Sunday, March 25, 2007

WEIGHT LOSS? Tips, and advice? -

I really want to lose about 50 pounds. Im 20 years old, 5 2..165-170 pounds! I have never been this weight before....I gained about 55-60 pounds within the last three years. I know, ITS BAD! I got married, graduated high school, moved a lot, and have been very inactive! So, basically Ive changed lifesyles! haha! So, what can I do to get motivated? What are some AT HOME exercises I can do, and HOW LONG do you think it will take me? I really dont want it to take a year, but I have never lost a drastic amount like that....except for 20 pounds once due to being sick!

Cut out on all white foods and eat wholegrains instead such as wholemeal bread pasta, brown rice and porridge oats. They��re more filling, more nutritious and less fattening.Do NOT try starving yourself. Always make sure that you have 3 main meals everyday and drink plenty of water. It s also important to snack healthily and regularly as it keeps your energy levels high and also means that you never go hungry. Things like fruit, nuts, seeds and granola bars. You don t necessarily have to adopt a vigorous exercise programme down at gym in order to help shift the pounds. Simply walking to places more often is a great way of keeping in shape; if you use public transport for try getting off a stop early for example, and use stairs instead of taking the lift.You could take up a new sport or hobby together with a friend, or even along with a wider group of friends too. Even better if a band of mates undertake the same programme together - you could act as cheerleaders for each other.You could all join a yoga class or a step class, play tennis, go swimming... the possibilities are enormous. Just do what you and your friends like to do or would like to learn to do and have some fun!

eat balanced meal 3x. have an after six o clock diet. eat dinner early. no snacks. avoid potatoes and pastas. avoid fats. eat seafoods.

The free E-book on this site might be just what you need to help you lose weight. It s a free download so at least it won t hurt to try it.

Well take this all with a grain of salt as i m sort-of in the middle of a weight loss program right now, in any case.Switch from regular to diet soda. That was big for me, realizing that my 5 and 6 cans a day could add up to 800 or calories a day and that it would be nearly all sugar. Not eating after like 8pm was big for me too but it may mean nothing to you.Exercise is always good. Find one that makes you sweat after 10 minutes as well as being one you can stand doing. 30 minutes every day is better than an hour 4 days a week and so on. (I could be wrong on that but i feel pretty good about its truth)Lastly, have someone you know give you support. If they remind you about the exercise and compliment your progress that should help keep you going.It also never hurts to talk to your doctor, worth a shot, good luck!

The first thing to do to stay motivated is to set a clear goal of how much weight you want to lose, in what period of time and how you re going to accomplish that. Commit yourself to exercising a fixed number of days every week. Don t accept any excuse you make up not to go - there s rarely such a thing as being too tired for a 30 minute workout sessionTurn your house into a junk-free zone. Throw away any junk food you have left. Don t ever let anyone else bring it into the house - threaten to shoot on sight those who try (you can tell the police they were trying to break in). Stockpile only on healthy foods, such as cereals and fruits. The objective is to make sure that even if you do get those late night cravings, you only have something healthy to satisfy them with.

Best diet /weight loss tips for pcos sufferer? -

i was diagnosed with pcos last year ,late last year,and since then have regular reviews/etc at my docs,am supposed to go back to the hospital to see the gyno,but was put off as she offered me no words of wisdom,other than your weight is caused by the syndrome,but you need to lose it,come back in 6mths.Doc wasn t over the moon that she d said this,but said it would be more of a case of advice and help to me on the diet side,and any other treatment/medicines for it eg the pcos.Anyhow,i have seen a dietician at my docs,she said i am to watch everything i eat and in look at labels and follow it by 100gms ,so per 100gms i should not eat anything with more than 10gms sugar,and 5-8gms of fat. I have tried doing this a bit but have not really felt that it will help,also not sure what the best tip is with pcos to lose weight,i have read in some places,cut down on carbs,but then i m sort of picking at things and end up bingeing on them again,i am aware about the connection with carbs and the blood sugar etc.Anyone who is a health care professional that is able to advise,or anyone with good advice or similar situation,would like to hear from you. Thanks

EAT LOW CARB!stay away from carbs!:)

The diet specific for pcos by vitaline is amazing - it consists of eating every 15 minutes though. So for the first 2 weeks your alarm will ping/beep and drive you mad.

You have to reduce your daily calorie intake and do daily vigorous exercise. The fact you have PCOS wont always necessarily make it harder for you to lose weight but it can do. No diet will make any difference without exercise.The best thing you can do is ask the Dietitian to devise a meal plan for you, and then stick to it, with as I said above, daily exercise.As you would have been explained being overweight and having excess fat can make insulin resistance worse, which may then cause the level of insulin to rise even further. PCOS can also cause weight gain leading to obesity. This is because high levels of insulin can contribute to weight gain. Losing weight will help reduce testosterone.It can make it harder. But you have to watch the calorie intake too. What she has explained to you sounds more like a management plan than a weight loss diet. Weight loss is still a simple input and output balance, if you eat too many calories in a day, you will gain weight. To lose weight you need to reduce your intake, include the things she has told you in your diet, but overall you have to reduce your calorie daily intake.editTo the med student, no it is not inacurate; Insulin is a fat-storing hormone. Iinsulin lowers our blood s glucose levels as it is released into the blood. If there is excess sugar or fat in the blood, insulin will signal the body to store it in the body s fat cells. Insulin also tells these cells not to release their stored fat, making that fat unavailable for use by the body as energy. Since this stored fat cannot be released for use as energy, insulin very successfully prevents weight loss. The higher the body s insulin levels, the more effectively it prevents fat cells from releasing their stores, and the harder it becomes to lose weight.

Rhianna s answer is pretty good I would say, however it is a little inaccurate from the point of view that PCOS does not cause high levels of insulin (if this were the case, your blood sugar would be quite low). The current thinking is that PCOS is caused by a lack of insulin sensitivity. Insulin is primary hormone required to control blood sugar but it is also thought that it has a role in oestrogen metabolism and synthesis. This is why you have been prescribed the drug metformin. It is a drug commonly used to treat type II diabetes and acts to increase insulin sensitivityCurrent studies also show that reducing free fatty acids in the blood also increases your sensitivity to insulin therefore potentially making your condition a lot better.On the whole, insulin resistance is linked to diets high in saturated fats and high BMI which can lead to conditions such as diabetes. So albeit your OBGYN may have been harsh and disheartened you, you would do well to listen to her advice because the pills may make some difference but you will see a much larger difference if you are able to lose weight.With regards to this, you would be best of speaking to your dietician because this is their area of expertise. The things I can tell you about the diet she has recommended is that wholegran carbs are complex and take longer to digest so that your not as hungry.Eating a diet higher in protein also helps lose weight but eat white meats such as chicken and fish. Also try to eat at the same time, because surprisingly eating patterns and in particular eating at regular times can also help to reduce weight.On a finishing note, the reason your dietician may not have mentioned calory intake initially is because sudden changes in calory intake can have an adverse effect upon weight particularly if you drastically reduce calory intake. This is because the high supply your body is used to is suddenly taken away and your body reacts by going into starvation mode . This is why starving yourself to lose weight is not a great idea or suddenly decreasing calory intake as you may find your weight increases!It would be a good idea to gradually decrease calory intake, but it would probably be best if you can concentrate on controlling your sugar and fat intake first

Weight loss tips for pear shaped bodies? -

I m 5 7 and 136 pounds. my weight isn t a real issue. My problem is i have excess fat around my hips, butt and thighs. Above my waist, I m pretty skinny. It s a classic pear shape body. I m really self-conscious about it. Does anyone have tips on how to lose this particular kind of fat?? No fad diets please. I m looking for something along the lines of exercises...

Cardio is key, at least 3 times per week for 45+ minutes. That will burn fat. To firm up muscles, you could do strength training - squats or lunges, walking lunges are great and you don t need weights to start. In fact, you may want to go lighter on weights but more reps so you don t build muscle and make your hips look bigger (go lighter to tone). Just make sure to fatigue your muscles.You might also want to consider working your upper body to build up just a tad to balance top and bottom. Some shoulder and back exercises like military press, rows, and others can make your upper body more proportional.

Maybe you should try walking daily. Start off walking 30 minutes each day and that fat will eventually turn into muscles. If you only want to loose weight in those areas do exercises that only targets those parts of your body. I mean there is no need to do situps if you want to loose the fat on the lower parts of your body.

Do lots of cardio... you may see your leg bulking up a bit but don t worry..then once you see more muscle, begin eating right (well you should be eating right whole time), stop doing cardio on feet, then do more of those palates or yoga exercise to slim down your leg and butt.I m a pear shape person too but doing that really made my thigh and butt look thinner. If you want to get those skinny leg then might not work out cause some people are just naturally have soccer leg.good luck and hope that helps

swimming,freestyle for lower body ,waist,hips .butt ,thighs.legs kicking from hips ,toes pointed ,keeps knee straight,mushroom float ,do crunches for lower

Sorry, for the most part fat distribution is genetic. You can t target a particular spot except in terms of building *muscle* there.

I want to lose 9 pounds in one month! Help please? -

So far I ve lost 6 pounds on my diet, now all I need is nine more in one month.Anyway for consistent weight loss? Tips? Should I count calories? It seems if I cut 1000 calories out a day I do NOT lose 2 pounds of fat weekly =[Help! Thanks.

If u want to lose weight start exercising like jogging, cycling,swimming, skipping and cut sugar and carbs from ur diet as its equally important, its as simple as that.If u do this regularly there is no reason that u will not lose weight unless u have any medical problem.I lost 2 kgs in 15 days though i was not at all fat and i used to do jogging only for 20 minutes daily.Do these exercises (called 8 minute workouts on youtube) regularly and correctly and u will see the results.��������

Yes these exercises do work, i have tried it personally.But u have to be consistent.Good Luck Report Abuse

1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So, in that theory you have to cut 3500 calories that you don t use normally just to lose one pound.I was searching diet questions and answers on yahoo because I recently caught up with a friend who use to be really big. She has been on this 11 day diet and I was amazed when i saw her because she had lost so much weight. I ve been looking into it. s suppose to get me her diet plan (because they want you to spend $39 on a membership). If you want I can forward what she gives me to you whenever i get it. :)

i think u should jog around run around like a mile everyday or u can run two miles if u want or u can talk a long walk ok????IIu smiles

I m trying to lose weight too and it s sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it s really working for her. I m gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 4.95$ shipping and handling.

eat less, cut sugar out and exercise with clock and not quantity.spend energy for one hour a little faster than the rate of absorption from food to burn fat. no eating between meals and watching tv. sugar is easily absorbed and can not beaten by exercise spending energy. walking one hour ( not the distance) leisurely will burn 500 kcal so walk 2 hours daily. normal food is 3500 kcal and body needs only about 2500 so do your best and read more here

Do fasting.

jenny crag. or just excersise can help to:)

I used to have serious over weight problem for years and I was the kind of people quite easily get sick tired. Thank god, once I met a new friend in a family gathering and he told me a very good site that I later found so helpful. The site taught me great workouts and diet tips and showed me what I had been doing wrong to address my over weight problem... Here is the good thing and you might wanna to check out more. Good luck!

Exercise.Cut out breads, pastas and sodas.Drink a full glass of water before each meal.Good luck.

Weight problem? -

okay, my friends going on a diet, and as she was tlaking to me on the yahoo aim, she was telling me and i want to go on a diet, but i know i am skinny, becase ppl tell me i am..but i also feel like i am fat,a nd i wanna cut down ,a nd i dont wanna gain anymore weight.i want to talk to someone about this but i cant tlak to my parents or guidence or friends.i dont know what to 13 and wigh 94 lbs..anyone have any weight loss tips?

i think your weight is good for your height but if you feel fat sometimes than just stop eating all that junk food like chips,chocolate,sodas,maybe since you know that those arent good for you you start feeling bad about eating them,just try exercising everyday to keep fit and eat a lot of healthy foods..good luck!!

just exercise on a daily basis, and eat healthy foods.