Friday, September 18, 2015

How can i lose weight fast? -

i am desprate my reson is because i went to ballet today and my teacher called me fat so i need to lose weight please help!!!!! any way trying to b heathy but will not if i have to

Throwing up your meals is not such a great idea, caitlin. I read your previous answer to some other person s question and was shocked!Try visiting this link:��Its got the Top 3 weight loss programs. One of them guarantees a loss of 9 pounds in 11 days in a healthy manner. It will help you for sure

decrease eating and increase dieting or exercise dailymorning walk and running 2-3 hours daily

uh... if thats you in the photo i wouldnt worry about it... i would suggest getting a new ballet teacher, or if you really do think your fat, why dont you go see a health professional and get another opinion rather than taking that from an untactful and rude person

i m not proud of this, but yesterday i ate absolutely nothing and i lost 2kgs. so if you really need a quick fix, that s the way to go

that is not fat....that is like my goal weight at the moment and im 13, ur ballet teacher is just probably jealous....dont worry about it......

Just exercise a lot and eat healthy. It is nearly impossible to lose weight in a single day.

try the atkins

well if u weigh less than 80 u can go off uf head to ur teacher bacause ur not fat and thats slack but u can go on a diet

the key is diet diet and exercise.You need to eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eat some protein with each meal! Cut out all refined sugar!!! Also add more fiber. The fiber and protein will fill you up, helping you to cut down on your unhealthy eating. Also by eating more than 3 meals spread out through the day you will kick your metabolism in high gear. Here is a general meal for a day:Breakfast: 2 poached eggswhole wheat toast1/2 cup fruitSnack: Cottage Cheese with veggieLunch: Turkey, lettuce, tomato, whole wheat bread sandwich1/2 cup fruitSnack: Protein ShakeDinner: Turkey Burger ( no bun )Side of brown riceSide of Broc.Then exercise regularly 4-5 days a week. Do both cardio and lifting. But on days that you do both. Do lifting before your cardio and you will maximize your fat burn. Cardio can be a sport: basketball, soccer, football, anything with losts of movement. Golf is a no no.So Example :Monday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioTuesday - 1 hour liftingWednesday - RestThrusday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioFriday - 1 hour liftingSaturday - RestSunday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioFor exercises check out:http://www.xercisefactor.comThey have hundreds of exercise video clipsAlso check out the XGen to randomly generate a workout routine. You have to sign up, but it is free.

If I eat 500 calories a day and burn off 1000 at the gym...will i lose weight fast...? -

i recommend that you eat 1500 calories, burn 1000 calories it the gym you will loss 2 lb a week

i do that, i lost 8 lbs in the first two days Report Abuse

Remember that most likely, your body burns off nearly 2500 calories a day (depending on sex, body size) by just keeping you alive and doing normal daily activities. I would recommend you take in close to 1500-2000 calories a day and burn off that 1000 at the gym. Always make sure to get a full nights sleep too and that will make you feel more refreshed in the morning. Start the morning off with breakfast too.. a banana or something.. to at least get your metabolism working.

You have got the concept of losing weight totally wrong. Let me explain where you have gone wrong. There is a baseline amount of calories needed to maintain the normal body functions and is around 1200- 1500 calories a day minimum being 1200 whether your overweight or not. The reason why some people are NOT overweight and in good shape is that their calorie intake (food that you consume) is balanced by the calories burnt (activities), basically what it means is that thetotal calorie intake per day = total calories burnt per day and NOT because they take in less than 1200 calories a day.If calorie intake is more than the number of calories burnt then the extra calories left cause you to put on the extra pounds.For more information on healthy foods that wouldnt make you exceed your normal daily calorie intake check

If you ate 500 cals a day and burned 1000 off at the gym you would lose weight.The only problem being your brain would probably be severaly damaged, and you would probably burn off a ton of muscle too. The best way to lose weight is to still eat a good amount of food so that your muscles and rest of your body get what they need, then burn that 1000 cals, which will more likely come from fat.

500 caleries a day would most definitely not be good for you. But, if you ate alot of fruits and vegetables, and stuck it up to 1200 caleries a day, and still go to the gym, then you would definitely loose weight. Oh! and drink lotz of water. and sont just eat fruits and veggies. Eat proteins calcium and fibers too, like meat and nuts. but dont eat too many of them. but yeah.

well i used to be anorexic n i did stuff like that and guess what.............. IT SLOWS DOWN YOUR METABOLISM, PRACTICALLY TO A STAND STILL! youll lose weight quickly for a week maybe 2 if youre lucky but then you wont be able to lose any more so youll eat less n you still wont lose any more so then youll have to give up and start eating again and youll BALLOOOOOOOOON! or you could end up with an eating disorder and die of malnutrition or liver failure.either way its a bad idea

Well, during the second world war, the nazi s ran consentration camps and did some really morbid research there.They found that when a persons caloric intake dipped below about 1000 calories a day, they lost the capacity for emotion, became lethargic and generally stopped having a personality.So, I would say you have a bad idea. Please Don t Do it!

Yes but not very healthy weight loss. You need 1250 calories a day to keep you health. What your doing is fooling your body and in fact in the end it could turn back on you and gain more weight. Its easy to lose 15 lbs in a week because your loosing water. Then 2 lbs a week after that. Do it right maintain your 1250 and then lose by exercise. But you have to keeps it up, its a life time thing.

You will lose weight fast, but you will end up messing your body up like I ve done, Try eating 1000 calories aday and exercise 3- 5 times aday, just have loads of fresh foods and not processed rubbish, you will still lose weight but you will do it healthy and wont mess your body up at the same time

No, because not only will you not have the energy to burn your body will go in to starvation mode and you will lose weight very slowly. You will also develop excess body hair so you can either lose weight normally or have it still come off slowly and be hairy too!

It woould work only for a little bit because your energy level wont be as high so it would be hard and strenious to workout with only 500 calories in your body. try it out for a lil see how it goes. unless you eat breakfast and workout in the morning then it probably would be easier. good luck ;)

You will probably be really hungry eating only that many calories..You should shoot for a 1000 a day and workout for 30-45 mins intense cardio.Eat high protein foods(small amounts throughout the day) b/c it will keep you full for longer. Try protein shakes

dont do it your metabolism will slow right down and when you eat normally again you will gain the weight back really fast and it will be even harder to lose. eat 1200-1600 cals per day to lose weight properly and it will stay off the more you exercise the better good luck

yes, but the minute you increase your calorie intake, it will be back and inviting some friends along! Don t go below 1200 calories, your BMR usually is around that anyway (meaning you burn it without doing anything but sleeping and breathing)

Yep! But u ll also burn ur energy ur nose when you fall face first onto the treadmill thru lack of energy!You need (females) 1800 - 2000 cals per day just to maintain your weight. So eat sensibly burn more you will lose weight!

You would lose exactly one pound a week. But really, it isn t realistic to say that you will burn off 1000 calories a day at the gym, and 500 calories a day is not enough food.

i think if you ate 500 and burned off 1000 you would collapse and end up in hospital. better to eat about 1500 of a healthy balanced diet and then do your exercises

if you only eat 500 calories a day you will damage your body - factyou need at least 1200-1300 calories a day to maintain normal bodily and brain functions - fact

You should really be having 2000 calories a day. If you wanna lose weight then dont reduce the amount you eat. Instead increase the amount of exercise.

Yes you will, extremely quickly as you will probably die to be harsh. You wont have the energy to exercise if you live on 500 calories a day.

You will die. You wont lose weight easily, as your metabolism will suck tremendously.

500 cal a day is not enough you will not have enough energy to do anything at the gym you should be eating at least 1200 cal a day!

You probably wouldn t have the energy to actually burn that much off.

Are you serious? Of course you ll lose weight, you ll be dead!

500 calories a day and you won t be fit enough to go to the gym!

500 calories a day!!! Yes you will lose weight, it s called being dead!!

Yes but you ll be too tired to go to the gym - no energy!

attention seeker

yes ,deffenitly

You re more likely to pass out.

Yes and you will die.