Friday, January 18, 2019

How can i lose weight fast doesnt matter if safe or not? -

i am 167 pounds i dont care if it is a crash diet or a pill or what i just want a cheap easy way to lose weight FAST

don t eat. its really cheap and easy.


you need to worry about it being healthy. unhealthy weight loss is not good for you, and you will gain all the weight back. what you need is to get healthy, because when you are healthy you are skinny. read books by harvey diamond dealing with proper food combining. he lost a lot of weight doing this. i think its healthy too.

Little Tricks To Help You Lose Weight FastYeah we all know that we are supposed to cut calories, do cardio and hit the gym to get in shape, but there are lots of little tricks you shouldn t ignore if you want to slim down quick.Take The Stairs Taking the stairs instead of the elevator every day can help you burn some extra calories. It may not seem like a lot but it adds up. Over a period of a year, taking the stairs can burn off an extra five lbs. of fat.More infomation the link: -- task=view id=186 Itemid=62

wait four hours in between eating when you do eat only eat like a granola bar and appleonly drink water or fitness drinks-powerade is neast or propel or gatorade

The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to watch your calories and exercise. The crash diets, other than being not safe will also just cause you to gain the weight back once you stop. Other than that, sorry I don t know.

eat only healthy foods. do the salad w/o dressing diet. also only eat fruits and vegetables. no breads. NO SUGAR! drink lots of green tea.excersize for an hour a day.drink lots of water.

take medecs

Well you need to be safe, but with that said the easiest weight to lose is water weight. First, vastly reduce your sodium intake. Drink tea, tea that does not contain sugar. Drink water as well as the tea, both will act as diuretics. Eat prunes, the potassium will help rid you of excess water wait. Eat All Bran cereal, have lots of fiber in general. And exercise, sweat sweat sweat! Doing this will clear out your insides, clear the extra water weight you have, and cause you to drop a significant amount of weight in a short time.

1) Eat Less processed food2) Start Walking3) Get on a program, Jenny craig .com or fatloss for idiots

How to lose weight IN 4 MONTHS? -

i weigh 150 and im 5.2 and 13yrs old AM I OVERWEIGHT???if so i need to lose 45 lbs in 4 months so i was wondering if u could lose 10 lbs a month if so i need toi ask this question alot and all i get is **** for answersi need to now wat to do for exersize (EPLAIN CARDIO)wat to eat(I DONT REALLY WANNA EAT MEAT)how much to eat(FRUITS VEGGIES AND STUFF LIKE THAT)P.S I DONT WANT MY MOM FINDING OUT SO HOW CAN I KEEP IT FROM HER WITHOUT BEING OVEOUSalso im going to eat 1000 calories a day and i need a nutrishous facts list for me so PLEASE GIVE ME SUJESTIONS ON EVERYTHING I TOLD U THANKLINDSEYXOXOXOXO??????

The fact that you want to do this without your mom knowing tells me that you want to do things that you know are not healthy for you.You don t need to lose 45 pounds, and certainly not in 4 months. If you talk to your mother and work with her to make a sensible exercise and eating plan you will be much more likely to be successful.The first thing that is not healthy is the 1000 calories a day. You probably won t lose anything, and you will probably gain weight, because your body will go into starvation mode, which means that it will conserve, and try to hang on to every calorie you consume. Your brain will think you are starving, and will try to prevent weight loss and will hold onto fat. You will also lose your energy for any type of exercise, you won t be able to concentrate, and you will damage your internal organs. You will be setting yourself up for failure it you do that. Even on the strictest diet you need at least 1200 calories a day, and more likely 1500 calories a day, if you want to lose weight and keep it off. You are setting yourself up for failure.Listen to your mom.��

dont hide from mum...i think she would be proud of you if she found out what you were up are still 13,so stay active in dance,sports and martial arts...get a dog and take it for 20 minute walks twice daily(thats my favourite cardio,that also keeps my dog healthy!)...avoid all sugary drinks,fastfoods and can eat as much veggies and fruits as you like but do get protein from beans,tofu,raw nuts and dairy foods...

Whats the best way you can lose weight for the whole summer break?? -

I just started to exercise today and I want to know what s the best way you can lose weight fast before September, I really want to look good in school, I am 5,1 and around 130lb weight, can anyone help me?

The best way to lose weight is diet and exercise.Diet: Try to eat healthier--less fat, more veggies, fruit, anything with lots of good nutrients in it. Eat when you re hungry and stop when you re full. Avoid bingeing. Etc.Exercise: Get at least and hour of exercise each day. Something aerobic is preferred. Go to the gym when you can (and if you re allowed), and make sure to stretch before and after exercise.Do this every day of summer and you re sure to have the figure you want by September! :]

You can exercise and start a new healthy diet....not diet but just a healthy lifestyle.....For exercise you can go walking you have friends and a mall near by? Go walk the malls everyday and just chill with your friends...if you don t have a mall just walk around your neighborhood or go to the park to play...this will help get you warmed up and help you loose a few calories and lbs..For hard training you can do the 8 minute abs....this are some of the exercises that are in the them in sets of 45 and do them 3 times each exercise 3X45 ea.Basic CrunchRight Oblique CrunchLeft Oblique Crunch Toe TouchesReverse Crunch Crossing Knees to ChestRight Side CrunchLeft Side CrunchPush THroughsLeg Pushes to SkyAlternating CurlsCurlsFor food you have to eat 5-6 times a day. Eat a Regular Whole meal, then a snack meal ( a small meal) a granola bar, oatmeal bar, fruit or vegetable, then another Regular Whole meal, then a snack meal, then another Regular Whole catch my drift? 6 MEALS, fruits, vegetables, a lot of water, and lean meats (fish, poultry, chicken, steak)

thats the same as my body. 5 1 and 130.At the beggining of summer I just started runningl ike a mile a day, walking my dog. etc. and then my volleyball coach suggested to get ready for volleyball in the fall, that when watching TV everytime a commercial comes on you have to do 25 situps and pushups.I ve been doing this for about 3 weeks and totally notice a difference. Im about 122 now and my body just seems more toned.

Count your calories, cardio exercise in the morning my favorite is swimming or walking/running and strength training at night.DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. Your metabolism slows down tremendously if you don t eat healthy. I recommend eating apples in the morning if you can. They give me a very healthy energy boost.Good luck and enjoy it!

Stick to cardio and keep a calorie count. Try not to exceed 15-1800 calories a day (assuming your young it doesnt really matter what you eat, unless your diet is chips and ice cream). Stay away from weights as muscle weighs more than fat and wont help you lose. Plan a run or cycle in the morning and something like a walk/jog in the evening. At 5.1 you only need to drop a few pounds so you dont need to do anything drastic. Just be concious of what you eat and as I said, burn calories!

start running about 45 mins a day dont push your self too hard first day start of 15- 20 then keeps add up the time try to get sweaty as possibleso all water will be out of you but keep hydrated when the water is gone fat became easier to burn so keep running more than 30 mins a day should be able to lose weight alot

just eat right...(counting calories is a good way)and exercise... and dont expect immediate results..dont spend your life on that scale.. just keep up this routine for a week or two, and you will feel the difference in your clothes.

lift free weights and run a exercises that will make your heart rate speed up.

run on the treadmill

How can I lose weight fast while still being healthy? -

I am almost 5 feet and 5 inches and now weigh about 122 pounds.I am a teen and want to look like Selena Gomez.Any ideas or comments???

Now, decrease your calorie intakeStop eating fast food. Stop stalking up on unhealthy junk food. Simply remove the temptation to overeat. It may take up more time, and even cost more money, to make a home-cooked meal �C but it will be worth it in the long-run. You can cook up a flavorful, filling meal that��s also very nutritious instead of downing a burger and fries that have twice as many calories and won��t even satisfy your appetite. Fried foods and the like can be very addictive, so the key is to keep them out of sight and smell. If potato chips are your weakness, don��t buy them at all. You��ll likely just finish a whole bag in two days! But if the temptation is not there to begin with, you can save yourself a lot of calories.If you don��t trust yourself to monitor your calorie intake, make a meal plan for the week. Plot out what you will eat and have a friend or family member keep you accountable for it. Planning ahead can make a big difference and prevent you from making that spontaneous run to the local fast food joint.

I am 17 and I am 56 and weigh 171 I want to be be 135. How can I lose weight fast? PLEASE HELP!? -

I know I need to do it healthy. I just need advice.

First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health .Basically there are 3 types of Diet+ ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISONCheck out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group .-Blood group O is for Old.- Type O.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Blood group Type AB.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples

Sorry to break it to you girl but there s isn t a way to lose weight fast. If you want to lose weight you have to play by the rules by exercising and eating right. Skipping meals and going on diet can actually make you put on weight. This is because during this time you might lose weight because your body is using up its stored fat and muscles. Since muscles weigh more than fat when you start eating when you can t take it anymore. The muscle you lost during your diet will be replaced with stored calories causing you to go back to your original weight and worst then before. I think its best if you estbalish a SMART goal. S-pecificM-easurableA-ttainableR-ealisticT-ime This method would help you stick to your plan. I hope this was helpful good luck.

if you want to do it healthy, my first advice is don t try to figure it out on your own! there are some professionals out there who can give you the best advice in the world!What I do know tho is that losing weight fast is never really healthy. to be efficient is has to happen gradually, otherwise you ll just gain everything back once you stop your diet. Try to get food that has a bit less fat and less sugar, (but don t completely cut on fat and sugar, your body needs it!) and get a lot of fibers, they make you feel fuller longer. also go for variety in your plate: if you see many different colours, that s a good thing (except if it s skittles or smarties lol)Take care and good luck!

Drink green tea with honey. I swear, I ve already lost 10 pounds in a month without indending to by drinking that stuff without needing to exercize or eat well (though I m not telling you not to)Yeah, eat fresh nutritious healthy food (your skin, hair, nails and mental health with benefit GREAT from it) Take regular walks, drink plenty of water (it flushes out all your toxins), do good exercise and keep a positive attitude.And most importantly, eat you main meals at breakfast and lunch. In that duration you have more time to burn off fat and wont need to pig out at dinner. Most American familys are obese not only because they eat crap all day, it s also because they have their main meal at dinner so they wont have time to burn off fat.You ll sleep alot better too.

I was in the same boat as you. A doctor advised me to switch to a whole foods, plant-based diet. He said it was healthy and I could eat a lot more than on other kind of diets and still lose weight. I lost 25 pounds easily and have more energy and my skin looks better. The site below helped me do it. There are meal plans, recipes, and motivation. Hope it helps you.

Try the lil Jack work out�� It works wonders