Sunday, April 28, 2019

What diet will I lose weight faster with? -

If I eat a lot in the morning and not much at lunch.. or if I eat a little in the morning and not much at lunch? For breakfast I usually have grapefruit, a banana, or oatmeal. So Diet 1:Breakfast- GrapefruitLunch- Fruit or a sandwichSnack- Apple/popcornDiet 2:Breakfast: Oatmeal or cereal and a bananaLunch: Fruit or sandwichSnack: Apple/popcorn

Where s your protein? Protein keeps you full longer. Either of these diets will leave you starving and therefore more likely to eat things you shouldn t. Get plenty of protein (at every meal) and you will not be as hungry.Focus on veggies and not so much on fruits. Try having an omelete with chopped veggies mixed in for breakfast.

Neither one is good for the long term. A lot of the answers you will see here will tell you to buy some sort of supplement. Don t take diet pills. They are unnatural and dangerous. It is not the lack of pills that got you heavy; that is not the fix you need. It was (most likely) improper diet and lifestyle that got you the extra weight. That is the fix you need.The best way to lose weight is through the principles of balance and moderation. You need to eat good food and eat enough of it.Shoot to lose 1-3 pounds per week. No more. Don t go hungry, just keep yourself filled with good, natural foods.Don t worry about calories. Caloric science is flawed for several reasons. 1) it assumes 100% absorption, but we all absorb and excrete different amounts; 2) It assumes all calories are processed the same, but calories from natural sources are burned more slowly and evenly than from refined sources; 3) It assumes that the amount of energy released by combustion (burning) in a lab is the same amount of energy released when the food is broken down enzymatically in the gut; 4) It assumes that the same exercise done by different people will burn the same amount of exercise, but different exercises will be harder or easier for different people; 5) Correlation does not prove causation. People who are heavier eat more calories: did the calories make them heavy, or did being heavy make them need more calories? Maybe they are both symptoms of a deeper problem. 6) people in China consume 25-40% more calories; even the sedentary office workers have more calories and less obesity than we.Asian cultures have long ago figured out how we should be eating, Ever since we have looked to science to tell us how to eat we have seen more obesity and diet-related disease. If we eat like the Asians, we will look like the Asians. This doesn t mean you have to eat Asian food, just adhere to the principles that are common to the different cultures and cuisines.You should eat mostly vegetables, mostly cooked (cold and raw foods slow your metabolism because they need to be cooked in your stomach) and a wide variety, mostly fresh and in-season and local, simple grains (more rice, less bread), some fruit, a little meat, no dairy (it s for infants and grows tissue), and no artificial foods.Avoid artificial foods, including sugar substitutes. Don t worry about calories, fat, protein, carbs, nor any one component of food.There are several books that explain this strategy of eating. The Asian Diet: simple secrets for eating right, losing weight, and being well by Bussell explains the diet and its rationale. The Asian Diet: get slim and stay slim the Asian way by Tran has recipes that adhere to the principles. The China Study by Campbell has the science behind the recommendation.Get some exercise every day, but not too much and not always the same exercise. Start slow and work your way up. Calisthenics are great, as is Tai Chi. You can get a video from the library.Follow the principles of balance and moderation and you ll be fine. Most diets in America are not balanced nor moderate.Source(s):http://www.theasiandiet.com

eat fruit with half a sandwich. eat a well balanced diet with proper portions, drink plenty of water, and get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. make sure you re getting the right amount of calories. write down what you eat and drink every day. the best diet is the one that you can stick with.

The second sounds better, but you still need a lot more food.Add more fruits and veggies in also. Whole wheats too (:But if you don t eat enough for your body, you won t burn any calories. And make sure you do have a large breakfast, its the time you should eat the most because you ll burn it all off!Drinks tons of water stay active too.Good Luck!

They both sound horrible actuallyYou ll end up like my dad s wife, afraid to eat.She decided that starving herself (eating very little) would be the best way to lose weight.She lost weight sure, her whole frame shrunk.Now, she looks smaller, afraid to eat and fat everytime she eats.

,The Acai Berry is the most impressive diet pill I have ever used. I tried so many other diet pills and weight loss programs without much success. Once I started using the Acai Berry, I lost 44 lbs in 90 days. You can read more about my story on my blog -

I d have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast with half a grapefruit , and add cinnamon to your oatmeal thats it . And for lunch I d have a fruit . And you could pick the snack for after lunch !

Both sound great.You would lose weight fast with the 1st diet.But the 2nd diet has more food so you d feel fuller.All that is what? 500 calories?x.

Either way you are going to starve, you have no vegetables listed, no good fibers, no good carbs, you need to eat healthy, not just less!

You re not going to lose weight on either. It is too little and your body will go into starvation mode, therefore if anything, you will PUT ON weight

The grapefruit because it has fat burning enzymes that will jump start your metabolism

Any tips on losing weight before summer vacation is over? -

I plan on losing at least 30 pounds over the summer. I attempted to diet last year, but I didnt stick to it. I know I have to eat a well balanced diet and exercise. I need some tips on how to lose weight before school starts again. I would like to surprise my friends when I come back. Also, are there any foods that help me lose the weight? I do eat some fruits./vegetables and stay away from junk food. Are there any exercise activities that would help? Lastly, did anyone have any diets that worked very well?

The grapefruit diet. I lost 10 lbs in a week. believe it or not. it is totally awesome. You can find it online ANYWHERE just go to google and type in Grapefruit Diet and it will work. the best part is i only exercised a little bit. Could you imagine if i done pilates everyday and done the biggest loser workout every night??? Omg. ....want proof? It works. I did it! I lost 60lbs 3 1/2 months!

The best thing to do even if you dont feel like it is in the early moring get up and take a nice jog around the block unless of course your like the size of house then there realy is no point of jogging at first but if your are just a bit over weight is always fun to see the world aroun with a nice jog in morning. Then just finish it off with a couple of sit up s and pushups and you have a whole body work out and it doesnt make you to frim just right! HAVE a great summer@ josh washburn

do all of ruing dont eat junck food k

yes i lost 14lb by drinking limu every day if you want to know about it go to i promis that it will help

Ab machine an bun and thigh roller but you would need to do cardio work to shed excess fat before you get tone on these machines. Don t eat anything white such as potatoes, rice, white bread etc. Something in the white things contains bad fat. There is also the suana belt that shed inches off your whaist before you start getting tone and muscles appearance.


Exercise every day, even if it s just a walk. Go on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Eat fish, eggs, chicken, occasional lean beef or pork, low fat cottage cheese. Stay away from regular cheese, no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, peas, beans (except green beans). No more than one piece of fruit a day and no fruit juice (it s sugar water, my dr says). Cut down on carrots and tomatoes (included ketchup). Use mustard instead of mayonnaise in recipes. Eat lots of salads, green vegetables. Salads only have one tablespoon of dressing for the whole salad. No ice cream, or other desserts.

No tips on losing 30 pounds unless you go on an IV and stop eating for a month.

dont eat bread

if you eat more in the morning and less at dusk

They say your stomach is the size of your fist. Personally, that never fills me up. I lost weight a couple years ago by going by the Okanawan rule: eat until you feel that you re 80% full, then stop. It takes your brain 15 minutes to acknowledge that you re full. My problem was always portion control - I d always eat until I felt full (which was too late, obviously). Drink LOTS of water, cut down on caffiene and salt sugar, and switch from white breads to grain breads. And little things, like switching from whole mile to nonfat helped. If you re in an area with good weather, go for a 30 minute walk daily (at least, if you can do more, go for it).

skip one meal a day do sit ups,jump and jacks, and leg lifts and walk each day with a partner or even alone or visit the gym to keep you up and have a calender or sumthing for you not to forget and yes go on a diet but don t go on a crash diet it ruins upper body which slows you down

eat less exercise more