Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Of course; How to lose weight fast.? -

I m currently twelve. My thirteenth birthday is at the end of June.I want to look at least a bit slimmer in my stomach.I know I m too young to worry about it, but I am.I am well confident about everything on my body until I hit my stomach.Is there a simple work out plan that you can give me?I do stomach crunches every night, and walk a mile every afternoon.So I actually get over an hour of exercise everyday.It isn t working though.Ant tips or suggestions?Thanks (:

I used to be twelve. Trust me, I was thinking about weight then, too. In fact, most people who criticize you for worrying about it at your age probably worried about it then, too. Don t worry about it. You are a soon-to-be teenage girl; no one can blame you for wanting to tone up your stomach. You are doing the right thing by getting at least an hour of exercise everyday. Crunches are very good for your stomach. Walking is a very good exercise for your legs, too. Sit-ups are VITAL when losing weight in the stomach. I know that everyone says it, but It s true! Why do you think everyone says it? Doing a larger amount of Sit-ups and crunches every night, along with walking, will give you small, but satisfying results. Be sure to be doing cardio and areobic exercises often, because not only will they both be extremely helpful in the process of losing some weight, but they will make your body so much healthier! And, I know you are targeting your stomach. But honestly, when you lose weight, you lose it everywhere! Some exercises target the stomach area more than others, but the honest truth is that when you exercise, weight will be lost in all places. And the last thing I will say is this: EAT RIGHT! Eat tons of Fruits and veggies. If you rarely have Veggies or fruit in your house (or fruits and veggies you do not like,) tell your mom or dad to go buy some. Or go buy some yourself! =] Cut down the amount of red meat you eat, and in all, cut down the amount of ALL meat you eat. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and take deep breathes throughout the day. It may sound weird, but it has been proven that a person who inhales more oxygen throughout the day, sheds more calories. And one more source of help: Keep a food journal! Write down EVERYTHING you are eating throughout the day. As easy as it sounds right now, it may prove itself to be hard. To make it easy, carry a small notepad or journal around with you when you eat, so you can easily write your food down. If you eat lunch at school, you can either bring the notepad to school, or you can write the food down when you get home. But be sure to keep track of the food you eat.

replace red meat with salmon or poultry. instead of walking 1 mile, jog half a mile and walk half.

Do not starve your self(it never works, although that s the first thought that crosses anyone s mind when thinking to lose weight)Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster.There is such a thing as healthy fats. Olive, peanuts and canola oil have them. Tuna, salmon and mackerel have omega-3 fats which is good for the heart.Here s some other quick tips for you:* Eight hours after waking up, our metabolism slows down that is why 30 minutes of exercise before dinner will increase the metabolism for about two to three hours. This produces an increase in burned fat even hours after the work out is over.* Learn how to make the family favorite recipes and make sure that fats, salt, and sugar are cut out. Substitute non-fat yogurt for cream, stir-fry without oil and use herbs and spices instead of salt to taste.* As much as possible do not remove the skins of fruits and vegetables since most of the nutrients are concentrated under the skin.* Look for a weight loss buddy, club, or support mates. This will motivate you to stay and enjoy your weight loss program.* Try making omelettes without adding the yolks! A dramatic decrease in fat.If you have started losing weight, just remember it s a question of will. Keep doing what your re doing, stay away from junk food and sodas, and you will feel more healthier and alive than never before.

Good exercise each day is important. I suggest you can look at omega+ chia seed. This amazing whole food is the highest plant source of omega 3 and is very high in fiber. Plus a lot more. The important thing is it absorbed more than 9 times its own weight in water and will make you feel fuller faster and longer. It slows down the transfer of carbohydrates to sugars (Energy). I am sure this will help you to achieve your goals. Good luck and good health always

Get over 1000 calories per day.Avoid bad/fatty acid fats like trans.Eat lots of fiber daily. about 22 grams for your age.Exercise and be physically active.Eat vege s/fruits. Protien.

I m kind of fat and my boyfriend want me lose weight can some one tell me how to lose weight fast or effective? -

First I want to say that to everyone who is saying lose the boyfriend, you may not be informed. She admits that she is overweight. It s not a popular message, but carrying extra weight is not healthy and can contribute to MANY health problems. If he is trying to help her become healthier because he cares about her and knows that losing some weight would be better for her health then that is VERY different from him wanting her to lose weight for appearance sake. You don t know the details because she didn t say so don t make snap judgments please.As far as losing weight, you need to look at your habits. A little bit of lifestyle change can go a long way. Weight loss is a very simple concept. If you consume fewer calories than you expend, you will loose weight. To be most effective, avoid foods high in calories that don t keep you satisfied for long. Example: bagel with cream cheese. Some people still tend to think this is a healthy breakfast. WRONG. Very calorie dense and doesn t keep you feeling full. Sometimes with breakfast try a piece of toast with peanut butter. It will keep you feeling full longer and encourage you to drink water. Water should be your favorite drink. Try to eat lean meats like turkey, chicken and fish. And fruits and veggies are your friend. The other side is exercise. Try to exercise 3 times a week or more. And don t just do cardio. If you really want to loose weight, combine a cardio routine with resistance training (lifting weights). If you do low weights with high number of reps you won t build bulky muscles but will increase your lean muscle mass which will help you burn more calories when you aren t exercising. Also, drink plenty of water. 96 ounces a day is a good goal (I know that sounds like a lot). If you have problems with over eating at meals drink a tall glass of cold water 10-15 minutes before meal time. This will help you not eat as much and will help jump start your metabolism a little as well. Good luck =)

there is no safe way to lose weight really really fast. I am a dude and i probably lose weight a little easier than women, but i can tell you what i have done and it really worked. You need to do slow steady exercise such as a treadmill or a stationary bike for about 45 minutes to an hour everyday. The rowing machine is also really great it burns more calories than any other machine. You have to go at a relaxed pace that is challenging, but if you go too fast you will actually burn less calories because it will turn into a cardio workout and eventually an anaerobic which won t burn nearly as much fat. you can do less time too it just wont work as quickly. and in addition go to livestrong.com and they have a very effective calorie counter that can help with weight loss goals.the idea is that you decrease calories and increase activity, but be realistic about your goals. And make sure not to skip any meals ever(at least intentionally). When you skip meals your body goes into fat storage mode because it gets afraid that it might not get any more food in a while so it wants to store up fat. if you lose weight to quickly you will just balloon back up. In addition when you get to your goals you have to keep working out and watching what you eat but maybe not as intensely as before. If you don t you will gain it all back.gimicky crap may work quickly, but it will likely cause you to balloon back to where you started when you go off of it. so in short stay away from all weight loss supplements.In the end don t worry so much about numbers on the scale either. just be happy with the way you look.

Well for starters, never lose weight or change your appearance or personality for anyone else. Do it for YOU.if you want to lose weight fast, it s not going to stick. If you want to lose weight effectively, it will take a few weeks, maybe months depending on how much weight you want to lose.In order to lose weight and keep it off, it s all about portion sizes and activity. Some people may tell you to eat 5-6 small meals per day, but I ve tried that and I actually gained weight, so I stick with 3 well portioned meals. Try both and see which works for you. You should consume 1200-1500 calories per day.But this doesn t mean it can be 1200 calories of junk. Then you re just going to store fat. Do not consume lower than that, your body could go into starvation mode.In each meal you should have a starch (whole wheat, no refined breads), a protein (beans, legumes, chicken/turkey), a vegetable, and/or fruit. A portion for each is about the size of your fist. Never add sauces or toppings such as mayo or butter. If anything, try mustard, vinegar, or herbs/spices. Drink water. NO DIET DRINKS. PERIOD.Exercise. It is possible to eat healthy but still not lose weight. It s because your body cannot naturally burn off the necessary amount of calories. Get at least 30 minutes of cardio per day. Use resistance training. This can easily be done with household items. If you don t have time to exercise, try simple habits like parking the car further away, take the stairs, walk faster...There are also plenty of online sites you can get ideas from.

People! The boyfriend may be concerned about her health, you know! Wanting someone to lose weight is perfectly legitimate. She didn t say he was threatening to leave her if she didn t, she didn t say he acted like he was ashamed of her, she didn t say he treated her badly. So let s give the guy a break and assume he s not a jerk (If he is a jerk -- lose him! :)Just going on a diet virtually guarantees that you will regain the weight and probably more. You need to think in terms of developing a permanent healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating and exercise (and the jerk better jog right along with you and love what you need to eat!) For some people a low fat diet that emphasizes whole grains, fish, and fresh vegetables does the trick. For others, all those grains turn on a carb addiction and they can t stop eating. A low carb diet might be the best if you have hard-to-control urges to eat. Experiment a little to find out what woks for you, and don t get discouraged if you have to try more than one nutrition plan.Probably the most effective thing you can do is to track your food. There are several places online where you can do that (they take some time to learn to use and discipline to be sure you enter everything, and you have to weigh and measure!) But if you can do that honestly and religiously, you will have a very powerful tool. You can see just where the excess calories come from and make sensible changes. For me it was the cream in my coffee and too much cheese. I had no idea I was eating so many fat calories! Good luck. Boyfriend or not, if you re overweight, you will be a lot happier and healthier with lifestyle changes to your nutrition and fitness.

If you think you are a bit over weight and want to lose for that reason Wonderful but if you are attempting to lose because someone else wants you to, more than likely you won t be successful because it s for the wrong reason. We are successful at things that are meaningful, self motivated and makes us feel good about ourselves. Ask yourself these questions? Am I really too fat, is my weight creating health issues, do I want to lose weight or am I doing it because my boyfriend wants me to? After you have answered these questions-go from there. People have given some good answers.

I tell you how you can lose 140 lbs easy.Dump that tool.What kind of idiot is he? You should NEVER be with anyone who wants you to change.You should want to change only, NOT for someone else.I am sad for you, please dump him.Please. He is a control freak. Even if you want to lose weight, it is NOT up to him to tell you, and if you DO lose weight for him, what happens when he wants you to have bigger boobs, or when you are pregnant??No, he is a control freak and therefore potentially dangerous.If I were your friend in real life, I would tell hiom myself to leave.Sorry but please do not disrespect yourself by lisrtening to a grotty little wimp like him.I m so angry now. Who does he think you are that he can say that??I bet he needs some maintenance , but it would be rude and pointless to say he should lose hair/change style/get bigger just because that s what you like.Eat no fast food- eat loads of fruit and veg. ANd walk around more if you can, take the stairs everyday, and do housework while dancing around.Get active and eat less crappy fast food, and much more clean fruit and veg, you ll feel great.ANd without him too.

you need to be ready yourself to lose weight and never been talked into it. the best way to lose weight (for yourself) is monitoring your calorie intake. eat lots of wholegrain, fruit and veg, drink lots of water too. diets dont work, you need to change your eating habits permanently. you can still treat yourself sometimes!!!Best of luck.

to lose some weight, just eat healthier, cut out soda, drink more water.exercise for at least one hour every day, strength training and cardio.but most of all, lose the boyfriend.any guy who pressures you to lose weight isn t worth it.

lose the boyfriend, if he isn t happy with you the way you are, he will NEVER be happy with you.lose weight for your own health, not because some jerk thinks you are too heavy.

Eat less calories in a day that your body needs and loose the boyfriend. If he doesn t accept you the way you are why stay with him?

You wanting to lose weight for a guy is pathetic.

Best way to lose weight from your stomache and buttocks fast? -

just needed some tips on losing weight fast from my stomache and my buttocks areas thanks diet tips would be great too thanks

This will probably not last for you, but if you have to do it fast, do this. I am assuming you have an event you have to tone down for, because I would not recommend the diet for a long term thing.First you cannot spot reduce, but you can tone certain areas. Stomache, lots of crunchies. If your out of shape, lie on your back with your legs on the couch pillows, put your hands behind your neck and bend up six inches. Repeat in sets of 10, working the numbers up until you can do 100, then do it with your legs on the floor with someone holding your feet down or stuck under the couch.For the butt ...stair steps. Walk up and down the bottom two stairs in your house. Also lie on your front and lift your legs up straight backwards three inches at first and then increase the hight and reps. if you can t do this lie face down over the end of your couch or bed and lift one leg straight backwards at a time until you can do the floor version. Heel raise... stand straight up and lift your heals off the ground with your toes and rest of your feet on the floor, repeat ten times working up the reps. Diet, if you want to lose fast NO CARBS.No bread, bagels, pasta, potatoes, sugar or sweets.Eat plenty of eggs, meat, fish, cheese, nuts. Good white canned Tuna or good canned salmon mixed with Mayo and lots of pepper are good snacks. I do not hold with the Atkins no fruit or veggies, but make sure they are fresh and no sugar added. Also take Vitamin and mineral pills and drink water all day.Start to walk, slow at first, but increase until you can walk 2 1/2 miles in 30 minutes.Give yourself a rest every so often, but be firm with the food plan, it s the key to fast weight loss. Buy sugar free breath mints or gum, your breath will start to be bad, because you will be burning ketones. Splenda is a healthy sugar replacement. Not Aspertame or Nutra Sweet. Good Luck!

HOODIA:Hi,I ve tried all different diets, and the weight loss is only temporary. I finally tried diet pills on the market are made from Hoodia. I saw this stuff on ABC News. It s all natural and safe, and it works! My wife took it for a month and dropped 20 pounds. I took it for a month and lost about 13 (but I didn t exercise).I bought the natural hoodia from this website: http://www.alllsite.info/free-diet-pills�� . I checked the web site address so I can post it here and I saw they re running a promotion now to get a free 2 week sample for only $4.97! I m going to order this supply for my wife and give it to her for Christmas =)

Bob your head when you walk and eat seeds

Hello, pilates is a good method that can yield results quickly; but you have to stick with it , and it also depends on how fast your body will get ride of the fat. Check out the links below. Pilates works both abdominal muscles as well as other muscles in the body. I have also included other sites that focus only on the tummy or the buttocks. Hope this helpsGood luck

Spot reduction is a fitness myth. You cannot choose where your body loses its fat. Your body is the one that decides where its going to pull from your fat stores. Cardiovascular exercise for a total of 90 minutes a day and a nutrient rich balanced diet. You just have to create that caloric deficit.

replace food with sex. at least 2 meals a day

I was told by a trainer that the only way to lose that is by stair climbing and dieting together.

Do you lose weight faster by working out if you have a naturally high metabolism? -

Addendum: Most of the answers here assume your question was Will you lose weight and will your metabolic rate go up if you exercise? To which I say YES. BUT this is not what you asked. (To all people who answered this: It always helps when you actually read all of the question s details and don t assume one thing because it sounds right).You asked if you lose weight faster than someone doing the same workout if you happen to have a higher resting metabolism. And to this I say...No. Let s say you have a metabolism in a resting state that is higher than someone else s. Say you are person A and she is person B, and I will arbitrarily give you 1.5 units of metabolic rate and her just 1.0. Now assume we put both of you on a workout regimen where you both run 1 mile every day, but everything else is left as is.The only difference in caloric output here from the initial time is the workout regimen of 1 mile. But caloric expenditure is based not upon your internal metabolism but by simple physics: Force*Distance= Work=Energy=Calories.The force is your muscles pushing against the surface of a track or the ground, and you can calculate this over the one mile distance to gove you the work output in Joules, and then convert to kCalories. It is very likely that over 1 mile both you and person B expend about the same amount of calories.So starting from time 0, in a month, assuming you and B do the same workout, you will have expended thesame extra amount of calories in working out. EVEN THOUGH you have a higher metabolic rate at rest, you do not expend additional work.In fact, let s look at it from a common sense point of view. If you have bigger muscles and you do the same workout, if anything, you expend less energy per unit mass but you have larger mass of muscle, so in the end it all evens out. Caloric output is pnly based here on physics and not your inherent metabolic differences.That said, why would people want bigger muscles? Because more muscle means more calories burned, but that is only for a resting state and not when doing exactly the same workout.See what I mean? If not, email me and I will explain.Therefore, if I have your question right, you are asking a rate question here, which is whether or not you burn MORE calories even when doing the SAME workout regimen someone with a lower metabolic rate is doing.I think some people s answers are good but for the wrong question. If you had asked Do you burn more calories if you work out? then YES of course that is true. But as far as I understand it, that s not what you are asking. You are asking that if you do the SAME workout another person does, where the only difference is the resting metabolic rate, do you burn more calories, to which I d say NO. Have you ever seen those workout machines that calculate caloric expenditure? Notice that they don t measure your metabolism at all. They know how many calories are burned by using some internal formula based upon physics and not biology/metabolic rate.Again, to reiterate:YES, you burn more caloies- and increase metabolic rate, by working out.YES, bigger muscles burn more calories even at rest.but NO, you do not burn more calories than someone with a lower resting metabolic rate by simply doing the exact workout, because the calories burned in a workout have to do with energy expenditure, and you are doing the same work, and therefore the same energy is expended.Basic physics folks, go back to school if you can t understand this simple principle. Same work, same energy. You can t get more work (i.e. calories burned) doing the same work: . Duh. If you pick any of the other answers as best either you asked the wrong question (i.e. you meant Do I burn more calories and does my metabolism rise if I work out? to which of course the answer is YES) or you were misled by a bunch of dropout bozos who have never taken a day of physics in their lives.

yes, the higher your metabolism the easier it it to loose weight, and working out will help anyone loose weight it they do the right kinds of exercises. exercising will help your body become tone.

Both. If your metabolism is high enough, you can t gain much weight. Working out also increases your metabolism. So if you work out both will be in effect so therefore Working out you will lose weight faster.

Not necessarily. By working out, you build muscle, which weighs more than fat, making you gain weight. This weight doesn t come from fat.

OF COURSE.....working out makes u sweat out all the fat.....its actually very important other than changing ur diet. dont lift weights cuz they will add bulk to ur muscles and u will gain weight...but lots of cardio is good to lose fat.

wouldn t you not have to worry about losing weight when you have a higher metabolism ?? You can always work the muscle groups though...

well it depends working out will defenatly boost your metabolism and things like abs will definatly tone you but running does burn fat.

yes, working out (cardio) will make you loose weight even faster.

It depends on your genetics. I have a friend who eats takeout all three meals a day and drinks 2 cases of beer a week and he s 6ft2 and weighs 170lbs.I ve also got a friend who works out 3-4 times a week and weighs 240lbs.A third friend who works out 3-4 times a week lost over 65lbs and was always heavyset until he started working out.So there s no real answer for that. If you re trying to lose weight, you can t count on your metabolism to lose weight (weight loss products that are said to increase your metabolism also can increase your heart rate and may lead to a heart attack)You re best bet is cardio and eating healthy.

I don t mean to sound stupid, but, if you have a naturally high metabolism, how the heck do you get fat to begin with?

Metabolism is the process in which the body burns calories. When a person experiences a high rate of metabolism, they are likely to lose weight quickly.There s more about it on the site below.

yep. no matter how high it is strengthening the muscles will increase the energry requirements. with higher energy requirments you get higher metabolism, even if its already high.fyi, spicy foods will also raise it a bit

How to lose weight fast? -

i weigh 200 pounds but i really want to lose weight fast. like 20 pounds or my stomach fat.. anything! please help!

Hey,You know what, I like wanted to lose a lot of weight a while back too, and I was like, no diet works, and my husband isn t being honest with me, so I started surfing the web.I hit a website http://www.getslimandsexy.comI checked it out, did some of the exercises everyday and tried the great diet they offered.IT IS FABULOUS and you should try it and see if your weight is affected =)I lost 45 pounds.

Watch your portion sizes. Opening a bag of rice cakes and eating all of them in one sitting isn t going to help you lose weight. When eating chips, nuts, or dried fruit put a portion in a small bowl and then put the bag away. That way you won t mindlessly eat a larger portion than you had intended. Even if you only make minimal changes to your diet choices, reducing portion size will inevitably reduce caloric intake. A great way to watch portion sizes while snacking is to buy one serving 100 calorie packages - and they come in many favorite snack food items!

Anyone trying to lost weight fast should look into the Acai Berry. It is one of the most nutritional foods on earth. The high vitamins and anti-oxidents in Acai contributes to rapid weight loss.