Monday, June 18, 2012

How you can lose weight fast in 10 days? -

Cut out all carbs and do lots of exercise. EAt only fruit and veg.

That s totally not right. It s impossible.

A 10 day diet. Let me ask you something did you gainthat weight in 10 days no you did not so what makes you think you can take of 10 lbs. of fat in 10 days . I,m a boxing coach and I can tell you how to lose 10 lbs in one day but its not healthy. This is what you need to do stop eating fried foods dairy products soft drinks white breads sweets and do 45 minutes a day 6 days a week of cardio and eat smaller portions of food take your time and in about two months you will look and feel great

I lost 23 pounds in 4 weeks, the way i did it. I went to the gym and did Cardio for an hour then went to the weight room and did crunches, and other exercises with low weight high reps....which means do crunches with maybe 50lbs and do anywhere between 15-18 reps with only a 25 second break in between. Now doing other weight training like i worked out Monday-Saturday for 2 hours each day. My Training included:MondayBackLegsShouldersin between each of these exercises right after you do your reps drops down and do 15-20 situps.TuesdayBicepsTricepsChest(Bench)in between these reps drop down and do 15-20 Crunches or Side Crunches for your ObliquesWednesdayBackLegsShouldersin between these reps drop down and do 15-20 Flutter Kicks(Military Term because thats what im in) Its basically Lay down on your back put your hands in the small of your back laying down on them. Raise your feet 6 inches off the ground and move them up and down in a fluid motion every 4th kick is one basically your doing anywhere between 60-80 reps of kicks in a fluid motion.ThursdayCurl BarBenchTricepsin between each of these resp you wanna so side crunches 15-20 repsFridayLegsbackshouldersin between these reps you wanna do 15-20 rocky sit-ups. bascially a sit-up but on your way up you wanna twist your upper body.SaturdayBicepsTricepsChestin between these reps you wanna do 15-20 situps.Now i usually did it this way, i would do weight room first for that hour and then go to the Cardio and do one solid hour of cardio. It will hurt and if you do it right you will shed inches and weight like nothing.Your diet while doing this, you wanna drink only water. Replenish your body with water and keep yourself hydrated. Your meals you wanna eat anwhere between 4-5 meals a day in smaller portions. Breakfast i usually had a Bagel and grapefruit. Lunch was any type of meat with a veggie. a mid day snack was maybe a granola bar or something. Dinner was a meat and a veggie. Remember to drink alot of water. WATER WATER WATER! lol I drank a big glass of water before i ate because that fills you up quicker. when i woke up i had a Huge glass of water and throughout the day i was drinkin water. before i went to bed i had a huge glass of water. If you do this work-out right you will shed weight like nothing and lose inches. like i said i did this for a month with a couple cheating times and still lost 23 pounds in 4 weeks. I also lost 3 inches around my weist. Good Luck and if you need anymore help my email is in my profile or if you have any questions ill be glad to help out with what i can. If i dont know the answer i will get it for you because someone in the Army will know. Good Luck!