Thursday, June 27, 2019

What is a really good way to lose weight fast? -

I weight like 150 and I am only suposed to weight 120I need to lose 30lbs any one know how to lose it soon?Also i dont eat and I exercie all the time.

Okay. Cut out eating in between meals.Only eat healthy food and cut down on Carb��s like bread, potatoes, pasta s, rice, cereals, lollies etc. These are the fat making foods.Don��t add salt to your meals. Cut out soft drinks.Then walk an hour every morning two hours after a meal and the same in the afternoon.If you can jog in between both sessions you ll burn even more calories.You should lose and continue to lose more weight as you go.If you can cut out your lunch meal and replace it with a protein drink instead that would also help. Available in supermarkets.As long as you can stay off junk food and eating in between meals. If you have to eat something in between have something like small raw carrots or celery sticks.Summary:Choose a cereal low in sugar for breakfast.Lunch can be a protein drink.And all normal meals at a normal serve. Cut down on potatoes and only have small portions of these.

You probably put your body in to starvation mode. That means your body is burning muscle to survive instead of fat. Start a 1200 calorie diet and burn atleast 1000 calories daily and you should lose about 2-3lbs per week.

Meth... lots of meth.

Where can i find a dr. in houston tx that can prescribe some water pills to lose weight? -

i want to lose weight fast. i had a second baby and gained 15 pounds from the pregnancy. i think it is because of my birth control, i have an iud. i have not changed my eating habits i eat twice a day or sometimes once a day so i dont know y i havent lost all my baby weight. please help someone

Losing weight is always a very hard battle to accomplish but if you have the right learning tools available you can succeed. I lost 56 lbs in five months. I tried everything possible and the only thing that has given me the will power to keep going and the energy was phentramin D. I had so much energy that I wanted to exercise. I have been off of it for a yr and a half and have kept it off.I started taking it after i had my daughter and I did take a water pill as needed if i felt bloated, but this surely is the best stuff without a prescriptionSource(s):

First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health .Basically there are 3 types of Diet+ ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISONCheck out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group .-Blood group O is for Old.- Type O.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Blood group Type AB.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples

How can i lose weight fast? -

i weigh nearly 16st and i HATE it ! yes i know you might say its my fault and yeah maybe your right? but i really wanna lose weight im a size 16-18 and at my age i shouldn t even be like that well that s what i think? what can i do? i have tried dieting but i give up after a while when i was really ill i wouldn t eat nothing and i lost weight do you think i should starve myself?

don t be silly.just eat the right foods cut out all the fatty stuff out eat a lot of fruit drink plenty off water .and Don go for fast food, ok good luck chow

Please don t starve yourself. I used to be overweight and I found the best way to lose weight fast was to not eat any carbs after 5pm. Eat as many carbs as you like for breakfast and lunch but when you get home in the evening make sure you eat some nice protein dishes such as fish, eggs, chicken and vegetables. I did this for 2 weeks and the weight loss if rapid. I lost 8 pounds in 1 week. I guarantee if you stick with it you will lose the weight.

Definitely do NOT starve yourself as that is never a good long term solution for weight loss.Try eating normally, with healthy food choices and with smaller portions. Eat 3 meals a day plus a few snacks so you won t get extremely hungry and overeat. Drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegetables (as snacks) and add more activity/exercise into your life.Good luck!

Cereal diet worked well for me Cereal for breakfast fruit for snack instead of eating a big dinner eat a good lunch then dinner cereal plus exercise drink plenty of water !

Eat fruits and vegetables.Dont eat over a portion. Make it 5 a day! Drink 2litres of water everyday.Fish has fat, it has fat in a very good way though! but you are still not supposed to eat more than twice a week.If you keep your protein intake high and sugar intake ll work. Noone strangely knows about what caffeine does to your diet. Drink your coffee/tea decaff.stay away from evil redbull, and coke (coke also has tonnes of sugar in it) and dont eat anything about 4 hours before you sleep.Never ever skip breakfast.Prefer things like hard-boiled egg(source of high protein,small calories),ham(source of protein,small calories),wholemeal toasties. also stay away from traditional english breakfast :DGo for oven baked food instead of fried food. If you reallywant it, fry your own food, dont have it from a fish chips shop where they use the oil agan and again.whatever you really want to eat.. go for fat free,half fat,zero, light options.but dont fool into light or reduced fat snacks as they are still SNACKS. Make sure your snacks are your fruits! when you are really dying for a desert buy weight-watchers products.. Walk as much as you can. Dont do what i say to lose a stone. make it your lifestyle, you ll always be slim(as i am,size 8).You ll break the rules time by time and go for a chocolate bar but just ignore the bad days or punish yourself for breaking your diet.Take a walk for 2 hours!Dont forget if you loose weight fast, You ll gain them back even faster! aim for 1kg per week. do realise that its not going to be easy to change your eating habbits but it worths it ! and finally, be positive. keep smiling :]

How do u lose weight fast without starving myself, just exersising? -

just eat small portions of everything...don t deprive yourself or u will end up binging....i dropped 4 pant sizes in a month...i didn t starve i just excercised...i ran about a mile and a half...did at least 100 crunches and some weight me it will work...and drink lots of water and diet soda....

you can eat but you just have to watch what you eatwalk around

RUN!!!!!!!!!!! cardio exercises will burn what you don t need and weightlifting will make muscle, wanna be lean - run!!!!! or bike!!!!!!!! or tennis!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How to lose weight fast.??? -

I m looking for a way to lose weight fast? Thanks for your help!

The best way to lose weight is really simple. The number one rule is portion control! NEVER overeat. Only eat until you are satisfied, not full. Once you are full you ve eaten too much. Eat about 6 times a day in small, nutritious meals. Don t eat processed foods! That includes pizzas, many cereals, boxed and canned items, ice cream, sweets, chips, etc. Stop cold turkey on drinking soda pop! I stopped 4 years ago and I don t miss it at all! I don t miss the 15 pounds I dropped after stopping it either. Eat fresh and whole foods. Fruits and Veggies are your best friends! There are many ways to make them fun to eat. You could put some peanut butter on a stick of celery or dip carrots into low-fat ranch. Another thing: Don t use condiments! Yes, sometimes you just want ketchup and mayo. And if you must, then use them in moderation. But vinegar and olive oil, and mustard are much healthier alternatives. Eat whole grains! Don t eat white flour. That includes white rice, white bread, pastries, cakes, etc. Go for brown rice, whole-wheat breads, and other whole grains. Eat nuts and seeds! They are a very tasty alternative to chips. Popcorn, with light butter is also a very good chip alternative. Drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and think positive!As for exercise, walk briskly for 30 minutes every day! Go swimming whenever you can. Do some mild weight training to build muscle. Do these simple things and you re on your way!Here s a summary:1. Portion control. Never overeat. 2.Eat several small meals a day. 3.Don t eat processed foods or drink soda. 4.Eat fresh, whole foods. 5. Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. 6. Think positive!7. Walk briskly for 30 minutes every day!8. Go swimming!9. Do mild weight training. 10. Go do it right now!Check out these videos for some exercising at home. Do one of these quick 10 minute videos every day along with you walking, weight training or swimming!��������������This sounds weird but when you are exercising, wear plastic bags under your clothes to help you sweat more. It helps. Make sure you bathe after!

I ve recently lost a lot of weight and am feeling GREAT. It is a lifestyle change rather than going on a diet . I drink lots of water and eat six times a day to get my metabolic rate up - three meals and 3 snacks such as a piece of fruit. Make sure you have calcium in the form of milk, cheese or yoghurt. Make sure you have vitamin C in the form of fruit. Restrict sugary and fatty foods. No more take outs! No more caffeine! I m surprised at how the weight is just melting off. Make sure your goal is realistic and you want to do it for YOU and not someone else. Good luck..

Let me tell something before answer, as fast as u lose weight,as fast as ur body make fats after losing weight for losing fast u should take a steam bath and drink 3 glasses of water every morning before breakfast.then u should have a complete breakfast but a little proteins and eggs, make ur launch little than ever u have and no dinner.every day do some exercise as hard az u can then take a warm-hot shower at evening do exercises which influences on ur tummy and less meals and fats and eat more Vegetables and friend lost her weight in about week by this way ...goodluck

thats not healthy the way to lose weight is slow but sure ..... big brekky med lunch smalll tea and nothing after 6 pm. Sorry dont harm yourself. Sandy.

diet and exercise...the gold standard.cut out as many unneeded calories

take a salt bath...ull lose tons of weight

stop drinking pop or soda I lost a ton!!