Monday, December 24, 2018

My wife is struggling to lose some post pregnancy weight - can you recommend a good weight loss program? -

Weight watchers and exercise works good. Maybe walking 3-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes.

I know a few women who have found success with the Weight Watchers program, as well as Jenny Craig.

Put that baby in a stroller and start walking, then work up to jogging. Just get out of the house. Walk the mall, the track at the local high school. You don t need to spend any money.

I recommend all natural Cinch Inch Loss Plan. It s powered by an essential amino acid called leucine that travels directly to muscle to signal protein synthesis. It helps your body preserve muscle mass while you lose weight and inches from fat.I was on the plan for three weeks and lost 4 1/2 inches from my waistline and 2 1/4 inches from my hips.Hope this is helpful.

Diet walking. My wife couldnt run didnt have time to go to a gym, so we walked every night for 1 1/2 hours, on top of all the walking we did during the day. Unless we where going out of town, we would walk everywhere. We gave up soft drink, ate healthy meals (note we did it as its unfair for her to have to do it on her own) Plus i took the time to notice her efforts results which tickled her vanity helped keep her resolve to loose the weight.

I can t recommend an exercise program but I can recommend a good plastic surgon or I would recommend a hot twentysomething on the side.

What type of weight loss program or pills have helped you? -

i don t want some chemical stuff going on in my veins so i need somethign good and reliable.please tell with your own experience.

eat less energy foodeat more nutritious foodworkout moredo more physical laborchange a bit of lifestylethat is the best thing i can tell you.

well i have tried one abt 3 months back the name was acomplia 20mg it was a good experience i saw really good results tryit may be that can hellp u out too .

well from my experience pills suck, and what im doing right now is a program from and taekwondo, Im eating 500 calories less then wat i should be eating so yea

How can I lose weight quickly? -

Ok so I m 12 years old and I m 5 feet, 2 and a half inches. I weigh a whopping 143 pounds. I m huge and gross looking. I ve never worn a bikini because I m too fat. I wear size 8 jeans, and I want to get to a 2 or 3 at the biggest.I really want to lose at least 25 pounds and get to 115 pounds at the most. I never have time to go the the gym, but I play field hockey, volleyball and softball in the fall, and softball and lacrosse in the spring. I also dont want to take pills.Please help! I want to lose 25 pounds by December at the latest. I want to wear a bikini for Spring Break.

i had the same problem last year. im 13 now. last year when i was 12 i was 5 0 and 138 pounds and i did not play one sport so i had it pretty hard too. now im 5 1 and 111 pounds. i tried starving my self, did not work. what did work is i got my ipod and listend to it while i walked up and down the road and exercised. and what made me lose alot is i watched how much i ate. for example, instead of two of something i just ate one. and the big thing i did was i went 2 months with out soda, and instead i had water. and also relax cause stress causes weigt gain so dont worry. also your only 12. i hit my growth thing a little after i turned 13 which will cause you to lose weight so dont worry. like i said been there done that it will get better. by the way my friend who is 5 4 and 12 years old is 164 pounds so your not alone in trying to lose weight.

sparkpeople.comtry the japanese morning banana diet, and excercisecarido for the legsjumprope, running, cycling.and try to lift little weights because big muscles on a girl is gross.try running 3-4 miles a day, and eat 1200-1300 caloriesbut remember your still beautiful but you d be MORE beautiful if you were a size 2-3.thats what helped me lose 25 kg in less than a year.

wow,Im 14 and i belive im 5 2 and i weight 117 But anywho, Just be active and eat nice food.Maybe even do a workout everyday before you go to bed.

How can I lose weight quickly? -

Well, I have got my plan in motion and I know I can do but what can I do for exercise. I m 12 years old and I don t want to have to have my parents having to buy all new food to stock the house with. I will just stay away from anything that isn t healthy. But I start my exercise program on Sunday and what small changes can I make to really make a difference?? My parents sometimes cook fried foods but very little. When that happens, what can I say for me to get out of eating it?? This sound weird, for sure, but I don t want to tell my parents that I m trying to lose weight. They are strict and they used to be in the military and so they are kinda rough when it comes to me trying to exercise. They push me too hard. So I d rather keep this from them. But what small changes can I make to my daily eating?? And how do I get out of eating fried foods when there are any?? And how do I do cardio without getting out of the house?? I want to lose at least 15-20 pounds before school starts on September 1st. I m not obese, but I m at risk of being overweight... so I want to tone up for school. Not huge, bulging muscles, but just trim down for another year of middle school. Any ideas?? Thank you for your time. :)

When I needed to lose weight fast I just stopped eating sugar. This does not include natural sugar, such as maple syrup and honey. It does however include, white refined sugar and anything that metabolizes into sugar such as, bread (not ezeikel bread, thats ok), pasta, crackers. Just look on the ingredient list. You will be amazed at how many prepackaged foods have sugar in them. A general rule of thumb, try and eat clean. This means no processed foods. Everytime I had a craving for sugar or fried or processed foods I would grab a carrot or some strawberries or drink water. Sometimes when we think we re hungry we re actually just thirsty. Keep your body hydrated and minimize late night snacking. As far as some squats in your bedroom while watching tv or crunches or push ups. This will raise your heartrate and be like light cardio. If your parents ask just tell them you want to start eating healthy, you don t have to say you want to lose weight. Oh also minimize your sodium intake too. High sodium intake may make you bloated and retain water. I admire you wanting to do this at a young age. I hope this works for you! Keep me posted on your progress, I m intrested to see the results. You should take a before and after photo. Good luck!!!

how bad do you want to loose weight? are you going to quit your program like most fat people or are you going to actually stick to the plan,all you have to do is run 1-2 miles a day, now inbetween every week go lift some weights, LIGHT WEIGHTS like 5-10lbs this will tone up your body

take a dance class, in my opinion that s the best way to keep fit and have heeps of fun, prolly sosomethingike jazz would be the best, i do alot of different dance styles but find that jazz or hihip hopnd the funnest and best for bebeginnersif ththat sot your type of thing then just run around like crazy with friends :)

get outside and run or walk for a hour or twothat should trim you down and get you in shape for school


Safe, Quick Weight Loss Tips:Start immediately to drink at least a gallon of pure water each day. Make the water as cold as you can stand it. The colder it is, the more calories your body will burn just warming it up.Begin eating a diet consisting almost exclusively of lean proteins (like skinless chicken breast), green vegetables, healthy nuts (like almonds and walnuts), and healthy fats (from fish, olive oil, flax seeds, flax oil, EFA supplements, etc.). Begin a focused, efficient, and intense exercise routine. It s best to recruit the help of a personal trainer, either at the gym or through the use of a ready-made, trainer-designed quick weight loss routineSupplement your efforts with proven quick weight loss tools such as: whey protein shakes, a good multivitamin, and L-Glutamine supplements.Get enough sleep. Most people need about 8 hours per night. If you re not allowing your body to recuperate each night you have very little chance of successfully losing body fat quickly and safely.

Trying to lose weight as quick as you can can be harmful to your health. The best and most natural thing to do, is to exercise and eat a healthy and low calorie diet. The exercise part is more important though....try running on a treadmill everyday for a whole hour....yes, it may feel like torture at first, but gradually, your body will get used to it, and if you re listening to music or watching TV, it can even be enjoyable. If you do this treadmill exercise, you can lose around a pound every week, which means that over a period of 3 months, you can loose 12 pounds. It doesnt meet your 15-20 pound goal, but trust me, you won t be disappointed by the results. Personally, I advise you not to take any pills or try to starve yourself to death, or anything stupid like purging, because usually after losing a LOT of weight at the same time, you end up gaining it all back pretty quickly...hope this helps...btw, my birthday is on the first of sept. ^_^

drink lots of water, and eat regularly. don t starve yourself, because once you start eating again, you ll gain everything back, trust lots of fruits and veggies, and if you eat bread, make sure it s whole grain. white bread is pretty fattening. you can also eat lean meats, like fish, turkey and chicken breast.skip out on sweets, candy, sugary foods, chips, ice cream, cake, and cookies.if you feel hungry, but don t want to over eat, chew gum. it ll keep your mouth busy and it tricks yourself into thinking your eating.cut out ALL soda! if you stop drinking soda, it helps you out a lot!and don t forget to exercise!try walking, jogging, jump rope, dancing, bike riding and swimming. try exercising for 45-80 minutes a day.good luck!