Friday, March 16, 2018

What is the best exercise to lose weight fast? -

Cardio, Cardio, Cardio!!!: Running, swimming, biking, even dancing!Crunches, sit ups, to flatten the absLunges, squats, leg-lifts to firm and tone your legs and bottomAnd remember to eat well, small portioned meals, take out soda COMPLETELY, and replace it with tons of WATER! Take out the chips, fries, burgers, cookies and other sweets and replace them with fruits and veggies. Good luck :)


cardio work out. getting your heart rate up


A lot of cardio. Jogging will help out your heart rate. Which will keep you in good condition and eat cereal in the morning and a regular size meal at lunch time and a salad,vegetables or fruits in the eving before 6 because it becomes fat stored in your stomach. A lot of water about 8 to 10 glasses of water. Its hard but try drinking about one glass of water every hour or other hour. This really works. I have shed a lot of wieght with this technic.

3 v 3 soccer.Edit: I never did anything to loose weight but ^this is pretty exhausting.

runningswiming if you can swim


Running Running Running it...don t just lay there...or use the link below to find alternitives...



play futsal and badminton.. jogging is bad!

exercise is not every thing you can lose weight by walking 1 hour everday .how much are you eating and what are you is very important you eat right or exersize wont work.

jogging is the best and when u start sweating after that at lest 30 min. more

If you are serious about loosing extreme weight then do this:Breakfast: 2 fruits, warm water with lemon.Lunch: just veggies, sure maybe a fruitDRINK ALOT OF WATER!!!!!!!!!!Dinner: mostly vegg, one little peice of meat, and barely any carbsTake ur vitamins and such to keep urself looking healthy! Ok no for physical movement.It has been said that 30 minutes of hard core cardio to get your metabolism on speed drive works.. that is very true... So pump up your music and go crazy for 30 minutes.. thats the funnest way to burn calories for me at least! Then 60 situps a day.. untill u can do 100 a day.. including scrunches and 5 minute hovers. do squats for buttand run after dinner. good luck

do back ups and drink a lot of water have two carrots a day between breakfast and lunch these will increase Ur metabolism and help u burn out all ur unwanted fats and cholesterol and convert it into energy try it continue sly for 10 day u will surely notice the change

Treatment for Excessive Fat and Weight :-PHYTOLACCA BERRY s Mother Tincture is perhaps the safest and sure fire way of loosing excessive fat around abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry once you loose the excessive fat and weight you don t get it back because you body takes care of itself after that and keeps you from gathering up excessive fat. It is prescribed after having a baby too, to get the tummy to loose its flab and to make it flatter and tighter. And after loosing weight with this you don t get flabby it tightens up the flab and skin along with helping your body to shed the excessive accumulation of fat around the girthThe dosage is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before or after meals.Avoid Chocolates, Coffee, Mints, Red Meat and Carbonated and Alcoholic drinks while taking Homeopathic Medicines. You have to take it for at least 30 to 45 days after that you start to feel the results. To the best of my knowledge its the safest and the most sure fire way of loosing fat and weight and keeping it of for keeps. Excellent remedy for Obese people who cant seem to shed weight despite trying.Homeopathic Remedies can be found at all Major Herbal Stores or could be bought on line, In most of the world Homeopathic remedies are quite cheap and easy to find and they do not need a prescription.Take care and God Bless !ATTENTION :- Please give a valid and working email ID if you want a reply to your email queries lots of people send me mails which can not be replied to. So please validate your email address before you send me an email. Thank You

RUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNINGGGGGGG sucks like a dick but it needs to be done!! i did it all last week for 20 minutes and lost 4 lbs!

Cardio. You ve got to burn more calories than you take in. Period.

any with cardio


See this site for that since it explains in detail why it is the best so you will know this now and forever. This site has everything you need to know. It is mostly NOT your fault, if you need to lose weight. The way you have been taught to eat is responsible for making obesity the number one health problem in the world (according to Atlantic Monthly magazine) soon surpassing hunger and infectious disease. So you are a victim of this pandemic (epidemic).You need to re-learn how to eat. Find out about fastest way to lose weight, slow ways to lose weight, most effective exercise and anti-water. Lose bodyfat and retained water which also makes you a lot fatter (bloated). Learn everything on site below so you can understand how food and exercise affects your body. Do this and you can be thin.Do this not, and you will remain part of the biggest pandemic in all of history. Due to this pandemic, for the first time in 100 years, the children of Americans have a lower life expectancy than their parents. Plus click on Pure Water to make sure the water is not hurting you.

Running everyday for like hours and eating healthy

Make it fun turn on some upbeat music you love and dance dance dance it does work


The following healthy living recommendations will help you if you��re trying to lose weight, tone up your muscles, have aspirations of building lean muscle mass, are attempting to get a wash board stomach, or just want to feel better:*1) Burn more calories then you re consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula: Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus Physical Activity. Get a fitness calculator that you can put on your cell phone and computer. This will allow you to easily calculate this formula, log your daily calorie consumption, and register your physical activities.*2) Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money. Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement. Avoid ��High Glycemic Load Carbs�� (sugar, pastries, desserts, refined starches such as breads, pasta, refined grains like white rice; high starch vegetables such as white potatoes) and drink lots of water. Do not try fad diets or diet pills. Here is an excellent food pyramid that anyone can follow:��*3) Exercise on most days by doing cardiovascular training and/or resistance training activities. Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure your doing all resistance training exercises correctly. A great book to buy that teaches you the resistance training basics is ��Weight Training for Dummies��. A superb magazine to buy with excellent resistance training routines that will not get you bored is Muscle and Fitness . Signup for the free newsletter.A good book to buy that teaches you the cardiovascular training basics is ��Fitness for Dummies��. *4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health, and safety. *5) Educate yourself continually on health issues and make a life long commitment to good health. A great free publication is ��Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005��. A superb book to read is ��You The Owner��s Manual��. An excellent periodic publication is the ��Nutrition Action Health Letter��. A reputable test you can take to measure your biological age is at http://realage.comLook at all areas where you can enhance your health. For example, make improvements in the quality of the air you breathe. Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier. Email me if you want a good indoor air purifier recommendation and if you have other questions.*Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations. The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.