Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lose weight fast? -

hii m 13yrs old and a malei want to lose weight fast so that i can have a flat stomach.i currently weigh 148lbs, but i want to weigh about 125 - 130 lbs.i want to achieve this by Christmas 2007 (or sooner!!!)also i would like to work on my muscles what are the best ways to do this???

high protein and start out by toning the muscle you have with low weight and more reps of bicep curls, tricep curls and push ups, then when the cut is noticed increase the weights to higher weights less reps in one session; then the next session slightly lower weights and more reps and alternate that way; stay away from simple carbs and go for whole grains and complex carbs and the good fats and try getting your protein from limited fat sources, yogurt, cheeses, milk, peanuts, and lean meats rather than high fat content proteins. good luck!!

Visit this site and lose weight fast!http://www.wulongforlife.com/?gclid=CITO18jqx4wCFQu2bgodnwXwbA

My friend, please consult a dietician. Most people here will try to advertise fat loss products and are more interested in making you buy the stuff they re promoting. Please do yourself a favor and heed professional advice.

go to http://www.goquickslim.com. you can get weight loss 30 there and lose 15 lbs in 30 days without being on a diet.

Try this:http://www.weight-loss-secret.infoGood luck!