Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Is liposuction the way to go for weight loss? -

I ve tried every weight loss program and I m ready to try liposuction, what should I expect?

Good luck, if you plan on liposuction! I would never even think of it (but I m completely terrified of needles). Here s a page on the different procedures (ahhhhh). I m a believer of hard work, and not taking the easy path to anything. Being committed to exercise just 3 times a week and sticking to low fat foods, I can t see how anyone can t lose weight. I lost 15 pounds in 6 months doing this. No pills, no depriving myself, no liposuction. Just treadmill or bike 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, and adjusted my eating habits a little. I would reward myself once every weekend with some kind of junk food (a chocolate bar, cheeseburger, milkshake...). Here s another site that discusses natural weight loss

its okay as long as the extra skin gets removed as well, cause with nothing to fill it its just going to sag or hang off your body. should be used as a last resort, try to lose weight naturally.Healthy Weight Loss : Start right away��Helpful Tips to lose weight��The Best Weight Loss Program��Sleep well and Lose weight��10 tips to maximize your metabolism.��7 Things you need to know about losing fat��6 dieting tips to lose weight��

It certainly is one of the quickest ways. However, it is quite expensive, comparatively speaking. Get ready for a large ($$$) bill!

Have you tried natural Hormone therapy coupled withglandular therapy? Have you read NourishingTraditions? If you have not done these thing thenI challege you to do them and read.These are not crash diets, and there are no counting caloriesjust natural food that your body was meant to have.BTW i would bet the FARM that you have a hormonaldisorder that is making it hard for you to lose anything.Get support for your endocrine glands...

NO! stop being lazy and get off your fat *** and MOVE! don t use a program, start exercising more. i know its hard and takes lot of self discipline, but liposuction doesn t prevent it from all coming back if you don t change your mentions!!

No, you will gain the weight right back as your body will harvest food as soon you lose it after surgery.

liposuction is not a good way to lose weight. I have a friend of mine who applied for that and she just looks terrible. She is 300 pounds overweight and after the surgery, the flabs of skin are huge. I lift one of the flabs and it felt disgusting.It made her image a total wreckI recommend you not do the procedure.

a painful way to get a temporary result.

well, you shouldn y try it because it is not right. it s just sucking all the fat off you. try another excersize program. have you tried curves?

It is certainly the easiest way.However, scientists have shown that having fat removed by liposuction does NOT produce the extact same results as dieting.When you have liposuction done, your risk of certain weight-related diseases does NOT drop, whereas if you diet, your risk DOES drop.Strange and depressing. Plus the price of liposuction is no small matter.Personally, I would go with the liposuction anyway, and I would still try to change my eating habits just to be on the safe side. Good luck!

If you are 30 pounds overweight--then liposuction will help you.If you are more than 100 pounds overweight-then obesity surgery like lapband or gastric bypass surgery will help cousin got her lap band surgery in India last year--and lost 110 pounds in 1 year--and this year she got her tummy tuck surgery done to get rid of loose skin hanging.her treatment wasarranged by the forerunners healthcre company---India is very cheap and safe for these surgeries.hope this helps.

NO!!Liposuction is major surgery. There is an increased chance of blood clots and all other risks associated with surgery. Unless you change your lifestyle to include a better diet and excercise, the weight will not stay off.

Have you tried ShapeWorks? I have lost 6 lbs and 7.25 inches in my fisrt week. My dad lost 9 lbs his first week. One of my friends lost 60 lbs his first month. Everyone is different. Go to for more infoYou cannot find these in stores.Email me if you have any questions.

Expect to gain weight in other areas. Fat cells are done being made by the time you are in your teens. So if you have those fat cells sucked out of your body the extra calories that increase the size of your fat cells have to go somewhere else, so they go to what is left. For example, if you have a large belly but a small butt and you have liposuction on your belly, in the next couple years you might notice that your butt is getting huge. That is because the fat cells in your stomach that used to absorb the extra calories aren t there anymore.


Geesh, people can be so judgemental, can t they? Obviously either people who ve never had a weight problem, or the converted (I can never decide which is worse). I ve struggled with my weight for a good portion of my adult life. From about 16 my weight yo-yo d up and down from being unhealthily underweight to unhealthily overweight. My wardrobe had every size in it from a 6 to a 20. I ve done every diet going and never seemed to get anywhere for very long (except for those times when I literally was too poor to be able to eat more than one meal a day - which is NOT a healthy way to lose weight!)Finally I found a program that worked! They are out there. There are successful ways of losing weight, but it s never a miracle solution. It always requires work.I m not going to go down the route of explaning to you the 101 things you can do to try and lose weight, because that s not what you asked for. You asked for information about liposuction. If you are serious about considering it, go and talk to your doctor. Yes, you will lose weight overnight. But... it s not perfect. You don t come out looking like Cindy Crawford. You will come out with excess skin (which depending on how much fat you are having suctioned may mean you need surgery to remove it). The immediate affect (after the swelling and bruising has gone) is also very lumpy. Until your body starts to metabolise the fat, it doesn t look slim and slender, it looks like a sack of potatoes.The immediate side affects: there will be pain, there will be bruising and swelling. Depending on how many incisions are made, how much fat is removed and how well the procedure goes, there may be a lot of drainage, possibility of infection and scarring.Liposuction is actually most effective on, ��Normal-weight people with firm, elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas.�� This is a really good site for information about it: you do decide to proceed with liposuction, the most important thing to do is talk to a dietician. Get some sound advice on how to adjust your lifestyle AFTER the surgery to ensure you don t regain the weight.The choice is yours. It s not for me personally, but that doesn t mean it s not a viable option.

well i think you should try your hardest exercise as much as you can but still even when you lose weight, for being heavy, you get access skin which you cant help only by gettin surgery done. so you do what you think is right. good luck!