Sunday, June 24, 2007

What are the reprocutions or being overweight at a young age? -

im 13 yrs old and around 5 10. i weight 200 on a good day (usually around 205) am i in serious trouble and i neeed a couple weight loss tips. Thanks!

You must get out and start exercising. Because you are young, your weight loss will be easier and quicker than it will be as you get older. Eat a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean white meats. Avoid all starches, red or fatty meats, and oils. No junk food at all. Substitute fat free/ sugar free treats for other sweets, so that you can feel happy when you need a sugar fix, but at the same time, you are not killing yourself. There are so many great food products for dieters out there, the variety is great, best thing to do, read the labels on the backs of all store bought foods. You want zeroes in the cholesterol, sat. fat and trans fat column. There is NO real difference between trans and saturated fat. Both are bad. Get under 6 grams of Sat. fat and 0 in the trans fat and cholesterol and those are the prepared foods that you can enjoy. Once you get in the habit of reading labels, you will be a pro in no time at picking out foods that are good for you. Remember must EXERCISE....walking is the best, use small light handweights and just walk, hit the hiking trails, nature trails, a track at school, do the mall (without stopping) about 4-5 times, just move. It s essential. Drink lots of water, avoid Pop, even the diet sodas. Water washes out excess salt in our bodies and keeps us hydrated and feeling fuller longer. You can do this...this isn t punishment, you are making a choice and it s a good one. Stick with it, in 6 months you will look and feel quite different.

You re just in time to stop this trend otherwise you re facing diabetes, heart trouble, high blood pressure which can lead to stroke heart failure or both by th time you re thirty. stay away from sweets, fried foods and sugary drinks and snacks. cut down on dairy products and exercise. A brisk half hour walk every day does wonders. When you feel hunger pangs drink water and eat fruit. And there are alot of fat free and sugar free foods to choose from. Don t be discouraged. Weight loss is quick in the first couple of weeks then it stabilises. tha when ostart to lose the real fat. stick with it. Your health is at stake...

Generally, overweight as a youth means overweight as an adult. More than that, the adult seems to get a higher percentage of fat than the kid had.It is supposed that the main culprit is bad dietary habits that are never unlearned as an adult.Life expectancy can be reduced by 20-40 years, and a never-ending rash of diseases, like diabetes.How to lose weight? Very simp[le - STOP EATING! There is no other solution. NEVER eat anything that was not raw before YOU cooked it. McDonald s is off limits because YOU didn t cook it! No potato chips, nothing that was processed (cheese, canned goods) - only get raw vegs and fruits and meats (no more than 4 oz s of meat per day), and get off you butt and exercise - only if it is walking around the block.Now, here s the killer - This is NOT temporary activity that you abandon after you drop a few pounds. This is what you have to do for the rest of your life!Not willing to do that? Then you re gonna be a tubbo all your life, and die early. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is so important I repeat it - NO EXCEPTIONS!There are no pills - YOU have to stop shoving crap into your mouth, and get up off your butt and move around a bit. NO EXCEPTIONS! Ron.

exercise like 10 min a day and watch your calories that really all it is THE CALORIES :) it worked for me

My son s doctor said it is the equivalent of letting you ride in a car without a seat belt. This puts you at great risk of diabetes, and no one wants to loose their toes! It also puts you at a high risk of heart problems, and blood pressure issues.His doctor suggested not having him to try to loose weight, but to get rid of sodas, juices and packaged food, saving those for special occasions such as birthday parties. Get out of the house and away from the TV several times a week.

You could face many problems if you don t control your weight!! Diabetes, heart problems, respirtory diseases, those are just a few of the major ones being overweight can cause. You need to do more exercise, eat more fruits and veggies, switch to diet pop (or quit it all together), low fat lowcarb foods, plenty of protein! And drink lots of water every day! At least 8 large glasses! I carry a bottle with me every day! Good luck!carla

hate to be the one to break it to you, but.. type 1 and 2 diabetes , high blood pressure, joint problems, are just a few things that you could be looking forward too, don t get me wrong, it is not to late, it is not to late, plenty of people have come though this, and lived happy long lives, but it s going to take some deliberateness on your part,taking it easy and doing what s easy is what got you there. now i would caution on too much too soon, just try doing something good for your self each day, eat an apple instead of a Twinkies, walk some place instead of drive, wake up 10 min early and run up and down some stairs, try doing a audit on your eating habits, see what could be done by simply removing some food as a possibility (i.e. if your eating a lot of Doritos, simply cut them out), try giving up soda, treat your self with health not all diets work for all people, and some diets only can take you so far, do your research, enjoy the process, do not give upoh and the health of a body rides on 4 tires physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional, don t let ether get too low or too inflated in your new life style changing process

one would be being overweight the rest of your adult life. not to mention joint and back pain, cardiovascular problems , high blood pressure , blood sugar problems and those are just to name a few !GET UP AND MOVE !! eat right and get a good nights rest and repeat !

I ll deal with your question. Some of the repercussions of childhood obesity are type 2 diabetes, adult obesity, pediatric hypertension (high blood pressure), increased risk of heart disease, increased stress on weight-bearing joints with resulting pain and/or joint disorders, lower self-esteem, problems with peer relationships, and possible social and pshychological issues.Speak to your doctor, who can help you and refer you to a nutritionist. It s easy for us to say Hey, eat right and exercise but it s not that easy to do and no one s telling you anything in detail. Right now, you need personal and individual attention and guidance to know what and how much to eat, what foods to avoid to eat less of and how to become more active. What exercises you should be doing or what outdoor activities would be good for you. There are summer programs at the YMCA that are perfect for you. You and your parents can look into that.

You need to see a doctor sweetie and get on a program that can help you. The weight is VERY hard on a young, growing body...your joints and back and feet are being asked to carry a load they weren t designed for...heart problems and other issues from being overweight can begin as well.Get on a good healthy eating plan, and regular exercise program...make a lifestyle change and keep it up! Good luck! ?

i think you meant repercussions.... you want a tip?? EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE!!!! And everything will fall into place.

PLEASE SEE YOUR DOCTOR! NOW! I can give you all the abstract principles but you didn t get to 205 alone and you re not gonna lose it alone. You need to involve your parents and your family doctor if you can. Eat right and exercise is one thing but a dietician can help devise a plan that s right for you and support from family will help you stick to it. Please do it now.

Run aim to run for 10 min straightthen20then 30....try to get involved in any kind of sportWrestling, Track, Hockey,Bball you name it......once you are involved in a sport you feel more obligation to go, and feel even better when you gain muscle and lose the fat weighs more than muscle....but you will look leaner in all the right places............enjoy your youth and try your hardest...YOU LL DO GREAT!!!

Weight loss tips? Ive been trying for years...? -

I m trying to lose about 30 lbs before the end of May. I weigh 180 pounds right now and I am 5 9 (I am a woman). I exercise every day, about 30 minutes on cardio and 15-30 on toning, and I m about to start playing ultimate frisbee at least 2 times a week. I go to college, so it s a struggle to eat healthy all the time, especially since I live in a dorm. How long do you think it will take me to lose 30 pounds? Do you have any tips for college kids?

30 lbs by may is doable, but I would increase the cardio to 60 minutes. Diet will play the biggest part, if you drink cutting out alcohol will be a big help. Eat balanced meals with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. limit breads, starches, and fatty meats. Drink plenty of water it is what flushes your system out and helps raise your metabolism.Ditto on the Soda, try herbal Tea Iced or hot with two teaspoons of sugar, or Better yet splenda, as a substitute.

Keep up with the exercise regime, it sounds great. Make sure that you are pushing yourself with each workout. It is very easy for the body to get used to an unchanging regime.In regards to food I have the same problem. Try and operate on the 80/ 20 rule. 80% healthy food with 20% not so healthy food. This will allow you to lose weight while still having the scope to enjoy some treats (late night-drinking, burgers, popcorn whatever). Also, make sure you carry fruit in your bag. This will really help when you have an attack of the munchies.Good luck!

Ugh I knew how you felt! When I lived in the dorms it was sooo hard to eat healthy. For right now, try using a colon cleanse so that the crap you do eat, doesn t stay in your system very long. I like to use bowtrol and I swear by it! The actual website for bowtrol is kinda lame so the cheapest one I buy from is called I dunno why don t you try it, It s a healthier alternative to those diet pills.

your diet is definately the most important part. There are no special secrets or fixes. Just eat natural foods and cut out the refined sugars. And eat breakfast, you gain more weight if you don t eat breakfast. And make sure it has protein so you don t get hungry the rest of the day. One more thing, I know it sounds crazy but diet sodas are worse for you than regular sodas. The Aspertame messes with your hypothalamus so try not to drink soda, but if you are stay away from the diet ones. Hope that helps

Read this excellent article by Bethany Roberts called Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

Stop eating as much.

eat ur fresh veggies

Childrens weight loss tips? -

I have 2 girls who are a little on the chunky side...not obese, but in need of a little weight loss. They are 8 9 years old. We as a family are making a more conscious effort to watch what we eat. Being an overweight woman myself I understand the importance of being healthy and the stigmatism that comes with the extra weight. Looking for healthy summer snacks and meals or ideas. As I am off most of the summer we have decided to do a daily morning bike ride as well as more swimming in the pool for excercise. Any other ideas?

Glad you read your taking a positive step in making your family fit.First, children don t cook, they are being fed. So you need to make sure you remove the bad stuff (temptations) from the pantry.Kids have energy if they are let loose, so encourage activies that promote more movement. Best suggestion: Look in the pantry, and read the ingredients of the things in there. If you see the words Modified, Hydrogenated, High Fructose, or sugar in the first 3 (or better 5) ingredients... stop eating and buying this stuff. Those 4 things feed fat. We intake enough natural fats already, we don t need to feed it too! And get this, those 4 things eliminate about 70% of the processed foods at the grocery store too. It s a little hard to do at first (took my mom forever), but once you learn about em, it ll be second nature.It s very difficult to overeat fruits and red or yellow veggies. Make smoothies (not ice cream please!) as a good summer treat.

DO NOT TRY ANY WEIGHT LOSS PILLS. It is very unhealthy. Seriously don t listen to people who tell you to use weight loss pills, it is so unnecessary. By reading your paragraph above i see that you are trying very hard and that is good. Start out slow and slowly build up. This helps to build endurance. And If your kids need a break then give them that break. I say don t over do it. You can also exercise every other day so you body can rest. Walking is very good too, maybe even insert a little jogging while you are walking. It s okay to stop while you are running. Don t be frustrated that you are tired. If you keep exercising for a while you will slowly build endurance so you can go longer without stopping. You don t even need to buy weights... just maybe lift some books. Sign your kids up for summer sports this can help a lot. When you re eating cut your portion sizes down a little bit not a lot because cutting down calories dramatically is very unhealthy. Please take you time and things will turn out right!

If your kids are into sports that would help a lot! Try not to make it an obsession though, if you make food seem too important the kids may develop an eating disorder. If you stop buying bad food and just keep your kitchen filled with healthy foods, the kids will have healthier diets, because they aren t in charge of what they eat, you are! Just remember not to take them with you, kids can be very persuasive ;)

,The Acai Berry is the most impressive diet pill I have ever used. I tried so many other diet pills and weight loss programs without much success. Once I started using the Acai Berry, I lost 44 lbs in 90 days. You can read more about my story on my blog -

You may find this article of interest��

You can also try doing yoga, tai chi, pilates, or martial arts. This is a fun way to get active, burn calories, and strengthen your entire body.For snacks, the best replacement for chips and dip is veggies and hummus. The great part about this is that the veggies are crisp, cool, and have a higher water content than chips, which makes it a refreshing snack as well. Many Middle Eastern dishes would be very good for the summer. Other options include making a cold pasta salad, but use whole grain pasta and only half or even 1/3 of what you normally would, and replace the rest with vegetables (get some frozen veggies and add them to the cooking pasta about 2 minutes before the pasta is done cooking...the veggies will be cooked perfectly). Instead of a salad dressing, use olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and Italian seasoning. Add some garlic if you d like. Half sandwiches and salads are also a nice, healthy way to eat during the summer, as are Vietnamese noodle salads. There are many recipes for these online. They are cheap, easy to make, and the rice noodles impact blood sugar less than the regular flour noodles. Hope this helps!

Hi!Something that your two girls may enjoy doing this summer is attending summer camp. I know that there are many traditional summer sports camps throughout the country that could help them stay active and become more fit. I also know of two great summer weight loss camps that you may be interested in. New Image camp in Pennsylvania is a summer camp designed to help campers loose weight and keep it off! I believe that they also have a summer camp in Florida too if that s closer to where you re from. Another weight loss camp that I ve heard of is Wellspring camp - they have different locations throughout the U.S. - but it s also an excellent weight loss summer camp that I am familiar with and that really works!Here are the links to their websites:New Image Camp:��Wellspring:��Again, I m not sure where you re from, but you should check out this website You can find all sorts of summer camps, including weight loss camps in your area that your daughters may be interested in!I hope this was helpful and take care!~Sami

It s good you re making an effort! They will appreciate it for years to come.Avoid the word diet or weight loss . They will not like the idea of giving up there favorite foods! So here s some websites that present healthier and less caloric alternatives to their favorite snacks.�� present it to them so that it s their choice. If they re normal, they don t like getting up in the morning. So start out around 4 pm, say it would be fun to go on a bike ride! you want to ride around the block? If they don t want to, push them, but don t force them. Slowly increase the distance that they ride.Swimming is always fun. Join a pool, or if you can afford it, a country club which has a ton of exercise equipment. Get some of their friends to join. They will have fun exercising this way. And get in the water and join them!As an end-of-summer treat, get out some frozen yogurt, or if you live close by to a yogurt shop, ride your bikes down there.Hope I helped!