Monday, April 14, 2008

How can i get rid of man boobs? -

I m 15, weight around 162lbs and have body fat percentage of 15.79%. I cut soda and fast food and when I want soda I just drink propel. Today I started running 30 min on my treadmill for 5 mph and I lost 193 calories so far. School is about to start and I m trying my absolute best to look good. Any suggestions to get rid of man boobs and some weight loss tips??? THANK YOU P.S I m going to start running for 30 min everyday

Weight loss, to make it as simple as possible, is all about Calories In Calories Out. Burn more calories than you take in, and your body will have to use fatty deposits and some muscle tissue for fuel.As you re 15, I d also recommend you do somebody-weight exercises, pushups, tricep dips, pullups, things of that nature. Weight training not only helps to burn more calories throughout the day by increasing your metabolism, but by making muscles bigger, you ll tighten up the area, making moobs less obvious.Diet is also a major factor, arguably more important than the training. Pretty much don t eat junk, so giving up soda etc. is a good start. Work out a healthy eating plan with your mum, and make sure to give yourself a treat day once per week where you can have something you really enjoy. Now that s not to say you use this day to scoff 4 pizzas, 6 burgers, 3 gallons of soda etc., just keep it reasonable. It lets you remember that you re human, and gives you something to work towards. In the end, there are no SAFE methods for massive weight-loss. Lose it gradually, and you ll have a better chance of it staying off. A lot of people can drop a ton of weight in a stupidly short space of time, and then bounce right back and put it all back on again. Waste of time.Start training now, while you re young, and by the time you re 18 and off to College, or finding a job, you ll be dripping in bitches.