Sunday, February 23, 2014

Whats the best way to lose weight fast i do go to the gym but it isnt shifting fast enough? -

It is feasible to lose weight fast but you should be realistic and understand that if you lose weight fast then you will inevitably put it all back on again just as fast. The sole diet that definitely delivered for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box below, they have a limited number of free trials in stock, it has been reported in Fox News and USA Today. I lost 20 pounds, it definitely does work!

get the flu

eat 5-6 small portions of food a day. eat lots of fruits, vegetables and drink lots of water :)

Weight loss by doing a crash diet or a planned weight loss program is good till it lasts as more often than not the person falls back into the habit of eating again and gaining weight. For more few good tips check the following link...

Sorry, but your body loses weight at it s own rate. There s no way you can healthily lose more than 2-3 pounds a week. If you want to go faster than that, you re hurting yourself and your fitness goals in the long term.

try those slim fast shakes .... i use them every spring to lose weight for summer ... the best tasting ones are chocolate royal ....when i am really serious i use the low carb ones with high protein ...they taste terrible but i know im getting what My body needs. one for breakfast one for lunch and a small diner.