Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What do yall think about Curves weight loss program? -

costs and plans?

My mother and absolutely all of her friends not only love Curves and show great results, but they have stuck to it for over 3 years now. I joined her a few times and liked it, but at 21, it just wasn t for me. Everyone there (and at two other locations around my area) was in their forties or above, so I felt a little bit out of place. But one thing I liked was that it was all women--no feeling stupid or intimidated in front of a bunch of guys. I would recommend it for anyone to try, although in my early twenties, it wasn t right for me. Oh--and the cost is something like $250 every four months I believe, but there are a lot of promotions to make it cheaper. The whole circuit takes about 20 minutes, which is easy to squeeze in 3 or more times a week.

go try it out for yourself and find out

Well its very small,not many machines but I hear they are very good much more personal than the bigger gyms. I guess that depends on you and what your needs are. If your serious about getting fit or you just want to hang out at a big gym its really a matter of personal preference. Thats good your taking the first step in making your body healthy. Thats what is important

I personally haven t used the program but I know a couple of peopel who did and there are mixed reviews about their experience with it. One of them actually left Curves and joined W.W. because she liked their support systems better than Curves. Another like the overall program and for a while she like the workout rountine but eventually grew bored with it and joined some workout classes at the Y. Almost forgot the positive...a co-worker of mine joined Curves about 3 months ago and she loves it she actually said she liked it better than Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers.I ve seen specials were you can join their program on a trial bases so I recommend doing that to see how you like it.