Thursday, July 26, 2007

Any tips??? -

I am trying to lose weight and I workout 5 times a week for about 30 mins. I haven t seen any my question is if anyone has any weight loss tips???

I have lost over fifty pounds and I can tell you that caloric intake is 75% of weight loss. In other words, if you want to lose weight, you need to restrict your caloric intake to create a deficit.Think of your body like a potted plant. Calories are the pot and you are the plant. If you plant something in a small pot, it won t get any bigger than the pot allows it to get. The same thing happens with your body. You only want to feed your body the amount of calories it takes to nourish the body size you want to be. If you give it only that amount of calories, you will shrink to fit the given pot. Conversely, if you give your body more calories than it needs (a bigger pot) it will grow to the size the calories will sustain.The great part is that if you exercise on top of this, your body looks better and you can potentially lose faster.

Eat lots of fruit, drink lots of water, Plenty of rest.

I worked out 40 minutes a day for 12 weeks, at the end of that time, I had gained 3 pounds, but was down a full size. Look at the way your clothing feels before you get discouraged.As for dog....above me, a young male will always lose weight faster then a woman your age, trust me...same situation. It is a battle and Good Luck.

Don t be overly concerned about weight. Focus more on looking good and being healthy. Using the following program, I lost 5 lbs a week for eight weeks.Diet is extremely important. To slim your body you must:Burn more calories than you eat. Cut your fat intake. Eat three cups of fat free low cal yogurt a day (make sure it has live cultures in it) and pineapples. This helps you break down your food. Do 45-60 min. of aerobic exercise a day (preferably before you eat in the morning). This will attack the fat.I lost 40 lbs in two months and have kept it off for two more months doing this. I also took my body fat % from 30% to 14%Be Blessed

I need help to lose weight? Any tips? -

I m pretty overweight. Help me, I really want to be thinner, and more pretty. Do you have any weight loss tips?I m 13. 5 8, and, 170 pounds or 77 kg. :(Help me, please?!

Its good that your getting proactive about your health, and to put it easily dear, just exercise. Remember your only 13, you have plenty of time to still grow and and your too young to worry about you weight. Trust me every one want to be more pretty, that shouldnt be your motivation to lose wait. But anyways, ill give you something you can work with i guess. First thing, cut the fatty foods. I know they taste good, but they arent good for you. Eat fruits and vegetables, things like that you know. Next, get involved in a sport in school. Even if your not good at it, at least you are getting exercise. Track, softball things like that will help a great deal. Exercise on your own. Running works every muscle in your body, therefore it burns the fat off every muscle too. Ever seen those runners on the olympics? They are stick figures. Do sit ups to work out your stomach or crunches if you cant do sit ups, also go to the gym if you have the ability. Most of all, you have to be motivated to want it. Its going to be hard but weight loss is mostly a mental game. Dont expect results immediately they wont come that quick. If you want to stay fit you have to be ready for a life time of exercise. But anyway, just remember that you can do it, I believe in you, it just has to be for the right reasons. If you do it for vanity reasons you will never be satisfied. Your still young, very young and just realize that once your out of that judgmental environment that you really are pretty despite what people say and youll see how little how pretty I look matters to you as you get older. Beauty s not a competition, you should want to lose weight for your health. And hey, if your healthy and just a little overweight its better than being skinny and unhealthy okay, remember that.

according to your stats your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 25.8, so your suggested weight range is at about 164. So your not over weight at all. Just because your thinner wont make you any pretty. It doesn t matter how pretty you are on the outside, if your ugly on the inside no one will like you. But if you really want to just lose weight the best bet would be by plain old exercising and watching what you eat. There are ton s of calories in snack junk foods so be careful. You lose weight when you burn more calories than you intake. Now don t go and starve yourself because when you continuously do your body will slow your metabolism and Your body will take calories from everything you eat and store it in your body, thus making it harder. You can try a detox program to jump start your diet (1st week lose up to 5-10) but ask you doctor first so he can help u out and give you more info. Hope i helped.

Weight Loss Tips��--Drink more water----Increase your protein intake----Eat Negative calorie food -- --Eat slowly----Cut down the sugar intake-----Do not skip meals----Eat breakfast everyday ----Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Exercise(Aerobics and Strength Training)--Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--��

The key for losing those extra pounds is not difficult - eat less food and workout more often - the issues arise when we actually try to put that into practice! There are plenty of temptations in the big wide world don t you think?! I uncovered some good help by following the web resource in the box below, they have plenty of instruction, I lost 7 pounds by taking their advice.

Why dont you eat grapefruits 30 minutes B4 u eat solid real food.And when your eating always insert celery and leavy products.Also after you should do 30 minutes of running,jogging, and walking that might help your heart and lose a bit of weight.Also my mom lost 10 pounds =D (in 2 weeks)

ok when i was 13 i was a little chubby too but youre not bad at all!! its mostly probably baby fat when i was 14 i remember i walked my dog in my neighborhood once almost everyday for like 30-45 minutes and after about a month of that i lost ten pounds when you get older you naturally lose some of that baby fat without trying but walking like 30 minutes a day or everyother day will help speed it along but your 13 have fun a little don t worry too much about it everyone has this phase!!!

First of your only 13 so find exercise in things you like such as hockey, dancing, riding bikes, anything you can keep up doing that won t get boring. Remember the more fun you have doing it, the more you ll do it.Opt for a healthy meal like chicken and veggies instead of going to McDonalds.Drink lots of water and chew slowly. Our brains imagine they are hungry due to dehydration and chewing slowly makes your stomach have a longer time to realize your hungry.Another is never eat starving. When your really hungry you eat faster. So just get hungry and eat a little something. Lastly, try to put the fork down inbetween bites to help you eat slowly.Hope I was helpful. : )-Bri

Don t take pills--- very importantif you want to lose weight its hard work!*****Doing it yourself*****Dont eat any fast food EVEN ONCE IN A MONTH!!Have an food calorie organizer. Dont gain more than 1300 calories a day. Eat more fruits and vegitables. Excercise a lot in GYMs, and jog in the morinings at least a mile.This will make you lose weight fast and also stay fit.***********Other stuff you can do*******The stuff they advertise on TV are helpfull too but you ll need to do all the excercises in the program, and ill tell you thats a killer.Best of them are cardo-s, lifting weight is not as helpuf as cardio or dances cuz you will need to move a lot.HOPE YOU WILL GET TO YOUR GOAL!!GOOD LUCK ;)

ok well you are only 13 so u really shouldnt be too worried about that now. however, if u do want to try just try eating a little less. start by eating 3 quarters of what u would normally eat and once ur body gets used to that cut ur meal in half. try to cut out the junk and eat more healthy foods. whatever u do make sure u keep eating. the worse thing u can ever do is starve yourself. also, dont go too overboard but try a little bit of exercise. dont worry about ur weight right now. you ll be fine =D i hope i helped and good luck 3

You re 13, you shouldn t be obsessed with becoming thinner. Yet if you want to be in shape/healthier you can start by eating healthier (NOT MEANING THAT YOU STOP EATING!) Make better choices when you re eating. Also try picking up a sport-�� that will get you goinggood luck

Hi, I understand your problem and expection,Me too had ribs and tyre like structure few months after using Turbomelt i lost around 18 pounds on around 18 days, your try this one, they come with 14 days, but you have a pay around 4$ for shipping, you can get from the following special recommended to turbomelt..

your only 13 i wouldnt say going on a strick diet is the best way, but being active and watching what you eat should help. if you want to go on a diet talk to your doctor so they have a diet that suits you best, not all diets are made for the same kind of people.

The same advice which applies to anyone: eat less, and exercise more. It would be good if you could unload about thirty pounds -- but you may not be done growing, so don t push it.

If you commit yourself to walking/jogging twice a week, you will be on your way to giving others advice on how to lose some lbs.

For your height you are not too bad, your only plump. I suggest you should just do the diet and exercise thing since u don t need to loose a whole lot. Low carb high protein worked for me.

plan your meals before hand so you know exactly what you want and you can t be temptedeat healthyexercise (cardio like running and swimming)make sure to recieve lots of protein :P

stop shoveling food in your pie holefat dumb stupid is no way to go though life.

Weight Loss Tip!! Please help!!? -

Ok so i do cheer leading and i want to loose some weight so i can be the flyer. Does anyone know any good ideas that you can loose weight reasonably quickly, im willing to put in a lot of effort towards my goal! Any ideas at all??

The formula for losing weight is not difficult - consume less and move more - the issues arise when we in reality try to put that into practice! There are a lot of stumbling blocks in the real world aren t there?! The only diet which clearly worked for me is wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box underneath, they have a small number of free trials remaining, it has been highlighted in Fox News and CNN. I shed 20 pounds, it clearly does work!

I want to lose weight? also is this weight right for my height...? -

hey guyssso im 5 8, about 145 lbs, and 12 years oldand yes i know im tall for my age hahai was wondering is this weight normal?i have been trying to shape up and lose a little weight this summerbcz im not comfortable with my body like i want to tone up my absand thighs and i dont feel confidentso pleaseee i need some weight loss tips school starts in a couple weeksbest answer gets 10 pts!thank youuu :]

I just calculated your BMI (body mass index)Underweight: below 18.5Normal Weight: 18.5-24.9Overweight: 25-29.9Obese: 30 or greaterYou scored 22.0So, you re perfect!

Totally normal weight. If you feel as though you want to tone up and build your strength, confidence....try some floor exercises or walking.

yes actually very normal b cause you are so tall. please don t listen to those other people saying you need to lose some weight. you are a perfect weight and we don t need another anorexic! LOLgood luck!

Going to vegas friday and need to lose weight and tighten thighs hahaw -

what are some quick vacation weight loss tips.. tighten tighs and los my belly a bit..i was also thinking the body wraps?

Have you treid this excerise video��

How can I modify my already healthy diet to lose weight? -

Lately I ve been looking online to try to find a diet to help me lose a few pounds (or 10), but every website I visit tells me things I already do in my daily diet. Most weight loss tips are geared toward people who are significantly overweight, but I m only 125 to begin with, I work out moderately, and eat healthy. So my question is, considering I already eat a diet (approximately 1600 calories) very high in fruits vegetables, a little bit of whole grains, a little chicken or fish, and good fats like peanut butter, hummus, avacado.. is there anything I can do or a good diet anyone knows of that I can follow to help shed the extra lbs? Any low calorie recipes, or short term diets (so I can lose before my vacation at the end of August), or any tips at all that might help would be greatly appreciated! (And if I get any girls around many calories do you eat how much do you exercise?) Thank you in advance! :D

Consider the frequency of your meals - 1,600 Cals consumed in three large meals is less effective than 1,600 consumed in 5 or 6 smaller meals. grazing will help to keep your metabolism revved and you will even experience a noticeable increase in energy. Also, are you varying your workout routine? Are you just doing cardio or are you incorporating in some weight/strength training as well? Increasing your lean tissue will help significantly to keep you burning more Cals 24/7. Muscle does burn fat and your body will become tight and toned! Remember to keep your cardio routine varied as well. Mix up the intensity and duration, try circuit training (using different machines back to back), or interval training (sprint for a minute, then jog, then sprint, etc..)

How tall are you, because maybe you don t even need to lose weight!!!Im 110 (5 2), I eat around 2000 calories a day, and exercise. A lot of women mess up by UNDER EATING! You need enough calories to get in shape. If you dont eat enough calories, you can get that belly pooch because your body is trying to keep things in reserve.I work out every other day if possible, and change it up between treadmill and elliptical, and light weights.So, I wouldnt change any of your eating habits, except make sure you dont drink soda, and drink enough water. I think you just need to do some toning exercises if you have some problem areas. Be healthy, and it sounds like you already are =)

Try to eat more than just a little whole grains. Also, make sure you have all natural penut butter, because most have hydrodynated oils, just one gram of the hydrodynated oils can make you gain 5 lbs. Also, if you eat a good amount of things like penut butter, even though they are good fats, try to eat less. If you aren t already eating walnuts you may want to start. Just an ounce a day can really help you loose weight. Also, you may want to try yoga. It is relaxing and doesn t get you awfully tired, but gives you a great workout, and helps you gain lean muscle.