Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I need to lose weight fast? -

What s the best way to lose weight really fast?

I recently needed to lose weight quickly for a special occasion. This is how I did it. I ate these foods for two weeks. Step 1 For Breakfast I ate: ? 1 grapefruit ? 1 cup of black coffee ? 1 slice of whole wheat bread Step 2 For Lunch I ate: ? 1 small cube steak ? 1 cup green salad ? 1 slice of cheese I cooked the stake in a pan with olive oil. Added cheese on top. Step 3 For Dinner I ate: ? 1 cup of cottage cheese ? 1 cup of sour cream ? 1 cup of grapes or any other fruit I mixed all the ingredients together.Step 4Drink a lot of water to help speed up your weight loss. You should drink at least 3 tall glasses of water a day. Those sugar drinks, sodas are going to get you NOWHERE - you will not lose weight fast while consuming those products. They sabotage your healthy diet just like cookies, cakes and candies. Eliminate the sugar drinks and drink water, milk and not from concentrate orange juice instead. V8 s are great too if you can stand the salt.Step 5Find an exercise you like to do if you need to lose weight fast. Exercise is merely a way to get the body moving. So if you hate the thought of exercise , think of it as moving your body instead. You can still lose weight fast if you watch your favorite TV show, march in place and raise your hands up in the air repeatedly for the duration of the show (and commercials too, no cheating!). Sure, it s really exercise, but by the time your show is over, you ll feel better about yourself, you don t have to mentally endure 60 minutes without entertainment and you ll help yourself lose weight faster. If you prefer to go to a gym and do aerobics or cardiovascular equipment - GREAT! Just keep in mind that you can move your body anywhere at anytime and every bit of movement helps with your weight loss. Typically you should move your body for 30-60 minutes, 3-5 times a week for best weight loss results.Step 6Don t give up when you go through the sugar and carbohydrate withdrawals. The first week is not easy I must say. You ll constantly be thinking about the white flour products and simple sugars you ve given up. If you get to the point where you re going to indulge, put your walking shoes on and go walk around the block for 15 minutes. If it s raining or cold out (there is no excuse!!), turn on the tv and march for 15 minutes. While you are walking or marching, remind yourself that these cravings are the thing that got you where you are now (unhealthy and/or overweight). Also remind yourself that you deserve to be healthy and getting through the moment of deprivation is key to your long-term weight loss success.Good Luck to you hope this helps!

fast is not the right way to go about losing weight. remember the tortoise and the hare and do it correctly. fast only gets you more weight and it does not stay off, it comes back and bites you in the behind. eat right and exercise and you will lose the weight. remember the first three letters in the word diet are D-I-E

good exercise,good diet,and bally total fitness :)

Loosing weight fast is put back on just as fast. The only real way to lose weight for longer than a short period is to lose fat. To lose fat you get you heart rate to 65% of it s *maximum and keep it there. The more time you maintain this the more fat/ weight you lose. To lose weight it is also about 80% what you do and 20% what you eat so stay away from too much sugar or fat.There is no easy fix to being over weight. Any easy answers offered won t work.*Max heart rate calculated by 220 - Your Age

crunches! eat healthy and mabey vegitarian ( i went vegi for a week and lost 7 pounds! soo with to weeks u could lose_!!) DONT TAKE THOSE PILLS! there a short cut and it comes right back at you! lol trust me short cuts work for a little while then u gain more than in the biggining! good luck

Scientists have recently discovered a new diet that acutally worksits calledPUT DOWN THE DAMN FORK

Well, I would exercise everyday and eat healthy. EXERCISE:Do about 60 crunches or sit-ups daily. Maybe even do some push-ups or jumping jacks while you re at it. Jog daily for about an hour. Swimming and biking are also a great ways to get fit. EATING HEALTHY:Avoid junk food like snack cakes, cookies, or anything with lots of fat. Drink water, juice, or milk instead of sodas. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Make sure you are getting the recommended number of servings of food from each food group. You can see a food pyramid here: http://www.oakhills.k12.oh.us/ohlsd08_09�� Also, limit your daily calorie intake.Hope this helps!

Jump Rope, and WATCH WHAT YOU EAT. do not drink SODA. thats the worst for some1. dont snack on unhealthy foods that you do not need. get a scale and keep track

Many experts say you should not lose many pounds quickly, in fact, this could be very dangerous. The best way to lose weight is slowly and safely, following a balanced diet and a healthy meal plan. You may think that eating fewer times a day will help you lose weight, which is why many people make only one meal a day in hopes of losing all those extra pounds. However, the result is the opposite because when a person eats only once a day, the body thinks that you want to ��kill it�� giving it very little food, so that your body triggers a defense mechanism accumulating fat in order to stay alive longer. So eating fewer times per day is not the solution. In fact, what you need to do is schedule small meals several times a day; a good number is around 5. This will keep you happy all the time and your body is constantly receiving nutrients. If you follow these tips may be able to see good results soon.

watch what you eat and workout. is the safest way to do it.