Thursday, May 24, 2007

Weight loss tips anybody? -

I hade my daughter over two years ago, ive lost 20 pounds so far, i need the best fastest way to loose about 50 pounds, any good advise?

as i just told someone else. eat 6 small meals three hours apart. keep them high in protein and eat complex carbs. fast will never happen it takes time you need to start each day with brisk walk 40-60 minuets watch the food and sugar drinks NO NO NO SUGAR increasing fiber will also be big help you can check out a new product called nuvitae, it is liquid fiber 12.5 grams and vitamins, it will curb you appatite if you want free samples to try go to they will send you three cans to try

Stop eating fatty food... and exercise

I saw on Oprah that if you walk only 30 mins a day, people have lost hundreds of pounds... so far I have lost 5 lbs doing just that, and eating my normal food!!!

Swim for a 1-2 hours a day.You are moving no stop its hard to get hot and its fun

Fast weight loss tips, help please.? -

so i have a very low metabolism. in other words, IM FAT,i dont even eat alot, i barely eat i swear! so why am i so fat????my cousin is getting married in like a weeek, and i want to loose a few pounds by could i?help please?

Firstly, you look fab in your pic! Secondly, I have the same problem and I ve learned that eating very little is as bad as eating too much. Your body begins to think it s being starved and therefore keeps fat in reserve and won t burn it. I lost 5lbs in three days by eating lots and lots of fresh fruit, only brown bread, and cutting out all chocolate and crisps. I also made sure I didn t go over the recommended daily 2000 calories for a woman. Try drinking peppermint tea if you re bloated and hot water with lemon juice in the morning (it s not pleasant, but it helps detox your body). Fruit is definitely my key - it fills me up, especially a banana and gives me energy to do some exercise. Don t put yourself down because I think you look really pretty in your pic! Good luck! :)

drink more water, eat more healthy foods like lean meats and vegetables. also exercise, to get your body moving

drink nothing but water take some energy shots and go running every morning cut out the carbs like bread eat a lot of fruit this isnt healthy for a long time diet but until them this could help i promise! oh and do squats and crunches before bed

Prefer Jogging.Drink as much as water as you can and do Jogging daily.

If you are serious about LOSING WEIGHT, have a look at the list of

Check out the cabbage soup diet.Hit the gym! cardio, cardio, cardio

Advice on weight loss for college kid? -

I m in college and need some advice on some good ideas of exercises or weight loss tips that won t take up tons of time and that I can do without having a gym at hand.

Make sure you make time for breakfast. It should be the biggest meal of the day. Snack three times a day on things like carrots, apples, celery. Drink water. If you feel hungry and you ve already had your meal or your snack water will make you feel full. If you don t like water then try other non-caffeine, non-carbonated beverages.You could also do 2 minutes of sit ups and push ups a day. That s 4 minutes of excercise a day that ll show you plenty of results.If you like to walk or run...a 1/2 hour a day...even better

I just recently discovered a natural healthy way to gain energy and lose weight that s even safe for people with diabetes. I implemented an anti-oxidant juice, a healthy energy drink (that only cost $1.oo per serving), and a simple and great ��No Diet Weight Loss Plan�� into my life. I feel 100% better and have a ton of more energy than I have ever had and I have lost 2 1/2 in my waist and I have lost 22 pounds (29 more to go) in only the last 30 days. What��s incredible (honestly) is that I did not diet (that��s boring), eat special foods (that cost extra money), skip meals (that makes your stomach growl), or even exercise (as I can not because of disc damage in my lower back). I have been told that I can not send a web link through this service but if you would like e-mail me or IM me from my profile and I will point you to the web site and to the products that have changed my life and vastly improved my health

id try pilates. i know most oldies do it but it works. ive done it to loss weight fast . oh and eat more veggies. that works out. less sugar and carbs and your good. try not to go back for seconds. but dont starve yourself.

When I went away to college, I lost about 10 pounds the first year or so, and it was for two reasons: #1- I had no money and couldn t afford any food except what was in the cafe during my breakfast, lunch, and dinner time. Tip: Just make sure you don t have an abundance of money on you, so you re not tempted to go buy junk.#2- I walked EVERYWHERE. I grew to LOVE walking, and not only walked to get from place to place, but walked for relaxation, too. Great way to clear your head after homework and studying.

Hi,I ve tried all different diets, and the weight loss is only temporary. I finally tried diet pills on the market are made from Hoodia. I saw this stuff on ABC News. It s all natural and safe, and it works! My wife took it for a month and dropped 20 pounds. I took it for a month and lost about 13 (but I didn t exercise).I bought the natural hoodia from this website:�� . I checked the web site address so I can post it here and I saw they re running a promotion now to get a free 2 week sample for only $4.97! I m going to order this supply for my wife and give it to her for Christmas =)

excercise everyday something that gets u active and burns calories.

Sit ups, push ups, go for jogs

You can run or walk at least 5 times a week.Also cut down your food portions and eat lots of vegtables.

Weight loss tips please!!! srry if long please help me!!!1? -

im 15 and im 5*4 165-170lbs and i really want to lose weight! summer break is in just in lil over 2 months from now and i really want to look good for summer and feel better about myself. please tell me anything i can do and i want to go on a low carb diet but i dont know what carbs are so i would like to know. and i have the gazzel exercising machine will that help me lose weight? please help me please!!!!!!1

just make sure you get a lot of exercise.basically, when it comes to losing weightits: calories in, calories out.I ve been wanting to lose weight too,I m 5 3 ish, 140 lbs, 14 yrs old.I eat steamed or sauted vegetables a lot.or I have some really low cal soup,or salads.breakfast foods are often the lowest in calories,so you could try switching your breakfasts and dinners?ive heard that actually makes a difference.I would try that, but its hard for me to make dinner food in the morning(;

one word- wii fit. Go running in the morning and then play that for 30 minutes to an hour. Watch what your eating too and make yourself small to medium sized portions. You can have dessert maybe 2-3 times a week. But remember- all food after 9 pm is stored as body fat. Hope that helps!!!Amanda (:

My freshman year of college I gained about 15-20 pounds. I was 5 5 and weighed about 155. I went vegetarian and lost all the weight! I now weigh 130 and I m 5 5 . Working out several times a week really helps too. I m not vegetarian anymore and I ve been able to keep the weight off. Check out, and it ll help tremendously!

HelloHere s what I found out after lots of research and trial and error, the hard way.The reality is that there are no shortcuts or easy ways to get in good shape. Sorry, but someone needed to tell you this.As long as you get conscious about what you are doing, you will see the results. Below you will find the four principles that you need to keep in mind in your weight-loss journey. About DietsPeople that go from diet to diet never reach a stable weight, let alone a good shape. The reason is quite simple: diets are, by their very nature, temporary. You can��t expect to eat properly for two or three weeks and fix your weight problems for the rest of the year.2.Proper NutritionIf you want to keep your weight and fat percentage under control, you will need to learn the basics of nutrition. Once you learn them, you will be able to eat healthy throughout the year.3.Physical ExerciseEating healthy and having a caloric deficit will only take you half the way. The other key factor is physical exercise.4.Discipline and PerseveranceYou can start eating healthy and exercising properly, but unless you stick doing it regularly, the results won��t appear (if they do, they won��t last).Discipline and perseverance are key here.Did you know 90% of fat is caused by 3 major factors? Find out exactly whatthey are and how easily it is to solve them here

Sorry, but the only good thing about the gazzel is that it makes a good coat rack. You are gonna need to know two things. One, what exercise machines, and two, what to eat.Exercise:Do some crunches. Don t do the ones on the floor because my dad does those and he s kinda fat. My mom does the crunches on the machine and she has abbs. Also, for your legs and stomach, you should get the nortic track cross country skiier. They are kinda weird looking but make your legs very thin. Look it up and you will see this big thing with boards that you move back and forth with your legs. Or you could always buy a tredmill but i suggest the cross country skiier.Now for the Foods:One thing to do is keep all junk out of the house. The only reason people crave food most of the time is because they are there. If they aren t there you won t want them as much. And if you still do, why waste time and go to the store to get stuff that makes you fat. Have self control and don t buy junk. Now, maybe you like fruits and veggies. I know I don t. If you like em, eat em. When you have cravings, eat yogurt. They help. I don t know what you eat for breakfast. Maybe you eat pancakes which are full of calories which you can have once in a while. Or maybe you eat sugar filled cereal. You might not even eat breakfast. What you should do is get the special k 90 cal bars. Eat one for breakfast. Then eat a half a sandwich and a healthy drink for lunch. With your lunch eat another special k bar. I suggest the chocalatey drizzle or the vanilla crisp. Both give you a nice sweet taste that runs down your throat when you bite into it. For dinner, just try not to go for thirds. If you wanna snack have some yogurt or another special k bar. I hope I helped.

How can a 13 year old girl lose weight fast? -

hi,i am a 13 year old girl and way about 153lbs i want to lose weight so i can feel confident to ask my crush out! and this way i can fit in with my friends better because they are always saing how fat they are but they are like realy skinning, but yea i just need some great weight loss tips to helb me lose weight fast! thanks!

The same way anyone else can. Dont eat junk exercise.

Stop using remote controls. Remote controls are the bane of a prospective weight loser. They may be remarkable gadgets by themselves but from the weight loss point of view, they just aren��t very helpful. They really encourage us to take a laid back kind of attitude towards life itself. In fact if remote controls were not there, the television would not have become so popular. It is because of remote controls that people can remain where they are and switch from one channel to the other. And they only have to twitch a finger muscle to achieve this. Now, I have nothing against multi channel television sets but what I strongly advocate is that you get up from where you are and change the channel of the TV each time you want to do so. The same thing holds true for other remote controls as well. As it is we have remote controlled TVs, DVD players, A/Cs, garage doors, gateways and what not. The next thing we know is that we will have remote controlled people as well.

Do not be a couch potato. It is the easiest thing in the world to become a couch potato. You know what we are talking about don��t you�� That shapeless thing that sits or reclines on a shapeless chair in front of the television and stupidly munches away at something fried! If you are inclined to become a promising old couch potato, break the habit, cut at the very root of the vine. And you want to know what the best way is for that�� Take away that favorite chair of yours. In fact, it would be a very good idea if you could keep a chair that isn��t too comfortable in front of the TV. This will discourage any tendency to become a couch potato.

If you have a banister rail or a balustrade that will support you, sit on it and pump your legs as if you are riding a bicycle, taking care not to fall off of course. This might sound like another crazy idea and I don��t want to argue with you about that. I just want to tell you that by doing such crazy things, you are in fact not missing a single chance to lose those extra pounds. It is a way of keeping your mind alert all the time. Every thing must look like an opportunity to you.

Join a dance class. Dancing is a wonderful way to burn off those extra calories. It is true. When you dance you are in fact burning away a lot of calories. Of course we are not referring to the slow ballroom kind of dances in which one person actually leans on the other one for support. We are talking about fast dances. The best way to do it is by joining a dance class because they will really wok you out. But I would suggest that you wait for a couple more pounds to vanish before you think of becoming a ballerina.

Exercise..make a chart and run around your house everyday in it or on the outside while drinking water...--------------------------------------��-replace coke with water or juice-replace junk food with fruits and veggies-use fresh instead of frozen or canned-try to get some of your friends to help-its hard doing it on your own-exercise by doing something fun like dancing or taking a bike ride-during tv commercials, do 10 jumping jacks..just 10 each break and you can loose alot!-make sure you stick to this plan and you can loose alot of weight in a few months or weeks....DO NOT stop eating for good..if you think that not eating will help you loose weight its makes u sick and dizzy..stick with good food! :-) Good Luck :-)

I recommend you my weight loss method. It works amazing and fast. If you are serious about losing weight. You should have a look weight loss right method. It will work for you if you do it right. I lost 16 pounds in 40 days with this method. You can find more information here

im 13 but im a boy. i needed to lose weight fast because i felt i was really fat and i joined my crooss country team and got dedicated to it and lost 24 pounds in 6 weeks!now i just run for fun and eat healthy.

eat right ..and drink alot of water ..and workout ..u dont have to killl ur ...