Monday, June 15, 2009

How can I lose weight and fast like two months? -

I am 13 and I weigh 260 pounds I am really wanting to lose weight,but I have tried the diet and exercise but they just don t work. Both of my parents are big people and is there really something called being big boned if so can I possibly be big boned or is that just an excuse to be fat?Well I need to know how to lose weight and fast (two months) I would like lose enough so I will weigh 180. Thanks

1. First start by getting up earlier than usual. Around 5:30 AM to do some of you workouts. Getting up early shocks your metabolism because the body needs more energy to get going. Right? This will start your system on the road to weight loss. That early start with about 10 minutes of stretching. Have a cup of coffee to get the blood going also.2. Do all the sit-ups you can. Just do them. 15 or 20 whatever, we don t have a lot of time to work with. Rest 1 minute repeat, do this for 6 sets. Already you are breathing hard and feel worn, because the body is working extra hard at being up earlier and then going right into exercise. If the early morning hour lets you get your cardio in, go ahead and do it. 30 minutes.3. Diet. Cut all current meal portions in half, just cut them in half, nothing fancy or complicated, CUT IN HALF! Cut out all bread products, all gravies, candies, chips, night snacks, etc. If you crave at night eat a banana, other fruit or best a non-fat yogurt. There are some tasty ones out there.4. In the evening do another 6 sets of sit-ups maxing out each set. Cardio again. The trick is to stay with getting up earlier. Yes it��s hard, that��s why it is so effective. Why do you think the Army gets up so early, it is intense training to the max.Source(s):ok i didnt write this but i copied and pasted the words but i just put it in number order and made it easier to read.

Get off the standard American diet and become a nutritarian.A nutritarian would be a person who eats a plant-based diet consisting of the most nutrient dense foods which happens to be from vegetables and fruit. This does not mean you can t eat animal based foods but you must severely limit them.To understand this fully please read over 300 customer reviews at Amazon for the book, Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD��I have done this and found that I can stuff myself on the nutrient dense foods and still lose weight. Once you get to your target weight you continue with eating this healthy diet and you will not lose anymore weight and won t gain the weight back.If this program is too much for you then get Dr. Fuhrman s book, Eat for Health, which is designed in 4 phases and you can stop at any phase you want to because they are all better than the standard American Diet.Success story��Don t expect to lose 80 pounds in 2 months. That would probably only be possible by fasting and a prolonged fast is not recommended for someone your age and even if it was it would have to be done under a doctor s care. Dr. Fuhrman also has a book on fasting as well.

Stay clued upKnowledge is power. By arming yourself with the facts about healthy diet, and ignoring the fads, you are more likely to build confidence in your abilities and achieve your weight loss goals.WLR can help! Long term weight control is about being realistic, and enjoying healthy eating and exercise habits for life �C and reaping all the benefits.

DRINK 8-10 GLASSES OF WATER EACH DAYDrinking water 8 to 10 times each day gets easier the more you actually do it. It is simply a matter of conditioning your taste buds, and yourself, so that it becomes easier to do. Once you get started, you will begin to crave water.To begin with, you should drink a glass of water in the morning first thing, before you eat. This is probably the easiest glass you will drink all day and it will help you remember to drink water all day long. Better yet, why not drink two glasses?If you really cannot bear the taste of water, try using a water purifying pitcher or filter. You can also add a few drops of lemon or lime to your water ?but no sugar or sweetener! Ice also helps.Check out flavored waters on the market, too. Just keep an eye out for additives.

It is feasible to lose weight fast but you should be realistic and accept that if you lose weight quickly then you will without doubt put it all back on again just as quickly. I lost 8 pounds recently when I had a special celebration to attend, and I did it by following the guidance supplied on the site in the box below.

do not try to order any diet pills or anything like that online. it is just a huge scam. I tried it and almost 160 dollars later....i got nothing out of it. and don t believe it if it says you can have it now for only 4.49 also a huge scam. they will just continue to charge you more. Anyways, it is impossible to loose almost 100 pounds in almost 2 months. you need to give yourself more time than that. start small and work your way up. just diet and increase your exercise. no more junk food!!!

Eat as much as you want, but don t eat any allergens. You may have a wheat, sugar or lactose intolerance. By cutting these things out of your diet you will get more energy and lose weight while still eating enough to keep full. Also, begin to take a multivitamin. Something formulated for growing kids. Oh and see your doctor to make sure what I just said wasn t crazy. (It isn t.)

ok well first dont try any pills cause they dont work, secound the best way to loose weight is by cutting down on foods, not alltogether, but by eating less, so when eating less, doing more excersise would help cause you would be burning off more than you eat, which means you would loose weight, so the best thing is to cut down on all junk food, and drink lots of water and eat more veggies and fruits, doing this would also make you eat more healthy, also doing simple excersises like a 30 min run 3 - 6 times a week is good, also dont over do it, you can also take clubs like football club or any clubs that keeps you active as this would help you loose weight. aslo cutting down on carbs helpshope i helped

Truth About Abs�� was overweight all throughout high school, and couldn t really pinpoint what the problem was. I tried to eat right. I tried to exercise at least 3 days per week. I tried to limit my calorie intake. None of this seemed to produce any noticeable results. Well, it s been four years since high school, and I ve just recently found a program that I have successfully lost 55 pounds with! Sound impossible? Think again... they guarantee your success, and if you follow the program, I do too. They offer helpful tips right on there front page! Here s the link: luck!

If you have difficulties with weight do what I did - try acai berry. If you want to lose weight its superfood qualities help plenty - but those same qualities also help those who are trying to bulk up. Fantastic! There is a free trial going on currently at , try it, what have you got to lose?

If you know right weight loss info you can lose weight. I did the way at this site and I lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks. It is very fast to lose weight. You can find my weight loss way that lost me 17 pounds in 5 weeks at link below.

um.. exercie and eat well..

How to lose weight faster? -

Okay so i m actually in really good shape but I just want to lose a little more weight in my thighs and tone up my stomach some more. The stuff i m doing right now is working sorta I guess but I want something that it ll make it faster to lose, but mainly something that will work my abs, any help?

Lean meats, whole grains, lots of veggies, and a regulated caloric intake will assist your exercise regimen and help you see better results. Use a calorie tracking website like thedailyplate and work hard.Targeted exercise won t spot reduce fat. If you want to lose weight in your thighs it ll be a full body process.Good luck!

Some people say that targeted weight loss is not feasible but if you are struggling to shed weight from your waist it may be due to excess waste material in your insides, not excess body fat. You can take a supplement to rinse out up to 20 lbs from your torso, there is a risk free trial at

The key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in, and a pound of body fat equates to approximately 3500 calories. That said, check out this article titled The 10 Minute Ab Workout . Just click on the link below:��Best of luck!

Lean meats, whole grains, lots of veggies, and a regulated caloric intake will assist your exercise regimen and help you see better results. You can do different kinds of sit-ups to help and maybe do some squats for your thighs.

ok just eat fruit and vegtables u know and for stomach do sit ups they work stomach area and yea i would say stay away from fast food and fatty stuff good luck

How to lose weight? -

im a teenager and im not fat im just a little more than average. I need to lose weight

get less calories than you burn... eat everything normally but in proper quantities ,and add workout in your daily program.

i lost 15lbs in 5 days 1)jogging every morning (haw far? depends on your stamina)2)tae bo 5 times a week (1hr)3)hot yoga twice a week (1hr 30mins - to strech and relax your muscles from tae bo and jogging)eat healthy and drink at least 80 ounces of water a day.eating jalapenos and taking 3 table spoons of apple cider vinegar will boost your metabolism!-i feel toned and really healthy =) trust me, this WILL work!

Drinking a lot of water helps to get rid of junk in your body so that might help a bit but obviously no drastic weight lost here. If you re not fat and you re just looking to lose that extra 5 to 10 pounds, you can pick two or three days a week to just eat congee (basically watery rice) and that will also help clear your system and no oil or other fatty stuff. Hope that helps! I don t like to exercise because you gotta keep exercising to keep the weight and the shape!

It might be a good idea to start by telling your parents that you are interested in losing weight and eating healthier. You could also make an appointment with a doctor and see what he or she recommends. You also might try something like Weight Watchers, which will design a plan that will help you adopt healthier eating habits and a more active lifestyle. If you try to make a dramatic changes to what you eat you will not stick with it. And, it is not healthy to lose more than 1-2 pounds a week. The most important thing is to find a plan that you will be able to keep up with over time.

I have four kids and used the Weight Watchers plan to get rid of my baby weight each time. I was always back in my size 4s within 3 months. It works!Also drink lots of water but don t overdo it and drown yourself, lol.

69 no calories.

Eat only fruits, vegetables, white meats, fat-free dairy, and rice cakes. Jog every morning for 30 minutes.

How to Reduce Weight Quickly:Besides, the pills and powders can adversely affect your health. Here we offer you some tips to reduce weight successfully, without any negative health effects.��

find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.dont try to lose more than 1-2lbs a week - its not healthy to lose 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day8 glasses of waterhave complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energyhave lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs musclecardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight trainingdont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried - no junk food

How to lose weight? -

how do i lose weight?

Try this diet

diet and exercise that s the only way! I should know!

change the amount you eat. to cut calories. instead of an entire steak eat 3/4 or half same with fruits and veggies. For junk food eat half or less than half of what you eat now. do not cut out entirely the junk food or you will not stay with diet for taking away fav foods entirely and then find an exercise you can do like walking biking swimming or tennis

Helpful Tips to lose weight

Don t eat as much and do some exercise.

just consult the websites given to you in the first two answers and consult a physician. basically stop eating fried food

High carbs (Lots of energy for exercise)Lots of exercise (to burn carbs/fat) What you are trying to do to burn weight is by taking in energy to burn the stored energy (fat)Good diet, including things like vegetables, fruits, protein (particullarly fish to reduce cholesterol), and carbohydrates.

Less calories/more movement exercise.

How to lose weight in a short time? -

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on yourinitial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don t eat wheat then you don t eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you don t eat junk food, and you don t eat biscuits. But your diet isstill balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

losing weight in a short time meaning it will bounce back in a short time too and its definately NOT healthy to lost weight in a short timei try a product called B-Fit lately, its a health supplement yet help to slim down effectivelyemail me at if you want to know more

How to lose weight? -

this page has lots of different diets and exercise regimens you can try: best of luck :)

try tabooWHAT to eat for losing weight? Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially NC (negative calorie) food.* Print these lists. They will be your ... Bible , from now on !* Dill and parsely - include them in all your salads. Also ognion + garlic.* Try eat mostly fresh vegs fruits (whenever possible, of course)* If you really want a book, then check this out: The Negative Calorie Diet Workbook Cookbook - eBook (Win95/98 only). Read more about this e-book here.? Eat fish, chicken, beef, pork. (preferences are in this order)* If you are a vegetarian, then ignore this!* Avoid fat meat? Eat 2-3 slices of bread/day. Don t EVER exclude bread from your diet!? Snacks between meals (if needed): apples, oranges, grepfruits and other NC fruits* Don t cheat ... NO cookies, chips, candies, brownies etc! * EVEN if they have low fat indication... They might have low fat, yet they can have lots of CALORIES !!!? About rice, potatoes, beans, [xxx]nuts, pastry, pasta... you know!* Don t eat too much of those, at least during the first weeks of the diet. I m not a low carb addict, but I ve noticed weight gains if consuming those in large quantities, especially when associated with other foods.* If you like them a lot, try and eat them like one meal. A nice delicious plate of spaghetti could be your lunch (never dinner!), followed by a nice big apple. These rich starch foods are not good for dinner!* At dinner time, chose mainly large mixed veggies salads... with fish, lean meat or cheese (if you are not a vegetarian). if u want to lose weight the best food to it are baked potatoes with nothing on it. no salt no nothing just plain. u can eat a 10000000000 baked potatoes till ur stuff and not gain a pound. i heard that from a weight loss tape. the best drink is water or gatorade. thats a start then when you work out do some taeboo. if u want a macine. run with dumbells on a treadmill. u could do the rocky workout. but thats a new story. u could use a butterfly macine i think it works the abs1) It is not just the amount you eat, but what you eat. Lean meats and vegtables that snap are a good place to start. And by snap I mean fresh and not boiled or doused with better or whatever.2) Exercise moderatly but for about an hour every other day. Spend half of that walking or running at a good enough pace for you to feel labored. The other half of the time use weights, or exercises such as push ups or situps to get a muscle burn . A gym is also an option, but I don t know if you have the money for or want to spend the money on it.3) Sleep well. To bed earlier and up earlier. Exercise in the morning when you wake up, not in the evening before bed. 7 hours of GOOD sleep is a must.4) Occupy yourself with a hobby that keeps your attention for a long period of time. A hobby like this keeps your mind focused and gives less of a chance for snacking from boredom.That is a good place to start... if you see good results, keep it up and modify to fit you... if it does not, see a doctor AND a trainer Keep working out, drink water a lot, eat 5 to 6 meals a day but in small quantities, vegtables are important specially cucumber and lattice, fruits not be eaten after meals except by 2 to 3 hours, minimize the starch quantities in your meals lots of salad is important, your last meal must be before you sleep by 2 to 3 hoursthe most important thing is you don t lose patient wait and have a strong will to be as what you wantyou might have some more ideas from www.ivillage.comgood luck

stop eating oily food. i reckon you are from kerala, where coconut oil is used more. exercise well. go for long walks

Sleeping really helps. So get more sleeping!

eat healthy and excerise. When that fails seek professional help

Diet and exercise. The only healthy way to do it.

do a lot of walking, eat healthy and work out 2-3 times a week for at least 30 min.

walking 30 min a day/ yoga (yoga for dummies is awesome) replace white stuff in your diet for whole wheat, even pasta(healthy harvest actually tastes good) eat small amounts more often. the thing that helped me was a book called the 5 day miracle diet it is not a diet really, because you eat a lot of food, you just eat healthier and eat the right stuff at the right time so that your blood sugar is not screwed up, and making you crave bad things! You eat protein+a whole wheat carb in the am, then have 2 fruit/veggie crunchy snacks before lunch. lunch is low fat protein+veggies salad, etc however much you want of the veggies/salad. 2 more snacks fruit/veggie of any kind except grapes before dinner. dinner you have type of combo as lunch, and once/twice a week you can have spaghetti/pizza, or whole wheat bread w/dinner. Once a week you eat something yummy that you love, but you still have to eat your snacks anyway! After 3 days I was not hungry after dinner at all, and this shocked me! Everything else I have tried I have been starving and tired!!! More details in the book, and its cheap!!! hope it helps! (:

How to lose weight? -

starve for a couple of days and see the results

Emotionallyeasiest way to lose weight is to decide for yourself that you really want to lose weight if you are not motivated enough than nothing is going to happenExercise do cardio exercise, yoga, pilates its great to burn fat and it will tone ur body as well,Diet wise drink 8-10 glasses of water. U should have a healthy balanced diet have more fibre and protein in your diet they keep you full and energized and you should have small meal every 3 hours and don��t eat before 3 hrs of going to bed and soup it make u full and has less calories just avoid the cream and make the soup in this way mix veggies and water sort of a thick soup its very filling and sometimes tasty

watch what you eat, don t fill up on carbs as they take longer to break down in your body .... do some exercise, even if you walk instead of drive .. every bit helps.Losing weight is a long hard task but stay positive as the results will make you feel on top of the world!Good Luck!

only 1 way to do that........must burn off more then you take in.. think of it as saving must make more then you spend to save, or stop buying some things......see, it s simple, now set your mind to do that which you want, not what your mind wants. once you understand how then mind works, it become easier to work the mind.......does any of this makes sense to you?i hope so........if not, i m sorry for wasting your best wishes are for you, have a nice day.

Eat healthy, cut out junk food. Drink lots of water and get out and do some exercise :)

How do i lose weight around my hips? -

I m fourteen, and i don t like my hips, there really weird and wayy to big. Plus, i have love handles, but that s the only place i need to lose weight on my body. weird huh? So can anyone give me an idea on how to lose weight aroud that area?

Hi, There are plenty of ways to lose weight. I will give you some tips to help you acheive your goal of losing weight safely.First I recommend you get 8-10 hours of sleep so your not tired. Try to eat 3-4 healthy nutritious meals spready throughout the day(10%fat/40%protein/50%carbs/). Exercise atleast 3 times a week for 45 minutes or more. Try to cut out the sweets/fats and replace it withvegetables/fruits. Drink 8-10 8oz glasses of water a day. You also want to meditate everyday for 10minutes; imagine your body losing weight during the session. I hope this helped you with what you were looking for. For more information you should check out the link in my source.FrankCheers!

try the Baby Jack workout��

Well, I would eat veggies. You could buy some fat burner supplements at GNC. They will make you not hungry so much.