Friday, March 20, 2015

How to lose weight fast? -

i want to lose weight, i have been lately but i have the belly fat that i really want to lose. any help? tips? p.s. im trying to become a vegetarian any help on that too??

One exercise that targets the stubborn stomach area is called The Bicycle. To do The Bicycle, simply lay on the floor pressing your lower back to the ground. Your hands are beside your head. Bring your knees to an approximate 45-degree angle and slowly go through the motion of pedaling a bicycle. Your left elbow will touch your right knee and then your right elbow will touch your left more tips here��

Read this excellent article by Bethany Roberts called Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

It s not really possible to spot reduce. The best thing for you to do would be to do some cardio exercise. If you don t exercise regularly start out by walking and increase your distance over time and get your heart rate up. You could also walk and then sprint for like 30 seconds and then walk for another minute and a half. That is interval training and it works great to get your heart rate up.As for being a vegetarian, you need to decide what kind of vegetarian you will be. Octo-lacto vegetarians will eat egg and milk products, octo vegans will eat egg but not milk products, and lacto vegans will eat milk but not egg. Then there is the other vegetarian who only eats plant foods. Do some research online to decide what kind of vegetarian you want to be. The good news is that there are so many recipies out there for vegetarians. Good luck with your goals!

How can I lose weight fast? -

I m 19 years young and ever since i graduated high school and moved out on my own I have gained weight from the stress of actually having to grow up and not having cheerleading to be my daily exercise... my ideal weight for my height of 5 5 I found was 135 but I am now pushing 155-160!!! Uh i need help.... any advice would be wonderful!!! Trying to get down to my ideal size A.S.A.P.!!!!!!Thanks....

Drink plenty of water have six small rather then three meals donteat after 6pm Try the lil Jack Ecercie Program��

The stress leads to what? Eating more. Right? Many people overeat in order to emotionally or psychologically compensate.You know what to do: Eat less. Reduce your calories. You need to become friends with a site such as thecaloriecounter, and (which is sorta commercial, but has bmi calculators, daily calorie requirements, etc that are very helpful).Good luck.Remember, each pound is 3,500 calories. Each time you reduce your caloric intake that much, you will lose a pound.

And that s coming from someone who has Ronald for a picture? I understand how you feel. I want to lose weight too, but mine s baby weight, but extra pounds, non-the-less. You need to be really motivated and stick to your weight loss plan if it s going to happen. It takes 28 days to form a habit. You can do it!

I See, You Need Foods With HIGH FIBER but LOW CALORIES + ExerciseYou Need a Proper Plan To Do this! Be Focused Serious! That s How I Lost Weight. I tried a guide to lose weight 2 weeks ago it worked =)Try this:

If you re serious about losing weight you MUST try Acai Berry! I first heard about on Oprah, and I ordered a 14-day FREE trial from this site. I ve already lost some weight and I ve got tons more energy.