Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How do i lose weight fast, and look good? -

i m in a musical, and we have to pair up for most of the music song thingies.... the musical in on May 2-ish... i do i lose weight fast... i want to look good even if i don t get paired with someone i like.... i need help... if u have any suggestions at all for me, they would really help!!! i want to lose 10-13 lbs... in like 2 months, or 1 and 1/2 months.... Help!!!

www.tesajenkins.isagenix.comONE WORD - ISAGENIX!!I have lost 15 pounds in 16 days! It works! My husband is losing about 2 pounds every 3 days so is my hair stylist. It s a easy program and you don t have to starve yourself. Let me know if you want more information.tesaj@charter.net

I lost 55 lbs in 7 months by using Medifast shakes for breakfast and dinner, and by having a small lunch of mostly baked chicken, vegetables, and a small amount of dairy. Once a week I do broiled fish. I cut out bread for the most part (I don t recommend for a long period), and I joined a gym. I cut out alcohol and sugar. I drink 80 oz a day of water for each 100 lbs I weigh. I have kept the weight off for eight years. You can get those on the web at medifast.com or also I now do some EAS shakes, which you can get at the supermarket r drugstore.Sugar, or any sudden intake of carbs can cut the fat burning process by limiting how many ketones you can manufacture. Ketones are a by-product of the fat burning process, and if you can t manufacture them, you can t burn the fat. The fat burning process takes a geat deal of water to work - that s why they all tell you to drink water. So - that one little peice of candy will stop you from losing weight for about three days. Think before you eat it! Avoid lots of salt - it will let you keep more water than you want to.For in between meals I do a cup of low-salt bullion and a couple of high-fiber crackers.One more thing: portions. You should eat meat the size of a pack of cards, and vegetables the size of a baseball. This is a doctor-supervised program that I paid for - but walked away with a great deal of education on nutrition which has helped me and some of my friends. My mom has lost over 100 lbs doing this - and she s a diabetic. By the way - I have a serious thyroid disease and had a hard time losing weight until I got ahold of this Dr. (he s in the SF bay area).One last thing:Don t think of the things you can t have - think of the person you re going to be.

hydroxycut. i lost about 35lbs in 2 months. no joke. drink alot of water, excersice at least 30 minutes everyday, eat lots of fruits and veggies and in no time you ll be lookin very hottt!

oh ill help u dear!:Dwell try waking up in the mourning early and go out for a 10 min jog then for breakfast try eating oatmeal with low fat milk or soy milk or whole grain cereal with bannas! then for lunch try making it light like say a sandwich will do with a fruit! then for dinner eat soup ! try eating mostly soups,sandwichs,and salads a great weight to lose like 1o pounds in 2 weeks the after waiting 2 hours after dinner ! go and get ready for a one hour exercise ok ! dont exercise everyday try doing it for 5 days only and have a 2 day break from it ! it will speed up the weight lost faster!:D

http://HerbUrHealth.net has a great program to lose weight and it is SAFE and HEALTHY. These products are all made of Herbs.

When you are not fat you are looked got alreadyexercise everyday like jogging around the blockskip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per dayDont eat until you re fulleat fruits at night if your hungry.drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.

Whats the best way to lose weight FAST??? -

Please, any good suggestions?

Losing more than about 2 pounds a week is dangerous and unhealthy.People think diets work mainly because the first 10-15 pounds are lost in the first week and it s all just water weight that they put back on when their body gets hip to what s going on. Most sudden changes in diet will produce the same effect as the latest fad diets, low-carb diets, caveman diets, sugar free diets, Etc.The key is to boost metabolism and make gradual changes to your eating habits that you are capable of maintaining most of the time for the rest of your life. The hardest change, and most difficult for many, is to reduce the portions and increase the number of meals. Few people maintain the habit due to cravings.What works is very simple when you break it down. Are you consuming more calories than your body uses? If so, you will gain weight. If you consume less calories than your body uses, you will lose weight. It s all based on metabolism and has a lot to do with how much calories your body needs. The higher your metabolism, the more calories it needs to burn to do the same activity. The lower your metabolism, the fewer calories it needs to burn. That means if you consume a lot of calories and have low metabolism, the calories you don��t expend get stored as energy (fat) for later.The reason calorie reduction diets don t work is because people don t stay on diets for the rest of their lives or their metabolism catches on to what is going on. Sudden decreases and sporadic changes in calorie consumption (crash and yoyo dieting) is not only bad for weight loss, but also bad for your general health and wellbeing.The true key to losing weight and keeping it off is to boost your metabolism with exercise. Not only does it boost metabolism, you also burn calories while doing it.The more muscle you have, the more energy you burn just sitting there. Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, but is much leaner, and for several reasons allows you to eat more without storing the energy.One more point: the two most common problems I see with people s diets is that they are eating overly processed foods with supplementation that actually causes more nutritional deficiencies, which leads to food cravings and addictions. It s a vicious cycle and one has only to watch commercials to know that companies like Pfizer and Kellogg��s have multi-billion dollar industries that profit from keeping us this way. In fact, the majority of conditions Big Pharma is pushing drugs on us for (depression, sleeping disorders, digestive problems) can be drastically improved and often cured with exercise and nutrition. A quick look at who democratic and republican party s top corporate campaign contributors are should give you quick insight as to why the FDA, USDA, and several medical and pharmaceitucal associations represent the interests of those corporations instead of people like us.I wrote the above article myself but highly recommend a dietician s videos by the name of Natalie because she is a great person and has done a lot of non-profit contributing and her link is below.http://nutritionbynatalie.com/http://www.shapeup.org/index.phphttp://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/list.asp��

There is a lot of bad information out there. It has made America the fattest society ever. But it makes food companies and diet companies rich. Learn why black coffee, lean meat, salt and non-fat yogurt are so fattening. The book, Intuitive Eating, says If you tell yourself that you can t or shouldn t have a particular food, it can lead to intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and, often, bingeing. Nourish your body thin, instead of starving it fat. Learn the fastest way to lose weight.Never cut carbs, fats and calories. Eat foods made by nature, not man-made foods designed to make you fat and addicted to food. Which has more calories: a plain potato or one with a healthy fat like olive oil? The latter. Which is more fattening? The former. How can this be? The fat slows down the calories going into the blood (see glycemic load and glycemic index) making it less fattening. It is not about how many calories but how fast they enter the blood. But plant foods have fiber. Fiber provides no calories, is filling and also slows the calories entering your blood.http://www.phifoundation.org

Eat less. Eat healthy food. Do both cardio exercises and weight training.

rub preperation h on your stomach, put a trash bag over your body, and run sprints.