Friday, September 20, 2013

Can i lose weight by doing this? -

If i drink 3 bottles of water a day (48oz) and watch my carb and fat load will i lose weight fast? Like 2 lbs a week? o more?

u might not lose 2 pounds a week but it will be healtherand u should be aiming for a healthier body not a lighter body.

Maybe. If you re overweight (like really over weight) then simple diet changes WILL make you lose weight at first. 2 - 4 pounds a week but if you re at most 10- 20 pounds over these simple diet changes will not help you lose weight fast. In fact, they will keep you at a constant and you have more of a chance of gaining the weight back. Trust me, I did exactly what you did and I gained the weight back once I stopped working out.I suggest exercising along with your diet. 30 minutes a day for 4 days at first and then gradually add on 10 minutes every 2 weeks. I guarantee you will lose weight fast. Cardio is your friend. Try the treadmill, eliptical, cardio dvds (billy blanks is the best!), spinning...whatever you can do, do it!

mm, it depends if it is a big change to your usual eating habits.i think as long as you don t eat BAD fats or carbs, then it s okay. but you still NEED to eat GOOD carbs and fats. yes there s sucha thing. haha. look it up on line. its in seafood and nuts. dont eat too much nuts, but a small handful a day is good for you.and i dont really suppose the carb diets, cuz everyone needs a certain amount of carbs, calories, their bodies.the 3 bottles of water thing...well..that s like 2 cups per bottle. right? so total is about 6 cups of water a day?...i think that s the least you should be drinking. this is applied to everyone, everyone should drink a lot of water daily. 2lbs a week is pretty big. i dunno. im trying to lose weight also., i just loveee food xD should also exercise.hey you wanna talk?

The obvious way to burn fat is to eat less food and workout more often, the issues arise when we really attempt to put that into practice! There are a lot of opportunities to fail in the big wide world don t you think?! I discovered some good help by visiting the website in the box below, they have a lot of tips, I worked off 10 pounds by following their techniques.

try brisk walking an hour everyday as well,of course it will be easy to lose 2 lbs/week,thats the perfect rate for losing excess body fat

You need to get on a fitness program that engages in you various styles of exercise and a sound nutrition.

I geuss so but it matters how much you weigh the more you weigh the more weight you will lose

yes but you also need to exercise too!

How To Lose Weight Fast? -

Well its summer time and I want to lose fast . Any recommendations what diet program I should use , what exercises to take and so on. All suggestions welcome

don t eat fatty food its first thing you need to cut off. If you can t try to limit your intake fat. coz its summer its good time to loose wait as we sweat more we burn more calories. I prefer exercise rather than using fat burning pills or diets so pick what you like best of luck.

Work out and diet, its the only way. Oh yeah, dont post losing weight questions in dental.

The treadmill would help a lot... jog, DO NOT TRY DIETING try lifting weights too. Do fifty sit-ups a day.