t care if it is healthy or not, I want to get back down to 315 lbs before I worry about healthy weight loss, I HATE the way I feel now.

ok what u need to do is setup a routine that consist of the following ONLY...water and chicken breast cooked in olive oil thats the size of ur palm in the morning salad with no dressing and in the afternoon have some wheat thins one coffe cup with juice ...........its now completly healthy but do this for 3 days straight and u urself will c the difference

zero fat and high carb (sugar diet).. Eat nothing bt candy with zero fat ie gummybears.. and nothing dairy or has fat in it. Sugar yes, fat no. Horrible advice but true,

I was 28 and 269 lbs big beer belly blech on myself .. Anyway I joined a Martial Art called Hapkido workouts were very hard the Sensei was a Instructor for the Korean Military In 3 Months I was 179 lbs 1 month later iwas 189 lbs at 6.0 tall all muscle rock hard solid never felt better have never regained the lbs am now 56 and 190 lbs