Friday, January 10, 2014

I need to lose weight fast will 5 miles a day every day do it? -

i want to weigh 120 by 2 months i weigh 150 is it possible for me to losse this in time i need help i do 5 miles monday tuesday wednesday and on thursdays and fridays i do 10 miles every day is this good saturday and sunday i do cardio for 60 min each day each day i eat about 1,5000 calories but dont eat after 4pm help how much do u think i can lose in 2 months???? how bout a week? your help will mean alot to me thanks

What the heck? five miles every day, and then 10 miles? Shoot, you must be quite the athlete. I have to try to do 10 say it like it s nothing.

you can lose a lot of weight but you got to be careful or else your joints will hurt

OK just eat right, and eat foods that will make you full, now start with 1 mile everyday until it is soooooooooo easy then go to 2 miles then 3 then 4 then 5 ect..... you will loose weight in no time, and anything is possible

your running schedule is pretty good, and aggressive. I think your goals are realistic. One thing that is pretty effective is double sessions. A run in the morning and then again in the evening. Also, if you re running that aggressively, i would recommend two yoga poses - one is called virasana one, and the other is supta virasana. Theyre real good for the knees and also over time with repeated effort (and particularly if combined with the triangle pose, aka uttitha trikonasana) you will look leaner because you re more stretched out....

If you meant to say 1,500 calories, then I d guess you could get down to 120 in 8 weeks.However, it all depends on how much of the weight you are losing is fat; if a better percentage of your weight is fat right now, it ll be easier to lose.Also don t kill yourself doing so much-- is it worth it if you have to spend that much time?

I think you could easily lose that much weight. Kudos to you if you can actually stick to your plan for two months!

-----50 Weight Loss Tips-----��

maybe but you have to have a good diet too LOTS OF FRUITS VEGGIES

You shouldn t be trying to lose so much weight so fast. It s not good for your body, and you ll likely gain it all back within a few weeks, if you even get the chance to lose any at all.Exercise should be taken on gradually, not jumped into all at once!! You ll hurt yourself trying to do that much exercise that quickly.A proper exercise program and diet plan will help you lose weight, but you re not going to get the kind of results you are expecting. Set yourself some more realistic goals, and check out some sites such as the Spark People website to help you stay on track with those goals.I hope that you take what I said to heart, so that you don t end up injured or worse! Good luck!!