Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to lose weight in 3 weeks WITHOUT hitting the gym? -

Try this if you have the will power. It s not for wimps.��

If you want to lose weight some weeks. You can try Lose weight a week plan first!Day 1:Eat the soup accompanied with watermelon and melon for your main food all day long. Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice before you go to bed.Day 2:Stop eating fruit at all! Consume your soup and you are allowed to eat green salad. Make sure the salad contain no dressings, peas and corns.For dinner you can consume roasted potato or baked potato with butter (don t ever think to fry it)Day 3:Consume the soup, salad and fruit but no potato today.Day 4:Eat the soup accompanied with a glass of skimmed milk. Consume 8 pieces of banana to provide your body enough energy. Your body now need carbohydrate and protein also calcium to lessen body need for sugar.Day 5Eat your soup again. Today you should consume salad and salmon fish. Make sure the salmon fish don t exceed 10 ounces.Day 6You should consume maximum 10 ounces of meat along with your soup. You need the protein here.Last DayConsume 4 table spoons of rice with vegetables. Drink fresh watermelon or melon juice without sugar and eat your soup also today.Search: How do I lose weight in a week?;_ylt=A0oGkwRcnBBITWwB.zNXNyoA? y=Search fr= ei=UTF-8Please enjoy it!

i gained 25 lb when i was pregnant so when i gave i want to lose weight fast, now this is not healthy but if it is just for a few days or couple of weeks it will work... i was taking 2 prenatal vitamins per day and salads all day now salads with no dressings or cheese or croutons... just lettuce (romane andiceberg) spinach, tomatos, cucumbers, celery put salt pepper and lime (lime juice actually helps a lot to lose weight)u can add a grilled chicken with just salt and pepper, or some turkey ham... drink lots of water and dont forget the vitamins... i was eating tis every day (actually drinking milk too) for 2 weeks NOONE belive i just gave brith afer those 2 weeks it really worked for me... now im eating healthy my 3 meals per day plus snacks and excercicing too...good luck!!!

Weight Loss Tips You Must Know and Practice :1 : Have a Goal : The most important tip is to have a goal ,having a goal tells you were you are going and how to get there. When you have a goal you don t get discouraged because you know where you are going and as Les Brown will always say when the dream is big ,the problems doesn t matter.2 : Before You start that weight loss program , take a picture of Your present self and keep it for future reference. You should also know your present weight and make sure to keep a record.3 : Quality Exercise: This is not an entirely new method ,but this step should be taking seriously by any one who intends to reduce weight and have a good shape. Exercise could be difficult but any one who is really interested in losing weight must endure for a minimum of four 40 minutes sessions in a week.4 : Aerobic/cardio Work out : Aerobic/cardio workout helps in the reduction of fat and metabolic rate. Ensure to engage in serious aerobic/cardio training 2 to 4 days a week will help in the fat burning process and also in metabolic rate. Many believe Calorie are being burnt while engaging in aerobic exercise only but the truth is , you are burning calories during the exercise AND you are conditioning the body to burn more calories even after the cardio session is done. Short cardio sessions ( 10 - 20 minutes ) will help increase body metabolic rate so as to burn off more calories even when sleeping or resting.To see more results fast endure to engage in cardio sessions for a minimum of four 15-20 minutes sessions a week .5 : Keeping a food diary can be a huge asset in successful weight loss. Devote some time each day to record what you have eaten and how much, your hunger level prior to eating, and any feelings or emotions present at the time. A food diary can provide a large amount of self-awareness. It can identify emotions and behaviors that trigger overeating, foster greater awareness of portion sizes, and help you discover your personal food triggers. Study any patterns that emerge from your food diary and identify where you may be able to make more healthful changes. A food diary provides an added benefit of keeping you focused on and committed to your goals. Start keeping a food diary today byprinting our food diary.6 : Do not Skip Meals : Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the the rest of the article at��

Do not undertake any exercise if you are in pain or feeling unwell. If you feel faint, dizzy or unwell while exercising stop immediately.Abdominal Exercises--------------------------------------��The stomach and abs region is one areas of the body where excess weight is most noticeable - especially in men. Use the exercises in this section to strengthen the abdominal muscles and to really tone that stomach!Stomach Tuck-In | Waist Twists | Sit Ups / CrunchesWhy not take a close look at our dedicated section for abdominal exercises or consider the abdominal exercise machine?Backs--------------------------------------��One of the largest muscle group areas on the body - it s also the muscle groups that many forget to use properly and also forget to train properly.Back ExercisesBalance--------------------------------------��Included are some examples of some simple exercises that you can do to improve your balance. Many of the exercise examples shown as part of the Exercise at Home section require a certain degree of balance, so this section should be very useful.BalanceLeg Exercises--------------------------------------��Exercises that target the calves, thighs, hamstrings and buttocks. These exercises are also suitable for beginners and can be a added to for a more challenging workout. Click on the leg exercise links below to get a full description of the exercise. You may find the section on exercise equipment helpful if you keen on toning and strengthening your legs :Squat | Lunges | Front Leg Raise | Side Leg Raise | Rear Leg Raise | Alternate Leg Raise | Leg Cross Over | Thigh Squeeze | Calf RaisesMobility Improvement Exercises--------------------------------------��Exercises to improve mobility of the neck, shoulders, hips and ankles. Great exercises for those right at the start of their exercise program.Mobility ImprovementStamina--------------------------------------��Increasing your stamina will help you complete your every day tasks more easily, and ensure that you have raised energy levels and feel fitter. There is also more information in the Cardio section.StaminaUpper Body Exercises--------------------------------------��Helpful exercises for those who would like to improve their upper body strength and tone. Some of the exercises require weights, and also a weight bench would be of use, but for those exercises like the bicep curls why not consider using a bag of sugar, or maybe some tinned produce to give that extra workout. Have a look at the resistance straps and free weights if you would like some information on additional exercise equipment to help you out while doing these exercises.

be a vegan. and i mean strictly vegan. just take essential vitamins to be sure.for a month, i lost 15 lbs, just being a lacto-ovo vegetarian. what more if you re a vegan? :D

thats really not possible or healthy, but the only solution to that is drink plenty of water eat healthy (extra healthy) and hit up the sauna. It ll be torture and hell but there ya go

eat food with lots of fiber.. and don t eat things that says non fat.. most of them have substitute fats that isnt healthy.. have simple exercise at home too...

stop eating meat, bread, cheese and pastas!! eat more vegetables and fruits

Eat less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

krispy kreme s and beer

How to lose weight without exercising to much? -

help! i am 12 and i am 97 pounds and i am 5 feet im fat and wanna weigh at least 89-90 pounds!

First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health .Basically there are 3 types of Diet+ ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISONFirst check out what diet helps lose weight based on your blood group and what diet is really good for your health .-O is for Old.- Type O.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -B is for Balance.-__ Type B.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Type AB.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples

After eating a full course meal, don t stay put where you re at. Try doing some walking around, going up stairs , go for a jog , don t eat foods with a lot of fat in it. Most times people gain weight is from siting down or laying down right after eating , the food is just going to sit in your stomach and take forever to digest and might not even digest but stay there. Exercising helps to burn calories, when you burn calories you are losing weight, you ll know you re losing weight once you start to sweat. But, this doesn t mean you have to get on the floor and do crunches or go to the fitness center. Just move around more often after eating.

toning your body by swimming in summer is great. dancing is great overall. since it cold in most of the country. toning by mild weight lifting every other day say 8 lbs five times each for a rep in a set of two. which is total 10 lifts per day every other day. its important to rest between tearing up muscles and in kids so young is important to limit weights and reps to that of a child. doing more can place excessive wear on joints. something at your age is not really a problem but can be later if you do not take care of yourself. good diet helps to.

Eat less. You need approx: 2000 cal/day, go down to 1200 cal, you will lose at least one pound/week.

you gotta exercise to lose weight! idk why people dont want to exercise

Your quite the fattie, you might wanna contact the Guiness Book of World Records and claim your title.

How to lose weight and fat? -

my friends sister is so fatty, she is almost 16 year old and want to lose weight, I have hear lot of about yoga. Doest it works..

yes friend yoga really works, try it and you will see the result

You have to come up with some type of a reward system, this will help keep you motivated. One of the best things to do is make a contingency contract. Stating what you want to do, who will help you do it, and what do you get for doing it. Then also try to find a well balance diet program. My friend did this one diet program where the average weight lose is 7 pounds in 9 days. It might be the thing you are looking for, I know it s well balanced. If you want e-mail me and I can tell you more about either of these.

She should first see a nutritionist, but if she is really dedicated to fixing her body, tell her that cardio is the key. Jogging, running, biking, swiming, or even walking. Anything that keeps your body moving.

she should fix her eating habits then worry about exercise cos if you dont eat right all the exercise in the world isnt going to help much.

Does anyone know any effective ways of how to lose weight with out going to the doctors in about a week? -

especially loosing weight on your legs and hips! i am desperate!!!!!!!!!!

The #1 key thing to loosing weight is diet! First things first-- cut out all junk food especially processed sugars-- all of them. Even diet sodas-- they don t have calories-- but they do have dehyfrating factors that will make your body retain water, and make it impossible to lose weight. Next, up your water intake-- try for at least 64 oz per day. This will make you have to pee literally every hour (if not more) at first-- this is normal-- this is your body washing out all of the toxins in your body. After about 1 month of this intake level a day, your body will begin to adjust to it, and you wont have to go as often. A few other helpful food tips-- NEVER eat with the TV on; when we are distracted while we eat, we tend to eat 40-60% more then when we are not. when you portion your plate of food, put about 1/2 of what you usually do. Then once you ve finished eating that, wait about 5-10 minutes-- if you re still hungry, eat a second helping. this will help you to not over eat. Next is to start working exercise into your daily routine. It s much easier to gradually work up to a full work out schedule, rather then just deciding to start working out . Start with just 20 minutes 2x per week. And gradually work yourself up to 60+min 3x per week. You don t want to work out every single day, because you need to give your muscles a chance to recoup. So if you feel like you ve got energy enough to work out more-- do longer, more vigerous, work outs instead of more often. And finally, for a few exercises to focus on to tone legs and hips especially-- cycling, running--jogging--or power walking, lunges, jump rope, and squats. Just remember, that it wont go away over night, and if it does-- then you re doing something terribly wrong. But over time-- you ll start to see a signifigant difference. Good Luck!

try running and walking and doing squats and leg raises. and eat right and lots of water and you should be good. dont plan on losing alot fast because you will only gain it back

eat as much raw vegetables and fruits as you can and avoid eating junk food and eat as much garlic as you can

How to lose weight as soon as possible? -

i have tried many medicines, work out, diets, etc but nothing works as there is no change in 4 months. i am 210 lbs, 5 4 female. now i dont want to workout. i want to eat good food. i have become lazy physically and mentally. is there anything that i can do which can change me and start liking myself and being confident?

You ll have to decide how important it is to you to make some changes. If it s not important, do what you ve been doing. If it is important, then make some changes!There s two ways you could go and I think either way will work for you. First of all, my best suggestion is to learn to eat healthy.��That means understand the food pyramid, the food groups, the recommended servings, etc. That is how you should eat for life! If you eat that way and have 3 small, healthy meals a day and 2 small, healthy snacks, you will lose weight. Each meal should be less than 400 calories and each snack should be about 100-150 calories. Eating highly nutritious foods is the key, so think in terms of lean protein, veggies, whole-grains, fruits, low-fat dairy, and heart-healthy oils.The second option is to do a short-term drastic diet that is designed to last for 2 weeks max. This would take off the most weight rapidly. There are several on the site under Diet Plans but my favorite is the 5-4-3-2-1 diet.��You get to pick what you eat, but you re going to want to pick highly nutritious foods to keep your metabolism working efficiently. Again, the eat healthy page can help you determine what highly nutritious foods are, if you need help with that. If you go on the short-term diet, then once it s over, follow the guidelines on the eat healthy page. Make water your main source of hydration and save the sweet drinks (even diet) for special occasions. Eliminate as much salt and sugar from your diet as you can.The biggest component to fast weight loss is going to be your workout. You will want to make sure you do a good cardio workout every day for weight loss (3 times a week is sufficient to maintain health). Activities that use the large leg muscles burn the most calories. These activities also tone the lower body quite effectively. Think in terms ofpower walking, jogging, biking, skating, swimming laps, jumping rope, dancing, racquetball, and jumping jacks. To make sure that you re burning fat, you need to be sweating and huffing and puffing. In addition, do some good stretches and some strength training. You ll find some really good information on the website, including about five pages of weight loss tips, printable weight loss journal pages, printable exercise log sheets, motivational ideas, healthy recipes, etc.

I know a vital fact. Take over 3 meals per day. Why? Just look at this good source.

How to lose weight and fast for an 11 year old? -

ok well i m 11 4 8 and a whopping 98lbs.i m very musculer i guess the only prob. is my lower stomach school starts in 3 weeks i want to look good for my boyfriend. every time i look in the mirror i cry b/c my friends are like 80 lbs. please help me!

Ok sweetie, first of all, you need to calm down. You are 11 years old!! You shouldn t be worried about this yet!! Since you said you are very muscular, that means that most of your body is probably muscle weight. I m sure your boyfriend WANTS a girlfriend who s in shape like you! And your friends probably weigh so light because they havent matured yet, but when they do, they will gain weight and height and look older. YOU SHOULDNT WORRY ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT YET! But, If you want to work out, you should probably run about 3 miles a day, that will keep you in pretty good shape.

well if u really wanna loose weight u should not eat after 6:00 pm exersice more often about 30 min. a day. well u kno whats funny im tryna loose weight and look @ me givin other pplz advice wow lolz so yea oo and not a lot of sugar gud luck Report Abuse

Your really conceited. And Wow your way too young to have a boyfriend. Report Abuse

Why would you wanna lose weight? I was 120 pounds at your age. If you are muscular than you just have muscle weight. If you want to help lose that lower belly here is what you do. Lay down like you are going to do a crunch. But instead of putting your feet on the floor put them on a raised surface. Also there is no real fast way to lose weight. Also it isn t healthy to lose weight fast, it can cause health problems in the future. You are at a healthy weight at your age. All your friends sound under weight. If they don t start gaining a few pounds they can end up with all the same health problems that overweight people can end up with. You shouldn t worry about your weight until you are close to being overweight. Well if you need any more info you can email me at Hope i helped.

Excess weight or obesity is by far the number one health concern in this country. Sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, including over 20 percent of teenagers. All are at risk for serious physical and emotional health problems.Over three-quarters of obese adults, for example, suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, diabetes or osteoarthritis. Nearly 40 percent have more than one of these conditions. They are also at risk for stroke and cancer. There are over 300,000 deaths per year from weight related causes.Body Mass Index or BMI is a good way to determine if you are carrying too much weight. The BMI is based on your height and weight, but it gives a better estimate than the older ideal body weight tables. Click here to calculate your BMI.Although there are many general causes for weight problems, the most responsible self-empowering one is that you��re simply eating too many calories for the amount of energy you��re expending. To control your weight you either have to decrease your calories or increase your exercise or some combination of the two. On and off dieting will not take care of the problem. Maintaining a healthy weight is a matter of day by day conscious control of both the amount and types of foods you eat and the level of physical activity in your life. --Weight Loss-- -- task=view id=81 Itemid=62 --

I know you will have heard this before but at 11 years old, you shouldn t be so worried about your weight.A lot of girls your age get so concerned with weight the develop eating disorders, before they know it no matter how much they lose they are never thin enough, it can lead to lots of medical problems, including your development into a women.fasting is a really bad idea, girls have done the same thing and stunted their growth, a girl I used to school with done this, she ended developing very late, she had period problems, she didn t grow out like the other girls, she still had a body like a girl at 16, she couldn t eat properly, her teeth rotted.The boys wouldn t date her, we went to see a 12 movie when she was 15 and they wouldn t let her in they thought she was my little kid sister.I know school is a lot of pressure when you are there, I won t tell you it doesn t matter because I was your age once too and it feels like your whole world.You have said you are muscular and it is great you are in good shape, you could do exercises for your stomach, crunchs, sit ups, get info on exercise that is for your tummy muscles.Lots, and I mean lots of people not just girls have problems getting the flat stomach they want, no matter what age they are.You shouldn t be obsessed with weight loss, try the excercise aimed at your stomach, but please dont fast, or starve yourself, it will be very bad for your body.Take Care of Yourself, before any guy, if he doesn t like you for you, then you can do better. Hope this helpedKatie

In your case you say you are very muscular. Well muscles have weight. It may look like you weigh a lot if you weigh your self on the scale as coompared to another 11 year old. You have to ask your self do my clothes fit properly for the size of a healthy muscular eleven year old? If you were to say that you were flabby abd were fat then I would say you should go a diet of restricting your sweet intake. No sodas (diet or regular). No candy no cakes cookies etc. You in your case should eat properly and if you feel you are eating a lot just stick to your vewgetables such as broccoli, spinach string beans, some carrots, mustard greens, collard greens, beans etc. You should also have lean meats such as chicken and turkey and some good meats like roast beef.You should aslo have a good breakfast with an egg and a bowl of oatmeal (no sugar in oatmeal plain oatmeal) Or you can have a good cereal like shredded wheat or special K or cheerios etc as tthese have low sugar content. Also you should eat half a grapefruit with your breakfast and another half a grapefruit with your lunch. Eating properly should help you to metabolize better and to burtn off any fat that you may have.. You can try walking and a little bit of running. You say that you are muscular so you have won half the battle because muscle helps you to metabolize your food better. Following that type of diet and increase your walking and maybe doing calesthenics like touching your toes and doing sit-ups like you probobly learned in school. This will help you to lose the body fat by your lower stomach and you will lose fat weight and then you will start to look better.Cut out the sodas and sweets and drink plenty of water as water will help your body to function properly and you will burn fat and the water will help flush it all out of your body. If you do all that you will lose the 18 lbs in no time at all. Increase your activity and eat proper foods and stay away from sugary drinks and other excessive amounts of cakes cookies candy etc. Good luck and have a good school year.

u will loose it fast. trust me the younger you are the faster and easier it is to loose. when your young (im 15) you will loose it fast ( i did) so you got enough time to drop a decent amount of weight. i droped 10 pounds in 2 weeks by eating very health, ( eating special k cerial) and joging.and your smaller then me so you should loose it fast.good luck and have a happy healthy life.

Your young kid, and 98 pounds isnt bad at all, and an alternative if you dont lose the weight.....dont let your b/f see your lower stomach

you really don t need to be worried about this, especially if you said that you are very muscular, MUSCLE MASS WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT!!

You r still growing. I am willing to bet you have not started your monthly cycle yet. When you do start, you will stop growing then you can worry about weight loss. Right now it should not be a concern because you will get taller and start to shape more.

How to lose weight quickly? -

I have an important event coming up and need to lose a good deal of weight @plz help

Hi, Ana!An important event coming up is a good reason to begin exercising and eating well. However, if for example you went on a silly grapefruit and egg white diet while walking 10 hours daily, you ll give it all up after the important event has been and gone and go back to where you were, right? So, instead, think of this as an opportunity to get on a sustainable path that will serve you well, indefinitely, and stop the weight from returning. Here are five critical suggestions, which you may immediately incorporate into your daily life, that will likely show significant improvements in a few weeks.First, eliminate all processed (refined) carbohydrates. (At the bottom of this reply, I have included links to some free website pages that will show you what foods to eat and what foods to avoid.) When digested all carbohydrates turn into sugar, and sugar becomes fat. Therefore, think of eating carbohydrates as eating sugar. Moreover, think of eating processed (refined) carbohydrates as eating concentrated sugar.Therefore, radically reduce carbohydrate intake. By doing so, you will be forcing your body to BURN FAT FOR FUEL, which is exactly what you want. Get at least 40 and not more than 70 grams of carbohydrates daily from natural sources such as (preferably organic) fresh vegetables and fruits. Second, eat a meal about every 3 waking hours (5 or 6 meals per day). You will not be eating more food; you will simply be spreading it throughout the day. Each of those 5 or 6 feedings must contain at least 15 grams of protein (from natural sources) for a female or at least 20 grams of protein per feeding for a male. This change alone, as long as the PROTEIN is included, will boost your metabolic rate and curb any food cravings.Third, drink plenty of water. Increase your intake daily until you are consuming at least 3 quarts daily--and one gallon daily would be better.Fourth, immediately begin a program of mild fitness exercise (cardio). (At the bottom of this reply, I have added a link to a free Internet resource for a free Walking for Weight Loss Plan that you can start using straight away.)For example, today, go for a walk at the best pace you can manage until you are comfortably tired. Note how far you walked. The day after tomorrow, go for another walk but increase the distance slightly. Continue walking every other day until you are walking 4 miles. Once you are able to do that, slightly increase your pace with each walk until you are walking those 4 miles in just under 1 hour every other day. This will burn many extra calories during an immediately after your walks. An alternative method that some people like is to wear a pedometer and simply ensure that you are walking at least 10,000 steps daily. Fifth, immediately begin a strength training program to increase your lean muscle mass. Lean muscle is a METABOLIC FURNACE that will burn extra calories 24 HOURS DAILY. Male or female, young or old, everyone can quickly lose body fat this way. (At the bottom of this reply, I have included a link for free programs for beginners or more advanced). Work out twice a week using as much weight as you can handle using perfect exercise technique. Concentrate only on the basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, and chins. (The free program will give you specific routines as well as tips for exercising safely.)If in addition you want a good book (you should be able to get it from your local library), I suggest Stuart McRobert s BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT. There is more that you could do. For example, intense cardio for three minutes twice a week, but that may be too much for you too quickly. It is better to focus on making one major change at a time. Then introduce the next one. You could add intense cardio later. If you try to make too many major changes simultaneously, you will likely be frustrated and quit. (Before altering your exercise habits, you may wish to obtain the blessing of your personal physician.) I hope this information helps you, Ana. I hope that you enjoy your forthcoming important event and that by the time it arrives you feel great and look great!The links (below) to the free Internet resources will give you more in-depth information in relation to all that I have said in this reply, plus walking for weight loss plans, mild and intense cardio exercise choices, strength training programs, weight loss diets, metabolism booster tips, carb charts, and everything you need to get started. They are all good and they are all free.All my best wishes.

do cardio exercise, yoga, pilates its great to burn fat and it will tone ur body as well, drink 8-10 glasses of water U should have a healthy balanced diet have more fibre and protein in your diet they keep you full and energized and you should have small meal every 3 hours and don��t eat before 3 hrs of going to bed. check this site for article on soup the hunger satiated, fat burning foods, lazy way to lose weight, high protein diet and fibre and more fibre this should get you started

Eat mini sized portions. Buy a divided baby plate, if the plate is full, it will trick your mind into tricking your tummy. Drink a lot of water if you are hungry between meals, or drink warm water or coffee. (Just watch out for cream and sugar calories.)Always have a protein bar, or a few carrots on hand just in case emergency hunger breaks out and you can no longer take it. Better to eat that than junk.

hi dear,take a look at this program it provides a method by which you can lose weight say like 9 LBs. every 11 days and it really works in a healthy way, see for yourself , hope it helps.

stop eating! Its not rocket science, eat less, do more. How ever you set about it... grapefruits to fill you up... meal replacement bars etc, it all amount to the same scientific principle. less calories.

if you want to do it safely I m afraid there is no fast way to loose allot of wait sorry

soopa modal sticka finga down throat go *bleh bleh*

How to lose weight? -

Here s my diet plan.1. 20 crunches, 20 jumping jacks, and 20 push ups.2. A glass of hot chocolate for breakfast.3. A grilled cheese sandwich and water for lunch.4. 5 saltine crackers and water for snack.5. 20 jumping jacks and volleyball.6. A grilled cheese sandwich and water for dinner.7. Sleep.Is that a good diet plan?

that is horrible have you ever heard of a balanced diet? something like thisMonday - Wednesday - FridayMeal 1-1 Cup Cereal-? Cup Milk-8 oz Orange JuiceMeal 2-? Cup Breakstone��s Cottage Cheese-? Cup PineappleMeal 3-3 Slices Deli Turkey-2 Slices Bread-1 Slice Cheese -Yoplait LightMeal 4-1/8 cup Almonds-? cup PineappleMeal 5 -4 oz Chicken and 1 cup veggies 1/2 baked potato (no butter or sour cream)Tuesday - ThursdayMeal 1-1 Cup Cereal-? Cup Milk-8 oz Orange JuiceMeal 2-? Cup Breakstone��s Cottage Cheese-? Cup GrapesMeal 3-3 Slices Deli Turkey-2 Slices Bread-1 Slice Cheese -1 Yoplait LightMeal 4-1/8 Cup Almonds-? Cup GrapesMeal 5 -4 oz Chicken and 1 cup veggies 1/2 baked potato (no butter or sour cream)

No, not really sorry. You re better off going on walks or running or exercise, and hot choco and grilled cheese is just not what you eat to lose weight, nto o mentions crackers. You have no protein, no real nutrients other than the fat from the cheese...just, no.

skip the hot chocolate, try having some fruit in the morning, and the for lunch, try a salad with veggies/ fruits, and water, and for dinner something like some salad and a bagal, also, try jump roping or jumping on a tramopline, its mroe fun, and your hart rate goes up faster, wich is a good sign that your are going to be more healthy

How to lose weight without diet pills? -

i need help. i want to lose weight without diet pills but with exercise. how can i do it.

I think it s great that your going with exercise and avoiding the drugs. I lost 15 pounds since Dec. by exercising 4 times a week at the gym and staying away from the junk food. Try cereals like oatmeal and fruit in the morning , a lunch of whatever you want, if you work you ll burn most of those calories by evening, and for dinner a salad,and water all day. When you start your exercise program start slow,it s not a sprint, think of it like a marathon.

I think that you should avoid all junk foods and try to so ur best to stay away from anything that will harm your body. Report Abuse

exercise and eating healthy foods is great. i try, but i just can t seem to lose weight. too many cravings.

Walk for 15 - 20 minutes a day. A brisk walk. Drink lots of water to flush out your system. And cut down on the portions of food you eat. Try not to eat anything fried.

Stop eating McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken on a daily basis!

Shut up and EAT!!!!!just relax your food thoughts, and dont think about it too much, just speaking from my own personal experiance! I was Bulimic/dieter for 8 years, my weight went up and down, I always thought about food... till I said to my self SHUT UP AND EAT! lost 20kgs, I eat everything now... but I just eat what I need, and its not a problem... (i know its sounds easier than it is, but 4 years I have been the same weight and super sexy too!!!)

go through any of the diet planscheck out the link:

Count your calories. Exercise. It s that simple. I ll give you a website that s pretty cool with some neat tools.

You have to get on a good routine including cardio and resistance. Watch what you eat cutting out the junk and sodas. When you exercise, get your heart rate up enought to burn the fat. You can learn more about exercise programs and weight loss by reading these articles.

The South Beach Diet worked great for me. I found it to be healthier than any of those other diets because it consisted of a very balanced diet. The first 2 weeks were hard because you can t have any carbs, but after that it becomes more like a way of life rather than a diet. I learned that there are so many healthy carbs to eat and that anything in moderation is good. I lost 20 pounds on this diet and I lost another ten after adding in yoga to my exercise routine. Everyone is different so my advice to you is try different things and don t give up--it took me many years to find what works for me.

First foremost, motivation, self-discipline self-determination. Cut back on red meat. Eat dinner by 7pm. Make a schedule stick to it. Eat more fruits vegetables-raw or steamed. Salads. Drink plenty of water. No soda. Yogurt. Smoothies.

Losing weight depends on burning more calories than you take in. Try to look at the calorie burn versus intake one week at a time. The easiest way to cut calories is drink water. Juice is healthy but it has calories. You do not have to kill yourself at the gym if you have a sensible diet.

All you need to do is completely cut out junk food.. eat sensibly. Lean cuisine from walmart or any other grocery store are really good.. and if your still hungry eat fruit or jello with like fat free cool whip... just look for low calorie foods.. special k bars are really good for snacks too.. and keep up with exercise and you will lose the weight no problem.

At first start out doin a minimum exercise like walkin then joggin or do75 situps (be sure to do it at about the same time everyday so your body gets adapted to it) then on the next week or so do 25 more. or pushups is a gud option also cuz it works out your arms but at the same time it flattens your stomach. and healthy food before and bout 15 min after work out. Trust me, I did that and i lost, first 6 pounds the 3rd week then it jux melted off. So from now on i do a reasonable amount of exercises a day. Good luck!

no eating after 7:00 p.m.