Monday, May 12, 2008

What are your best weight loss tips? -

Hello Everyone!I m starting an exercise routine based on Tony Little s AB Isolator Workout Video. I plan to keep this going for a 12 week session and then start again.Right now I weigh 179, and I m 5 7 . I target weight is 130lbs.I will try to post my accomplishments regularly. If you like you can consult my workout calendar for further details.Please submit your exercise tips and your support.

These tips work very well for mostSNACK ON SOUP. Water-based soups don t contain many calories and are a great way to fill up-staving off your craving for a big meal or at least slowing you down if you do load your plate.Avoid chugging calories. Downing regular soda, juice, and milk are all ways to consume a lot of calories quickly and without feeling satiated. Instead, learn to like plain old water. To make it more palatable, try adding a bit of calorie-free green-tea extract. Taper your meals. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that people who ate most of their daily food intake earlier in the day and consumed smaller and smaller portions as the day went on ate less overall than people who ate consistently sized meals over a 24-hour period.Fidget. Play with a ball while you talk on the phone. Bounce your knees. Whatever works for you. A classic study in the journal Science reported that people who frequently shift their posture weigh less than those who stay put. The reason: Burning five extra calories here and there adds up, helping fidgeters create something researchers (appropriately enough) call NEAT-Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (fat loss without direct exercise).Turn off the machines. When you re working out, opt for free weights over machines. They activate more muscle when you lift, burning more calories and causing greater strength gains.Don t bug in bulk. It s a good strategy when it comes to toilet paper, but the more food you pack into your fridge at once, the more likely you are to eat it right away.Lilt heavier. If your dumbbells are pink and allow you to bang out 20-plus reps without breaking a sweat, they re not challenging your muscles, and you won t lose fat.Weigh in. Studies show that weighing yourself daily improves your healthy and motivation. Of course, a scale doesn t decipher between fat and a lean body, so use a mirror to monitor changes in your appearance, as well.Eat slower. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes for the stomach to sense it s full. If you chow down like a starved sled dog, you ll likely out-eat your hunger level, packing in more calories than your body needs before it s had a chance to even register that you re full.Pack ahead. Most people give up their diet because they re pressed for time. Avoid the problem by making your meals for the work week ahead on Sunday afternoon. That way, you ll have a good supply of healthy food ready and waiting, and you won t run out of options or be forced to hit the vending machine.Dip a fork in salad dressing, instead of pouring the dressing directly onto the greens. This gives you max control over how many calories of dressing you get in each bite...

here are some weight loss tips for all:10 tips to maximize your metabolism.��7 Things you need to know about losing fat��6 dieting tips to lose weight��

well it is very hard to burn ur weight with exercise alone. to lose such a huge amount of weight u should also consider on Ur diet. as i hav experienced a lot. doing exercise can strengthen Ur body. recently i hav found sum offer on a diet plan u can check out from the below link

Each person can start losing weight just by drinking half of your body weight in Pure Water. Increased water comsumption can help you control weight by preventing you from confusing hunger with thirst. Water will also keep your body systems, including metabolism and digestion, working properly and give you the energy and hydration necessary for physical activity. It flushes out the toxins and lessens the burden on your kidneys and liver.Eat live foods -- fresh fruits and veggies (raw if possible) . Get rid of sugar, sodas, coffee -- Subsitute the bad with good-- As long as you replace the junk with a healthy alternative -- soon your body will start to want the good instead of the bad. It just takes time to retrain your body -- it is up to you -- make the decision and stick to it. Like Tony Little says You can do it!E-mail me and I will give you the web address where you can read about Drink only the water--are you drinking water with lead,mercury,nitrates and arsenic in it? -- bottled and tap water -- pure drink or pure hype?

Helpful Tips to lose weight Many people are really exasperated with the same old tips for weight loss. Therefore we have added a few different tips to lose weight below:Always find a chance to move around. Do not use a vehicle if you are able to walk. Preferably run around if you have the time. Almost 70% of your calories are burned in this process. Instead of depending on magical ways to lose weight, apply your own efforts by eating less and moving more.

Add weight lifting to your exercise routine. This will help you boost your metabolism throughout the day. Cardio only burns calories while you are actually exercising. A few carbs before each workout is best to keep your energy level up.Eat protein-rich food for dinner to help restore your muscle. Eat many small meals a day and make sure you are burning more calories than you are consuming.Good luck!

Using Suna Belt

eat sensibly and properly. nothing beats exercise and 3 square meals a day, plus 2 snacks in between to avoid starving yourself and to lessen your food cravings

eat the food which contain adequate amount of all the nutrients..avoid eating fried and junk food to reduce the fat content and take a glass full of water wid two lemons in it.. the lemon juice helps in burning the fat and aids in digestion

Every thing is in the mind. First of all eat a diet of rich fiber, that is eat your chappatis made from whole wheat i.e wheat flour full of wheat gran in it. If you are habitual of eating rice give it up fro 2-3 months. Eatlots of vegetables, fruits, curd AND NO CHOCLATES

You have to try and cut out eating alot of junk food. Also start walking. It really works.

My tips:Do Cardio work out in the morning before breakfastDo not skip breakfast.Other then the morning exercise, do not work out on empty stomatch.Do not nap after meals.Do not eat late in the day.Eat five to six (or more) times a day tiny meals instead of three large meals. // Note this is not a license to eat six large meals //When eating, eat. Do not watch TV, read, or socialize.

Best of luck. Remember that 95% of people who lost weight regain it all back plus more. Regular exercise program is a must. Remember the following while dieting and remember that if you mess up a day, all is not at a lost:You already know how to lose weight. You know that if you eat less and exercise more eventually you��ll see the pounds come off. What��s getting in your way? Why do you usually regain the weight you lost? The answer to all these questions is the same ��Emotional Eating.�� Simply defined, emotional eating means you eat to satisfy emotional hunger; it means you use food for comfort or as a way to cope with life; and it means you eat for reasons other than what your body needs. Whenever you reach for a boredom-breaking snack despite your commitment, or whenever you eat to quell anxiety, that��s emotional eating. Whenever you binge after a fight, or double up on portions because your day turned sour, that��s emotional eating. Whenever you feel that sharp craving for your favorite food, that��s emotional eating. When we eat during these times while on a diet, we believe the diet doesn��t work or that we lack self control and then look for the quickest way to lose weight (fasting/diet pills, ect) after eating all we can since we already messed the diet day up. Read the information below but remember that emotional eating plays a big part in why we don��t continue dieting and why we regain lost weight and why we binge today and start a new diet tomorrow. Best of Luck. Every year Americans invest billions of dollars in weight loss diets and gimmicks, many of which yield few results. However, the lure of quick, easy weight loss is hard to resist. Despite ineffective tools, most hopeful consumers are willing to give the next weight loss fad a chance. If you re planning to start a new diet, it is important to remember the following information.Food-specific diets: Have you ever tried the cabbage diet or the fruit-only diet? These are just a couple of examples of diets that promote one specific food that causes weight loss. No matter how much you think you ll enjoy ice cream at every meal, inevitably you will get bored with eating the same food repeatedly. As a result, you ll eat less food than needed to maintain your weight. This type of diet will not teach you healthier eating habits or provide a balance of nutrients, and consequently is not effective for long-term weight loss.High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets: One of the most recent trends in dieting, these diets are based on the concept that carbohydrates are bad and that everyone has some degree of insulin resistance, resulting in poor carbohydrate metabolism. Many proponents of these diets suggest that including carbohydrates in your diet will cause weight gain. The reality, though, is that eating more calories (whether as carbohydrate, fats, or protein) than you burn will cause weight gain.High-fiber, low-calorie diets: Fiber-rich foods play an important role in a healthy diet. They are a helpful ingredient of weight loss efforts because they provide bulk to the diet, which helps you feel fuller sooner. Be careful, though: if you plan to increase the fiber in your diet, be sure to increase your fluid intake at the same time or you may experience cramping, bloating, and constipation. High-fiber diets will help with weight loss only if you restrict calories in conjunction with addition of extra grains, fruits and vegetables.Liquid diets: Consumers face a couple of different liquid diet options. Your local grocery store and pharmacy sell over-the-counter liquid meal replacements, which can be expensive and frequently add extra calories to daily consumption if not managed carefully. On the other hand are liquid diets that require medical supervision. These diets are usually very low in calories and may result in metabolic abnormalities if dieters are not carefully monitored. Neither type of liquid diet should be used for long-term weight loss unless monitored by a health care professional. Radically changing your caloric intake in this way will not result in long-term behavior modification and healthy eating patterns.Fasting: As a way to cleanse the body or jump-start a weight-loss program, fasting has been recommended for years. However, all that fasting really does is deprive your body of nutrients and decrease your energy, leaving you feeling weak and lightheaded. If the right nutrients are not available for your cells to use as energy, your liver will convert fat stores to ketones for use as energy (ketosis). Long-term ketosis can be harmful to your health. No fad diet or gimmick will work magic for safe and effective weight loss. The following are some suggestions for ensuring a long-term healthy eating plan and getting your weight loss efforts off to an encouraging start: Eat a variety of foods. Remember, a balanced diet will ensure that you get all necessary nutrients. Get some physical activity every day. Calories in must be less than calories out to ensure successful weight loss. To keep calories out at a healthful level, make you get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.Include sources of fiber in your diet. They will add bulk and give you a feeling of fullness.Choose a diet low in fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol. You do need to consume some fat for good health. Aim for no more than 30 percent of your total calories as fat calories, of which no more than 10 percent should be saturated fat calories.Choose foods moderate in sugars. Foods that are high in simple sugars usually offer little nutritional value and will add unwanted calories.Choose foods moderate in salt and sodium. Remember that salt has been added to many foods during preparation or processing, so it s not necessary to add extra salt at the table.

Calories in must not exceed calories burned.WATER is your best friend.Stay Positive, Good luck.

Homeopathic Treatment for Excessive Fat and Weight :-PHYTOLACCA BERRY s Mother Tincture is perhaps the safest and sure fire way of loosing excessive fat around abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry once you loose the excessive fat and weight you don t get it back because you body takes care of itself after that and keeps you from gathering up excessive fat. It is prescribed after having a baby too, to get the tummy to loose its flab and to make it flatter and tighter. And after loosing weight with this you don t get flabby it tightens up the flab and skin along with helping your body to shed the excessive accumulation of fat around the girthThe dosage is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before or after meals.Avoid Chocolates, Coffee, Mints, Red Meat and Carbonated and Alcoholic drinks while taking Homeopathic Medicines. You have to take it for at least 30 to 45 days after that you start to feel the results. To the best of my knowledge its the safest and the most sure fire way of loosing fat and weight and keeping it of for keeps. Excellent remedy for Obese people who cant seem to shed weight despite trying.Homeopathic Remedies can be found at all Major Herbal Stores or could be bought on line, In most of the world Homeopathic remedies are quite cheap and easy to find and they do not need a prescription.Take care and God Bless !


Why 130 why not 160! 160 is skinny!! Cardo 30 minutes four times week and cut down calorie intake!

Exercise is great. Here are a couple of tips to make the exercise work better, and keep your progress from leveling out.Change your exercise every day or two, so you don t just do one type of exercise.Do wind sprints. That is, at intervals during your aerobic workout, speed up as fast as you can go for about 10 - 15 seconds, then slow back to your regular pace until your breathing is back to normal.More important than exercise is diet. Moving your muscles is not as important as what you build the muscle out of and what you feed it.You can lose weight very fast by dehydrating and losing muscle mass. This is done by denying your brain glucose. Simply eat nothing but protein. It will cause you much harm, but you will get smaller quite fast, because muscle is much denser than fat, so a little lost muscle really shows up on the scale. Plus, your body will try to flush out the poison that builds up, so you will dehydrate, and water is quite heavy.Of course, if you keep this up, you will get very ill, but if you stop, you will gain fat much faster than you did before, because since it is your muscle mass that burns the fat, and you will have less muscle, your body will burn less fat and store more of it. Either way, you will be in worse shape than before.On the other hand, you can change your body chemistry, and you body will automatically shed fat like water.Simply eliminate the following five things from your diet and you will lose fat without losing muscle mass or getting sick. They are:1) ALL Dairy products2) Meat including shellfish, however, clean fish such as cod, salmon are ok in moderation.3) ALL Sugar4) ANYTHING with chemicals in it5) ANYTHING with wheat in it.You see, your body cannot burn fat and store fat at the same time. Eliminating these things will clean you out and change your blood chemistry so as to cause you to burn fat all the time, even when you��re asleep.You��ll lose fat like water, without losing water or muscle, which you need to keep to stay healthy.Eliminating the above list from your diet will work, but there must be no exceptions. It is a chemistry thing. If there is even a trace of pork, or sugar, or any of these things in your system, it��s all for nothing.But if you do this, get ready to be in the best health of your life. You��ll feel great and lose fat like water.Eat walnuts, clean fish, or olive oil every day. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, and if you can afford one, get a Jack La Lane juicer, they are the best on the market.Exercise is always good, but you don��t have to exercise for this to work, just stick to the list and watch it happen.If you think you can��t maintain, just remember, cravings for bad foods are only temporary, and after a week or so, they will be gone completely.I wish you success.

You have not stated your age. Remember that weight loss has to be medically supervised and based on height, age, gender and frame size.Peoples Choice Ideal Weight: 148 lbs. This shows the average weight that other people of your Age, Height, Weight and Gender would describe as their ideal weight.However, Medical Recommendation:121 - 160 lbs Medical evidence suggests that all body weights within this range are reasonably equally healthy (for people of your height). Outside this range, health risks may occur.I think that to push your self to 130 is not healthy. Try to consult a nutritionist or check

body for life is really good

The following healthy living recommendations will help you if your trying to lose weight, have aspirations of building lean muscle mass, are attempting to get a wash board stomach, or just want to feel better:*1) Burn more calories then your consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula: Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus Physical Activity. Get a fitness calculator that you can put on your cell phone and computer. This will allow you to easily calculate this formula, log your daily calorie consumption, and log your physical activities.*2) Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money. Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement. Avoid ��High Glycemic Load Carbs�� (sugar, pastries, desserts, refined starches such as breads, pasta, refined grains like white rice; high starch vegetables such as white potatoes) and drink lots of water. Do not try fad diets. Here is an excellent food pyramid that anyone can follow:��*3) Exercise on most days by doing cardiovascular training and/or resistance training activities. Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure your doing all resistance training exercises correctly. A great book to buy that teaches you the resistance training basics is ��Weight Training For Dummies��. A superb magazine to buy with excellent resistance training routines that will not get you bored is Muscle and Fitness . Signup for the free newsletter.A good book to buy that teaches you the cardiovascular training basics is ��Fitness For Dummies��. *4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health, and safety. *5) Educate yourself continually on health issues. A good free publication is ��Dietary Guidelines For Americans 2005��. A superb book to read is ��You The Owner��s Manual��. An excellent periodic publication is the ��Nutrition Action Health Letter��.*6) Make a life long commitment to good health. A great test you can take to measure your biological age is at Look at other areas where you can improve your health. For example, make improvements on the quality of the air you breath. Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier. Email me if you want a good air purifier recommendation and if you have other questions. *Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations. The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Who can give me good advice on how to lose weight fast? -

I m a 15 yr. old girl who is struggling 2 lose weight, and I really want 2 lose weight fast by this summer, and if anyone has good advice and knows what I can do, then please answer. Please Answer! ~Thanks for all ur help!

Losing weight by the summer should be no problem, provided you have a few things.1. You actually have weight to lose. A lot of people are not overweight but they think they are, so they try to lose weight they don t have. This leads them to fail at losing weight and a vicious cycle ensues. Check your BMI at If your BMI is over 25, you may actually have some weight to lose.2. You re ready (I mean truly ready to the depths of your soul) to change whatever behaviors are causing you to be overweight. If your problem is that you don t get enough exercise, but you re not ready to start an exercise program, you re setting yourself up for failure; in which case a vicious cycle will ensue.3. You ll need supportive family (parents, most likely, since you re 15 years old) and friends. They should support your new behaviors by encouraging you to keep going. Danger: Rewards in the form of chocolate cake are not supportive.4. You ll need will power. After about 4 weeks you ll start to think, I ve been really good lately. I can slack off for a few days . Enter the aforementioned vicious cycle.5. Change the way you eat and exercise. The two most important factors for most people to lose weight are their eating and exercise habits. If you start substituting steamed or raw veggies and fruits for chips and other snacks, that will probably take care of the diet. Also, exchange any red meat for chicken or fish and exchange sugary beverages (soda and fruit juices) for good ol H-2-0 (water).Finally, you ll want to get ~30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each day. The government guidelines for exercise to maintain weight say 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise 5 times a week. If you do this every day for the next 5-6 months, you ll shape up very nicely. That means simply walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes. If you can stand it, jogging for 20 minute is better. But you ll want to vary this a little bit so you don t get bored with your routine. Combine biking, walking, jogging, jumping rope, elliptical machines, and anything else you enjoy doing that gets your heart rate up and your forehead sweating.I could go on, but this is long enough. If you can do these small changes one at a time and sustain them until May, you ll be ready to face the summer with a slimmer you...provided the current you isn t slim enough already.

It is not that hard to lose weight, really! You can see results as soon as in two weeks!This wonderful diet (�� ) made miracles to me and is really a bomb! No starving, no hard exercising, just eat whatever you like! A goldmine!Plus, I apply 8 easy principles to lose weight even more effectively - subscribe at the website to get them.

Read my answer under the resolved questions list(Weight Loss please help me!)I m giving a new recipe:Breakfasts BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES WITH MUSHROOMSIt s one of the longest recipes in the book...zzzYou can also view another recipe(Casserole recipe) here:��Don t worry-It s virus-free =)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~��INGRIDIENTS(Pancake mixture)-1 cup buckwheat flour-1/2 cup brown rice flour-1 1/2 teaspoons gluten-free baking powder-2 tablespoons ground linseeds-Freshly ground black pepper-2 eggs-1 1/2 cups skim milk-2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley AND chives-Olive oil cooking spray-4 small truss tomatoes/4 halved roma tomatoes--------------------------------------��BALSAMIC MUSHROOMS AND LEEK(Toppings)-1 leek,halved lengthways and sliced-2 teaspoons olive oil-3 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves-350g mushrooms,sliced-1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar-1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley--------------------------------------��DIRECTIONS1. Sift flours and baking powder into a large bowl,stir in linseeds and add in freshly ground pepper.In another bowl,whisk eggs and milk and sstir in parsley and chives.Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in egg mixture and whish slowly until all the flour is mixed.Chill for 30mins,then stir mixture again.Pour into jug.2.Heat cooking spray in a large frying pan and add 2 1/4-cup amounts of mixture to the pan.Cook for 1-2mins each side,until golden brown.on a low-med heat.Remove,keep warm.Continue with remaining mixture,wiping pan between each batch with paper towels and respraying the pan.Do not spray towards direct heat.3.Roast whole tomatoes ORRoast,grill or pan-fry HALVED tomatoes until cooked.Sprinkle on freshly ground pepper.4. Meanwhile,heat oil in a large frying pan and cook leek and thyme for 4-5mins until leek is soft.Add mushrooms and cook for 3-4mins until nushrooms are soft.Stir through balsamic vinegar,parsley and freshly gground black pepper.Use a slotted spoon to serve.5. Serve pancakes with balsamic mushrooms and leek and tomatoes**************************************��OTHER INFORMATIONMakes 8 pancakes TIP:This dish is glutten-freePreparation time: 25minsStanding time:30minsCooking time:15minsNUTRITIONAL INFORMATION(Based on original recipe)Per pancake746kj(178 calories),9h portein,25g carbohydrate,5g fibre,5g total fat(Incl 1g saturated),109g sodium,GI ESTIMATE:Low~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~��Other tipsDon t use button mushrooms.It might not taste good.You can replace the mushroom topping with some other topingsAlthough this dish is pan-fried,the sugar content and fats are quite low,so it should be all right,provided you use the exact ingridients.Olive oil is much heathier than other oils,which has more fats.But expensiveIf you think you ate too much sugar,or have too much glucose,cinnamon can help in moderating your blood sugar.Excess sugar/glucose/energy in your body turn to fats if they don t get used up.ORANGES:Try juice instead of the fruit.It s more nutritous.

Hi,Feel free to visit my members only blog about how to lose weight fast simply by eating here:= http://www.thequickweightlossdiet.comFor a limited period, you can register for free and learn very powerful tips on losing weight fat burning fast naturally without dieting or slimming pills.Hope it would be helpful for your weight loss goals.Cheers to you.

well the only way to lose weight fast is to do something unrealistic like crash diet......and i wouldnt recommend that to anyone as the weight just goes right back on:) soooo do it the old fashioned way count calories eat healthily (cut back on fat) and exercise even an hour of swimming three times a week will help...that should have you in good shape and feeling better by summer..good luck:)

Loosing weight is now a days not as tough as it was considered, there are few methods by which you can loose weight up to 5-10 kg in a month without any side effects please refer��

Acai is a good supplement to help with weight loss. You can get some to try for free. This site lists and reviews different brands that have free trial offers - luck with your weight loss!

you can do the body wrap where they wrap you up and sweat it outbut i also heard colon cleansing can work miracles

start out with walking every morning and eating less watch portion size

Ok.. here is the simplest solution yet, dont eat =D... Have a nice day.

I kno wat ur talkin about...i am gonna b 15 this may and i want 2 b a different size....well good luck!

How to lose weight during summer? -

Im trying to lose weight by the end of summer.I ve got two months. I am 11 years old and 160 pounds. I want to lose at least 30-40 pounds. What should i do to lose weight?

eat well, drink lots of water, don t over do it, lots of good foods, you don t have to completely cut out snacks, but maybe have a little something when you can see results. Make sure you do at least 1/2 hour of physical activity a day, whether it be a walk, jog, stretching, weights, sit ups/crunches, anything that will get you movingbecause its summer take care not to over excersise in the heat, just make sure you keep drinking water :)And because your young, seriously don t over do it, go run around with friends, play basketball or something :)good luck, and just keep remembering, losing the weight is for you, no one else. Think about how great you ll look at the end!

How to lose weight by summer time (May 15) 10 pts best answr? -

I want to lose as much weight as possible.Breakfast?Lunch?Snack?Supper?Exercise?Lol can I have ideas for all the questiong above pretty please?!

I have started this Diet (lifestyle change) in the middle of November at 140lbs, and now at 117lbsA DIET IS WHAT YOU EAT....there for we are all on a diet....THINK LIFESTYLE CHANGEYou got the change the way you think and feel about foodTRY THIS, and stick to it.The first 3-4 weeks are the hardest until your body adjusts to the change.Results will be in about the same timeFruits and VeggiesEat more plants and keep away from stuff that was made in plants.Don t eat anything that comes in a can, box or package.........THEY HAVE ADDITIVES IN THEM THAT MAKE YOU ADDICTED TO THE FOOD.....If man made it, don t eat itNO white BREAD or SUGARNO PIZZA, I am in the pizza business, and it is not good for you, very high in FAT and CaloriesNO FRIED FOOD...Stay away from FAST FOODNO POP, SODA or FIZZY DRINKSWalk your dog, or walk a friends dogDon t think of it as a diet, but think of it as a lifestyle changeI have lost 28.5 pounds in 3 months, drink lots of water. I usually eat a meal of what ever I want once a week....controlled portion....this really works.........Write down every thing you eattake a multivitamin at night

Don t skip breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast would jump-start your day, give you energy and can help you eat in moderation at lunch and dinner. A high-fiber, low-fat breakfast may make a major contribution to a total reduced food intake for the day.Losing weight is simply a matter of limiting calories consumed and burning off more calories with exercise and daily activities. To lose weight, it helps to know how many calories you are consuming in a day.Also, eating Negative Calorie Foods is great way to lose weight.Check out It has an article on Negative Calorie Foods To monitor your calorie consumption and daily activity,

ill just telll you how i work out..;_ylt=AsxmzAzGderf2aqeUeYONNrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090407151428AARt5mgif you answer my question theres picks of my body, i think i m pretty fit so you can try my plan out!!i excersise everyday, 30 minute run, 30 minutes cruches, squats, arm curls, whatever i feel like that day..breakfast: 2 egg whites on a peice of whole grain bread. only about 100 calories and it will completley fill you up. have water with every bite it fills you up faster!!mid morning snack: handful of cashew nuts! again you cant get enough protein if your gonna be workin out hardcore!!lunch: lol i usually have peanut butter and jelly with a banana and yogurt! supper: grilled chicken breast with green beans and whatever fruit!goodluck girl, it s tough at first losing that weight, but if its what you really want you just gotta modivate yourself!!! 3julia

Try to eat healthy and avoid snacks. The following website helped me a lot to lose weight:http://nutritionandbeauty.blogspot.comThey give you useful advice and a diet...Good luck!

Eat healthier and work out more. Get up, get moving! Have an epiphany. Eat healthy snacks and stay away from the tv

How to lose weight for ballet? -

hi i am 5 ft 2 1/2 in and weigh about 132. i want to lose weight before i start ballet so i can feel comfortable in a leotard and tights around a bunch of skinny-minis. I want to start around the end of January for the school s second session. please help. how to.

HiYou will find all the answers your looking for here. There is a small one time only fee, but believe me when I say, it will be the best money you will ever spend when it comes to diets.Implement the diet as and when you like, and the best bit is this, you get 3 cheat days after day 11, where you can eat whatever you like. Still need to lose more weight after your cheat days, then continue with the diet until you have reached to desired weight.Good luck and a Merry

Hey, look I had to lose a few pounds to but the one thing that was easy and really worked for me was this program. To get to it just go here as simple as that! I know you have to pay, but it s not much and trust me, it really works! =]

I would like to recommend you my diet program that works amazing. I find correct diet program and applied the program, then I lost weight easy. You should have the program that works. You can find the best program diet that worked for me and lost 15 pounds after 30 days. You can find more information at link below.

How to lose weight quickly without buying all kinds of dietary foods? -

Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few additional small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one. In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate - in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies. Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day. Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body. Vary your routines. Don t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn t adjust to any one routine.An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc.

If you want to lose weight quick, you may try to practice more, and eat less, the best way is to wear a Slendertone Flex Abs Belt at the same time.The belt will help you lose as well as tone your body.all you need is to wear it anytime anywhere you feel convenient. Many overweight friends find it helpful, hope you will also enjoy it if necessary.

Lower you Calorie intake eat SMALL portions though out the day!exampleBreakfast: 200-350 caloriesin between: 50-100 OR if your eating fruits or veggies DONT count themLunch:200-300 caloriesin between:50-100 OR if your eating fruits or veggies DONT count themDinner: keep it light 200-300DON T EAT after 7:00pmEat higher calories in the A.M and lighter in the PMIt works for me! Try it!I KNOW counting calories is a pain in the butt, but losing weight and keeping off is just as hard********If it was easy we would ALLLLLLLL be skinny!The good thing about this diet is it could easily become a lifestyle because eventually your stomach will be trained to only hold down small portions and it will become easier for you to do.Also exercise helps walk 30-45 mins a day OR every other day

Stop drinking soda and beverages with high fructose corn syrup. Drink water. Buy fresh vegetables and fresh meat - stay away from processed foods.Take the number of calories from fat and divide it by the total number of calories. If the number is more than .2, don t eat it.This will help you lose inches, not just pounds.

First get you base caloric intake by writing everything down that you put in your mouth on a regular day. Find a calorie calculator online and calculate how many calories you eat on a daily basis. Once you find that number subtract 250 - 500 calories a day. Next you need to follow the link below and get a copy of Turbulence Training. It s an online program with lots of perks. I usually don t post links but this is one I really believe in. Contact me if you have questions.

well, drink lots of water, and, run allot, and, ya.

drink the recommended water intake a day ( eight 8 oz glasses). Also cut out sugar. I have been doing this since thursday and have already lost 2-3 lbs. My doctor told me to.

exercise or there are special fat killing foods

How to lose weight in 2 weeks? -

I have a ball to go to in 2 weeksish and want to lose weight for it im 19 year old and around 120lbs and 5 2 any advice would be great

This was a tip given by my gym instructor.Lose the flab in 2 weeks by following these principles: 1. Eat 4 meals a day. Instead of the usual three, split it into 4 meals. One of the worst ways you can eat is starving yourself for 5-6 hours, and then pigging out. THIS IS NOT how to lose weight in 2 weeks. Eating smaller portions more often during the day keeps your metabolism burning on high making you more likely to shed weight.+ 2. Calorie shift. Calorie shifting is where you change the amount of calories at each meal. Lowering the calories isn t enough because your body adapts to the lower amount. Eat a different amount of calories at each of your 4 meals. 3. Choose tasty foods. This does not mean fatty. I want you to write down a list of all the foods you like, and then cross off every one with high fat. Though this won t make or break you, it will certainly help you. Hey, this is how to lose weight in 2 weeks not 2 months. 4. Drink water. If something were 70% water, do you think it would need water to survive? Of course! Guess what - humans are 70% so start drinking up. You will burn more fat if you drink more water. 5. Exercise. You don t have to be a bodybuilder - try some brisk walking. When you know how to lose weight in 2 weeks, you will know that walking, jogging, anything, will only help your efforts. You have nothing to lose, except weight.

Hi!Have you ever heard of Fat Loss for Idiots or Weight Loss 4 Idiots? It s one of the most sellable e-books ever written that talks about losing fat easily and quickly. For a certain price, the company that sells this e-book allows you to access it and read its contents for a good 90 days. To help you know more about it, here are some of the things it covers.What is in it?Generally, the Fat Loss for Idiots is a guide to losing weight and fat as the name implies. In the book, you will be able to read the rules involved in weight loss. These rules, also known as 10 Idiot Proof Rules of Weight Loss are easy to understand and follow as they are stated in the simplest terms. Aside from the simplified terms, the directions are also simple and short making it easy to understand and do.Another thing that the e-book contains is the diet generator. The book will give you meal plans that will last you for 11 days. So for each day, the book has a menu for you to follow.What does it promise?Fat Loss for Idiots promises a lot of things. For the most part, it promises to make you really lose weight. To be specific, the ebook is able to make you lose 9 pounds every eleven days. With the ebook, you can be sure to lose a lot of weight in a short time.Another big promise the ebook gives is that it can make you lose weight using a healthy meal plan. Many weight lose plans make you lose weight by skipping and scrimping on some things that your body needs such as fat. With the ebook, you can be sure that you won t be having any of this. As a matter of fact, it will give you a menu of foods that are complete of the nutrients that your body needs. With this, you can be sure that even if you are losing weight, you are also well nourished.Another thing that the ebook promises is that it makes room for those who are on a vegetarian diet. Unlike other weight loss guides that specifically tell you certain things such as forcing you to eat meat, the Fat Loss for Idiots respects your diet preferences. With this, anybody can take part of the program.What are the recipes in the diet generator?Most of the time, people get turned off by diet plans because they either contain complicated recipes or make them eat prepackaged foods. As you can see, these diet plans make you shell out more money than you want to. With them, you can be sure that sooner or later, your body will lose weight or your wallet will.The recipes in the ebook s diet generator are simple. They are easy to prepare. Another thing is that the recipes are also cheap. Because of these descriptions, many have said that the diets are Spartan .With all these positive things and more being offered by Fat Loss for Idiots guidebook, it is small wonder why it has become very popular. Read more about it to learn more or better yet, take part in it and see the difference.Check out my source to learn more. Hope you enjoy it! Good luck!

Eat lean protein like white meat chicken or turkey, a little bit of GOOD carbs, plenty of fruits and veggies, and lots of water. Avoid sodium as it will make your body retain water and give you a puffy look. Exercise daily and work up a good sweat, and you should drop a little weight in time for the ball.

you don t have a lot to lose!so don t eat after 7pm (6pm if you can handle it)no wheat AT ALL (that means no bread pasta ....)and run 20mins morning 20mins afternoonthis should help you lose 20lbs a month so 10lbs in 2 weeks which is what you need! not any more cuz you d be underweight=) good luck!

- drink a lot of water 1) it fills you 2) it makes you wanna pee, so you get rid of fats :)- Avoid fizzy drinks- give up like chocolate and such :)- Exercise- Brush teeth after each meal (so you wont continue eating after that)- Dont eat fatty foods before you sleep (metabolism slows down when you sleep)

Hit the gym for 1 hour a day, cut caloric intake, start eating salads and fruits and cut out any red meats, stick with turkey or fish and if all else fails .. look into Master Cleanse: Lemonade DietIts all up to you!

stay away from carbs!!!! 5 2 and 120, that sounds pretty good weight. you shouldnt have to lose much. 3-5lbs is all. stick to a high protien, but low calorie veggies

im not sure thats possible losing weight is an ongoing process it doesnt happen over nitewell eat healthily and exerciseavoid sugary snacks and extra food if u trying to fill urself upexercisereduce calorie intake