Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What is the best weight loss tip you know? -

do not eat between meals, do not eat any junk foods of anykind

you are what you eat

exercise, diet, medicine

There are some benign drugs whose side effects include weight loss. Ask your physician.

Dont skip breakfast, it slows your matabalism down.

have a complete breakfastexcercise

there s no miracle drug or quick fix, only hard work!

Dont take in liquid calories


to lose weight fast have a body wrap i lost 4 inches in one hour xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

go to www.mypyramid.gov to find out exactly how much you should consume nad how much activity you need. when you are watchin TV maybe you should do sit ups or tune into Fit TV. Wake up a little early and put is some stretches or wahtever sport you like. afterschool do a routine that you will stick to. diet wise, stick to a 1,800 calorie diet. use a diet journal to help. record what you ate and it s calories. figure how much you went over and burn that. record the exercises and calories burnt. write in it daily. ask a counselor for school nutrition.exercise too. i do 50 push ups, sit ups and stretch a lot. i jog atleast 30 minutes a day, i do yoga in my free time and dance sometimes! have fun doing it too! get buds to joinmy food-i eat a bowl of mini wheats that have lots of fiber with an able on the side for breakfast, school i have no extras for lunch, snack is a handful of nuts and dinner i don t over eat.sometimes thirst is mistooken for hunger. so drink all the time to make sure.the average person needs 8 glasses a day! ha!and check some past questions about BMI and overweight/underweight to find out. and check your doctor or gym teacher to make sure dieting and exercising is okay. you cna damage yourself or hurt yourself a lot!

Any one have any weight loss tips? -

I am 5 10 and weight 215 pounds. I am tired of being over weight I have lost about 20 over the past 3 months but I am going off track and going back to my old habits any advice

Exercise and get rid of junk food around the house. When you get cravings eat fruit or veggies. Check out Campbell s soup website for healthy meals. http://www.campbellkitchen.com/

A very simple yet effective diet plan is the cabbage soup diet. This is based on consuming cabbage soup whenever hunger strikes. However, during this diet, one needs to refrain from any of the oily junk food stuffs. Another diet plan which is used more so like an adjunct to other diet regimes is negative calorie diet. This works on the principle of consuming food, which has calorific values less than the energy spent in digesting them. Thus, there will always be a negative balance for the body thereby resulting in gradual depletion of the stored fat. Lastly, the Sonoma diet also aims at making the life of those who want to lose weight, a little easier. This diet comprises of vegetables, which have high concentrations of anti oxidants, blueberries, spinach, almond oil and whole grains. For those who find even this combination unpalatable, try adding red wine to the list but make sure you don��t exceed a glass.http://www.weightloz.com/category/Best-Diets-to-Lose-Weight.html

Cardiovascular routines work well with weight loss mixed with a fast pace weight routine. Start on the treadmill and walk no less than twelve minutes if your a beginner longer if you can handle it. Use light weights at first untill you develop a higher level of strength. do ten military presses with straight bar or dumbells with no rest do ten lat pulldowns or pull ups no rest do your favorite arm routine. Mine is hammer curls or preacher curls. At this point your upper body will be pretty fatiguid. Immediatly do ten flys on a flat bench with light weight. Using a long bar for your chest routine would be very dangerous at this point. As a cool down stretch your upper body out then start your abs routine. ten crunches, ten leg raises, ten oblique crunches each side. If you have a track at your gym walk it atleast once before starting again. Do this upper body routine three times. rest anytime you feel so tired you would cause danger to yoursef by going on. Using lighter weights will lower the risk of fatique. Allow your upper body a day of rest. Start your lower body routine with no less than twelve minutes on treadmill. ten squates or leg presses. no rest ten leg curls. no rest ten leg extensions. no rest ten calf raises. Again be your own judge on safety. None of this will work if you continue to eat alot of sugars and starches. Remove all sodas from your diet. Remove all sugars and sweetners. If you must use sweetners use less than normal. NO white breads only wheat if you must have bread. I would not suggest it. Drink lots of water I am glad to answer any questions concerning fitness and weight loss.

you could try weight watchers - it s slower weight loss than most people want, but you can eat whatever you want in reasonable portions. it also discourages you from going off track because you re forced to be accountable with a weekly weigh-in.

For exercise, try switching it up (Monday work on arms, Tuesday work on stomach, Wednesday work on legs, Thursday Rest, Friday Arms, Saturday Stomach, Sunday Legs) though you can choose your own schedule/plan. Try maybe using different machines for stomach or legs or arms so your body doesn t get used to it. Also, try increasing the amount of exercise you do every week. For eating, try portion control (70% of your diet is food intake but exercise is also important) eating the serving size and if there is no designated serving size, 1cup if it s a meal and 1/2 a cup if it s a snack.Breakfast- Whenever you chooseDrink of choice- hour after breakfast (all other drinks being water; one cup of drink of choice)Lunch- 1hr after Drink of choiceSnack- 1/2 cup, 1 hour after lunchDinner- 2 hours after snackIt doesn t matter WHAT you eat unless you re on a specific diet such as Atkins, it s mostly just How MUCH we take in and how OFTEN we take it in. I have problems with over-eating and I ll eat an ice cream, oh I want another and it s not b/c I m hungry it s b/c I have a craving for it and it feels like I can t wait. Also, eating out of boredom, try drinking water often to prevent hunger. I also have this problem and especially when I m exercising. (Try buying a treadmill or a few exercising supplies or maybe you can get a gym subscription) and bring with you in an insulated glass/mug full of ice b/c I always and alot of other people always want a little something to feel like their eating or munching on and this is perfect b/c it s hydrating and you get the little munch out of it. Also, how I said about buying some equipment or gym subscription, I d recommend you buy your own that way you pay a little extra and the rest is free not 1/2 the price every month or whatever. Try buying about the things (one for legs, one for stomach, one for legs and maybe as you get more into, you could add more). Also, if you lift weights try increasing the amount of weight each weeks or two. :)Hope this helps! Good luck!Also, calculate your intake so you know how much to work towards burning plus extra for the muscle :)

I need a weight loss tip... -

so when i started summer i was probably a 3 in jeans..now summers almost over and i m now about a 7 in jeans...i know thats not that big but i dont want to be the girl that gained 10 lbs over the summer...school starts in about 2 weeks and i need any help on ways to lose about 10-15 lbs by the end of the summer.ill take any advice, comments, anything (as always) help please and thanks a bunch

Just be healthy. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Skip the fast food. If you aren t working out, try to start. There are no secrets... just hard work and a good attitude! Good luck... but 10-15 pounds in a few weeks for someone who doesn t sound that big to begin with, is going to be diffiuclt to do in a healthy fashion.

hey when i went to california my brother his wife kids and i we ate out at this place called inn and out burger, well i gain about 10-15 during that vacation and ate there only 2-3 times and i was a size 3 and i didn t go up a pant size or anything, so i don t know what you were eating or doing to make u go up that much in a pant size. and actually that is a big jump in pants size if your a 3 to a 7. . oh by the way its been several years(5,6-7) that i have been a 3 and now that i have been filled up with stress and frustration, i still fit a size 3 but now its just getting a lil bit tight, so now i m size 4.and like if you really want to lose that much weight in two weeks, go running about three times a day and work out on your stomach, also your hips, it could be that your still growing and that your hips are just getting bigger.

Eat less then 1000 calories a day and you will lose at least 6 pounds in two weeks

Weight loss tips. seriously needed..? -

ok so i have never been thin ...i was a chubby baby and so on.. always had a big appetite. I eat way too much S**t...dont eat breakfast..and eat way to late at night. i have tried so many diets, the atkins dietthe cambridge dietslimming worldweight watchersetc..diet pills...healthy eating.. had my thyroid tested at the doctors to see if its anything to do with that, but still nothing..i am 17 now, and i think its really time i do something about it, its on my mind constantly and affects nearly everything i do.looking on the interenet you never know which things are actually going to work..there are so many articles written online that claim different things. Can anyone help?

Start with small steps; drink a glass of water before you eat a meal and EAT BREAKFAST in the morning. A bowl of cereal and a banana or grab a bagel to go. Breakfast will jump start your day. Stop drinking soda, lattes and energy drinks, stop eating chips and cookies and you will lose hundreds of calories per day. This will add up over weeks and months. An apple has sugar that can give you energy if you re craving a soda. Don t beat yourself up if you do have a soda at lunch, cutting back is important idea here.Start parking your car farther away from the door instead of searching for a close parking spot. Get up early and walk/run for a half hour before you get ready for school in the morning. Stop getting on the computer and go shopping (walking=exercise). Before you know it you will be more active and eating better foods. Stop eating after 7:00 or 8:00 at night. Eating earlier in the day provides your body with the energy it needs to do activities, these calories will be used during the day, instead of being deposited into your fat cells for storage at night. Small lifestyle changes can have huge influences in your life. Drink lots of water and be happy with who you are.

While dieting will produce some quick results, it may not be effective as you will gain weight as you stop doing it.Learn some ways to increase your metabolism rate. Cut down on carbohydrates, avoid sugared drinks, sleep well and exercise regularly.Suggest you visit these resource site to increase your metabolism rate: http://www.metabolismandhealth.com/ or http://www.getridofobesity.com/

vegan dietgoogle it, many people have lost weight eating vegan foodfor me its the best ive tried everything and this one is the only thing that has worked for me and is very consistent. you will also feel a lot better and healthier. do more research about vegan diet you will be glad you did.

Anyone trying to lost weight fast should look into the Acai Berry. It is one of the most nutritional foods on earth. The high vitamins and anti-oxidents in Acai contributes to rapid weight loss.

Thermo Phen Phen worked the best for me. It speeds metabolism to burn fat while also killing your appetite. Great product for losing weight fast.http://www.thermophenphen.com/

I can t blame you for all the misleading information that you got from the internet. Companies and fitness gurus now are more concerned in selling their products that claim to burn the fat away. I ve also fallen victim to them and wasted my money buying their products and ending up wondering why I never loose a single digit on the scale.oh but here I am wanting to share what really worked for me. so please read ahead...I started going to the gym last April 2009 and I lost 16 pounds(water weight) after 3 months...but after that I was still unsatisfied so I changed my eating habits and now I lost a total 30 pounds.If you want to know the details, feel free to email me here: kae_to92584@yahoo.com Don t Worry, I m not trying to sell you anything, I just want to share my knowledge and help other people out

Well, my suggestion is to take it slow change one thing a week. The best way to lose weight MAINTAIN that weight loss is to make lifestyle changes.Start week 1 by making yourself eat breakfast. I know it s hard to eat if you aren t hungry, but it ll keep you from eating something REALLY unhealthy before/during lunch.Week 2, (if you don t work out) start walking 15-20 minutes a day. Bump this up as you can :)When you go grocery shopping (if you do), make a list AHEAD of time shop around the perimeter (the outer aisles). If you shop the outer aisles, you will find your dairy, grains, meats, veggies, etc WITHOUT the junk like potato chips in the middle aisles.Good luck! :)

What are some weight loss tips? -

Ok so I just got back from 2 weeks in Europe, and as most people do, I put on a good amount of weight, nothing I wasn t expecting but weight I want to get rid of. I go to the gym probably like 3 or 4 times a week and workout for like an hour but I haven t really loss much weight.I also have changed my diet a little and ya I m seeing results but not the kind I need, I really want to get in shape and it feels like I need something to give me the edge. Please any input or tips you have would be great, thanks guys!

I can give you some tips to get you too the next phase of fitness.If you can do LISS(low intensity steady state), early morning easy walking, even on a treadmill for 40mins on an empty stomach, you will burn fat, while holding onto your LBM(lean body mass), which is the key for you to burning fat. Always remember, if you do cardio and weights correctly, you will hold onto LBM, so you can burn fat. If you do things like run on a day you lift weights, you will burn up muscle, a no no, so always choose LISS early morning and 20mins after weights. If you want to run, or do run intervals,only run on days you don t lift weights.....so again, you hold onto muscle.For meals, you should be eating 5-6meals per day, protein/carbs/healthy fats(I wonder why you cut out complex carbs?) They are what supports energy building for LBM, along with protein and healthy fats.....so you boost your metabolism all day. You need to have the proper ratios to support LBM. Eat things like lean steak, grilled chicken breast, tuna, 1-yolk with 2 whites, toast, oatmeal, potatoes, cheerios, olive oil lightly drizzeled over your salad, 4 walnuts, danon light yogurt....with these choices, you can form 5-6 small meals or 2 as snacks easily!If you can eat properly to support LBM, and ignore the scale weight, you will look terrific! The above are some of the rules and tips I use for my clients for success! With all my clients, they learn that the scale moves slowly or not at all, or sometimes they gain, but that is because their muscle to fat ratio is so high, and muscle weighs more, but they lose inches and feel great, and need to buy new clothes!I hope this helps! Good luck!

Make sure you drink a lot of water, and try to cut down on soft-drinks.Don t drink things like energy-drinks, they make you gain weight really quickly.Try and only eat the recommended amount of calories per day.If you go to the gym that much and workout, you ll be sure to lose weight!It just takes time, don t give up (:

dont change your diet much, unless your eating too much junk food. eat your three main meals (breakfast, lunch dinner) and some snacks during the day so your body doesn t go into survival mode, which will store the fat from the foods.it would be good if you go to a personal trainer for advice on what exercises will be good for.

Well, it seems like you are doing everything right. Just make sure that you get in plenty of cardio workouts. It will take time. just make sure you eat smaller portions of food throughout the day. Avoid junk food, or foods with excess fat. And make sure you take in the right amount water everyday.

1. Choose a plan that makes sense2. Make your home a safe haven3. Don t go it alone4. Make a strong start5. Make a plan6. More is better7. Target your easy wins 8. Keep moving9. Track your progress10. Drink your fluids11. Easy Swaps12. Easy Win: Physical Activity 33

well you need to eat right like try to eat tiny meals like i know that little meals will be easier to handle with no tummy ache.you should excersize an hour a day oh and another tip is dont get stressed out if u dont lose wieght you jnust need time

I m so frustrated with my body right now. I m thinking about trying the Acai Berry. Does anyone else know how well it works? I found a free trial on http://fastestweightloss.notlong.com/ that I might use.

Take a dance class, run everyday or just try a different diet. A salad diet wont work because salad stretches ur stomach.

cut out the refined white starches, eat a lot of fruits veggies, lean protein, whole grains. drink a lot of water. run, bike, do crunches, pushups, squats, stay active

Eat as little carbs as you can, exercise etc...

It s not just about eating healthy, you really need to excersise.

Eat smaller portions. This way, your body starts to increase its metabolism so that calories are burned faster. Also, small meals can prevent overeating.Stop eating just when you feel you are not as hungry, don t keep on eating till you feel full:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Eat:Plenty of Cucumbers: it takes more calories to digest cucumbers than the calories you can obtain from it, it also give you clean, easy way of filling full. Grapefruit juice: when eaten with protein, triggers fat burning and causes weight loss.::::::::::::::::::::::::::Believe in a target weight you want to achieve and weigh yourself twice a day, be encouraged from the progress. Set a daily goal for 1 Pound or 2 you want to loose. When you do not achieve your daily goal, just eat way less at that day just to keep the same paste of weight loosing.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::Start the diet at the supermarket. Keep stocked with healthy food and you ll be less likely to run out for high calorie junk food.

Well working out only 3 or 4 times for an hour isn t that great if you really want to lose weight. Now, depending on what you do I would suggest joining a boxing/kickboxing club, it is probably one of the best work outs you will ever get, I went for 4 months and lost 30lbs, mind you I had a lot to lose... But ya you also have to eat well, what I usually ate was an egg white scramble in the morning with spinach, tomato, and onion.... a chicken salad for lunch.... and usually fish or steak for dinner with vegetables. Also, I took an acai berry supplement and I really think that gives you the edge you are looking for, the store I got them from is in my sources I think it will really help you, good luck!

It depends where you would like to see improvement.A workout that i use daily that worked for me is:45 squats a day60 jumping jacks55 power jumps or im a star jumps with 5 pound weights in each hand.45 minute walk20 sit ups then a 2 minute break then 20 morethen to get rid of love handles or side fat..lay on your side with whichever leg you want to start with on a chair laying on your side twist your upper body to sort of face the chair and do 20 sit ups, take a 2 minute break and do the other side.then to get rid of back fat..lay on your stomach, put both hands on the back of your head and do back crunches. Because some people s back is weaker i would reccomend starting out with smaller numbers of back sit ups becasue doing to much on the first time can injur your back. all i can say for that is know your limits.Some more abbdomen workouts:Do the plank. get in the push up position and hold your stomach in and hold that plank for thirty seconds. take a thirty second break and then go at it again.Do the lemon squeezer. start laying on your side in the fetal position, roll on your back and slowly let go of your legs and hold your arms on the outside of your legs. hold that for as long as you can bear.Also if your skipping breakfast, start eating it, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If your worried about overeating then eat a light breakfast but eating nothing causes you to over eat later in the day.So that s what i have learned over expierience, i hope this helps!! Good luck! (:

I have been through it all and know what s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I ve worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can t eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising...This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it s good for the heart.However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It s so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I ve found a great addition to help any one out, it s a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don t get all crazy on me and say diet pills don t work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn t meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It s an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at theweightlossplace dot com along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it s the best pill I ve tried and I ve tried cupboards full. Now this doesn t mean you have to follow my foot steps but I ve successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.