Monday, February 18, 2013

Whats a good, QUICK way to lose weight fast? ? -

i need soem good tips....i need to lose some of this wight around the front of my tummy fast. i need to slim down a little and try to get!!!?

If you want to lose weight, the key is to burn more calories than you take in. To do that, exercise and a healthy diet are the things you need to do. For a healthy diet, you should be eating 6 small meals a day. A breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and a dessert. When you have 6 meals a day it keeps your metabolism up and is actually healthier to eat more. But, the meals should be mostly healthy, but for dessert give yourself a nice treat every once in a while. For exercise, you need to make sure you don��t overdue it. A good exercise I enjoy doing is Pilates for weight lose. You can buy that DVD at target. It works great. Also, you can run, power walk, do crunches, sit-ups, a sport, swim, an exercise ball and just having your heart pumping and making u sweat is when u no the workout is working. You can even walk to get your mail at your mailbox, climb stairs, and even walk from room to room and it is a workout. Keep doing this and you will see results. Also, if you want to build muscle lift weights. But just remember that muscle weighs more than bone so if u get rid of fat and end up getting muscle, you will gain more but still look good! Hope I helped!!! Thx! (:

Best way to lose weight fast is go for Phentermine 37.5 mg pills ,if you seriously wants to reduce weight just mail me at , i will give you the best medication to lose weight.100% sure it will work,guaranteed .. i have been doing the same from long time i am helping other people as well to reduce some weight and look slim. People might criticize you for doing that but you are the best judge . so feel free to contact me at any point of time .

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and greens daily. Eat as much fruit as you desire before each meal and either consume a green smoothie daily or large green salad.Greens and fruits not only contain all the nutrients your body needs but will also help you fight any cravings. Just make sure you eat enough.Exercise daily and pick something you enjoy otherwise you wont stick. Get plenty of fresh air and sunlight.Have more self awareness.Good luck :)

Try the lil Jack workout��Merry Christmas��

green tea will let you sit on your *** and lose fat but only a tiny amount, you have to do exercise to go with it. this is why most asians arent fat because they drink tea.

There is no fast way to lose weight. 1-2 lbs per week is healthy and normal.It s all about burning more calories than you consume. Ditch the junk food and get some exercise.

If you want to get abs eat steak, do some russian twist, sit ups, track, and what ever else. Oh maybe some yoga, that is pretty good.

Green tea, apples, meat - and no eating after 6!!!

hope this helps there is no quick weight lose just eat what s good for you and work out good luck

How do you lose weight fast?can i lose a lot of weight if i run 2 miles a day.? -

hi im 5 8 170 pounds i want to lose weight bad i been lifting weights and i see differents in my arms but i want to lose my belly and my man boobs do you know how i could do that. fast.?and also how long it will take and what to do....thanks and plz just dnt say exercise and eat good i need info!!!

Hi I m going to tell you something that really helped me. I m 5 4 and used to weigh 176 pounds and just 4 short months later i weighed149 pounds and still decreasing :-).My little secret : Go to a book shop and buy yourself the book called I Can Make you Thin by Paul McKenna it includes a CD. ( i went to one of his ceminars and this guy is amamzing.)Its not a long book you could probably finish it in a day or two. He basically explains to you how you can eat WHATEVER you want (chips chocolate burgers and of course healthy stuff too) but still loose the weight you want. and all this by just changing the way and how fast you eat. I started with this and also went to the gym 5 days a week for about 1 hour each day and within 4 months i lost 27 pounds. Of course everyone is different but believe me if you really follow what the book says you can do it too. :-)...I m almost at my goal weight now just have like 6 pounds to go and i m there. And i thank my mom everyday for giving me that book. Oh and one more thing: with this way of eating i never gained the weight back even when i fell off the wagon and started munching on a lot of food. so this is a good way to loose weight healthily and keep it off in the futureI know how hard it is too loose weight so i m wishing you the very best of luck!!!

It is unhealthy to lose more then 5 to 8 lbs your first week and unhealthy to lose more then 2 to 3 lbs a week.You can starve your body of nutrients and do more harm then good.To tone the areas your looking to tone you need to work your upper body with weights every other day say Monday, Wen, and Friday, work your lower body on Sunday, and do cardio on Tuesday.Other then surgery methods you will not lose stomach fat without a life style change

one way to lose weight is to consume more protein than carbs and fats, and if you do consume fats, consume more unsaturated fats. Lost distance running will help out some. if you do eat carbs, make you eat a carb snack 2 to 3 hours before you workout because if you don t, you re body will consume muscles instead of fat. I hope this will help out some.

Run in the morning before breakfast. Have some water so you don t dehydrate but eat nothing. Your body will burn fat up to 300% more efficiently than after food or in the middle of the day. Hills are most ideal for running. I would also recommend weights and other exercises later in the day, is an awesome place to start.

Fastest is not best, you want weight loss that is sustainable.A lot of the answers you will see here will tell you to take some sort of supplement, even thought you specifically ask them not to. Don t take diet pills. They are unnatural and dangerous. It is not the lack of pills that got you heavy; that is not the fix you need. It was (most likely) improper diet and lifestyle that got you the extra weight. That is the fix you need.The best way to lose weight is through the principles of balance and moderation. You need to eat good food and eat enough of it.Shoot to lose 1-3 pounds per week. No more. Don t go hungry, just keep yourself filled with good, natural foods.Don t worry about calories. Caloric science is flawed for several reasons. 1) it assumes 100% absorption, but we all absorb and excrete different amounts; 2) It assumes all calories are processed the same, but calories from natural sources are burned more slowly and evenly than from refined sources; 3) It assumes that the amount of energy released by combustion (burning) in a lab is the same amount of energy released when the food is broken down enzymatically in the gut; 4) It assumes that the same exercise done by different people will burn the same amount of exercise, but different exercises will be harder or easier for different people; 5) Correlation does not prove causation. People who are heavier eat more calories: did the calories make them heavy, or did being heavy make them need more calories? Maybe they are both symptoms of a deeper problem. 6) people in China consume 25-40% more calories; even the sedentary office workers have more calories and less obesity than we.Asian cultures have long ago figured out how we should be eating, Ever since we have looked to science to tell us how to eat we have seen more obesity and diet-related disease. If we eat like the Asians, we will look like the Asians. This doesn t mean you have to eat Asian food, just adhere to the principles that are common to the different cultures and cuisines.You should eat mostly vegetables, mostly cooked (cold and raw foods slow your metabolism because they need to be cooked in your stomach) and a wide variety, mostly fresh and in-season and local, simple grains (more rice, less bread), some fruit, a little meat, no dairy (it s for infants and grows tissue), and no artificial foods.Avoid artificial foods, including sugar substitutes. Don t worry about calories, fat, protein, carbs, nor any one component of food.There are several books that explain this strategy of eating. The Asian Diet: simple secrets for eating right, losing weight, and being well by Bussell explains the diet and its rationale. The Asian Diet: get slim and stay slim the Asian way by Tran has recipes that adhere to the principles. The China Study by Campbell has the science behind the recommendation.Get some exercise every day, but not too much and not always the same exercise. Start slow and work your way up. Calisthenics are great, as is Tai Chi. Walking and swimming are also great. All other exercises should be in a wide rotation.Follow the principles of balance and moderation and you ll be fine. Most diets in America are not balanced nor moderate.Source(s):http://www.theasiandiet.com

How can i lose weight fast? -

so i am 17 years old and i weigh about 170. i am so uncomfortable with my body. it doesnt help that i get made fun of. but this is my senior year and i wanna look good and feel confident. i dont care how but i want to lose weight fast. so please give me your tips.

do a sport fat lard

Be realistic. Don t expect a miracle. Healthy weight loss can be achieved fairly quickly, but you ll need to be patient. In addition, be sure to set realistic goals. Make sure that the weight you re trying to reach is a healthy weight for you, and keeping in mind that gaining pounds of muscle will help you lose fat, be trimmer, and look better even though you don t actually lose any weight. Your goal should be a healthy body, not a number of pounds! Everyone looks good at a different weight. A short person may look really good at about 112 pounds, but a person of a taller height would just look unhealthy. Keep yourself at a weight that makes you look good, not at a number that sounds good.

If you are really serious about losing weight you should have this method. It worked for me and it is the only weight loss method that lost me 10 pounds in one month. It works amazing and using correct info will lose your weight fast . You can find more info from

hmm you sound like me. except im a junior. ive been writing down all the calories i take in a day, and eating smaller. like for example ive started only taking half a sandwich with one piece of turkey and one pieve of cheese instead of a whole one. but i feel better. although i havent lost anything yet, im hoping i do soon. can you answer mine too? theyre all similar, thanks!

Barely eating in one day. Like 500 calories a day. Now, it is not a healthy way to loose weight but it just answers your question. A healthy way would be to eat 1200 calories a day but make good choices with the food. Exercise. Try to stay away from the hungry eating habits. Good luck. :)

Ignore the people who call you names, they probley way 500 pounds! the best way is to eat 6 small meals a day, and exersize, start out walking then jog. Drink alot! it makes you feel fuller faster

Hey I got just the thing. There is a medical grade garment celebs use to drop you 3 sizes in minutes! For men women. See for yourself:

Get active and eat healthy! Go outside for at least an hour per day, and make sure you re moving around!!!

Well first of all, how tall are you? First you should check your BMI a.k.a Body Mass Index. Below 18.5: Underweight18.5 - 24.9: Normal25 - 29.9: Overweight30 and above: Obese you know your BMI then you should have a pretty good idea on how much you should lose. But lets go on to HOW to lose it.Always ALWAYS stay away from carbs. Don t even go NEAR bread, it will stick to your stomach and it s hard to get rid of. If you want your grain eat some whole grain cereal. STAY AWAY from the sugar. Always check calories on the foods you eat. If your craving a snack, eat a fruit or a veggie. If you just want something to chew on, have a piece of sugar free gum. Don t eat after 6 and always eat small portions, but eat often.It s not healthy to starve yourself, just don t over eat!Now that s just the food. Now lets move on to exerciseThe minimum you should be working out is 30 minutes. If you want to burn a lot of calories work out 1-3 hours a day. Remember, you burn calories from moving. If you want an easy way to excirsise just go and hit the gym. If you can t afford it work out by yourself.Running makes you use every body part you have and it s great for building endurance and stamina too. Swimming too. If you want to lose thighs, Do lunges,squats, and even skip. If you want to lose your belly, do crunches, sit ups, hold your legs in the air and more. FEEL THE BURN. haha.But just going up the stairs can help you burn calories and even lose a couple pounds.Don t starve your self and don t exercise till you pass out. Just Eat less Move more.And in a couple days you should start seeing changes.

Look at boxers. Boxers often have to lose 20-30 pounds in just 2 months in order to meet weight limits. I ll give you an example: Ricky Hatton. Tabloids call him Ricky Fatton because in between fights he balloons up to 200 pounds. But on fight night, he fights at 140 pounds. He s usually given 3 months TOPS in order to meet the weight limit, so how does he do it?-- Wakes up at 5am, runs 3 miles-- Followed by 900 situps-- Sparring (or Cardio) for 2 hours.-- Evening Workout for 1 hourDiet:-- No carbs except before or immediately after workout-- ProteinsAnd there you go. The guy has lost as much as 60 pounds in 2-3 months. Of course, he got knocked out in 2 rounds but in terms of weight loss, he is the king. There is only one Ricky Hatton.