Saturday, January 19, 2008

How to lose weight real fast? -

im in 6th grade and wanna lose like 20-40 pounds by june? how can i do that?

How about working out, and eating right? You should only loose about two pounds a week.

I find that if you want to really melt the lbs away, try eating apples, salads, and no breads for awhile, or candy and stuff. Sometimes I want to lose weight, so what I will do for about 2 - 3 weeks is eat an apple for breakfast, a lunch with no bread or pasta in it, and for dinner, just a salad (I do eat the croutons still, tho). And voila! I find that I have easily lost about 10lbs. Good Luck and remember - any amount of excercise will help - no matter how little it seems.

You will get really sick if you do that. Loose it slowly and you will keep it off if you loose it all to fast you will just gain it back faster.

read tips on weight loss and exercise programs to help you more on this site

Cut out junk food and sodas. Eat more fresh vegetables-steamed and in salads. Eat more fresh fruit and drink fruit juices and pure bottled water. Walk at least two miles every day after school. By April you will find you have lost at least 35 pounds. And you will be healthier and happier.

Lop off a leg??That s a lot of weight to lose in a hurry. It is recommended to only lose 2-4 lbs a week for permanent weight loss to be effective.

just be your self.. no one should tell you to lose weight unless.. your realy over weight. if so... eat healther and drink more water.

That s not really fast, but if you lose it fast, you ll end up ballooning back up anyways. So good for you for making a realistic goal instead of some of the other people on this site.Since you re in 6th grade and have no access to a workout gym, I suggest you try out for every sports team you can get your hands on in school. You ll end up burning the calories necessary to obtain your goal. Good luck.

How to lose weight when traveling? -

I just started working with my boyfriend this summer. He s a truck driver for a moving company and I m going with him to do the paper work. Anyways, I have lost weight and want to lose more. But the problem is that I m in a truck a lot, only foods that I can eat are soup or whatever comes in a can. I know its not healthy. What other foods could I eat that I can warm up in the microwave? Oh yeah I m a vegetarian too, So It makes it more harder. I try not to eat fast food, but sometimes I have no choice. So if you have any suggestions on foods and snacks that would be reat.

Spaghetti O s (It may seem childish) but just read the labelI It has a full serving of veggies, and Grains, and Is ready In 3 minutes.

Hi, I lost 30 lbs in 35 days!I followed the guide of 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips .I highly recommend you to read that article.It really works.Check out here to read 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips :��

How to lose weight if you dont have healthy food? -

I want to lose weight, I dont mind excercising, but I do only a little per day. The problem I have is, I have nothing healthy in my house to eat, and my parents refuse to buy anything healthy. At school, the healthiest thing is a (I think) Low fat sandwhich (but dont quote me), it s some kind of ham or turkey sandwhich, would it be okay to eat that every day? Anyways, what can I do at home? Thanks.

If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you ll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn). Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This calculator will help you out The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don t think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.Don t make all of these changes at once or you won t be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you ll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Beginner s Guide to Dieting -

Just don t snack a lot. Your parents must have veggies or fruits around the house. Eat fruit for breakfast, try to bring something from home to eat for lunch. School lunches usually are planned to be fairly healthy. They must have salad of some kind. Eat that, with low fat dressing or no dressing. Simply you just have to attempt to eat under 2000 calories a day. Don t drink sugary drinks like soda, and if you must, drink diet. Try to drink lots and lots of water throughout the day, as this will stop you from feeling hungry. I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks by only eating when I was hungry, eating healthy, and drinking nothing but water.

Spend your pocket money on fruit and veg?, why on earth would your parents, refuse to buy anything healthy?. It need not be expensive, just small portions of healthy things for their child who is concerned about his health? I would have a more in depth conversation with them. You could eat the sandwich at school everyday if you want, just add things like bananas to keep you full and energised.

The truth is it you dont gotta eat healthy. I mean yyou can like have a double Cheeseburger or a steak like once a week but dont have it every day.Your body needs those fats and other nutrients to function properly.Even eating veggies all day cant be good for i say a little too much of one this is too much .Just work out excersice and jog/run/walk the track 2--3 times a day.Try to go to and see what it says.Folow those food servings.Good Luck!

a little exercise, and no healthy food?losing weight will be hard, just eat less of what ur parents buyand go jogging, alot of jogging. Lots of cardio will help u shed the poundskinda messed up that ur parents arent supportive*** cutting back on fat wont help u lose weight. Althoug some fats are bad for u ( avoid trans ans limit saturated) your body needs some fats, and they actually can help u lose weight ans stay healthy. *You need to avoid anything with sugar in it and limit simple carbs and calories.

Eat the closest thing to healthy. Up the exercise. Walking 30 minutes a day or more will help big time. Carry a back pack with book to add weight and burn calories. Do push-ups, 3 sets 25 reps. Build up to it, then add more. Your body needs fuel to burn, the trick is to only eat what your body needs, and little more.

jusst save up money and buy ur own food thats healthy. That s what I do. I keep all the healthy food in my room since i am the only on in the family that doesn t fill my body with junk lol.

its really important for you to control your portions. Watch the grams of fat your taking in. anything 8 grams and under a serving is good.

go to a gym and exercise or if you have no good food eat the food right like it breakfast lunch dinner and one snack a day

Then try to exercise some more and then eat the sandwich at school.

I can t belive your parents refuse to buy you anything healthy... my parents refuse to buy me anything UNhealthy!! Anyway, you could try speaking to them about how you feel, and tell them that you want to eat more healthily. I m sure they wouldn t mind buying a few healthy things?It isn t a good idea to eat the same thing for lunch every day although the low fat sandwich would be a good thing to eat 3 days a week at the most. Here are some tips for you:As I am sure you know already, cut down on all fatty foods, drink 8 glasses of water per day, eat 5 fruit/veg per day and choose low fat options.You could try joining a club such as weight watchers as this will give you lots of diet plans and help you to stay motivated.Exercise :You should exercise for a full twenty minutes at a time, five days per week to stay at a healthy weight.Remember, don t over-do it and certainly don t try to lose weight too quickly. The more quickly you do it, the more quickly you put it back on. Also, it s not good for you to just suddenly start exercising vigorously. Do it slowly and that way you will be able to keep it up and not put the weight back on.The best exercise for burning calories is cardio-aerobic. Jogging, cycling, power-walking, swimming, aerobic dancing or general aerobic workouts. However, strength-training is also important to increase muscle-fat ratio.Exercise does burn calories but it takes a while to lose 1 pound of weight! However, exercise is essential to maintain weight loss and maintain your body at peak efficiency.Thought you might find this useful:Type of Exercise - Calories/hour Sleeping 55 Eating 85 Sewing 85 Knitting 85 Sitting 85 Standing 100 Driving 110 Office Work 140 Housework, moderate 160+ Golf, with trolley 180 Golf, without trolley 240 Gardening, planting 250 Dancing, ballroom 260 Walking, 3mph 280 Table Tennis 290 Gardening, hoeing etc. 350 Tennis 350+ Water Aerobics 400 Skating/blading 420+ Dancing, aerobic 420+ Aerobics 450+ Bicycling, moderate 450+ Jogging, 5mph 500 Gardening, digging 500 Swimming, active 500+ Cross country ski machine 500+ Hiking 500+ Step Aerobics 550+ Rowing 550+ Power Walking 600+ Cycling, studio 650 Squash 650+ Skipping with rope 700+ Running 700+

Why is it these days that a large amount of people are asking how to lose weight? -

Can t people realize that they are just consuming too many calories and not burning them fast enough? Why is weight loss such a huge ordeal? Any insights will be appreciated.

Because everyone is looking for the quick fix that does not exist...THE MAGIC PILL!!!!. Not all people are over weight because they eat to much, some do have medical and mental problems. but those that are don t want to work for it. Someday maybe people will realize that there is only one way to lose weight and that is to eat Healthy and exercise.

because no one this year want to be fat

This is America. Our culture has assimilated food into more aspects of life than most other countries. Have you read books such as Fast Food Nation, or Super-Size Me? We are becoming gluttons and the technology we produce only makes life easier (i.e. less exercise). Food is as ubiquitous as water, and cheaper in some cases. Also, current educational practices have been de-emphasizing the importance of physical education and exercise. What do kids do to play these days? Run around and play games, or sit on the couch and play on the computer or PlayStation?

cus they are finally realizing how fat they are lol

How to lose weight without exercising? -

Hey, I just recently hurt my hip real bad (I thought it was my groin) from rowing and weight lifting. Currently I am on crutches and not allowed to but any weight on my left leg which is very disappointing since I am trying to lose weight. So, what do I do to lose weight with out exercising? I know I have to reduce calories but how many? Maybe some fat burning foods? Help!

Well, normally I d say walk everywhere. But you cannot. I do not believe in all those touted exercises, look what it did to you! However, if you can stand straight, you can do arm rotations, neck and breast exercises, and as far as food goes, eat half a grapefruit before each meal. But before that, drink two glasses of water, as if you were drinking a soft drink or beer, put a slice of lemon in it. This will begin to fill you up, then the grapefruit, then the meal, which will be low in starches, and high in raw salads. Eat plenty of salads with home made dressing, just a little oil, balsamic or regular vinegar, and steamed veggies with dinner. Small meals, eaten slowly, and for snacks, eat a small apple, a stick or two of celery, a pear or an orange. I eat a banana before going to bed, hoping to reduce leg/feet cramps when I stretch in the night!

losing weight without exercising? that s called the cover of a magazine with anorexic star makes trip to emergency room on the cover.diets are the lazy-man s weight-loss plan, basically, its unhealthy drains your energy weakens all the muscles in your body and nine times out of ten leaves your worse off than you were when you pills, are just stupid... if you use those you re just a loser, a fat loser who s not only too lazy to exercise, but too lazy to do the thing that most people who are too lazy to exercise should try biking. if you re worried about your hip, just do it on an exercise bike. cyclists have the lowest body fat percentage of all proffesional athletes except for bodybuilders (but we re freaks so cyclists is pretty much #1).hope that helped, good luck

If you were losing weight before your injury, just take the number of calories you were burning with daily exercise and cut it out of your diet in calories.

The only way to lose weight is the calories you intake must be less than the calories you burn.

I need some tip on how to lose weight in a healthy way, any tips? -

I work at Mcdonalds, and the only thing I eat there anymore is salads, but, I still am at an unhealthy weight. any ideas to lose weight, without supplements? I also try to run at lweast four times a week, and walk around five miles a day, and my body-fat is still high.

First, whatever you do, try not to touch McDonald s Foods. Try eating somewhere else. If you do want to go for their salad, then skip the dressing. As for the cardio, continue running and walking, the more the better. Staying active is the way to go. Get involved with resistance exercise and calisthenics. These will help raise your metabolism more than cardio alone which will help you burn more calories. Cardio is great but combining diet, and the strength exercises can get to your goal much more quicker and more efficiently. I dont know how you eat, but try to spread out your meals throughout the day like 4-8 times every 1.5-3 hours. Portion size control is important! Careful of eating too much in one sitting. But if are interested in starting the strength exercises, my recommendation is to start off with an introduction program with a trainer to learn the basics and proper technique for safety OR find a friend who knows what he or she is doing to teach you. Be careful though, once you start these exercises, chances are that you will get more hungry, so try not to skip meals!! Good luck.

talk to a curves representative near you . curves is working for me

running probably wont help because that is not in the fat burning stage, thats considered aerobic exercise, so you are only training your for healthy weight loss, you should be only loosing one or two pounds a calculate how many calories exactly, check out�� it is a really good site to calculating how many calories you should be intaking.

She s wrong. Running is cardio, that works your heart, and BURNS THE FAT ! I have no idea where she got that from !drink more water.Make sure you re not eating a FRIED chicken salads, those are bad for you (even if they are salads). Go for the grilled chicken salads. And your exercise seems to be well, just keep up with it. When you eat foods, look for foods high in dietary fiber and try to keep an estimate count of how many calories you eat. Don t go over about 2500 a day. Hope this helps :) Feel free to hit me up with any more questions.

Weight loss tips!?!?!? -

Im on vacation right now. and Im getting alittle chubby. I wanna lose some fat and look good in a bikini. I was gonna just not eat but i dont think thats a good idea....any tips on losing weight really fast and easy?

1 Try and burn at least 500 cal a day with exercize. the more you burn a day the faster you ll lose weight. 2 Eat what you normally would but eat HALF of it and keep a close eye on the snacks between meals. the less you eat(without starving yourself) the faster you ll lose the weight.3 Lift some 3 kilo weights to get more lean muscles and tone up a bit. PLUS lifting weights burns calories and having muscle speeds up your metabolism! ;D have a nice day!

ok if u want the truth straving diets are the worst because o1: not healthy and VERY harmful. 2. because sure u can lose wiegh but it will gain back after a short time bc u dont change ur lifestyle on how u excerise and eat. try going to or if ur a teen go to it rlly helps :) plus dont try to rush weigh away its not healthy

You should have correct info if you want to lose weight. You can did way that I lost 20 pounds in 8 weeks. It works very well and It will work for you too. You can get more info here

Weight Loss Tips!!!!!!!? -

I am overweight and need tips for loosing weight in 1 month! Thanks :o)

best thing to do is running/swimming/ for beginners.running does not mean walking slowing, and swimming does not mean floating around to play food that have lots of fibers, they fill your stomach quickly and you will feel full without eating lots of calories. vegetable contain lots of fibers, and eat some banana to prevent cramps while running/swimming. eat some fresh fruit whenever you feel hungary, do not starve or your body will do the opposite thing (which is ending up eating more than you need)run at least 1 hour a day, and more if you are really out of shape. 1 month to lose lots of weight is impossible. i suggest you to work out when you have time, stop being a couch potato and start working out. whats better then swimming in the hot summer, so try that once a while.

An easy weight loss, but isnt an fast diet but it helps. Don t eat more if you arent more hungry. Dont be full. Be unhungry