Friday, May 18, 2007



It is easier for men to lose weight so 15lbs for him would be like 25 for you. Lots of healthy food and lots of exercise. You have to change the work outs they cannot be the same because your body gets used to them. Also start baking lots of cookies, he ll eat them and you will win. Good luck.

follow this and u can lose about 10 within about 2 weeks1.Drink lots of water, 8-10 glasses a day2. Eat fruits for breakfast3. Start walking 3 days a week for 1 hour4. eat dinner four hours before bed 5. eat slowly to get full fasterHeres more

BREAKFAST: high fiber ceral, fruit, one scrambled egg, one glass off fat free milk (including ceral)LUNCH: salad, water, fruitDIN-DIN: a protein like steak or chicken about the size of a deck of cards along with 2 vegs and water.stay away from soda, sugar, and especially bread (even wheat)...drink as much water as desired.

count calories. ummm, watch the biggest loser. They give you helpful tips: drink water, eat fiber, vegies, fruits. Oatmeal? Haha, hope u winGood luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

eat fruit,NO CHIPS, SNACKS. run everyday, if you have a ipod,it will really pump you up!

has to be said.........MILF

Does anyone have any easy weight loss tips...things that will work not fast but atleast quickly? -

i need help.i used to be so skinny and then i jus started gaining weight for no reason.what can i do to work the weight off while being grounded into the house?

cut out all junk food....and all sugarcarbonated drinks.....walk everywhere....drink alot of water....sometimes when you think youre hungry, youre actually just thirsty..... look at this website!!.....

In the house do some fast dance routines. Reduce your food intake. If you drink sugared soft drinks switch to water.

Please visit my weight loss page. Hope it helps!

Eat more do exersise!Yes you read right.You must eat more food,at least more times a day.The 3 meals a day deviding in 5-6 smaller meals.That s anyway better for the stomach.Why you should continuing to eat,when you want to reduce weight? Because your body burns fat,ev rytime you eat something-he need energy for this process!Of course you should also look for what kind of food you eat!Exersise is important to burn more fat and gives you a good shape anyway.I recommend swimming!You see-there is no need for diet-programs,who just cost you money and have an effect for a short time only!


Drink a lot of water, get some exercise do a lot of walking, or march in place instead of sitting while watching at least tv show. Do not eat anything after 7pm. Stop eating bread, chips, sugary drinks

You say you are gaining for no reason. Thats not possible. There is a reason. If you havent changed your diet or if you arent execising less, it could be something medical ie, thyroid, diabetes etc. So, if you really dont know why.....see your physician. Otherwise, its as simple as input/output. The output needs to be greater than the input. Eat less calories and increase your deficit.

It really isn t too hard to lose a little bit of weight. What you do is instead of eating 3 large meals a day, eat small portions every few hours, an apple, a sandwich, some yogurt, things like that. Dancing really does help when you want to lose weight because, depending on what dancing you do it can be a total body workout. If you have a two-story house or live in apartments, jogging up and down the steps can work really well. And don t obsess over it. The less you worry about how much weight your losing, the more it will help you. Just don t turn to pills, or shakes, or anything. They really aren t good for you and they honestly don t work.

How can I lose 3 inches off my waist/stomach ? -

My waist/stomach area just above my hips currently measures 26 1/2 inches and i want to lose 3 inches so i can be slim before school starts, which is in 26 days . So you can see I don t have much time. I wanna show my classmates who used to make fun of me for being a fatty how much I ve changed over the summer. Also, I weigh 122 pounds and before summer I was 118 so I ve gained a little. My goal weight is 110 and I am 5 4.Sooo I need some weight loss tips, and tips on how to tighten the core in 26 days. *I already exercise a lot, pretty much every day, and eat really healthy*, any secrets anyone uses, maybe for something like a pound every 2 days ?

If you really want to lose the weight you need to begin with your diet.Diet- 1 piece of bread a day, no alcohol,no soda, no juice, no candy or sweets, no margarine, no nuc it out of a box food, basically avoid things with excessive sugar and starches ( white foods have lots of starchExercise- do 150 crunchs every morning and every night, get up and run in the mornings BEFORE breakfest, don t eat after 6:30 pm, start with 10 push ups and build on that till you get to 25, run after diner, all in all try do about 40 minutes of cardio This diet and execise plan go hand in hand, so if you cheat on either it wont work the way it is supposed to, Good Luck, this really works!

Okay, 26 1/2 inch waist is not fat. whoever is calling you a fatty must be a toothpick or anorexic. I wouldn t worry abt what anyone else thinks, this will make your life a lot easier. Anyway, do a lot of ab work, I seriously doubt you have a healthy amount of fat to begin with. You can have some health problems if you lose too much weight.

Your not even close to being overweight. a normal weight range for a girl 5 4 is small frame-114-127 medium frame-124-138 large frame-134-151. I got this information out of some papers my doctor gave me.

Thanksgiving soon but continue weight loss? -

I am going away for Thanksgiving, more precisely 4 days. Four whole days without my gym! I don t know if I will be able to fit in exercise while I am away and I am really scared of gaining weight. I am really close to my goal weight and I don t want anything to get in my way. So I desperately need Thanksgiving weight loss tips! Please help!! Thank you so much in advance!

Thanksgiving food is delicious. . . who would wanna pass that up???

you can always do stretches and some cardio workouts at home and be not needing your gym.or you can try these.First: Do a high impact exercise before going to bed. Also, drink plenty of water and do not eat before you go to bed. Doing these things will ensure that you burn plenty of calories. Next: Look through a magazine and find a picture of how you want to look like. Think yourself slim or sexy as you fall asleep, or tell yourself an affirmation before you go to bed. Doing these things will keep you motivated and determined to achieving your goal. Third: Drink water upon rising early in the morning. This will wash away all the fat cells and cleanse your body for the day.

Stick with Turkey instead of Ham, there are less calories and fat. Also, avoid sugar and starchy food, like mashed potatos. You can always make a sugar free pie to take with you and have that instead of what everyone else has and if you take it, then you can just say you figured you would bring something with you so no one will even know that you are dieting. Also, try taking some walks while your there, not slow ones, really brisk walks. They are better than the treadmill :-)

If you know right diet information and program, diet is easy. If you are really serious, you must have fast diet program that works for you. I recommend you my diet program for you. I lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks and it was very fast. You can do it too. You can get more information here link below.

don t be too amaze or excited with the food you will see it is just a matter of disciplining yourself remember the hard work you did just to be near with your weight goal healthy dieting vs delicious foods that can make you fat

If you have Access To Apples while you are away. Eat One, 1 Hr Before Each Meal, Followed With or By, a Tall Glass of Water. Your appetite will be cut drastically in half, and you won t get fat.

keep your meals small, and often, your body burns small meals easierlarge meals with no exercise = fat, excess calories that dont get burned become fat

put nothing in your mouth unless you are hungry {belly grumble} not even a taste . good luck

don t eat

Weight loss tips in 09!!? -

I am a junior in college and needless to say I have gained some weight. The whole college dorm experience...went straight to my hips and stomach. I turn 21 in Sept and I plan on partying HARD, but recently I have lost alot of self confidence. And I want to look stunning on my birthday! SO....I need help getting back in shape (I was active in high school) and I need tips to help me stay on track and stay motivated!!!All help is welcome. Thanks in advance!!

its all in your diet trust me. I lost 20 pounds just by eating right... im not saying you havto completely stop eating normal food and drink some gross tea or anything. Just cut down on junk food and slowly but surely you will lose weight. If you are looking to lose it quick then I suggest joining some kind of activity like yoga or something but thats only if you are really dedicated. otherwise just eat right and try and get some exercise in daily like jogging around or somethingi know its no awesome advice but this is what you havto do.. trust me

i lost 39 pounds in five months without any crap. not to be a jerk, but stop eating crap. it will make u feel bad and u will just keep thing that really helped was when i got locked in my basement by my parents, i learned to hunt like the iruits and i lived off of the vermin present underneath the stairwell. needless to say, the beast was crushed! war paint helps!

Here is where you can read a good article called Top Ten Principles and Tips for Weight Loss��They are good tips that work.

Weight loss tips ... please!!? -

i have untill like tuesday next week to lose like 5 pounds and i have volleyball a lot so im good with the exercize but what are good foods that have like less then 50 calories.. i already know like fruits and veggies but stuff like snacks .. and any other tips on weight loss would be great thanks!

green tea increases your matabolism... granola fills you up and whole wheat increases matobolism also

Well, nuts, fruits, and vegetables are good. Losing 5lbs in less than a week...i don t know about all that. Water is good, keep that in mind too.

hmm, i think this ebook will help 101 Everyday Tips for Losing 10 Pounds free download page:

Quick weight loss tips? 10 POINTS WILL BE AWARDED TO BEST ANSWER!!!? -

I do not necessarily want to lose weight, but there are so many things going around about weight loss that I just wonder what is true and what isn t. So what are some weight loss tips that actually work?Thank You! :-]

Drinking water (cold) makes your metabolisn work faster, hence losing more weight... =)drinking lots of water helps you go to the restroom more, therefore you clean our your system better and lose water weight =)..keeping away from cokes, chips, sweets helps a lot...(experience)...=Dexercising 3-4 times a week (running, then some crunches) is great!-dancing latin music gets your heart happy and your abs tight =)

Then here are some good weight loss tips.Watch what you eat- Of all the good weight loss tips available, watching what you eat is probably the most important It is just a fact that you are what you eat, if it is going to be junk in its going to be junk out. Energy fueling and producing foods such as carbohydrates are exactly what their description entails, should the energy which it supplies not be burnt by exercise or your normal daily activities it will go to zone on your body with a fat reservation tendency. In other words you will pile on the pounds if you only eat and live an inactive life.Realistic goals- Do not set unrealistic weight loss goals for yourself. Take your overall dimension into consideration in other words your BMI as well as your endurance when calculating your ideal weight. A woman with a bigger bone structure with a height of 2 metres will look terrible if she sets a goal weight of 40 kilogram s. Stop comparing yourself to other people especially celebrities. Other peoples lives are not as rosy as it appears. Be thankful for that which you have been Blessed with.Food labels- Food label reading, dissecting and serious consideration should be part of each and every trip to the supermarket. Take the time to check what the ingredients are as well as the amount or level of each ingredient. Words such as saturated, trans fat and tartrazine should send some serious diet warning lights flashing. Calorie count should also be checked.Starvation- It is very important to steer clear from starvation and quick-fix diets. These types of weight loss regimes are only destined for failure due to the fact that the human body does not like any overnight changes to it. You body needs to get use to change at a very gradual pace. Quick fixes also have a tendency to back-fire terribly on the dieter, causing weight gain after loss of much more than the initial loss.

The things I find helpful is lots of water, watermelon,eat smaller portions and more portions,lots of leafy salads even things like cucumbers, things with low carbs, vegetables and fruit reduced fat lean meal, chicken, fish you can eat or drink what ever you want just look at carbs , fat calories and protein and don t eat anything higher than you are aloud to eat or you will gain weight, exercise a lot and don t be afraid to sweat. walk or run or bike , use weighs or calisthenics s These things will work pills may help some people end up in the hospital because some pills have to much caffeine each person is taking a chance with each pill they try.

stop eating twinkies, cookies and doughnuts so you don t become a fat *** half breed like samoa joe.

Burn more calories than you take in. So that means exercise!

drink water :)

Ohhh I love 10 it is. Eat healthy eat less limit your snacks and be happy all the time (good for your heart and intestines). Smile and think positive all the time. Get yourself busy so you won t have time to think that you are so fat...believe me this works, this is how I got my husband to marry me. He dropped all his girlfriends (he has 3 girlfriends that earned huge amount of salary at that time) because he got fed up with their wining and always asking if they are so fat and attractive....when he talked to me, i just talk straight no complain no wining, always happy and smiling..boom i was asked if i have a boyfrind and there we go. He owns a big engineering company at the time before we sold it. He is very athletic and very attractive person but i think I present myself as I don t care who you guys are, I m happy about myself to him.But anyway, going back to weight loss, just don t force food in your tummy from a regualr serving. If you feel you are full already, stop eating. We will not get sick from eating small portion each meal, but we will get sick if we eat big meal everytime we eat. Try to accept that we have to throw food in order to live healthy. We cannot eat leftover food because leftover food develop a certain acid on it that could poison our system once we eat them. But we have to eat on time in order for our body not to create a certain chemical (acid) that will eventually poison our system. The same thing right? Our body has the capacity of creating it s own acid, calcium, protient, potassium, fat (good and bad - ldl and hdl), sugar, cholesterol, pH and others that I don t have to mention. So if we eat too much sugary food, some of us will become diabetic because our body is already creating sugar byitself. If we drink or eat too much acidic food, (all meat chicken, pork, beef for example, and all that comes from animals are acidic) soda, low ph water (6.0 ph and below), we or some of us develop acid reflux...these are all imbalance and become chronic if continuously done to the body.Exercise is really to just keep the body to move each cells to where it should so it could do what they should for us. Those people that are stagnant (always sitting for a long time everyday) they develop muscle pain and arthritis, those people that have the huge appetite to eat, they get obese and develop chronic illness because their cells and muscles are not moving, and end up also developing heart disease because their cardio can t take the weight everytime they have to. I guess you get the idea.

Trying to start a diet for the summer, any tips please? -

I m 18 years old and weigh 8 and a half stone, at the end of june im going on holidays and i would really like to look great on the beach.Ive never really gone on a diet before so i was looking for any and all weight loss tips....... I would ideally love to lose a stone, maybe even a stone and a half... i know this is really ambitious, but that is just the best case scenario.Any tips on what to eat/not eat or anything else diet related would be greatly appreciated because im basically clueless!I will give 10 points for the most helpful answer, gaguaranteed, thanks in advance!!

This is my number 1 rule for diet, eat less more often; I suggest 6 times a day:breakfast snacklunchsnackdinnerBreakfast should be rich and nutritious. It keeps your metabolism running... it doesn t matter if you miss any other meal sometimes, but never never, miss breakfast. I also suggest lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grain.However, don t concentrate on low-carbs or low-fat, but rather on burning more calories than you put on...So work out as well.You can get more useful info here

eat less/healthy and move moresimple as

Sure, try this out, it ought to help you:

I would suggest this free web site.http://sparkpeople.comI can really help and it is free.