Thursday, May 23, 2019

How much weight can i lose each week ? -

how much can i lose by doing seriously obeseim 13 1/2 , 5 7 ,190-210(dont make fun)i eat 1200-1400 calories a day.exercise 1 hr a day doing cardio.o and is it really true owerwight and obese peoplelose weight faster?

yes supossibly the heavier you are the faster you lose weight because you have more to lose.. and you might lose about 2-3 lbs a week if you stick to a strict diet, i am 14, 5 2 and 180lbs. hopefully i helped!try it is helpful!email me and we can try to help each other out!!plz answer!��

yes,your plan will work but do avoid all junk foods,fastfoods and sugary drinks...once your weight loss begins slowing down start doing some pilates or yoga for another hour after the cardio...go play sports,dance and learn martial arts too

Forget crazy diets for losing weight.. Acai Berry is this new product I ve been trying after seeing it on Oprah. I m already seeing results!! You should give it a shot, here s a special link for a free 14-day trial.

How can I lose weight fast? -

I m going to California in a couple of weeks and I want to slim my stomach and butt. I m not fat, I just want to look really good in a swim suit. Any exercises I could do or any other tips?

Other than atkins, (no bread, lots of red meat) you can go to a diet clinic get Phentermine. It a Prescription drug, w/ many side effects. The Dr can explain, But honestly Ive seen better results w/ diets like the zone ot atkins!! GOOD LUCKHave fun here in Cali!!

Im thirteen years old and I need to lose weight fast.? -

I m thirteen years old and according to my doctor I weigh 187 pounds but I look like I weigh 130 or 150. I m already on a diet pill but how can I lose wight fast enough before the summer s over?

I have been through it all and know what s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I ve worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can t eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising...This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it s good for the heart.However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It s so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I ve found a great addition to help any one out, it s a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don t get all crazy on me and say diet pills don t work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn t meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It s an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at theweightlossplace .com along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it s the best pill I ve tried and I ve tried cupboards full. Now this doesn t mean you have to follow my foot steps but I ve successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.

its actually very simple:fat is, by definition, energy you eat which is not burned up - excess energy that the body does not need and stores as a reserve.The simple solution appears to be to starve yourself - while this may work, it will eat up all of your muscles and make you freaking tired and miserable for however long it is you starve, until you finally give in or die. This works because your body still needs energy for everyday functions such as breathing and walking.The healthy and best alternative is to burn this fat quicker - through exercise. You can still eat whatever you want (except fats, especially trans fats), as long as you burn more calories than you eat each day or week. For example, if you eat 2000 calories a day, that makes 14,000 calories a week, which means that if you want to gain no weight, you would have to do exercise to burn everything that is not burnt normally (which may be 500 calories a day or more through standard and involuntary functions).Simply put, the healthiest and fastest thing you could do is eat healthier and exercise everyday - 30 mins-1 hr per day is plenty. This is just what you have been hearing everywhere, and its true.The alternatives of strictly dieting and no exercise will work, but very slowly and very little, for you are just decreasing the amount you eat - not to mention that with exercise you could eat whatever you want [in moderation, eventually].Another alternative is the liposuction. I think there might be some youtube videos on how to do it lol - depends on where your fat is stored: take a scalpel and make a small incision before siphoning the fat out. I don t recommend it either, since it ll probably kill you in your inexperience, but like i said, exercise is best.

Would like to know why a 13 year old is being given diet pills in the first place!?The only way to lose weight is to eat crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks, fast food etc and to exercise more. It s very bad to rely on pills or stupid diets as these can affect your long term health and can make things worse. Please just try and be sensible about this!!

diet pills dont work and you cant lose weight fast it takes time the normal rate is 1 or 2 pounds a week depending on how hard you exercise and what you eat. you can still eat the foods you like just eat less of them and you will lose weight

damn ur fat i am trying to gain a little fat but i cant lol

Any other good exercises to lose weight rather than running? -

I hear people who run lose weight fast. But I really despise running, any other types of exercises that would have the same benefits as running? Thanks.

swimming will help you lose weight all around your body. Also, you sweat much more when you are swimming than when you are running. Just to let you know. =)

I recommend a treadmill. I am rather large chested and despise running myself and a treadmill is a great way to reduce impact. Also an Elliptical machine goes through the motions of running without having to pick up your feet, also making it low impact. A cross-trainer can also help and has a benefit of working on specific muscle groups in your legs. If those ideas are too close to running, try a bike. They are easy and fun and burn 317 calories an hour if done at a decent pace. (Running may range from 330 to 360)

Strength training, makes you sweat hours after you have left the gym-increases your metabolism too..When on a treadmill use the incline as high as you can (I do a 6.0 incline at a pace of 3.3-Good luck!

How can i lose weight fast?thats priceless i can go on? -

living my life still and not go to the gym cause that cost money what can i do

I lost 20 pounds in about a month and ahalf jus by cutting out pop and eating salads if you dont wana go to the gym jus go walking for bout a hour or 2 jus walk around your town or walk to work then walk home which also saves u money on gas

four fast ways to lose weight.1) Make a small beginning - To lose weight you do not have to give up on your favorite food items. A small change a week can help lose those ugly bulges. Try limiting the amount of certain food items like oil, sugar, butter and margarine instead of altogether avoiding these items. This ensures that you do not miss these items and your body does not go into a binging mode.2) Eat those vegetables - Green vegetables may not taste good but they have a lot of vitamins and roughage which are good for your body. Vitamins in vegetables can enhance your skin and make it seem younger. Eating a good amount of salad before your main meal helps fill the stomach, hence you end up eating a small amount of the main course. Since vegetables do not have excess calories they help you feel fuller and satisfied even though you have consumed a fewer amount of calories. Eating vegetables is one of the fast ways to lose weight.3) Exercise -. Many people dread exercise as they associate exercise with gymnasiums and body ache. Exercise can be fun and easy on the pocket. Walking and cycling is one of the oldest and best forms of exercise and walking for 15 minutes around the block is enough to start with. If you feel physically fit you can also play a game of squash or tennis with your friends. Climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator is another good form of exercise.4) Get enough sleep - Researches indicate that adults who get 8- 10 hours of sleep every night have a better metabolic rate then people who are sleep deprived. A person with a good metabolic rate can burn calories quickly. Sleep deprivation also causes a person to become anxious and tense and the person may resort to eating high calorie food to calm his nerves. People who sleep late at nights also tend to eat mid night snacks which leads to weight gain.

How to lose weight and keep it off, i have three years to be a size zero!!!!!!!!!!!!? -

i have three years to be a size zero. i want to lose 150 pounds in this first year and then keep it off for two years. can anyone help?!?!?! please include details of diet and exercise!!!!

Your eating habits need to change.I m 5 4 , 30 yrs old 115 pounds, and used to weigh 145 pounds 2 years ago (I was 28), this is what I did:Nix the fad diets and change your eating habits. No pill will work, because you will eventually put the weight back on. Neither will a magic tea, because again, you will put the weight back on.Go back to eating the way eating was before our society had frozen food, processed food and fast food-we had whole foods, natural foods, organic foods. has a lot of helpful articles on what this means. They re a nonprofit dedicated to re-educating America on what is healthy.Now, the good stuff:I lost 30 pounds 2 years ago, and have maintained this loss by eating this way. I lost 7 pounds the first week, 5 the second week, 3 the following week and a pound a week until I reached my goal weight. I didn t die, I didn t get sick, the unhealthy weight just dropped off.I eat eggs every day for breakfast (2 eggs, with the yolk)-my cholesterol is perfect, and so are the rest of our clients who eat eggs. I eat breakfast meat with my eggs on the weekends. Please note that I eat cage-free organic eggs or eggs from a local farm.For lunch I eat either a salad (no croutons), or tuna salad, chicken salad, seafood salad, etc. The key to this is make sure it s made with REAL mayonnaise. Or a viniagrette dressing for the green salad.For dinner I eat a protein (steak, chicken, fish) prepared any way I like, except fried, with a vegetable and a salad or 2 servings of veggies.Veggies are essential, but do not have to be the central focus of your diet. If you re serious about losing weight, stay away from fruit, except for strawberries, blackberries raspberries. Fruit has way too much sugar in it for you to eat. Once you reach your goal, you can add fruit back in, with sensible portions.Stay away from potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, sugar and corn.Excellent sugar substitutes are Stevia (an all natural sweetener-use sparingly because it s really strong) or raw sugar cane (brown kind like at Starbucks).Beverages I drink are coffee, green tea and organic juices (sparingly).I ve included helpful links to organzations that talk about eating whole foods, natural foods, the way we used to eat before everything had MSG in it. I hope they help you! They helped me lose keep off the 30 pounds!! The diet is called The Liberation Diet because it liberates you from all of the misinformation that is out there and educates you on what is really healthy, eating whole foods like our ancestors ate years ago before processed food became the standard norm. Many of other clients have lost and kept off 75+ pounds!In addition, as far as exercise, do at least a half hour of cardio a day. Do some strength training with weights to tone up as you re losing the weight.If you follow this diet, you WILL lose weight and keep it off!Please check out the links, they will change your life!!!!!Good Luck!!

If you need to lose 150lbs you shouldn t be aiming for a size zero. Don t forget that some people s skeleton is bigger than a size zero!! It s not achievable for everyone. Maybe it is achievable for you, but take it in steps. A size 6/8 is sexy. A size zero isn t very pretty. Get some cardio exercise every day - to start with walk and swim, and cycle. Work up to jogging when you re lighter. Do some resistance exercises (like crunches, push ups, light weights) a few times a week. There are some here that can help.��And the main thing you ll need to do is get on top of your calorie consumption. You need to eat less than you use up. To start with limit your calories to 2000 a day, then over time you might be able to reduce to 1800 and 1500 as you start to lose the weight. Eat regularly, eat fresh and eat well. Cut out junk food, and mainly drink water.Good luck!

I think the best diet is the atkins diet ( the introduction phase) it works REALLY well..... I lost 20 pounds in 30 days! Go to to read the list of foods ( I didn t even have to exercise all I did was ate the acceptable foods!) Hope this helps! :Dbtw: I have kept all my weight off and I have eaten ANYTHING I ve wanted since ( chocolate. Candy. Pasta. ECT.)

i would suggest a deep liquid diet .........the liquids can be any ting except a reason for indulging in alcohol (lol)..........and this can be achieved with through relaxation of the body and soul.........cas with s tress u always tend to EAT EAT EAT AND EAT

you will never be a size zero. you will never be able to loose all that weight. love who you are and deal with it, just be healthy.

three main things healthy food, exercise, and green tea

I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.1. If what you are eating has less than 1 carb, count it as 1 carb just to be sure.2. Totally avoid caffine at least for the first two weeks on the program.3. Drink a MINIMUM of 8 glasses of plain water or seltzer daily.4. Don t weigh yourself more than once a week5. Take starting measurements as well as weight - sometimes you ll lose inches before pounds6. Avoid any type of low carb sweetener for the first two weeks7. Don t compare your loss to someone else s - this is a YMMV thing (your milage may vary)8. Stalls are common around the third week so don t panic9. If you follow your plan to the T and don t lose, consider Candida as a possibility and avoid vinegar, cheese, mushrooms and any other fermented food10. Have bloodwork done before starting so you have a comparison11. Cholesterol can be elevated in the first few weeks til your body adjusts - make sure your doctor knows that you re doing low carb and when you started12. Don t blame the diet if you don t read your plan book -- blame the diet if you don t read the labels -- Don t blame the diet if you don t follow the dietHow do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!search : lr= newwindow=1 as_qdr=all btnG=Search

How can i lose weight fast in my bottom part?? -

i weight 102,5 tallmy upper parts r fine but i relli dont like my bottom how can i lose weight fast???????help......i think i m pretty slimbut i relli want 2 weight 95....

First off, i dont see why you think you should weigh less than one hundred pounds. Like one of the previous answers above stated, you are in the med-low range for your height and are about to be considered underweight . not enough weight can also cause health problems. If you feel like you need to work the legs though, that is fine. you dont need to lose weight to tone your leg muscles. You can ride bike, walk, run, do squats, jump rope(really good! very underestimated!), or get on an elliptical machine or stair climber. What i learned from my own experience is that after a while, you need to switch up the routine. if you just walk or run the same distance for the same amount of time everyday, your body will get used to this as normal and you will stop seeing results! This is called a plateau. You need to continue to -confuse the muscles in your legs. Maybe you can ride bike and jump rope one week, then run and do sqauts the next, etc... Muscles confusion is key if you wish to tone and not get the plateau effect that makes you feel like you are wasting your time. REMEMBER- MIX IT UP AND PUSH YOUR BODY PAST ITS COMFORT ZONE!! YOU WILL SEE RESULTS... GOOD LUCK!

Your weight is just FINE for your height. Many ladies use walking to slim their bottoms, but for heaven s sake please don t obsess over this -- far too many girls and women ruin their health and sometimes die due to anorexia. And take it from a true backside man: ladies bottoms are much sexier when they re a bit chubby. Slim bottoms look masculine, which isn t attractive at all in a lady.

To lose weight successfully,you should know the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT!!!Yes,it is really important.You should know the truth:1.Low Fat Foods DON\ T always WORK...2.Low Calorie Diets DON\ T always WORK...3.Low Carb Plans DON\ T always WORK...I followed the guide above and I lost 7 lbs in 11 days and then 30 lbs in less than a month.I followed the guide on: ---http://www.fitnessreport.infoHope it can help you.

Run for at least 45 to 60mins a day. It doesn t matter how fast you do this, as long as the duration is around 45-60mins. Any less and your body is going to increase muscle mass instead. If your legs are not big from muscles, then you can do standard exercise routines and diets.

You can go outside and run, jog, walk...anything really just go outside and get your legs moving!And you are really perfectly fine. You not overweight at all. You are acually in the low to med-low range!

you can do it ...ask me how ???call me at ameysid id in yahoo masenger.we are just control our calori taking + our tea mix.ok

walk, speed walk, ride a bike

How to lose weight fast in 60 Days!? -

What is the quickest way to get in shape and lose as much weight as possibale in only 60 days!! please help!!

Are you looking to lose weight or fat? Reason being that crash diets will make you lose weight which includes fat, muscle, vitamins, nutrients and is very unhealthy.Watch your daily calorie intake. Excess calories leads to gaining weight and storing of fat. You could completely change your eating habits and still gain weight by excess calorie intake. Whatever method you chose, make sure your weekly weight drop is ONLY 1-2lbs max. Any more than that is unhealthy and is a sure way to guarantee that you ll gain it ALL back.

read tips and articles on weight loss and exercise programs that will help you more on this site

take a strong breakfast with proteins and carbos, a soft lunch with meat or fish without fat and veggies and take a superligth dinner like a green salad. Don t forget snacks between meals like nuts, WATER!!!. And walk even if it is in a mall!!!

Hi This programme really helped me so here goes,If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at luck

You have to burn more than you take in.... unfortunately there is no quick or easy road to staying fit.. you have to sweat it out for long lasting results. Just in case you find one and reach your goal in 60 days then after you have stopped the exercise or the diet you will gain double than what you lost in short time plus it will mess up your metabolism.The best way will be to burn more than you eat through regular excersie and set a goal which will have longterm effects. Try joining a gym and plan your diet with healthy foods rather than fatty ones and I am sure if you are regular and true to your regime then you will start feeling more healthy and fit in short time.

There is NO NEED! AT ALL! for any one to lose weigh abruptly and quickly. It causes tremendously harmful neurological, psychological and cardiac problems that lead to problems such as congestive heart failure, pericarditis and bullemia/anorexia.

Hi - it is possible to do all that and in a proper method with the right coaching! Take a look at the website and testimonials and the ShapeWorks programs and give me a call so you can get started right away!

girl i feel you i know what you re going but the best thing to do is not take pills that stuff is a cellout and a fake piece of crap

exercise and eat right... also drink loads of water.. if ur a teenager go to i went there once nd it was a gud site.. it has a chat fourm nd stuff

Become belymic.