Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Help Weight Loss Tips Please:!? -

I Am A 14 Year Old Female, Im 5 7 And I Weigh 185. I Really Need Some Weight Loss Tips, Fast And Easy But Also Healthy(:Please Help. I Have Belly Fat, But Not a lot! My Thighs aren t jiggly but just big and flabby.

No soda diet or regular - NO SODANo fast food restaurants ever !Lots of salads; lots of fruits and vegetables.Drink at least 8 very large glasses of water every single day.No candy, cake, cookies, pies, potato chips, etc.Walk, walk, and walk !!! Further each and every day. Get someone to walk with you.

Weight Loss Tips��--Drink more water----Increase your protein intake----Eat Negative calorie food -- --Eat slowly----Cut down the sugar intake-----Do not skip meals----Eat breakfast everyday ----Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Exercise(Aerobics and Strength Training)--Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--��

well avoid eating junk food.have proper balanced diet. and most of all always take food in small bites.this prevent overeating.for rapid weightloss You should use herbal ingredients, which create one of the highest quality and safest mechanisms for you to lose weight. Gradual, natural weight loss that leads to a healthier, happier life.there are site which are providing free can try. thanks will lose fat, and it will build muscle, toning allll over! no more flab. just imagine!

Try the ten weight loss tips in this article:

Weight loss tips, and things to do at the gym? -

So, I ve been trying to lose weight to be healthier. Anyway, I was going to the gym regularly until a couple weeks ago, and now I m afraid I ll start gaining weight I had lost.I usually go with my sister, but all we do is go on the treadmill and do stretches and sit-ups. I, personally, do not feel very worked out after it. I m not really sure how many times I should do certain things (like how many sit-ups I should do, etc.)I m not sure what kinds of exercises I should do at the gym. They have equipment, but I don t know where to start. The people that work there aren t incredibly helpful, and I can t afford a personal trainer.I m underage, so my sister drives me there. Obviously I can t go EVERY single day. What are some exercises I can do at home?I live in the mountains, so it s been getting quite a bit colder here now. I m no longer walking around the lake and doing a lot of outdoor activities.So, any tips on that would be helpful :].Also. Do any of you have any diet tips? I really don t know where to start. But the plan I was on didn t really help much...Haha. Maybe whipping out my google or talking to somebody who is knowledgeable in that area would be better than Yahoo.

You should do alot of pushups, situps and throw in a few up/downs (pushup, launch up onto your feet, fall back into a pushup and repeat.)It s possible to perform tricep extensions by using the foot of your bed as support. Take a look at Hugo Rivera s free online book for some more tips on eating right and working out at home. He has some great tips! Here s a link to the book.

Hi Emmalee please try this it may helps u.Detox Diet Plans, Low Carb Diet Plans Recipes, Low Cholesterol Diets, Gastric Bypass Diet, Glycemic Diet Load,Glycemic Index Diet, High Glycemic Index Food, Low Glycemic Index Food Diet Advice... Report Abuse


Eat 6 times a day, but the total calories you should eat, should be determined by a nutritionist, since they can measure your metabolic rate (depends on the person). When you exercise make sure you do at least 20 min of cardio (walking, bycicle, steps, aerobics, etc..), you can also use dumbells to tone your muscles, in your case use food cans, sit ups, push ups, etc. An hour of exercise is pretty good, also you could do 3 sets of 10 reps, per activity, depending on your resistance, and over time you can go up.

Does anyone have any quick, easy weight loss tips/advice/anything???!?!?!!? -

So I just visited the doctors office. I got some bad news and in order to switch it into good news I need to lose weight. So I m thinking 30 to (maybe)40 pounds. I ll be going back to the doctors in 4 months(April 2010). So I d like to lose it by then. I know it s not an east task but I m willing to work with it. I d really appreciate it if anyone had any advice other than the obvious. Is there any certain excersise I should do? Certain foods I should eat?Please Thanks.

push ups pull ups dips jumping jacks and weight lifting, because muscle burns fat really well even after you workout or are sleeping btw dont worry about getting bulky its very difficult and takes a long time even for guys. anyway those exersises work very well and swimming laps, drink lots of water dont drink pop or at least not too much as for foods dont eat chips, cookies, fast food, mabye every now an then but if you want to lose fat asap then no junk food at all and again drink lots of water and try running hard and sprinting instead of long distance jogging

I did some studying on this at college for my case study and learnt a fair bit. I d recommend that you learn a little on the science behind weight loss, there isn t much to know other than that the food industry do mislead you, forget weight watchers products and the like - cutting down fats is not useful to anyone in the long run.Some effective methods are the low GI diet, and the low carb diet (by low carb I do not mean Atkins!)If you want to lose weight, then sugars and starchy carbs are what you must avoid, since they cause insulin levels to spike and food is then converted into fat much quicker, and you are hungry again before you have burnt it off! Eg, if you eat a bowl of cornflakes and drink orange juice for breakfast, the rate at which your body makes energy from it will be so quick, that it has after about 30 mins already reached its peak and gone beyond the insulin threshold, leaving you as hungry as you were before despite you consuming enough. The body converts high GI foods into fat very quickly indeed!Also, please do not be fooled by the idea that you can just abstain from food for long periods and lose the wieght, since this does nothing but slow your metabolism. Any weight you lose by doing this will be gained much quicker. Small regular meals will maintain blood sugar and keep your body burning off fat most efficiently.If you focus on nutrtional value, good quality lean proteins, good fats, and abundance in vegetables and low sugar fruits such as berries and apples, with a small amount of wholegrains like wheat, rye, oats, rice, etc, you will find you have more energy and can then exercise. Detoxification always helps, but some people think this is not for them. If you can be this strict, then do so. Being unhealthy will hinder you as you will feel lethargic and wont want to burn off the fat!Good luck :-)

Exercises - focus mainly on weightlifting, on full-body lifts - squats, pushups, pullups. They trigger your body into gaining muscle a lot better then little, couple-muscle lifts like bicep curls. Weight lift before cardio.Certain foods - just eat as clean as you can. Fewer sugars, dairy, processed. Think of eating as little as possible from a package.I would try to find a program to follow - it ll keep you from being overwhelmed, and make sure you stay healthy with your efforts. Fat Burning Furnace is a good, easily achieved program that isn t too much work - three 20 minutes workouts a week, and basic diet advice. Furnace . Very other then the obvious - I ve used Eat Stop Eat for a long time. It shows you how to use mini-fasts - just 24 hours, once or twice a week, as a way to lose a LOT of weight. You can use it in addition to any other weight loss or workout plan, and I find it to be very effective. These breaks from eating do wonders for things like hunger hormones and insulin levels too - it explains why in the program. . If you want more of a review from me, I posted some videos and a review at .Hope that helps! Best of luck and continuing good health to you!

Whos got quick effective weight loss tips that work? -

for eg. lemon water etc etc

i started this last monday.....~eat cereal for brunch (organic kind. less fat)~constantly drink water all trough out the day until you reach the late afternoon, eat a tiny snack, but nothing too fattening...or just eat loads of fruits.~when dinner time comes, drink like 2 to 3 full glasses of water before eating so you d get full easily.that s what i did and i lost 5 lbs. so far and today s only thursday (where i live)....i know it s not entirely healthy but it is effective.

if you drink water before your meals that helps out alot and cuts back the amount that you eat and water wont hurt you its good for you good luck

Try a cleansing diet! I did and lost 11 pounds and 21 inches in only 9 days. I was very happy with the results and continued on the program and lost 29 pounds in 5 weeks. This is the fastest I have ever lost with other diets like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Medifast, Slimfast etc��. Cleansing works by removing impurities from your body. You get impurities from your food (pesticides, preservatives, food additives, colorings) water, chemicals, pollution, medications, alcohol, hormones that the animals you eat were fed etc��.YUCK! The impurites get coated with fat and remain in your body. To remove the fat, you have to remove the impurites. This system worked for me, maybe it can work for you too. You can check out the website or call this toll free number 1-877-587-4647 for more info. The program is not cheap, but it is worth every penny since it works and keeps you motivated. Good luck! More cleansing info at

Please share your successful weight-loss stories with me? -

I am a 24 year old female and have become seriously overweight since having my child - almost 2 years ago and STILL havent lost any of the weight. I am looking to lose 50-100 lbs. and need some advice on how to do it in a healthy way. I want to change my lifestyle completely, not just lose the weight. It is to the point where my weight has effected my health in a very negative way - I just recently had my gallbladder removed (not sure if it was related to my weight, but was told it was probably from pregnancy), I have plantar fasciitis (my heels KILL me all the time), and my hip has been hurting for almost a month now and I havent found out why yet. Needless to say, it is time to take the weight off. Can anyone tell me how they have successfully lost weight and how? Can anyone give me any weight-loss tips that have worked for them? Please, any suggestions would be great...

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!

The only thing that worked for me and my hubby was eating better and eating the right portions..We have been brainwashed into thinking we need more food than we do..We eat off a salad plate..not a dinner plate..we eat one meat and two vegetables or one meat , a salad and a vegetable. We limit the amount of pasta and breads ..only one piece of bread a day and pasta once a week..we didn t have to exercises or do work outs until we lost weight and felt good enough to do it..Also we drink one 4 oz glass of water before , during and after each meal..drinking the water made me so full, I didn t want to snack in between meals..if u do feel the need to snack eat a piece of fruit only..If you can stick to this regiment for just two weeks you will more than likely lose at least 7 pounds..We still eat the foods we like but we eat less of them..good Luck.

I tried the Akins thing and lost alot of weight but it came back plus some, currently i lost 55 pounds in about 4 months. My key is to join a gym, do cardio and watch what you eat, you said you want a lifestyle change well this is it, you dont want to diet, just cut your portions and choose better foods, instead of white bread its Lite whole wheat bread, instead of ice cream i eat sugar free popcicles, i use spray butter on toast or whole wheat english muffins, i drink a lot of water... start out with minor changes and walking and build yourself up. try eating 5-6 small meals instead of 3 big meals thats always good too.-start walking-cut portions-make substitutions (spray butter, fat free dressing)-start walking then build yourself up-5-6 small mealsHope that helps it really helped me.

i lost 62 pounds on slimfast - however, it was not a lifestyle change and when I stopped the slimfast and stopped working out, i gained it all backcut out white rice and bread - go for grains that are 100% whole wheat - cut back on portions, eat slower and you ll get full quicker - eat fresh steamed veggies instead of canned veggies, do the same with fruits (fresh over canned) - limit your fat intake (just be sensible) - you can eat lean meats including beef, chicken, turkey, and fish. Don t give into going to fast food placescardio 30 mins. a day (walk, run, ride bike, skate, etc.), drink lots of water (no soda or sugary drinks) and i would take a multi-vitamen such as centrum just in case you don t get enough from your meals

Hi there. I ve managed to lose 30+ pounds (I m still working on those last stubborn 15!) and I eat a LOT of fruit and veggies, drink 2-3 glasses of skim milk a day, drink at least 8 glasses of water, and eat lean protein (chicken, turkey, beans, etc...). I eat oatmeal every morning with a glass of skim milk, I eat yogurt (or soup) for lunch every day, along with a banana and carrots. For snacks I usually eat apples with all-natural peanut butter. For dinner I eat usually whatever I want, just watch portions. As for exercise, I have worked my way up to running/jogging 2-3 miles or more a day. To start out with just start walking as long as you can (5-10 minutes) or other forms of exercise (you should see a doctor and a personal trainer to identify the best exercise techniques since you have health problems). =D Good luck, I know you can do it!

first off cut out all sugar ,use sweet and low instead. start measuring your food . You could try eating breakfast like curves cereal and soy milk ,have a salad for lunch consisting of romaine lettuce ,carrot shreds ,alfafla sprouts and olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dressing , then go for a walk start slow at first and then increase as time goes on ,for snacks if you have to have one try rice cakes with some hummus ,and for dinner 2oz lean meat such as chicken or fish ,no starches such as noodles or potatoes ,and a healthy salad . drink plenty of water and nothing to eat after 7 pm and exercise before you go to bed .

Weight loss advice pleaseee? -

I m a 15 year old girl, and I weigh about 128 pounds and i m about 5 6 . I am a pescetarian (vegetarian that eats seafood). I m trying to loose about 10 pounds, because I feel so unhealthy and i overeat all the time. I always eat so much because I try not to eat during the day and than at night I go crazy. How do I stop such cravings? Weight loss tips?

Eat three healthy meals a day. Your biggest meals will be at breakfast and lunch. Dinner will be light. The food should sustain your appetite. As a vegan, I make sure that, I choose legumes and whole grains as a mainstay, because this forms a very filling and satiating meal that is rich in protein.The consensus reality about six small meals per day is not based on anything but conjecture. The 6 meal recommendation is bogus. Eat three meals per day at a scheduled time and plan all of your eating. If you want to snack between meals, eat a whole fresh fruit.

Hate to tell you, but red meat, fills you up alot more than a fish. That said, you want to stop cravings, take a good accai berry, that slows down hunger. Or you could work out a little bit to burn the calories. If you are not in good shape, its ok. Just try running a mile, doing maybe 50 pushups throughout the day,as well as situps and squats. If you want to increase fatburn during sleep, go for a walk at night, makes you tired and burns more fat than you think. Don t go overboard trying to lose weight, 5 6 128 is not unhealthy at all.

First if your 5 6 and 128 lbs, your not fat or unhealthy. I m sure ppl say that all the time but you don t listen. My opinion stop eating just grass and shrimp, but thats up to you. Most of the problem is the way you eat. Instead of only eating at night you need to eat more frequent smaller meals all throughout the day. Keeps your metabolism up, helps you burn fat faster..... Oh! And eat a steak sometime, its great.

This answer has been selected as best answer for more than fifteen times by asker (yahoo answer) for weight loss.Register here Download this ebook for free. Nutrition and Weight loss and Weight loss is a 50 page ebook on Weight loss and nutritional food tips that will help you to reduce your weight in a natural way.��

I did many different program to lose my weight, but nothing worked untill I got this amazing program. It works amazing and I lost my weight easy after I got right program. I lost 9 pounds in 30 days and it was so easy. If you are really serious and really want to lose weight you should check this out. You can find info here link below.

If you are looking for easy diet program, you can use my program. I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. If you are very serious about diet you must have a look this program. It is easy if you know correct information to do diet. You can find more information at link below.

well skipping meal isnt a way out... basically i loose 50lb by cutting back on snack. and eat right what i mean is eat in portion... dont pack too much snack and food in the house, that how i did it.. even when i crave for it i dont have any to take it down. haha. also, do alot of activities that the way for me... eat less more burning calories u will loose it .. good luck...

during meal time. . .eat as much as you can. . .be sure your full before you leave the table. . .this would probably avoid your craving. . .uhmmm, i guess.. .its about self management..

you probably already know this but honestly the best way to losee weight is to go to the gym for more than 30 min it has to be more than 30 min and eat foods that have less sugar in them if you do that i guarantee you will lose weight :)

At 5 6 and 128 pounds, you sound just right!But, you do need to eat a good breakfast. (I know it is hard, but it is necessary.)Some healthy snacks during the day, especially after school.

Weight Loss Tips for a Teen? -

I am a 5 foot 3 inch tall 16 year old girl. My current weight is 128 pounds. I have been losing weight regularly and am becoming much happier with my appearance. Does anyone have tips on how I can loose 13 more pounds by Halloween? Tips on controlling cravings, etc. would be helpful. Thanks so much!!!

Hi Maddie these folkes dropping links in their posts are clueless so just listen to me. You are already in a healthy weight range but you are not eating healthy and by the sounds are starving yourself. What you are calling cravings sounds like hunger to me. This isn t good in the long term because you will be destroying muscle and will start to find it harder to keep weight off. DO NOT even try to lose 13lb by halloween the damage you to your body could end up being unreversable.You need at least 3 good meals a day, plus a few snacks if you feel hungry at all. You can easily eat 1200 to 1400 calories a day and still lose a little weight if you are doing just some exercise. If you want to look better tone your muscles with some strength training. I know it sounds weird but starving your body shocks it and it will go into starvation mode and refuse to lose weight by shutting down many of the bodies more important functions. You will then find you get more tired, can t sleep well, get sicker more easily and the list goes on.Eat, work out a little and you will be way more happy and look heaps better.

The below tips are useful for you.Drink lot more water.Drink Green tea that will help you to reduce weight.Drink lemon juice with warm water. You can drink this after breakfast, lunch.Eat more spicy elements like ginger, garlic, onion, etc. in your food.Swimming is the best way to reduce weight. Try to involve in a game like tennis, badminton, etc.The below link is more useful for you.��

Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. People who lose a half a pound every week are more likely to reach their target weight than the ones who lose a lot of weight at the beginning, and then give up when the going gets tough.The best and most effective way to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight is through changing your eating habits and exercising regularly. 1. Choose whole grains.2. Drink plenty of water.3. Choose lean meats and fish.4. Know the portion sizes for your calorie target.5. Limit fats to an average of 15 grams per meal.6. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible.7. Work out for no less that 45 minutes, 4-5 days a week.8. Select foods with less than 3 grams of fat per 100 calories.9. Choose pretzels, baked chips, fat-free popcorn instead of fries and chips.10. Avoid foods with partially hydrogenated oils, trans-fats and high-fructose corn syrup. 11. Choose cereal, bread, crackers or chips that contain 2 or more grams of fiber per 100 calories.12. Choose fat-free or low-fat variety of foods especially when it comes to dairy products (milk, cheese, and yogurt).How To Boost Your Metabolism and Effective Weight Loss Burning And Reduction Strategies

You should check this out this program that I did. It works amazing for me and I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. You can find more information here

You should have a look this way that I did. It works very well for me and I lost 8 pounds in 30 days. You can find more info here

Eat less. Excersise and use the bathroom more. At s actually easy not hard.