Thursday, May 28, 2015

How can I lose weight fast? -

Diet pills are bad for your body. No miracle pills needed. Most people want to lose weight fast, say working out for a month. Then they stop because it s boring, there friends don t want to exercise or they achieved their goal. Then they get mad when they gain the weight again. Make your workout a fun lifestyle so you stay on track. If as a child you liked to play basketball or ride a bike or swim; then do it, this should keep you on track for life. Go back to what s FUN for you. I prefer running or biking because I don t depend on anybody but myself to get my workout.Eat healthy, food is energy you need to work-out. There is a theory if you just diet and don t excercise, your metabolism will slow down thus you won t lose weight. More important is that if you don t eat a balanced meal everyday you are cheating your body of vitamin and minerals which help your body function. Low calorie diet wil make you weak, moody and lower your concentration. A diet low in meat will make you weak or even anemic. Jogging is the fastest way to lose weight and it will make you better at any sport because you ll gain endurance. At first you may have to mix walking with your jogging untill you get stronger. You should only lose around 2 pounds per week to lose weight in a healthy fashion, but here s some advise. If you are not overweight you need to run enough to burn ONLY the excess of calories you had for that day. Why my answer? If you run six miles a day which burns about 600 calories or 100 calories per mile but you eat 800 calories more than you should of, than you are still 200 calories over than you should be after your run. Meaning you will not loose weight if you put more calories in your body, than you can burn off; inclusively you can even gain weight even if you re running. So to loose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. To maintain your current weight you only need to burn off the excess calories for that day. What you need to find out is according to your age and height How many calories you should have daily. Let s say you re suppose to eat 2000 calories per day but ate 2400 you ll need to run 4 miles to burn those extra 400 calories. Let say your overweight but eat 2000 calories per day than any amount of running should produce weight loss. Obviously the more you run the more weight you ll lose. Here you can estimate the calories you can eat.�� Drinking at least 2 quarts or liters of water a day is very important to help eliminate fat from the body. As you lift weights you will lose fat and grow muscle at the same time. Muscles weigh more than fat so don t get confused if it you just started to lift weights and don t see the difference in the scale. The more muscle you grow the more calories your body will burn and leaner you ll get. Gyms now are measuring your body fat percentage when you become a member so they can give you concrete evidence that your fat is decreasing and your muscles are growing. BMI (Body Mass Index) Go to they have a caculator that you can use to measure you BMI and lots of advise and programs to lose weight. Good Luck.

I am not answering this question because I don t know the answer, but Neutron an answerer of this question, has simply Copy and then Pasted his answer onto here. The other question is lose thighs fast , incase anyone was wondering.

Try:http://weight-loss-secret.infoHope it can help you.