Wednesday, January 23, 2019

What is a good exercise to lose weight fast? -

walk every day you lose weight walk at the same time if too cold walk in a mall

If you want to lose weight, it is important to have the support of your family and friends. They should keep you motivated at times when you are tempted to give up, and should let you know if you are being unrealistic about your weight loss goals.If you want to lose weight but do not know where to start, talk to your GP or practice nurse. They can give you dietary and fitness advice and point you in the direction of local slimming clubs and support groups, as well as making sure your weight loss plan is suitable for you.

Go over the list and decide which foods to cut out or reduce. Cutting calories is usually a lot easier than you might think. For example, that daily tall latte in the morning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of flab (lost or gained) is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound a week. Other easy cuts include salad dressing (salad dressing is the number one source of fat in the average American woman s diet) soda pop, candy, and butter. Look at the nutritional information for the foods you eat, pay special attention to your intake of saturated fats and empty calories (high-sugar foods). You don t need to cut these things out entirely, but if you reduce your intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods you ll lose weight faster.

To keep your weight down in the long term, make exercise part of your weekly routine. To increase your chances of keeping your exercise programme on track, choose activities that suit your lifestyle and that you find enjoyable.Exercise can sometimes be more fun if you have a friend to do it with. Alternatively, you could join a fitness class, or take up a team sport, to make physical activity a sociable and regular habit.

Cleanse your bodyIf you��re only having a bowel movement once every 2 days then You can quickly flush out 5 pounds of waste trapped inside your colon and you can easily do this by�� * Eating more fiber ,* Drinking at least 70 ounces of distilled water every day* Taking colon cleansing (or detox) diet pills first thing in the morning before bed.This is the easiest way to lose a quick 5 pounds without exercising (or more than 5 lbs. depending on the type of diet you had your frequency of bowel movements) and�� You may notice your tummy getting flatter due to the pounds of waste being released from your colon.

Follow this Diet chart and yoga aasansIt is good that you have sought the help of Yoga to bring your body back into shape. While your practices and measure to eliminate excess weight or what you do is important, what you shouldn��t do is just as important.* Don��t resort to weight reduction pills or powders of any sort and please avoid crash diets. We shall prescribe you a simple diet that is healthy, easy to follow and will deliver the desired results. See a nutritionist or dietician, if you must, but preferably one who knows and practices Yoga.* Never skip meals. This makes you overeat at other times. So, by all means eat three or even four times a day, but eat light and sparingly.Yoga ExercisesStanding Position# Tadasana (Palm Tree pose)# Parvatasana (Mountain pose)# Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)# Ardha Chakrasana (Half Moon pose)# Padangusthasana (Toe to hand pose)# Padahastasana (Forehead to knee pose)Sitting Position# Janu Sirshasana ((Forehead to single knee pose)# Paschimottanasana (Forehead to both knees pose)# Ushtrasana (Camel pose)# Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)# Simhasana (Lion pose)# Marichyasana (Pose dedicated to the sage Marichi)# Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fish pose)Supine Position# Purvottanasana (Inclined Plane)# Matsyasana (Fish pose)# Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose)# Navasana (Boat pose)# Chakrasana (Wheel pose)# Sethu Bandhasana (Bridge formation pose)# Halasana (Plough pose)Prostrate Position# Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose)# Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)# Dhanurasana (Bow pose)# Shalabhasana (Locust pose)Inverted Position# Viparita Karani (Legs against the wall pose)# Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)Balancing Position# Vrikshasana (Tree pose)# Garudasana (Eagle pose)Pranayamas (breathing exercises)# Kapalabhatti (Skull cleansing)# Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)# Suryabhedana (Right Nostril breathing)Kriyas (Cleansing techniques)# Jala Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with water)# Sutra Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with rubber catheter)# Vaman Dhauti (Cleansing stomach by vomit water on empty stomach)Yogic DietThis is very important, if you wish to get back into shape and develop a healthy, slim and shapely physique. Let your diet be Yogic and Sattvic (pure, light and predominantly vegetarian). This means plenty of raw foods �C salads, sprouts and seasonal fruit �C vegetable juices, dried fruits and loads of water.Avoid potatoes, peas, chick peas, grams, peanuts, all non-veg fare, fried, fatty and spicy foods, junk / fast foods, packaged foodstuffs and confectionary products. Also keep away from milk and milk products such as cheeses and butter. But you may have plenty of diluted buttermilk prepared from skimmed milk. Avoid snacking between meals and, as mentioned before, never skip a meal.

Get some exercise! Walk everywhere! Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk as much as possible. Walk up and down your stairs at least 10 times a day. Take 10 things out of your purse and leave them upstairs- go downstairs, go back upstairs and grab one thing at a time so that you get some exercise

If you learn to walk scientifically you ll lose much more weight than you will from jogging. If you combine that with effective 1 rep weight training the fat will fly and you ll be in great shape.Check out:

Running/jogging is the best.

I am a 30 year old female, I am 70 pounds overweight. I need to lose weight fast, more than the 2lb /week norm -

I want to lose about 40 pounds as my initial goal. What can I do to get to that in 2months? Thank you!

Why do you need to lose it extra fast? If it is for health reasons then whichever doctor told you that you had to lose it extra speedily should also have recommended a way to do so.If you haven t been told by an expert to lose the weight fast then I wouldn t recommend doing it. It would involve a fad diet which are always tricky to stick to and don t keep you happy on a day to day basis - making it much more likely you will get fed up and ditch the diet.If you are desperate to lose the weight speedily then you shouldn t follow fad diets (grapefruit diet, egg diet, cabbage soup) for more than 2 weeks tops Most actually recommend just 1 week.Any longer than that can be seriously bad for your health and also can mean that your body goes into what s called starvation mode (where your body stores any fat it can get because it thinks you are starving it, then if you go back to eating normally the weight will pile back on as you ve messed up your metabolism)I would definitely recommend this has a free trial and all you have to do is add in the food you ve eaten (there is a HUGE database of UK and US food) and how much and it works out your calories, fat, fibre, fruit portions, water etc for the day. You fill in your details (height, weight sex etc) and how much you want to lose per week (you can only go up to 2lb) and it calculates how many calories you are allowed. There s even a section to calculate your exercise calories, even hoovering and scrubbing the bath counts!To lose weight healthily and to keep the weight off you should aim to lose up to 2lb a week maximum. To lose 1lb you need to cut 500 calories out of your diet per day. To lose 2lb cut 1000 calories.However you should NEVER eat less than 1100 calories a day no matter what your sex, weight, age or activity levels. If you exercise you need to eat more calories as your body will need them. Even if you are asleep your body is burning calories and you need to make sure that you eat enough to provide your body with the fuel it needs to perform properly.I knwo it s discouraging when the weight doesn t drop off as fast as you want it to but stick with it and you will get a better result in the end.good luck.

im on the same boat as u hun....i want to lose 40lbs and i want to lose it FAST....ive been on a diet for a months now and lost 12lbs so far....i eat a yogurt in the morning....i have a 100calorie pack of whatever it may be....i eat a lean cuisine for lunch...some veggies or fruit....and i eat a regular homecooked dinner, but i cut back on how much i eat for dinner....and i drink ALOT of water...i drink anywhere from 10-15 20oz bottles of water a constantly drinking it....and i barely excercise....i workout probaly 3 times a weeks..but all i do is follow a tape called in home walking ....i walk a mile which only takes 15mins....and sometimes ill follow an ab video...its worked for me...and if i can do it...anybody can....i dont feel like im even on a diet either!!!!!

In order to lose that amount of weight you should really be determined to stick to a diet and exercise routine 100%. That means no cheating while you are on the diet and in addition to your exercise routine you should plan on moving around as much as possible to burn up extra calories.According to the fatloss4idiots diet you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days. Then you go off the diet for a few days and if you need to lose more weight you do on it again for 11 days.I have not tried it but it may be something that might help you reach your goal.

Ever watch The Biggest Loser? They sometimes lose more than 10lbs in a week, and they do it through rigorous exercise combined with a very healthy diet. If you really want to do the same, join a gym, hire a trainer, and prove to that trainer that you re willing to work as hard or harder on your diet and exercise than the people on The Biggest Loser.

2 - 3 lbs a week isn t impossible, but it takes didn t put the weight on overnight, you can t expect to lose it overnight. Twenty pounds in a month is unrealistic (anything over 4 lbs/wk is almost impossible to keep off long term, and even that amount of loss is VERY difficult to do because it requires a large calorie deficit per day). The faster you lose the weight, the higher chance it ll pack right back on because you ll be using unhealthy methods to do it, that cannot and should not be used long term.Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet all the time...exercise at least 5 days a week (1 hr a day or more) and you ll be on your way. Make this a lifestyle change though, not just a diet, so the weight will stay off long term.Good luck!

i admire your determination, but i think your goal is a little unrealistic. I am also 140lbs overweight and would like to lose this quickly. But weight is gained overtime and it takes patience to lose it. Healthy eating is the safest way to lose weight long term. so start the day with breakfast, salads and vegetables for lunch and a light dinner. 16 to 20 pounds is a more realistic goal for 2mths.

if you do diet pills, hydroxicut works pretty good, but you ll be drinking a lot of water so be prepared to visit the restroom pretty often and that can get expensive. You could try the Special K diet, you just have to stick with that plan for two meals and then eat normally for supper.You could cut back on a lot of sugars. Just drink water or some juice or milk for every meal. Drink as much water as you can. some good meals are grilled chicken with vegetables. Salmon is very tasty and good for you. You don t have to eat a whole lot of it to be full.You could try to eat six small meals a day instead of three big meals. That one may take time to get used to b/c everyones schedule is different.Also exercise!! if you don t have time or money to go out and walk, find a stool that you could use for a step aerobic exercise while you watch tv.Good luck and hope this helped!

I need to lose weight in the mid area and the thighs like 30 lbs? -

i want to make this dance team at my high school i have 2 month tell tryouts and i need to drop about 30 lbs. I will do lot of excersising and eating right just need to know what works bestI will not use medicine or order anything i need to lose weight fast and the cost be free

Targetted weight reduction is quite tough, many would declare impossible, however I shed a couple of inches from my thighs by following the instruction on the site in the box below. Give it a try, their advice is very down to earth!

Try the Lil Jack workout��and Merry Christmas��

Got any good ideas how to lose weight fast? -

i need some good ideas....plz give me some.....

nothing for instanly.

The only way to lose weight is to diet and exercise. There is no miracle pill you can take to lose weight without working out. If you have a gym you go to talk to someone about a personal trainer. They are expensive but they will help you achieve the body you want. So get on a healthy diet and get exercising 4 to 5 times a week. That would be the best way.

when you get hungry drink a glass of water... also these vitamins are GREAT!

treadmill weights eat healthy food frozen grapes as snacks instead of crips and chocolate dont get any take aways or mcdonalds get 8 hours of sleep

eat healthy and exercise. sure it s a pain in the butt, but it s the healthiest way to do it.if you are looking for pills or something then you aren t in it for good health.

Gaining weight is the result of comfort eating and comfort eating is a way of dealing with stress. So the problem to overcome is stress. The first thing you have to do is assess who in amongst your relationships is either an obvious problem or a person who is 2-faced, ie they look and act friendly but they are only gaining an advantageous position and useful information about you that can be used against you to stress you. It gives them a high, while it stresses you. Eating stimulates digestion and a high parasympathetic nervous system tone. this is the nervous system that facilitates rest. so if you eat you gain rest. if you eat something greasy so much the better because fats are digested late and that means you artificially keep your system at rest for longer. Just knowing that can help because it will make you more conscious of eating. Usually people who comfort eat have already eaten the food before they realize it. the habit is so automatic. Sort out your relationships. Off load the ones that are not worth the trouble. if a person makes you irritable during or after contact you need to red flag that relationship and be on guard don t give information about yourself that is real. Give them a b-- steer. You have a right to defend yourself and your health.


please if u find any ways let me no i also need to lose some weight fast

exercise and quit eating like a pig would be good starters

this is only for a crash diet, and it should not be followed in the long term (also keep in mind that i m notttt a doctor!!! so follow at your own risk!!)-only drink water or milk or tea(green tea is excellent for getting the metabolism going!)-no snacks-limit breakfast to 500 calories (or less), lunch 400 (or less), dinner 300 (or less)-chew gum in between meals to keep hunger away-try to avoid carbs-eat as much fruits/veggies as you like-use small plates so as to make it look like you re eating a lot, but it s not really that way-excercise each day, even if it s just for 20 min or so, remember, muscle uses calories more than fat!! (use small weights, high repititions for toning)GOOD LUCK!!!

Cabbage soup, you can google it for the recipe

run 5 times a week and stick to vegetables for awhile. when you are down to a size 3 again be careful about what you eat b/c that size 5 can come right back. if you don t want to continue running 5 times a week cut it down to atleast 2 times or just dance in your room.

I think that diets don t work because we are force to do something that we don t like to do. the secret to stay in shape is portion control at the beginning is a little hard especially when you eat out ---so, you really need to focus on small portions but don t worry because after a while it becomes a habit and you get to eat all kinds of foods .

Fast isn t the way. You should try Weight Watchers. It has worked for me and continues to work. I ve lost 15lbs since the beginning of October! Good LUCK!

You re not gonna like this, but loosing weight is a process... if you lose it fast , you ll regain it faster . You don t have to go on a diet, you have to change your dietary habits and start some workout routine. Anyhow... don t create false expectations: body types are genetically set. Concentrate on being healthy and your body will look good. That said... Herbalife (or any other shake) and 30 minutes a day in the thread mill can be a good way to lose weight fast. Peace!

Ashley, it all depends on how strong your will power is... (If you believe in it, it will happen)

dont go on diets it bad 4 your body but run for at least 1 mile and eat fruits and soup its good and not too much

Get off of the couch, stop eating junk food, and go on a light run every day.

you could try signing up for an activty thingy like helps to lose weight. also, try not to eat alot of junk food (if you are). or try making a workout jogging or situps. idk. and do that eveyday. lol. thats all i gots. but good luck anyways! )

exercising is better than dieting

1) Eat Less processed food2) Start Walking3) Get on a program, Jenny craig .com or fatloss for idiots --

watch what you eat and work out!run a mile or two,go to the gym,swim at a YMCA,somehing!

a friend of mine ate oatmeal for breakfast,lunch and dinner.

my friend told me that if you only eat ice ..............everytime you get hungry.................but ice is all you can eat my friends mom lost 10lbsso yeah that s what i think will work