Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I ve heard a lot of people talk about shakes, for example a shake made with cactus and pineapple???If you guys know of any homemade drinks please give me the recipe!THANKS

I have heard of the lemonade cayenne pepper diet. Some girls at work did this. Then they would come to work and talk about it and what their bowel movements looked like. It was disgusting. Don t do it.

No drink is going to help you lose weight, unfortunately. Examine your diet closely - is there stuff that you can change, to lessen your calorie intake without causing too much pain? A few less regular sodas, or less snacks, or smaller portions at meals?Then, start an exercise plan. If your calorie intake (eating) is greater than your calorie output (physical movement), then you re going to gain weight. The only way to lose weight is to make your output greater (more movement) than your input (less eating). Walk downtown instead of drive; use stairs instead of the elevator. Buy an exercise bike and watch TV while riding instead of sitting and munching on chips.Or, try Liquid Plumr. Takes weight off, permanently! (...and fatally. Please don t try this. It s a joke.)

well me and my father drink raw eggs. i heard somewhere that its good for you but i don t know if it helps with weight. most people think its gross but it has a very slimy texture and has an after flavor that tastes like milk. you can try adding stuff for flavor i guess. odd i know but that s what it tastes like to me, pretty good actually.

Well, there s a smoothie that you can get at any smoothie place that sells smoothies with a boost in them, which helps some of the fat in your body turn into muscle.

not a homemade drink but an effective program. if you want to know more about it, get in touch with me. thanks0917-8992714email - dmpena23@yahoo.comYM -


yah its called water!!!

Need to lose weight fast!? -

I just found out today that I am going to be in a wedding the middle of February and I need to know a fast way to lose weight. I m talking about like close to 20lbs. Any suggestions? Thanks!

I have been working really hard to get a sexy body. I go to the gym every day, watch what I eat, but still could not get the body I wanted. That was until I found this body cleansing stuff. I was able to get the sexy body I wanted in 9 days. I did a 9 day cleanse and lost 10 pounds and 15 inches! This was GREAT! I had been working so hard for over a year to get this, and this program gave me what I wanted in 9 days. I found out that many body builders use this to get ready for competitions because the protein in the shakes builds muscle and the cleanse helps to get rid of the toxins stored in the fat cells. When the toxins are removed, the fat cells shrink and you definitely can tell in the way your clothes fit! I recommend this product for anyone wanting to get a better looking body quickly. I found out about it at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. It is not a cheap program, but it is worth it! You can also get it at this website

If you are really serious about losing weight then i have the perfect plan for you. its not hard because your not starving yourself silly for weeks on end but does take some informed choices. 1st. why do diets fail?Becasue your body adapts very efficiently to different situations example. you eat lots of carbs you burn lots of carbs and not much else same goes for high protein diets they become very efficent at burning protein as an energy source the trouble is when they go off high protein they start burning muscle.High fat can be tricky, be very careful of overconsuming because of the dense calories.Calorie restriction doesn t work the body goes into starvation mode basal metabolism drops fat stores become resistant to oxidation get the pic?So what do you do?Eeeeasy shock the body keep it guessing by going on a (bi - cycle diet).To lose weight fast and enjoy the weekends drop your calories by 25% for two days (mon and tues) then eat 25% more than your BMR for one day (on wed) and then drop you calories again 25% (on thurs and fri). On the weekend eat 25 % more than your BMR again over those two days. Do this for 1 month before droping the calories to 50% on diet days .On your 1st diet day concentrate on dropping carbs and try to maintain 30 % fat levels. Some controversy here cut out high concentrations of polyunsaturated oils (oils ain t oils i m afraid ) go with saturated fats like palm and coconut and animat fats in the supermarket (there is some interesting conjection out there and science is starting to board the band wagon) look for about cholesterol the real truth , for just a taste of what i m talking about.On your second diet day, up you protein to 40% and carbs to 40% keep carbs low GI.On your refeed day increase carb uptake to 60% eat lots of high GI carbs keep away from low GI because it doesnt stimulate your leptin levels and insulin levels as much drop protein to 15%.On your second diet cycle do the same as the first and over the weekend eat to your hearts content just be sensible.note: It will not work as well if you diet too hard i ll explain why!The diet is designed to prevent the body firstly to become lazy at using one of the energy sources. It forces the body to change the macronutrient it is using as energy. Secondly the diet maximises the burning of body fat and finally the diet prevents the individual to fall into starvation mode. evidence - if you want to know more look up key words like starvation studies overfeeding low carb high protein diets on frre sites like the american journal of clinical nutrition and others that are linked good luck!

Exercise a LOT, half your portion, keep your caloric intake low, and drink water. Good luck~! 3

exersize alot, watch what you eat. but please dont go bulimic, you can die. also anorexic isnt good either.