Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Any good tips on how to lose weight over the holidays?? -

Obviously it s really hard to simply avoid all the treats involved with the Christmas season, and simply put, I don t have the willpower to do it! It s once a year, and I just can t help it!I m 180 pounds, 5 4 , 20 years old. I try to start exercising - I like DDR once in awhile - but usually, I m so tired after being at work and on my feet for 8 hours a day that I don t feel like exercising after work, and on my days off I have so many errands and cleaning to do that with all that, I don t feel like exercising either! When I try to cut back on calories, I get cravings for those french fries or that chocolate cake - and a small bit is never enough. It always seems to take so much to fill me up...I can t just stop if I m still hungry, and things like rice cakes and everything don t work. All the diet stuff out there - like Special K protein water or whatever - is too expensive. Slimfast tastes really bad to me and never fills me up at ALL. Does anyone have any advice at all?????

I was reading your post and thinking this is me! I think losing weight this time of year is really tough, trying to maintain your current weight is even a challenge during the holidays !! I m a fan of Weight Watchers because you re allowed to eat the things you like to eat...just not so much of them. I find it better to have a taste of junk food than to have to completely avoid it forever !Portion sizes and exercising are the big key factors ! good Luck !

1. Excercise in the mornings, you burn more fat.2. Join Weight Watchers, there brilliant and you can still eat chocolate.3. Have a day off, a day that you stick to your diet but you allow yourself that special treat that you have been craving all week. 4. If you spill up, forget about it, start again, no one is perfect. This worked for me and i lost 30 pounds in 3 months. Good Luck.

Well if you know that you are not going to have the will power to do it then why even ask for help if you are not even going to try and help yourself? Its really not that hard to just tell yourself no .

Yes, I have advice. The first thing you need to do is to come to grips with your weight problem. 180 pounds and 5 4 tall is seriously overweight. I am a male and I m 6 1 tall and my optimal weight is about 185 pounds. Think about that. You weigh almost as much as a taller than average male should weigh.I don t say that to embarrass you or to scoff at you. I have had yo-yo weight problems myself, and can sympathize. But losing weight is 90% mental. You have to somehow get yourself to understand that you are treating yourself all year long, so this Christmas season is not merely once a year - if it was, you wouldn t be 180 pounds. You re obviously overeating all year long. Don t argue. Understand it. If you weren t overeating, you would not weigh 180 pounds.Accept it. Embrace it. You re not a bad person. It s o.k. Just understand it. And ask yourself what you need to do about it? What s the simplest answer?I ll tell you: eat less.How?Educate yourself. Use sites like calorieking.com and look up the calories of all the things you eat. Buy a kitchen scale and weigh things. And learn how many calories they have. It won t take long before you intuitively know by looking at quantities of food how many calories are in them.Buy yourself a Polar watch (http://www.polarusa.com/consumer/aw/defa�� Wear it for 24 straight hours and measure how many calories you burn a day. Then understand that you MUST consume fewer calories than your body burns. Even if it s just 300 calories less - you will go on the road to reduction.O.k. - working out. You don t feel like working out. O.k. So, just commit to a minimal amount. Go for a brisk 15 minute walk every morning. You have 15 minutes. Don t deny it. Put your shoes on and walk hard for 7.5 minutes away from your house, and 7.5 minutes back to your house. When you decide you want to, up it to 30 minutes.The main thing is eating clean. You can t have sugary/salty snacks or treats. You re like a cigarette smoker. I know it s hard to lay off them, but you just have to convince yourself that feeling good is better than eating a cookie or fries or cake.Once you determined with your watch how many calories your body burns (say 2000), commit to only eating 1700 per day. Divide that into 4 to 6 equal portions, and eat that many times a day. Do not eat at restaurants. Make your food at home.Drink a gallon of water a day. Do not drink beverages that have calories, and do not drink soft drinks (even diet).

Well, you have to make exercise a priority. If it means getting up earlier to do it before work then that s what you have to do if you re serious about wanting to be fit.That s what I do because I m exhausted after work and could never work out at night. Drink a lot of water everyday, especially before a meal and again after (especially if you still feel hungry).I buy protein powder in a large bag at Costco, it s relatively inexpensive and you can make your own shakes by adding healthy ingredients, such as fruit (in moderation), natural peanut butter (also in moderation) and the Jello Pudding mix - fat free/sugar free adds some great flavors without many carbs at all.This is much less expensive than protein waters, slimfast etc. and tastes much better.As for the holiday tempting treats - tell yourself when you see them that nothing tastes as good as being fit looks .Good luck to you!

How to lose weight fast ? -

my parents say am not fat but i am and i need help

If you re serious about losing weight you MUST try Acai Berry! I first heard about on Oprah, and I ordered a 14-day FREE trial from this site. I ve already lost some weight and I ve got tons more energy.

- lots of water- healthy diet - fruits and veggies, cutting out high sugar foods and drinks- daily exercise - 30-60 minutes a day (maybe running or jogging)gd luck

try eating less than wut u normally do and dont eat late at night like after five then slowly cut down on eating breads and pastas

What is the most sure-fire way to lose weight fast and keep it off? -

stop drinking soda, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, have five or six smaller males throug out the day, if you dont have time to eat that oftern then have a good breakfest and a very heavy lunch for your supper something very light and low cal. Trying doing at least 30min of cardo everyother day. My mom was over 400 lbs she is now 130. She lost alot fast and then kept at it the last 150 took longer.

http://www.mypyramid.gov Report Abuse

Start an exercise routine (at least 30 minutes of real exercise every day) and keep it up for the rest of your life.Eat the right amount of calories for your weight and don t go over (ask your doctor how many calories you need per day, or go to www.mypyramid.gov)

Hi there, if losing some pounds of any description and inches is what you want then I would suggest you use a diet that is all natural and is rich in protein and vitamins. This allows your body to get all the things it needs to function correctly and so you don��t feel hungry or tired. By doing this instead of going on one of these current craze diets you will be successful. I used a protein based diet with Herbalife after a friend who had lost weight recommended it to me. All the way through you feel great and energized, you also get great coaching and support along the way. The people are very friendly and gave me lots of great advice. I needed to lose 40 pounds and I did so fairly easily. There is no pressure and they will even send you a load of free samples so you can try before you buy. The samples were the thing that initially convinced me that this was the right path to choose, I could tell the difference right away. The products really work and you feel great whilst losing weight. They are fun to work with as well as being serious about helping you lose weight.I lost all my weight in less than four months and they have helped me to keep it off. I would definitely recommend using them, the tips you get and encouragement are excellent (their advice and time is FREE). I am still with them so I stay healthy. The owners will advise you on what to purchase depending on what you want to lose, my sister did this also and lost 76 pounds in less than five months. The website is www.myhealthabc.com, if you want to lose the healthy way and quickly then this is for you. You just leave your details and they call you up, I would suggest that if you aren��t sure or don��t want someone to ring you then go to their main site www.myhealthabcmall.com and you can see all the products and packages. This is what I did before I went to the first site and left my details so they could contact me. You can see with all the products and detail they have that they mean business. Its nice to have contact with real people who care about you losing weight and improving your health instead of someone just trying to sell you something. I am confident now that I will continue to keep the weight off with the help I have received. I think so long as you are serious about losing weight then these guys will genuinely get you there.

cut down your portions.dont snack exercise as much as you can.weigh yourself once a week.best if on same day and about same time.if you feel like eating something not good for you like lets say ice cream.go ahead just make it a small bowl.if you want something and you dont have it you wont stay on the diet.so have whatever you want but not all the time and alot less of it.the weight might come off slower but it will stay off