Sunday, May 27, 2012

How can i lose weight fast? -

hey guys i am 10 pounds overweight. (160) and i need to lose 15 pounds in two weeks for soccer. any ideas will help. and if any diet foods please know i am a vegetarian. thanks in advance

Have you tried working out with Jack?�� it isnt too hard

You lose weight by eating less and exercising more. If you lose weight fast, it is very likely that you will regain it soon, plus even more weight. The recommended rate is one pound per week.Here are some links with reliable information.Ideal body weight calculator for children and adults:��Body Mass Index calculator for children and adults:��This web site from the National Institutes for Health has all the information you need to take charge of your weight:��Here is a page that explains how to eat a balanced diet for different calorie levels. Although this page is intended for diabetics, this is the same balanced diet that is recommended for everyone.��A healthy exercise program addresses all five aspects of physical fitness: aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body fat composition. This is an excellent site for exercise:

Difficulty: Moderately Easy Things You��ll Need:-Determination Step1: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. DO NOT to drink soft drinks or other sugary beverages anymore. Step2: NO MORE desserts and unhealthy snacks, instead replace these with fruits, nuts and other healthy snacks. Step3: Eat a high protein, low fat, low carb, low calories diet. Your diet should contain lots of baked veg. chicken and veg. fish because they are the healthiest meats and have low calories. Try to split your meals up into 5 small meals a day. Don t completely cut out carbs, you should just eat healthy carbs like brown rice. (LINK BELOW) has some good diet plans you can modify based on your apetite and what weight you want to maintain by adjusting your protein and calories intake. Step4: NO MORE fast food unless it is unavoidable, stick with chicken if it is unavoidable. No not fried chicken, make sure it is grilled or baked. Step5: Adopt a cardio or weight lifting program. Your cardio should last at least 45 minutes. Step6: If you drink lots of beer, STOP! Beer has lots of carbs which will make you gain lots of weight. Step7: Try your best to get 8-10 hours of sleep.

Breakfast: Yogurt.Lunch: Salad.Dinner: Chicken with veg.Snacks: Fruit.With this you will lose the weight quickly but heathily.Only drink water and run for 30 minutes a day.These might help aswell, there really good search them on youtube as yahoo won t let me post them :8 Minute Abs.8 Minute Legs.8 Minute Buns.8 Minute Arms.8 Minute Stretch. Hope i could help =]

double the amount u move around. so say u move around for just 30 mins per day, make it 60drink tons and tons of water and keep away from pop/alcohol etceat fruits n vegs on a daily basis rahter than snackingrun up and down stairsdancedo situpsu will lose even more than 15 pounds maybe if u do it rightgooood luck

Change your lifestyle for good. Do cardio toning exercises in moderation 5 days weekly and calorie shift your meals.Its harder to maintain a low body weight rather than losing excess weight,so no excuses. You must be comitted to live healthy for good.

Cardio - Running, Jogging, Walking, Swimming, Jump rope, etc.