Sunday, February 12, 2006

How much weight can someone realistically expect to lose in 5 months? 8 months? -

My best friend is kind of getting phyco about losing weight for an upcoming wedding she s a bridesmaid in 5 months from now (mid May) and for her own wedding in August. If she were to go to a 1,400 calorie diet a day, and exercise 4 days a week with cardio, with strength training a few days as well, what is a healthy weight loss target by May? By August? I don t want her to overdo it or do anything unhealthy, but she is not happy at her current weight and I want to be supportive.

Well I read in Bob Green s book The Best Life Diet that your body can only lose up to 3 pounds per week, and realistically probably 2. Losing weight is more than just a diet but a lifestyle change. She ll want to lose it slowly over a consistent timeframe so the weight stays off. Mid May is about 18 weeks away so she may be able to lose up to 40 lbs if she really needs to lose that much. By August, another 12 weeks, she may be up to 60-70. But check with a doctor for sure.

It s safe and healthy to lose about 1-2 pounds a week. So, May is about 16 weeks away, so I d say 20-22 pounds is reasonable. Of course, I don t know what she weighs now, so losing 20 pounds might be WAY too much. Sounds like she s doing it in a healthy way though, although 1400 calories may be a little low - 1600 would probably be good.

She shouldnt cut her calroies down that much, she is starving herself and depriving herself nutrients she will need to get the results she is looking for. She should shoot for an 1800 -2000 calorie diet depending on how big she is.Its important to work out and eat right and rest. If she works out alot, she will need to fuel those workouts with food. Depending on how big she is right now, she can expect to lose anywhere from 10 - 40 lbs of healthy weight, even more if she is obese.

Generally it is safe to lose 1 pound a week without stressing your body chemistry. You can lose more per week if you are being monitored by a doctor during the diet period.

go on a cycle ride on sundays

Considering Herbal Magic..cost? info? -

I m thinking of joining a weight loss program at Herbal Magic but I m not sure what the cost is. I m looking to lose about 50 pounds. Any help would be really appreciated.

You don t need to buy magical herbs, just eat healthy (mostly fruits and veggies, little bit of meat) an exercise.

Here is a link to information about Herbal Magic:��

How much weight can I lose in one month? -

I really want to lose weight the right way! I m a vegetarian, so I ll be getting most of my protein from eggs, or nuts. I will eat plenty of vegetables along with fruit. I used to eat a lot of sweets, which I plan on cutting out of my diet altogether. I will drink a lot more water than I normally do (I usually only drink about 3 cups). I will also exercise regularly. I know that healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. I m expecting to only lose that amount each week. Meaning, after one month of dieting I ll lose around 7-8 pounds. Is it possible I might lose more? I know that I must be patient, but that s extremely hard to do! My ultimate goal is about 20 pounds, do you think it s possible to reach that goal in one month? Or should I set small goals one at a time??

Have a look at slimming worlds website. I ve been losing weight with them and they re brilliant. It s been the only thing that s worked and it s the only thing I would advise anyone to try!I am also vegetarian so green days work perfectly, I can have huge plates of pasta with home made sauce and a pile of cheese on top if I want, but there s so many things you can eat freely you re spoilt for choice!I don t know if you like it but quorn is very good and comes in mince, chicken style pieces, loads of variaties.It s not typical dieting , you ll never be hungry :)P.S. please ignore Nicole K...that has to be the stupidest most irresponsible way to advise anyone to lose weight. She needs help.

unless you weigh alot more than you should, that chances of losing 20 pounds safely in a month are slim to none... try to do this in two months and up your water to at least 8 glasses a day. You could lose 10 pounds in a month since there are typically a little more than 4 weeks in a month. don t get discouraged if you don t lose 2 pounds a week though, if that happens you may need to do higher intensity exercising.

do cardio and toning exercises 5 days a week and e5at small meals a long as you dont lose beyond 3 lbs/week you are can shed 20 lbs in 2 months,but you gotta eat healthy and exercise your whole life so that whatever weight you lose doesnt come back..its just that once you enter the weight maintenance stage you can have an additional cheat meal weekly...

I lost 20 lbs in a month, not a very healthy way though but it is possible. I just straight up didn t eat. Well once every couple days I would have a little something otherwise I wouldn t feel soo hot. Set your goal but also remember that when your working out your also gaining muscle which is heavier than fat so also keep that in mind. But if there is a will there is a way. Good LUck

i would guess around 10 give or take a few pounds.plz answer mine��

Firstly you can lose as much weight as you want in a short time period, however, you will gain it back. I am speaking from experience from someone who has been there done that with fad diets. There is the obvious liposuction, however, the recovery time is 3 �C 6 months and it sounds as though that you��re in a rush to lose the weight for possibly an event with no downtime to spare. I am and have been on weight watchers for 2 years and lost 25 lbs. It was a slow and steady race, however, I haven��t gained the weight back ��cause my diet has been stabilized and so was the weight loss from 0.5 �C 1 lb/week. Remember the weight gain didn��t happen overnight, it happened slowly over time, the same is with proper healthy weight loss, you can��t have/perform miracles over night. These are some things that I do.1.Drink lots of water as it kept me full longer. 2.Used an appetite suppressant like hoodie to make sure I don��t go over my daily calorie intake. 3.Did cardio and toning 3 �C 4 times a week. 4.Made meal and recipe modifications as I cooked. 5.When I dined out, I made sure that I wasn��t shy about asking the kitchen to make modifications like dressing/sauce on the side, half portion ordered the kids meal etc. 6.Brushing teeth after every meal, the mint acts like an appetite suppressant and without the taste in your mouth, you can easily forget about the food. 7.Never drank diet cola, the aspartame actually made me crave food more for some reason. 8.At work I take a break before lunch and either take the stairs in the building or just general toning without weights. We have a gym at work so I do about 15 minutes of weights which not only gets my blood flowing but releases tension from a**hole customers. 9.Bought snacks in bulk (to save money) and properly measured what a cup or portion was and made individual baggies. There are some snacks on the market that are 100 calorie snacks, however, I find those to be too expensive than just buying in bulk and separating the portions yourself. Also by physically separating them yourself, you get an idea of what a portion is supposed to be and you learn to properly eye ball correct portions.

What are some simple weight loss tips that could make a world of difference? -

Learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long-term weight loss. We offer the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. Check out for all info regarding weight loss.

DON T starve yourself. It ll slow down your metabolism.DO cut down on your portion sizes. Make a plan of what you will eat every day, and include all food groups! Make sure NOT to eat anything not on your meal plan!

Reduce your portion sizewalk around - find ways to be more active every dayDon t eat anything white (mayo, ranch, alfredo, etc.)

In no particular order-1) PATIENCE2) LOTS of water!3) reading and understanding nutrition labels4) gradually increase workout resistance (getting thru a plateau is tough!)

Cut out carbonated beveragesEat stuff with 1 ingredient, ex. an apple as opposed to apple juice.Eat 5-6 times a day. work up a sweat 5-6 times a week.That s a start.

Cutting down on salt and soft drinks, even diet as all of the things cause fluid retention. Adding water to your daily intake of fluids, at least 8 glasses, having meats and veggies grilled or baked rather than fried. Eating fresh fruit instead of sweet desserts.

Motivational sayings, mottos, or mantras for healthy weight loss? -

I have been at Weight Watchers for weeks, but doing it half-heartedly. I just did some math and realized that it is entirely possible to lose 15 lbs. in time for my anniversary if I lose 2 lbs. a week for the next 8 weeks. In order to do that, I have to really commit to it! What are some sayings that you use to keep you going, when you feel like it s too hard so you should just give up? Please don t say Nothing tastes better than thin feels because if you think that s true, you haven t tasted my homemade cookies! My philosophy is that you can enjoy the best food, but you just have to have the right amount for your body s needs.

People get movitivated by two ways: 1) by a dream or 2) by a nightmare. Sometimes (usually), it is hard to stay motivated. Then, you will need to stay committed. You can tell yourself, You said you were going to lose 2 pounds this week then you should. Or, you can say, If I don t lose 2, I lose . My favorite is Nike s slogan, Just Do It .It is great you broken it down to weekly goals. 2 pounds a week is about .28 pounds (a little over a quarter pound a day). It is very possible. Good Luck.JJwww.bestabexercisesonline.com

I just say something really simple to myself. And you basically lie to yourself and say something like I like healthy food when you are shopping. Say it constantly if you have to. I m not going to lie; it works! Also, I tell myself to think thin at times when I start to stray and eye some bad food!You can do it!

You can loose your weight just like i did in 20 days time by best of luck in loosing your weight.

2 pounds a week is easy to achieve. I noticed you didn t mention one word about exercise. A great mental strategy to use for diet is, you rate your hunger 0 - 10.0. is starving1. is very hungry2. is pretty hungry3. is hungry4. a little hungry5. is neutral6. is Satisfied7. is Full8. is pretty full9. is extremely full10. So full can barely move.Diet: You should eat at when you re at level 3. When you serve yourself think how much do i have to eat to be at level 6 (satisfied). Service yourself that amount of food. A good thing to do is to drink a big glass of water with your meal.Exercise: Same principle of 0-10. 0 = laying in bed 10 is doing a full sprint untill you can t go anymore. Walk/jog at a level 6 intensity. for 45min - 1hr. You shouldn t be out of breath, you should be breathing at a STEADY pace, breathing deep. Mental: This exercise I am going to share with you has made the biggest impact on my life. I used to be 380lbs, I lost over 100lbs and I am striving to be a navy SEAL. Everything changed for me by applying this exercise. I got it out of the book The Ultimate Guide To Mental Toughness - Daniel Teintalbaum (don t think i spelled his last name correctly).We all need a motive to take action. There is a reason why we exercise. Our reasons are our motivation. What s the difference from weak motivation and strong motivation? A strong reason will result in a strong motivation. This is an example out of the book, i am changing it around so it applies to this context. Imagine you re in a hotel and you re laying down, and you start to see smoking coming from under the door. You need to get out quickly. You hear in the next room pounding on the door for help. Most people would TRY to help them. But imagine if the pounding from the other room is someone you really love, your mother/father/daughter/best friend. You wouldn t TRY to save them you MUST save them. And you ll do everything in your power to accomplish this goal. Why??? because the IMPORTANCE OF THE REASON There are 2 aspects to motivation, belief, and desire/reasons. In the above example, would you help the person if you had no desire to do so? Obviously not. If you had all the desire in the world to help this person, but believed you couldn t do it, you wouldn t even try. SO FINALLY ENOUGH THEORY TIME TO PRACTICE:You write down the best case scenario. You have to write it down as if it s really happening at this moment. I am assuming you re a women because you re talking about your anniversary guys don t talk about that stuff. Assuming this is an anniversary party. You can write down something along the lines, I reach down, and turn the knob of the door to walk in to the room where everyone is waiting. I walk in, everyone is cheering and applauding for me, and i can hear people talking about how great i look. this is a very short description. You should make it about 1 paragraph long, and you should make 3 or 4 of these situations. If you practice one too much it will get dull and stale.Doesn t have to be at the anniversary, could be at a beach, or someplace totally unrelated. This will give you the desire, but you also need belief remember? This is called power talking. You write out a paragraph along the lines of. By ________ (date) I will have reached my goal, I have total confidence in my self that nothing will be able to stop me from achieving this goal. Or a shorter example of this is... just say to yourself i am (goal weight) by (date) key here is you have to say it with intensity so it goes in to the subconscious mind.Practice the visualizing exercise for 15mins a day. you can break it up in to 3 5minute sessions. Which i recommend because, if you do it all at once in the morning, by the end of the day the motivation is gone. THE KEY to this exercise is to get to above a level 8 of motivation (0-10 remember). Don t stop the exercise till you get to level 8 or above.

What is the best and most effective way for me to lose weight? -

Can anyone help me? Over the past year and a half, I ve gained about forty pounds of weight [due to depression, stress etc]. Right now I weigh about 170 pounds [give or take a pound or two] and I m 5 foot 5 [168cm]. I ve looked at numerous weight charts and watched lots of weight loss programs, and I ve established that a realistic goal for me to set myself is to start by losing thirty pounds. I ve allowed my self 10 months to do this. The only thing is, I ve tried so many different diets and I seem to lose motivation because they restrict food or they make me feel ill. What I really want to know is, what is a healthy diet that will help me lose weight? Also, in November I will be able to get a gym membership from my school, so exercise won t be a problem. So if anyone can help, I d be really grateful. Thanks in advance to all those that do, please feel free to send me a message on here, if it s easier. Thank you! :)

If you are serious about losing weight you must have this program. It worked for me and it is the only diet program that lost me 11 pounds in 4 weeks. It works just amazing and using right information will lose your weight easy . You can find more information here

Any healthy weight loss tips? -

I m 11 5 0 and 140 lbs! I m need HELP!

1. Set aside ten weeks before the date the weight needs to be off. Doctors have said that weight loss of more than 2-3 pounds a week (or 500g per week in metrics) is hazardous to your health. 2. Cut out fast food meals, super-sized anything won t help you lose those vanity pounds 3. replace high fat foods with veggies, whole grains, and fruits. 4. If you re eating meat, the average portion size is 3 oz. which is roughly the size of your fist, so any more than that and you ll gain weight, not lose it. Cut the fatty bits, not matter how tasty it really is. 5. drink lots of water. This will not only trick your mind into thinking your not hungry, but it will clean out your system and help you lose water weight. 5-15 lbs of your body weight is water weight and its the easiest to shed in the least amount of time. However, fad diets do feed on this false sense of achievement. If you do want to lose weight long term, there s almost impossible to lose that much weight over a month. 6. remember to work out for at least a hour, three times a week, but no more than five times. Your body needs a rest every once an a while. NEVER work out too intensely, either. If you go faster than a jog, you can t burn fat efficiently. 7. Stay away from salts and sugars.


go through your entire house and get rid of all the junk! do this a week before you decide to diet. Look into doing atkins. Talk to parents and ask them to take you to the doctor before you start any diet. Before i had my son, i lost over 50 lbs safely!Its also the best i ve ever felt in my life. You dont have to purchase the foods from atkins either. You can make your own foods so it is cheaper.

drink more water

drink lots of water, it make you less hungry.

drink water, improves hair skin an nailsdont eat junk, canned, oily, frozen foodshomecooked, veggies, and fruits are the best things to eatexercise, sit ups, pushups, squats, to keep you toneddont eat after 6

Instead of starving yourself eat heathy foods like a salad and protien yogurts everyday and go jogging everyday too for about an hour.I almost forgot liquids drink water atleast four times a day.Here s what NOT to eat/drink:NO soda, NO greesy foods,NO junk food either.

Cut out soda and other caffeine products. Drink plenty of COLD water! Did you know that drinking COLD water can actually help you lose weight? When you drink COLD water, your body has to heat it up to body temperature, and that burns calories! So, drinking COLD water actually helps you lose weight even before you exercise!

exercise and eat a healthy diet. Eat pleanty of vegetables and watch your intake of meat and carbs.

I lost 20 lbs doing the SLIM IN 6 PROG. go to beachbody.comIt really works, fun tooandeat right ,they have a guide to follow

1) Drink plenty of water2) Walk at least 5 days a week, try to include stairs/and or hills if possible3) Eat from every food group every day, heavy on the fruits and vegetable4) Try to eat as much fresh and unprocessed foods as much as possible5) Look at it as a healthy lifestyle change rather than just a diet6) Try to find a friend or family member to join you. Having a support buddy helps a lot!Good for you and I wish you the best!

lots and lots of water

Eating a balanced, healthy diet every day. Small portions of fish and lean meat; lots of fruit and veggies; very little potatoes/rice/pasta/starch, no fast food, no fried food, very little sugar or fat, NO SODADrink your 8 glasses of water per day, make sure to exercise--and walk, don t ride, whenever possible.

drink lots of water, eat lots of green veggies, low fat protein, like fish and chicken. and exercise

exercise a lot and eat healthy, it really works

start slow with steps that are healthy and manageable. You need to consider nutrition, exercise, and stress..don t jump head first into some fad diet...focus on maintainable lifestyle changes. if stress is resulting in poor eating habits and exercise choices, remember to get to the root of the problem with healthy stress reducing practices too. as for nutrition, choose healthy, wholesome foods. place no foods off limits or your brain will crave them, leading you to go off track and get discouraged. moderation and variety. start slow and easy with exercise. don t tell yourself i m gonna run 3 miles today! your first day out if you haven t been preparing for that. start with something like walking 20 minutes a day and building up from there. remember to make it fun, take an ipod along, use it as a refreshing time. lastly, i recommend recruiting a friend or accountability buddy (make this more fun and easier to stick to) and tracking your efforts or progress in a journal. journals can be a great reflection tool to help keep you on track. don t beat yourself up if you go off course, steer back on slowly and it will be okay. look at WEEKLY progress...blowing one day doesn t have to mess up your whole week :) good luck as you strive to take this positive step for your life!~ i m proud of your efforts and you will enjoy lasting benefits. :)

Bee Pollen I lost 60 pounds over a year ago and it has stayed off no more cravings either, it worked for me after trying so many products and diets and just breaking down because nothing worked, then my mom turned me on to it and it worked. you can read more about it at great research pages and ask questions on line to its not expensive either.