Friday, July 25, 2008

How to lose weight in 10 days? -

I have 10 days until I go to Hawaii. What s the best way to tone my legs and stomach?

I am sorry You might dont like my answer cant do that ! its too late . you need atleast 30 to 45 days if you even workout like 2HR day~

30 crunches a day and a mile run.

cardio baby!

run your fatass to subway every day :]run alll the way their and all the way home with out stoping, thats what jared did n he lost like 150 pounds.

How to lose weight on your thighs? -

Any good exercizes that would help me lose the weight on my (inner) thighs? Please answer in details so i know if i m doing it right...

Eat healthy food,swimming is great and yoga helps to eat less.Enjoy!

Healthy weight loss tips * Take one pound at a time Don��t get overwhelmed by how much weight you need to lose. Try to remember that losing 15 pounds in two weeks is nothing to celebrate. It is important to realize that the more quickly weight is lost, the more likely the loss is coming from water and muscle, not fat. Since muscle tissue is critical in keeping our metabolism elevated, losing it actually leads to a decrease in the amount of calories we can each day without gaining weight. Fat loss is best achieved when weight is lost slowly. Strive for a weight loss of no more than 3-4 pounds per week. One pound of weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. * Set Reachable Goals For instance, if you know you need to get more exercise, begin with a manageable goal of, say, walking 10 minutes a day that you know you can achieve. Then build your self-esteem by achieving the small goals you set yourself. The same logic applies for losing weight. * Stay off the scales Don��t get discouraged when your progress seems to be slow according to your bathroom scales. They do not provide a true measure of what is going on with the body. If exercise levels are adequate (5-7 days a week), you may be putting on muscle but losing fat, thus losing inches even if you are not losing pounds. It s always a good idea to do several body measurements to have a second objective way to monitor progress. * Stay focused on being healthy, not thin # Many people become more successful at long term weight loss when their motive changes from wanting to be thinner to wanting to be healthier. Change your mindset to think about selecting foods that will help your body s health rather than worrying about foods that will affect your body s weight. The Food Pyramid offers a basic outline of the types and amounts of food you should eat each day to give your body the nutrients it needs for optimal health. * Fat Free? We ve known for some time that limiting high fat foods in the diet can be helpful with weight loss. That s because fats pack in 9 calories per gram compared to only 4 calories per gram from proteins or carbohydrates. To many, the message to limit fats implied an endorsement to eat unlimited amounts of fat-free products. Just to clarify, fat-free foods have calories too. In some cases fat-free foods have as many calories as their fat laden counterparts. If you eat more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight. Eating less fat will help you to lose weight. Eating less fat and replacing it with excessive amounts of fat-free products will not. * Drink plenty of water Drink eight glasses a day. Water is a natural appetite-suppressant. Nettle tea is a great weight-loss tea as it supports metabolism and has diuretic properties. * Reward yourself # Each time you reach a goal, such as losing 5 pounds, reward yourself with a gift or a massage. * Seek help if you need it # A big key in long term weight control comes from receiving encouragement and support from others. Find a friend to lose weight with or you can check to see if groups such as Weight Watchers, or eDiets offer programs and resources in your area by clicking the links. You may also wish to check with your local hospital to see if their registered dietician conducts group weight loss programs. * Watch your portions With the advent of supersize meals and increasingly huge portions at restaurants, our concept of normal serving sizes is a distant memory. Be mindful of the amounts of food you consume at a sitting. When necessary, divide your food in half and ask for a take home bag. It is all too easy to be a plate cleaner even when served enormous portions. Learn to pay attention to your hunger level and stop eating when you feel comfortably full, not stuffed. * Eat your food slowly Did you ever notice that thin people take an awfully long time to eat their food? Eating slowly is one method that can help take off pounds. That s because from the time you begin eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had a chance to set in. The amount of calories consumed before you begin to feel full can vary significantly depending on how quickly you eat. So slow down, take smaller bites and enjoy your food.

read tips on weight loss and exercise programs that will help you on this site

sex is vigourous excercise. You could get some aerobic excercise tapes. Pilattes, Jogging.

As a massage therapist, I have found the benefit of certain intense massage techniques leading to weight loss. Most exercises are not specific enough to the inner thighs to have particular value. If you are local, I can provide you with some free massage samples.

You can do adductor (or abductor) exercises. That s when you sit and squeeze your thighs together.Running hills is another good way.Bicycling, or Spin class at the gym will work as well.

follow thislie on ur bak on bed, then one by one move ur legs as if making a big big circle, then move both legs together as if making a big circle(this one is difficult) and then do cycling, while lying down in same posture, do it for atleast 15 mins everyday, hope it helps

Forward and reverse lunges would help ...

How to lose weight from the bottom and lower abs? -

I wanna lose some weight from my top thighs and bottom and also my lower abs area is a bit chubby. Are there any exercises that target these areas?

Listen bub call neutrisystem they will help you call 604-882-0558 they will be glad to help you!!!

Yes, first you want to consider a diet. Workouts will only turn fat to muscle if you are still eating alot. For immediate weight loss the atkins lo-carb diet is good. For sustained long term weight loss limiting your calorie intake is the best way to go. Just goto�� and itll tell you how many calories to maintain your weight. Just subtract 500 calories per day from that number and stick to that much and you should lose minimal 1 pound per week. workout on top of that and you should shed the pounds off quickly.

A bit chubby? Omg

1. First start by getting up earlier than usual. Around 5:30 AM to do some of you workouts. Getting up early shocks your metabolism because the body needs more energy to get going. Right? This will start your system on the road to weight loss. That early start with about 10 minutes of stretching. Have a cup of coffee to get the blood going also.2. Do all the sit-ups you can. Just do them. 15 or 20 whatever, we don t have a lot of time to work with. Rest 1 minute repeat, do this for 6 sets. Already you are breathing hard and feel worn, because the body is working extra hard at being up earlier and then going right into exercise. If the early morning hour lets you get your cardio in, go ahead and do it. 30 minutes.3. Diet. Cut all current meal portions in half, just cut them in half, nothing fancy or complicated, CUT IN HALF! Cut out all bread products, all gravies, candies, chips, night snacks, etc. If you crave at night eat a banana, other fruit or best a non-fat yogurt. There are some tasty ones out there.4. In the evening do another 6 sets of sit-ups maxing out each set. Cardio again. The trick is to stay with getting up earlier. Yes it��s hard, that��s why it is so effective. Why do you think the Army gets up so early, it is intense training to the max.Source(s):ok i didnt write this but i copied and pasted the words but i just put it in number order and made it easier to read.

Sit-ups, and cardio are just a few that you could try to do.. You should also watch what you are eating because instead of losing weight, you might gain muscles instead. Here s an article that I ve found which I hope could help you.��

reverse crunch is good for lower abs for your glutes try the butt lift or bridge as its also called or the glute kickback

Losing weight and getting fitter is really quite simple. All you have to do is a few simple things. Firstly, clear your fridge of fatty junk foods. If there��s no temptation, you cannot fall. Secondly, stock up on watermelon and other fruits. Watermelon is excellent because it clears out your digestive system of toxins and waste, leaving you feeling and being healthier. Next, begin exercising every day. Do not go too hard. If running, don��t go fast or uphill, unless you want bulky muscle. A steady pace each day for a minimum of 30 minutes will allow you to shed fat and tone your body. Set a day each week when you each junk food, but try not to go overboard and ruin the work of every other day. Drink plenty of water, often when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. If you are getting cravings, have a glass of water, wait 5 minutes, and then see if you still want food. This usually gets rid of those nasty afternoon hunger pangs for me!Good luck, and I hope you get the results you want!!

try the Lil jack workolut��it really helps

I just recently read that sit-ups are the worst thing you can do. They can actually cause your stomach to protrude more. Simply walking or bicycle riding will help over time.

Helpppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? -

i need to lose weight and get toned by the summer. i have been doing cardio exercises ondemand on comcast and trying to eat healthier. im not happy with my body. im 15, 5 8 and about 155 lbs. i do dance and cheerleading so i am constantly active so i dont know why i dont have a good body.but if i start to lose weight, my friends will freak out. they will notice and ask why im doing it. they care alot about me and they wouldnt want me to starve myself, which i would never do. but i feel like if i lose weight they will think thats what im how can i avoid them getting upset? and if anybody has weight loss tips, thats great too.

who cares about friends, as long as your happy. YOU always come first. do what you want, exercise. A really good exercise is pooping you lose about 100-300 calories per ounce and the poop itself gets rid of some of your weight

You need to do what s best for you and not care what anyone else thinks or says. Or else you can stay as you are and be unhappy with your appearance just to please friends. If you get enough exercise then the culprit is food. Eat only 1500 calories a day keep track of all food and drinks by writing it down then you will lose about 2 pounds a week.

i dont understnad your friends if you want to lose weight they should be happy for you for getting more healthier and fit rather than not fit. its your life do whatever you want to do and i am trying to loss weight same here i am starting to go the gym and running for a half hour b4 school andd girlll i did cheerleadiggg too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love itttt haha

Hi there, I used to have the fattest stomach. Here,s a good site I found that really helped. It gave me great workouts and diet tips and showed me what I was doing wrong before. http://www.bodyabs.netGood luck to you!

you have to not eat anything after 6 except fruits and vegtables and u have to do some situps and crunches tat will help nd running ALOT

How to lose weight around my stomach area? -

I have some extra fat on my stomach and just want to lose about half a stone. How can I do this?I m nearly 14 and I want to do it quickly and healthily.Please help! :)Best answer: 10 pointsx

In not possible to spot reduce fat in just one part of your body, like your stomach. In order to lose stomach fat you will need to lose the fat all over your body.In short you may need to start:1) Eating healthier, this means:Eat smaller mealsEat more meals a dayDon��t starve yourselfEat more vegetables and fruitDrinks more waterLess sugars and empty calories (less soft drinks, cakes, cookies)Switch to whole wheat versions of your bread and pasta, brown rice instead of white rice2) Exercising:Forget crunches, crunches work your ab muscles but they dont burn enough calories to lose stomach fat, if you do hundreds of crunches daily you will have great abs but you wont see them under your belly fat.Prefer full body exercises they burn the most calories and increase you metabolism for a few hours after your workout.Get a training partner or a fitness trainer, a very worthwhile investment - of the money you save on junk food for example =)Try also to reduce stress and get enough sleep. Both of these are related to weight gain and emotional eating.For more try: http://www.flatstomachtips.comor http://lose-belly-fat.comI wish you all the best,John

When we want to get rid of body fat, there is no way to specifically burn fat from one part of the body. Doing situps won t burn the fat that is covering your abs and doing tricep extensions won t get rid of the fat that is covering your triceps. The only thing you can do is lose weight all around and eventually the problem area will also improve. The way to burn fat is through a calorie restricted diet in conjunction with an exercise routine that will burn calories. Activities that burn calories include running, biking, swimming and other high intensity activities.Guide to Reducing Body Fat -��

Well, of course you expected to get the answer eat healthy and exercise right? lol But extra tummy weight is usually caused by excess sugars. I m a health nut and veggie lover and I exercise everyday for two hours but I still get tummy weight if I have..say, too much sugar in my tea (and I drink LOTS) too many sweet fruits (fruit is awesome, but in moderation) high sugar cereals, or of course if I just eat too many sweets, I get some extra stomach fat. As soon as I cut down on the sugar and simple carbs I lost it very quickly. SOooo M dear, my overall advise to you is to cut back on sugar and eat ONLY complex carbs not simple. Simple carbs are white bread, high sugar breakfast cereals, white rice, ect. Complex carbs are whole wheat, multigrain, fiberous foods, ect. Remember to exercise and crunches will help a lot too. Good luck! :)

The easiest and fastest way to lose extra fat around your waistline is to find a pole or bar (a benching bar is perfect) and rest it across your shoulders behind your head. Drape your wrists over the bar as far apart as possible. Keeping your hips stationary, twist your upper body back and forth keeping the bar parallel to the ground. 100-200 reps a night and that belly fat will be history!

Just try to keep busy and doing some activity at all times. Also go running everyday , run a different path everyday so that you won t get bored. Even if you run for 10 mins, this can jumpstart your activity level. Go spend a day at the pool. Put on some music and dance infront of the mirror. Drink only water (you dont really need juices and such) and try to eat small portions throughout the day. Instead of snacking on sugar, try snacking on baby carrots(they have fiber). Try to get a friend to join you. You guys can ride bikes together or play soccer outside and losing weight can be fun.

sorry to tell you that you can t target lose weight. you need to diet and/or work out. or do excercises that specifically tone the muscles in your stomach.

For ask your parents and your doctor and situps is a good idea but once again ask your parents and your doctor.

sit ups and crucnhescan u guys join my sports forum need memebrs

Buy an Abe wheel. Or do crunches.

Weight loss tips please? -

Hi, I am 5 8 tall and weigh 140 lbs (sorry for people outside the U.S. I don t know kg). I want to lose 15 lbs by the end of the year, and am having trouble staying motivated. Can you give me any tips for what worked for you? Types of exercise, how to resist unhealthy food, etc? and please don t tell me i dont need to lose weight cause i really want to.

Hi, A successful weight loss program must prove to be effective in the short and long-term, without need to endure starvation and without any daily athletic workout. (But taking a light exercise every few days is highly recommended). It must be affordable by all and do not need to pay a monthly fees to use it. In contrast to diet pills regime where you need to buy it on a regular basis and the amount of lose weight will reversed back when you stop consuming it.I graduated high school at 240 pounds and at 5 foot 3 that made me about as round as I was tall. I was one of those overweight teenagers who ate anything and everything without any regard to the effects it was having on my own body. Therefore, I began the diet pills, which did not work; I ate the special diet foods and even began drinking diet beverages. None of this stuff worked for me, just as it does not work for millions of overweight people. Eating less did not work and I was not one to work out or even get up and do anything remotely related to exercise. I knew I would look silly and it would hurt. I never thought or really cared about the health effects this would have on me, back then. A year ago after a successful weight loss plan, now at 120 pounds, it is a major difference. I ve lost 30 pounds in the first month. The most significant change in my life is the amount of energy I now have and the way my clothes fit loosely. Everyone close to me and people I haven��t seen in a while are amazed and tell me that I look really good. This is a life changing experience for me although at first I was skeptical about the weight loss plan. Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life.The weight loss program has proven to be effective in the short and long-term, without need to endure starvation and without any daily athletic workout. (But taking a light exercise every few days is highly recommended). Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight The weight loss program is affordable by all and do not need to pay a monthly fees to use it. In contrast to diet pills regime where you need to buy it on a regular basis and you will gain more weight when you stop taking it.The success has inspired me to help others and i am sure you won t be disappointed. The link is at the source below and discover how you can become noticeably thinner in 11 days by eating in a way you ll actually enjoy.

Well there are lots of factor we need to take care of to lose weight in healthy way.1) you should avoid all junk food and sugar.2) have proper sleep i.e minimum 10 hrs good sleep per night.3) divide your meals into 5 shorter meals.4) do exercise for at least one hour for 3 days in a week.5) proper diet is very necessary as it is critical part of weight loss program. say if you intake 1000 calories per day and burn only 600 calories you will definitely gain weight but if you intake 1000 calories per day and burn 1500 calories you will definitely loose weight.Thanks

Follow this and see results.1. Change your habits. Changing your habits is the first thing and very important to lose those unwanted pounds.2. Eat vegetables and fruits. As you know, vegetables and fruits are good for us, so eat them! Try making the smart choices when you are feeling hungry.3. Try a smaller meal first. Do not having a large first meal when breaking a fast. You have to make sure your body reacts well to the food, and eat normally after that.4. Exercise. Many people hate to exercise, but it does not have to be trouble! Simply taking a walk at least 4 times a week with your dog, a friend, or even by yourself.5. Choose exercises you like. As you know, the more you enjoy it the more likely you are to stay with it. You could join a team at work if you like sports or go to your local gym and find out what type of classes they offer.6. Do little exercises. Do little exercises you can do when you are watching television. While sitting on the couch, simply doing some sit ups or even some leg lifts.7. Drink more water. Water helps to keep your body hydrated. Your body will lose water when exercising, so it s very important to drink 2 glasses of water for every pound lost during exercise.8. Get enough sleep. The more rested you are, the better your body performs.Good luck!

So I have been doing this for 2 1/2 months and have lost 35 lbs :)) what you have to do is only eat when you are hungry.. For breakfast I eat egg beaters omlette for lunch I eat 100 calories of pretzels and for dinner I eat the egg beaters ommlete with cheese and ground turkey sprinkles on it!! If you get hungry in between these meals just eat something with really low calories and is very filling.. Pretzelsagain just eat enough until your stomach isn t growling. And exercise will just make the weight loss go faster.. The last thing is you need to remember your ugly fat body whenever you look at other bad food

avoid foods with too much sugar in it. this includes cookies, ice cream and desserts in general. reduce the amount of food eaten per meal. try drinking water before eating to make you get the feeling of being full and savor the food that you eat. running or any other form of cardio is sure to cause weight loss.

Being fat and overweight is a major problem in the world. There are millions of people who suffer from excess weight and who would have liked to have a normal body. But the truth is most of these people don t really know the effective ways to lose weight, haven t tried hard enough although using the right methods, get discouraged too easily or don t understand the weight loss process and how the body really works in relation to food, weight, fat, exercises. To lose weight, you need to understand this process first so that you know you re going in the right direction for your weight loss objectives. Food components like fat, carbohydrates, protein contain a specific number of calories. Alcoholic drinks contain calories and water has no calories.Everytime you eat food or drink alcohol for instance, your body gains calories. If your body gets too many calories than you burn, your body will store the excess calories as fat and you ll naturally gain weight. For example, if you consume 2000 calories per day and you burn 1000 calories per day, the excess 1000 calories will be stored as fat deposits throughout your body.In order for you to lose weight, you need to burn out more calories than you consume. For example, if you consume 2000 calories per day and you burn 2500 calories per day, you will lose weight. Well you might just say Why don t I just cut down on my calories intake considerably, hence I don t really have to burn many calories to lose weight? Well that would be starving yourself and is not a good idea at all. This will make you weaker, hungrier and you will eat quite a lot after. Anyway it does not help. Your body needs food and calories to get energy. You need to eat enough so as not to starve yourself and be able to burn these calories and more after. On the other hand, if you burn out the exact same amount of calories that you take, you will stay the same.Two simple things to losing weight naturally revolve around proper nutrition and exercises. There is no shortcut to losing weight in a healthy way.Consider these 2 tips to lose weight naturally:(1) Eat normally and healthilyDon t cut down on your usual meals. Take your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Skipping your meals is not a good solution for your weight loss goal. The thing is what you eat is what is important to help combat your weight problems. If you eat more fats, you ll have a harder time burning calories because fats contain more calories per gram than carbohydrates and protein. Try changing your eating habits. For instance, instead of eating fried foods, try boiled or steamed foods. But this does not mean you should avoid fatty foods at all cost even taking your favorite snacks which can contain fats. The best thing is to do it moderately.Here are a few simple and healthy food suggestions. Add tuna in your meals. You have tuna packed in oil or water. Opt for the one in water which has almost no fat as compared to the one in oil with considerably more fat. Tuna is low in calories and has a high nutritional value. You can make a tuna salad with tomatoes, lettuce, onions, olive oil and avoid adding any high-fat condiments like mayonnaise. If you want to add mayonnaise, just add lightly. Then you can make a tuna sandwich with it. Boiling chicken breasts without the skin is a good choice too. You can also eat it in a sandwich as well. When you eat meat, make sure you trim off the fats first. Adding fish in your meals is recommended. Not only is fish good for health and low in fat and calories, they are good for the heart because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids mostly oily fish like sardines, salmon, tuna, herring amongst others. It s recommended to eat at least 1 fish dish a week.(2) Be active and exerciseBeing active is one of the most important steps in losing weight. If you are just idle and don t move a lot, you won t progress. You need to exercise. Here are a few activities you can engage in ie weight training, jogging, aerobics, swimming, bicycling, walking amongst others.As you can see, losing weight doesn t have to be very complicated. But it does require some work from your part. If you adopt the habit of eating normally and healthily, you will get that routine with time and you will get use to it. At the same time, be active and exercise yourself and enjoy the activities that you re doing. You won t see all this as an ordeal but rather as your way of living and it s a healthy one. In the long run, you will be surprised by the results. Just give it time and you will burn the calories, the excess fat and you will lose your excess weight. Good luck in your weight loss goals.

How to lose weight for the military? -

I want to join the military to go into nursing. I have to lose weight to be able to enlist. I try really hard and just seem to get discouraged when the results don t show. I believe that genetically our metabolism s are slow because almost everyone in my family is overweight. I want to be able to lose 70 pounds by next summer. How can i do this healthy and effectively? I would really enjoy your feedback thanks.

This should explain everything, from how to lose the weight to what it means to be a nurse in the military.First of all, if you think the military is an easy way to get a free ride into a nursing career, you re not exactly correct. Here s some things you ought to know (I was in the Army as a Health Care Specialist):1.) To be a nurse, you have to pass boot camp (2 and a half months away from your family) and then nursing school (during which you ll be somewhere like Fort Sam-Houston, Texas, for a YEAR, away from your family, on a military base. You might not make being away from everyone for that long, isolated in a military environment. It is one of the most taxing and time-consuming trainings in the military!2.) You will serve in Iraq, most new recruits for the last 2 - 3 years are shipped and stationed within 18 days of completing all their training. So once you have about 18 days with your family (and that s on average) you ll be right back in uniform and serving. Also, not all medical jobs in the Army will qualify you for work outside of the Army, they have a different certification process that is not like the civilian process. I know that my work in the medical field mostly only applies to the Army and that a hospital wouldn t hire me solely from what I did in the Army, I would still need an education outside of the military.3.) The amount of mental and physical stress you will be under to lose weight will be nothing compared to the military toll on your psyche AND physique. You need to realize if you have the self-esteem already to be ridiculed by drill sergeants, humiliated and beaten on for a few months. When I was in boot camp, I was tired of seeing female soldiers wimping out and leaving the service because they thought it would be an easy ride.If you would like to be in the military anyway, here s some pointers.You should sign up for a fitness club membership, and then see a nutritionist. If you can t afford the nutritionist, then I ll give you a basic head s up, but above all:1.) Exercise.The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn every day; your fat doesn t need much energy every day, but if you have muscle your body will burn calories on its own.2.) Exercise 5 times a week.If you think you can handle the military, then exercise like I did in the army. Wake up at 5 in the morning, don t eat, just put on some jogging shoes, shorts and a T-shirt (don t matter if it s 30 degrees Fahrenheit outside) and go running for 30 minutes to an hour, uphill, downhill, and don t you dare stop. In the Army the drill Sergeant would be on you like a mosquito in the summer, and even if you are dying, he ll keep you running until the run is done. Then, do three sets of 15 sit ups, three sets of 15 pushups, and go have some breakfast. Do this every other day. On your days off, do a complete set of pilates and aerobic exercises, ranging from ab work to pull ups on a pullup bar. Here s where you d need your fitness membership. As always, do it at 5 am, before you eat, so your body is a lean fat-burining machine, and then after 30 min to an hour of that, go eat. Give yourself two days off; usually in the military you only get to rest on Sunday though in boot.3.) Reduce the calories you take in.You might not realize how many calories you are consuming. You need to learn what portion sizes are. Follow a strict diet. Measure what you eat. Look at food labels. If it says that a serving is 1/4 cup of rice, uncooked, then measure a darn 1/4 cup of rice, add water, cook it and eat it. Don t super-size anything. Don t do second helpings unless you re absolutely starving still. Your plate should be 1/2 covered with vegetables, there should only be a small amount of rice, potatoes or bread or other carbs, and the rest should be protein. A serving of meat shouldn t be bigger than a deck to a deck and a half of cards. A serving of fish should be like the palm of your hand.

run but i personally wouldn t join the militry if i were u (or anyone else for that matter).

Let me ask you this... is losing 70 pounds just a personal goal, or do you really need to lose 70 pounds to get into the military?If you need to lost 70 pounds by next summer, that means that you will need to lose a little over a pound each week, on average. If that s what you really need to do, then I would suggest doing the following...1. See your doctor ASAP, and discuss with him/her how to lose weight safely. If you are going into the military, you also want your body to be in good physical condition to be able to handle the rigors of the military. Losing weight is only part of the process.2. If you can afford it, work with a personal trainer at a local gym or YMCA. If you don t have the money, maybe there s a coach at your high school who would be willing to work with you.The key thing is this... Losing 70 pounds in such a short period of time will be quite a challenge, and you really need to have some assistance in terms of nutrition and exercise. Seeing that you want to enter the military, you need to make sure that your weight loss approach is a healthy one.Good luck to you!

If your not going to be a combat medic, there is no real reason to loose weight. Just you you know... You only have to be physically fit if your going into action.