Friday, July 18, 2008

How to lose weight when your still a teen ager? -

I just figured out im 160 and well 5,4 those two just don t wondering how the heck can I lose weight. I mean like what type of excerice and that I know excerice but like what type and that .

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!Add light jogging to it, and you will be it! Unfortunately, exercising only won t let you lose any weight. Pick up a couple of friends, and go jogging or power walking.

In order to lose weight, you will want to do cardio at least 3-4 times a week. This means going for a walk/jog/run and getting your heart rate up. Take it slow! Progress will come in time if you aren t used to running to get your heart rate up.Strength training is also a good technique to use such as crunches, push ups, or my favorite: yoga. Muscle burns fat, so by building up muscle, your metabolism will increase as well. As for eating, try to eat smaller amounts and at more intervals during the day. Always, always eat breakfast. Then eat a light snack about 3 hours later, then lunch, then another snack, then dinner. Eat something healthy and small every 3 hours. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. This will not help your health! If you are eating sensibly and are active 3-4 times a week, you should start seeing results.If you are interested, check out and sign up for a free online program to help you keep track of your diet and exercise. The best site I ve found is Here, you can keep track of your calorie intake, calories burned, learn new exercises that are tailored to your weight loss goals, and have access to healthy recipes. You can post messages on their message boards to people with the same goals and get the support you need to lose the weight in a healthy way.Good luck!

hey i m 12 and i weigh like 150. I lost weight by running on my tredmill and just eating small portions. But never eat school lunch it s NASTY (but if your a person that needs to eat lunch try special k bars).

How to lose weight after birth? -

It s been two months now since I had a baby boy. I m am trying to get back to my pre-pregnant weight. I only have about 8 to 10 pounds to go but I seem to be stuck! I ve dieted sensibly. Taking about 200 to 250 calories out of my daily intake and exercise to burn at least 250 calroies a day. Supposedly that is suppose to equal 1 pound per week of weight loss. When I had my daughter 4 years ago the weight came off right away and I was back into my normal pants in no time. But this time..... Well this is depressing. Anyone else in the same boat? Any suggestion on how to get past this hump?

Well if the diet thing isn t helping you drop the lbs, try the exercize part. I had a lot of trouble losing the weight (I ve lost 30 lbs of the 45 I gained being pregnant). I found that lifting weights and using an exercise ball every other day maintained enough muscle to burn those extra calories and I m well on the way to losing more. I do cardio on the other days. Just 20 min. a day should really help you tone up. Remember the more muscle you make the more fat you burn.

The more kids you have and the older you get the harder it is to lose those pounds. Are you breastfeeding? Your body stores fat to help feed your child. On my 4th child it took over six months for my hips to go back to fairly normal. Be patient and don t freak because you don t lose the weight right away. If you are breastfeeding don t starve yourself. Your baby needs the food as much as you do. Give yourself and your baby time... plus if you do breastfeed it helps to take off the pounds. Once you do stop breastfeeding your body will realize it and will start to return to normal. If you don t then just keep up the good work and be patient the second time around will just take a little bit longer. Also if you breastfed with one child and not the other this would be different in results. You ve only given yourself 2 weeks give yourself more time...

How to lose weight off your hips in particular? -

what excersise can i d to lose weight off my hips?or i there any foods i shud avoid? dont say chocolate lmao, cuz i know that but i hardly eat chocolate but everything i eat seems to go to my hips :/xxx

You cant target weight loss. It is all over or not at all. BUT You just need some real information on what is a healthy diet and how to exercise.For a healthy diet, you need to be eating small to medium meals regularly. 4 or even 5 times a day. Each meal (apart from breakfast which should preferably be fibre rich), should contain a balanced ammount of carbohydrates for energy, (from potatoes, rice and pasta, etc) protien (from fish, chicken, occassional red meat is fine, soya is good too) and plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (simple fresh fruit and veg). Eat like this and make sure you are well hydrated (fruit juice is as good as water, any fluid counts, but some fluids have negative effects too, such as alcohol or caffiene rich drinks.)Now for the science bit: Protien is essential for repairing muscle and keeping the muscle you do have healthy (this includes your heart, lungs, brain etc). You naturally lose the ammount of protien you have throughout the day (through urine etc) so this needs to be replenished regularly on a daily basis.Carbohydrates are essential for energy. You won t be able to function without it. It also regulates body fat and glucose etc.Vitamins and minerals are obviously essential for a variety of reasons. For normal growth and development, for the healthy maintenance of the cells, tissues, and organs that make up our bodies, and also to let us efficiently use chemical energy provided by food.You can have a wide range of healthy meals with this, from Thai, Chinese, Italian, British, Indian, etc. Just make sure each meal contains balanced ammounts of these three. On the bright side too, fresh veg and rice and pasta is a lot cheaper than crappy junk food!This doesn t mean you cant have chocolate or pizza/takeaway/etc, just save them as very occassional treats.The big secret to keeping a healthy weight and staying healthy is EXCERCISE, particularly cardio excercise. Cardio exercise includes any form of excercise such as running/jogging/swimming/cycling etc that gets your heart rate pumping and you sweating and out of breath. It will not only burn calories and reduce your body fat levels, therefore making you slimmer by having less fat on you, but will also improve your resting heart rate and lung function, making you healthier. I cannot understate the importance of cardio excercise. It is this which will basically burn the body fat off you. But you have to remember that once you have shed a bit of fat you have to have a nice toned body underneath the fat to show off. Strength training will help you strengthen and tone your muscles. This is done with the use of weights or by free training.There are essentially (without getting overly complicated) two types of strength excercises based on different types of muscle fibres depending on wether you want to build size, bulk and power, or just tone up the lean muscles an get more muscle endurance.Heavy weights with short reps/sets will build your fast twitch muscle fibres and build size, power and strength. Imagine big guys at the gym lifting heavy weights. But if you use light to medium weights with lots of reps/sets you will excercise your slow twitch muscle fibres, you wont build size, but you will tone up your body and train muscle endurance. This will obviously make you look healthier and more toned, but will also increase your metabolism (as your muscles demand more energy) so you will burn calories faster. These muscles are also excercised a lot with cardio workouts (i.e your leg muscles when running).Your arms for example, will need bicep curls and tricep dips using weights and reps of your choice (heavy - low reps, light - lots of reps) and also shoulder excercises such as holding the weights at your waist and lifting them perpendicular to your side or in front of you, etc etc.Your stomach will need excercises that cover the entire torso. Leg raises for your lower ab wall, crunches, sit ups and planks for your upper and all over ab wall, oblique twists for your sides and superman stretches for your lower back for example.These are just basic examples, there are literally hundreds of excercises, but it is impossible to show you on a site like this, get a trainer at your gym to show you some but remember the basic rules of muscles and weights. As far as excercise goes, you should aim to strike a balance between cardio training and strength training, this way you will build good strong and toned muscle, but also keep your body fat levels down and increase your heart and lung performance, making you much fitter and healthier.

You sound like the classic pear shape. thing is i don t think running would help as after the initial slimming effect the hips seem to bulk up more with muscle grrr....I would try swimming as that works your whole body and squats are good for bums and thighs. do reps of about 20 per night at first and increase the number each week.

It s the hardest place to lose weight from - no exercise will do for just this area, because there aren t any particular muscles there to tone. Cardio is the best for this area - running, swimming etc.

lie on your back,raise legs and pretend you are riding a bike,yes,it does work. x

Any weight loss tips??? -

OK, I m no slim jim, and I m admitting it.I d really like to get in better shape.Countless diets, steamed veggies, salads, and daily workouts and runs have got me little, if nowhere. I d like to get tips from real people!!!!Thx for your time!!!Peace

I ve never tried to lose weight, I just try to maintain my weight. All I do is exercise regularly and eat properly, some junk food, of course.

alright i am not joking when i tell you, i still eat whatever i want but in moderation. i workout almost daily. i had this plan to workout only 5 days a week but i liked my workouts so much that i am doing more then that. i do walking almost everyday. not just a leisure walk but a more challenging one, you have to feel that burn and notice your breathing a little harder. i alternate every other day with my stability ball workouts for toning and building muscle. i do the total body balance ball workout. don t feel like your doing a diet and excercise plan, just think of it as a routine or something you do for sport or hobby. i ve been in and out of the same things as you and i finally found that this works for me. walking doesn t make me really terribly sore, it doesn t make me feel like ugh i have to go workout and i get to enjoy the beauty of nature! i just walk around my neighborhood about 45 minutes a day. trust me, find something that works for you. it takes time to find something but when you do it ll be like finding out you found a secret pathway! i ve already lost 30 pounds! i still have a long way to go but nothing can stop me now! email me if you want more information or you just need some support. i d be glad to help. good luck and hang in there!

well I m a wrestler for my high school team. and my coach tel us to eat a lot. Ya i know right eating a lot are u crazy? but actually he is right if u eat a lot of little things ( that are healthy for u) it will make your body constantly digest the food and keep your metabolism going. and u should always eat breakfast and dinner but for dinner don t eat a lot. and like i said eat in small portions and make sure u go to the gym and run/walk at least 3-4 miles a day if u can not do that then start off with 1 mile and slowly work yourself up to the 3-4 miles this has helped me loose lots of weight over the years as a wrestler so i hope this helps u out.

Im 15 and and last year I started going to the gym. I would participate in their salsaerobics classes and then go to on the treadmill and run 1 mile each day. After that mile I would tone my arms and legs with those special machines that would only target that certain spot. I would do this at least 3 times a week for 2 months (summer vacation) After gym I would go to buy a vegetable sandwich and that will be my lunch. For dinner I started measuring my rice intake. I reduced it from 2 cups to 1/2 cup. I stopped drinking soda (I have kept it off for 1 1/2 year now) and started drinking water and tea. Within 2 months, I lost 15 lbs.

im a rower and i lost almost 50 lbs in the first season. rowing is a great sport and its alot of fun. if not rowing then mabey just another sport or exercise activity that you enjoy like hiking or swimming. im also vegetarian and its alot healthier for my body and it also helps me stay slim. those are some suggestions. try not to buy unhealthy foods to have in your house so you wont be tempted to eat them and if you have little time to make dinner instead of eating frozen dinners or fast food try some morning star farms frozen dishes they are alot healtier and taste really good. i hope that helped some.

My parents both are on the southbeach diet, and I m gonna try it to. I also suggest to keep going with the workouts. I m trying to learn more about foods and what they contain and why they are on this southbeach diet. Carbs, fat, protien, etc. play different roles and I m learning more about that to. Good luck.

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go for like walks every day, for about and hour go for wwalks, or jogs or w/e wen ur mad or stressed or just needa get outta the house for a bit. Also eat your food slowly, like every tie u take a bite but u fork or w/e down and chew slowly.

I quit drinking soda s and diet soda s and have noticed a difference. I have also increased my protein intake and it helps with cravings. Make small changes they seem to work the best and last the longest.

i have 1 tip for u. hide snacks out of site. if you see a candy bar you head tells you that your ar hungry but your not, so if it is fatning hide it out of site, good luck. AND DONT LET PPL CALL YOU FAT!!!!

Well, excerise!Try to find a sport you like, website or those jennycraige. things hopefully helped. ;]]

The below-mentioned site provide a free eBook and other weight loss related articles. Go there to have a look

For tips on how to lose weight at home without exercising u can refer to dis website and u ll find so many tips for weight lose n detox diets...try them n lose weight easily

Lower your intakes on food, eat plenty of protien [[i dont think it s fattening and it ll fill you up]], avoid carbs, change exercise habits to ones that help better

try eating 6 small meals throughout the day. basically, eat when ever you re hungry and exercise along with that. this will raise your metabolism which is the first part of losing weight. good luck!

it may be hard but calories too much is not good. Eat one meal a day and no snacking in between and you will lose 5 pounds every week.

Don t eat so much, all that time you normally spend eating spend jogging.

don t do weight loss pills they just make you gain weight try weight watchers and u can even eat chocolate and lose weight

eat less exercise more

perhaps u need something more radical... like very low carbs.. high protein..lots of cardio.. and some weight training sign up at the gym..

go on the all liquid diet

bycyling its fun and helps!!

lap band or find a sport you like

All right. First of all, you should eat more meals, but much smaller. Snacks, in other words. Keep eating the veggies, just have a small portion every four or five hours. You should eat slow, because when you eat slow, there is time for signals to go to your brain telling it that you re full. This is the problem many people have - including me. They eat fast, so there is no time for the signals to tell your brain, so you end up overeating - which is definitely not good.Don t drink any soda! They are empty calories, and have some of the worst things for you! The first ingriedient in all sodas is carbonated water, then high fructose corn syrup, which is EXTREMELY unhealthy for you, along with hydrogenated oils.Eat healthy sugars in fruits like you ve been doing, and make sure you have a large variety of fruits and veggies. Don t eat any artificial/manufactured sugars. Fruits have fructose in them, a type of sugar, while artificial things have sucrose, which isn t good for you.And don t eat that many carbs. For every pound of carbs stored in your body, there is abotu 3-5 pounds of water packed into it! The less carbs, the less water, and the less weight.Don t only eat fruits and veggies. You also need protein. Get samples from EVERY food group. It is vital to get nutrition from each group. Eating only salads and veggies doesn t work. All it does is make you healthier and lose maybe a bit of weight. This is where exercise comes in...~STRETCHING~ I recommend stretching for 10-30 minutes in the MORNING. This is because stretching in the morning can increase calorie burning by up to 20%!!!! Double win!~LEGS~ You have to work each main part of your body - biceps, triceps, quadriceps, ect. You definitely should bike a bit to get your legs in shape and tightly packed. Also, jog a bit everyday.~ABDOMINALS~ You should do about 50 sit-ups a day in the beginning, then add more as you progress. Do them in sets of 50 or more. Have a set amount, but it you don t feel a burning feeling, then increase the amount to more. Once you get the burning feeling, do a few more sets and DON T STOP. This burning feeling is very good - it means that you re burning away calories! Yay!!!~ARMS~ Do about 20 push-ups a day, and if you can, add more as you progress. And as you know, don t ever stop. Once you do, all that you just did goes down the drain. To help yourself with things like these, keep your mouth shut and breathe through your nose.I swim and have dryland 3 times a week, and my coach has us do what he calls Blades . You get into push-up position, except the baldes of your arms (the area above your wrist, but below your elbow) are on the ground. Make sure your butt isn t too low, and certainly not high. Maintain that position for 20-30 seconds at a time in the beginning, then add more as you advance. Do a few to several sets. Once you start shaking and trembling, that means that you are working your core. This is IMMENSELY good! Don t drop your knees, because then you have to start over. Be true to yourself!!With summer vacation starting after school TOMORROW at 3:00pm, you definitely can accomplish a lot if you stick to this schedule EVERYDAY for the rest of the summer. Maintain doing some exercise after you lose the weight you want to lose and your diet. By then, it won t be a diet, but it will be routine and habit, so don t get out of it. Don t think, Oh, just this one time I ll eat something unhealthy... It doesn t work out like that. Belive me - I ve tried it. You SAY that you will, but then you get hooked and keep doing it. Don t give in!!KATS!!!~Best Wishes~Remember: will power is key!!Good luck! :-)HAGS!!!

How To Lose weight in 4 months? -

Hey, I am a 18 year old male and i am a senior in high school. I currently weigh around 230lbs. I would like to go on a diet and weight train in order to be in shape for prom in 4 months. I played football so i am still in shape from the post season, so i need to go on a diet and what i would like to know is if i go on a rigorous diet and work out routine how much weight can i lagitimatel expect to lose in 4 months?

#1: Build Muscle. The absolute number 1 way to increase metabolism naturally is to increase lean body mass which means to build muscle. Muscle tissue is metabolically active which is to say that it requires energy to be sustained. A pound of muscle burns about 45 calories of energy per day. This means that adding 10 pounds of muscle will boost metabolism by 450 calories per day. The best way to build muscle is to begin a strength conditioning program. In the Magnetic Diet a method of strength conditioning (Energization Exercises) is described which does not require a gym membership or any special equipment. #2: Aerobic Exercise. Cardio is another great way to speed up metabolism naturally. Whether it is walking, running, a cardio class at the gym, or playing with your family getting your heart rate up will burn calories and increase metabolism by virtue of what has become known as the after burn effect. To calculate how many calories you can increase metabolism by for over 72 different activities use this exercise calorie calculator�� It will calculate how much you can speed up metabolism by based on weight and duration of the activity. #3: Drink lots of water each day. Eight to 10 glasses per day. Sipping lots of water will insure that our body is able to detoxify itself, remain properly hydrated and keep our liver functioning properly which is the key to the body s ability to metabolize fat. In addition to its ability to speed up metabolism this practice also helps to control food cravings and act as an appetite suppressant. To learn the most powerful method on the planet to control food cravings naturally get the magnetic diet weight loss program. #4: Meditate. Can sitting absolutely still for 15 minutes be just as effective to boost metabolism as 15 minutes of cardio? How can meditation speed up metabolism? Physical and emotional stress can activate the release of cortisol, a steroid that can slow down your metabolism. Meditation is one of the most effective methods of relieving stress naturally. By developing a regular practice of meditation as is taught in the Magnetic Diet you will calm the mind and the entire physical system. This will help to boost metabolism by virtue of a decrease in the release of the steroid cortisol which not only slows metabolism but is also responsible for an increase in belly fat. #5: Food Magnetism. All foods have one of two types of magnetism. Learn about invigorating magnetism and contaminating magnetism and learn to leverage the field of food magnetism by putting the principles and concepts of the magnetic diet in your own life. The Magnetic Diet is the most comprehensive weight loss success manual ever written. How does food magnetism increase metabolism? Foods with invigorating magnetism speed up metabolism naturally by virtue of the nutritional compounds, components, and phytochemicals. Eat the foods on the magnetic diet shopping list and the seven day success plan to boost metabolism naturally. #6: Be Smart Taking diet pills every day while you eat the same old garbage has never worked to speed up metabolism for anybody and it isn t going to work for you. As it turns out, in 2007 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recovered $25 million to settle allegations of deceptive marketing for Xenadrine EFX, CortiSlim, TrimSpa, and One-A-Day WeightSmart diet pills. Don t fall victim to the deceptive marketing and false advertising claims of these and other bogus weight loss programs and products. So instead of wishful thinking, learn exactly what steps to take so that you can increase metabolism and make continual weight loss progress every single day. #7: Keep a Journal People are always surprised when I tell them that keeping a journal can be a boost to their metabolism. How so? Keeping a journal is one of the most important secrets to success in the effort to lose weight. I always counsel my weight loss students to write down everything. Everything that they eat, everything that they feel, and everything that they do. Keep track of all of it. Writing down everything that you eat brings awareness to what you are putting in your mouth and helps you to stay honest. When you get into the habit of writing down everything that you eat and the number of calories you can see and understand if you are going to lose weight or gain weight as a result of the mathematics of weight loss. By having a record of what you have eaten you ll know whether or not you are on track and what you need to do to compensate by adding more activity if you have been overeating. In addition to writing down everything that you eat you should also be sure to write down all of your exercise activity keeping a record of all of your workouts. For cardio write down what you are doing how long you are doing it for and how fast you are doing it. If you are weight training write down every set that you do of each exercise and how many reps you have done. Be sure to write down the number of calories burned for each workout. You can estimate the number of calories using this exercise calorie calculator. #8: Get Educated It s unfortunate but also true that we are constantly bombarded and overloaded with misinformation when it comes to health and nutrition. If you want your metabolism to work at it s best it is absolutely important that you become knowledgeable about what truly works to boost metabolism, lose weight, and burn fat fast. I ve written what I believe to be the best diet success manual on the planet (The Magnetic Diet) but I ve also read just about every other book out there on diet and nutrition and the two absolute best that I have found (other than my own of course) are Mike Geary s Truth About Abs and Tom Venuto s Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle. Both Mike and Tom are experts at what really works get your metabolism revved up into high gear so that your body becomes a fat burning furnace. I ve written detailed reviews of both these great books which you can access using these links:Truth About Abs Book Review��Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Book Review��

Increase protein intake and eliminate empty carb intake ( white rice, white bread, white sugar) eat brown rice, brown sugar, wheat bread. Workout 4 times a week for 45 minutes a day.30 minutes doing cardio15 minutes doing muscular sculpting ( use light weights 10-15 pounds doing high repetitions) lost pounds 30-35

i lost 71pounds in 7 months! i used to be 236 and now im down to 165! i basically stopped eating bread rice pasta soda candy an all junk and fast food even the salads!u think jus cause ur eating a salad at mcdonalds that u pickd a good choice but sum salads have almost the same or even more calories then the burgers n fries! also i walked like everyday! at least 5days a week! do a lot of cardio so ur not just losing weight and gttin flabby but ur also gaining muscle which can speed up ur metablism and make u lose weight faster!!!!write back if u have any questions im really good at weight loss help and such! u should b able to lose at least 35-40pounds!good luck!

A reasonable diet means not losing more than about 2 pounds a week.I ve lost 117 pounds with Weight Watchers in the last 14 months. I exercise 3-4 times a week and make sure it includes cardio and weights. It is NOT healthy for you to try to lose more quickly than this. You are much more likely to gain it right back if you do.The only way to lose weight is to take in less calories than your body consumes each day. This will be based upon your age, weight and acitivity level. There are several sites online that can help you figure this out. (I ve included a few links for you)Increase your fiber, Boost your lean protien intake, lots of fruit and veggies. Make sure you are getting calcium! When you eat carbs, make them complex carbs and whole grains.

quite a bit, i used to weigh around 180lbs now i weigh 120lbsi did this in 4-6 months all by, ALOT OF CARDIO! and about an hour or 2 of wiehgtlifting per day, train the different sections per day too so one day upper body one day legs etc etc and limit your eating habits to things like salads,healthy food no soft drinks,no fast food they are the killers just keep hydrated and stick with your salads n greens and find a good source of protein with low fat. so my guess is with a good routine and proper diet you could expect to lose 50lbs? but dont take my word for it i am no expert im merely using my own personal experience for this. :Dhope this helps a bit

Fewer carbs. More veggies, fruit and some protein every day.LOTS of water!!! and 1/2 hour exercise...four months = 30 pounds.