Sunday, December 11, 2016

Is there a weight loss program that really works? -

I started the Atkins diet about 3yrs ago and lost quiet abit of weight but now I ve gain it back and can t seem to loose anything! Please HELP!

Everything works as long as you stick to it. Diets are just a temporary fix.... if you really want to keep the weight off you have to change the way you eat and exercise for good!!!! I heard Lindora has a really good food plan (never tried it myself)... and for exercise....Curves is a great gym, and its WOMEN ONLY!!! so it s alot more comfortable to go to (I m a member and I ve lost 15lbs).... or if you want to work out at home you can try Turbo Jam. I just started it last week and I feel great...its alot of fun! Well I hope I ve helped some.... good luck!

I m having trouble also. The G.I. diet is good. Seems to be a sensible way of eating. Good luck.

weight watchers is great! you learn how to control your portions and still enjoy the foods you like....

Weight Watchers is an excellent program. They have 2 different approaches now. The point based diet and the lower carb diet. Sounds like the points program would be more beneficial. You really learn portion control and make better choices. The principles you will learn here will stay with you forever and you are more likely to succeed long term. But there are some really good weight loss programs available, if you like the diet you will probably do well.Don t forget to add some physical activity. It works wonders. Just walking every day will rev up your metabolism and kick up your weight loss.This site has some good info

same here with the Adkins.. havent found anything yet...