Sunday, December 15, 2019

How can I lose weight quickly? -

Im a female, 13 years old, long dark brown hair with grey eyes. I have muscular legs from running. Im 5 1 and weigh 105. I want to lose 8 pounds, like I used to weigh 97 three months ago. How can I lose these 8 pounds in 1-2 weeks? please help :)

do some walking. how much do you want to lose

first up, you are not fat and have no need to loose weight.Nest thing, the reason you were 97 pounds a few months back is because you are growing up, part of the growing will mean you need to gain weight, you cant get around that, if you dont put on weight, you will end up being under developed, not able to have kids and could end up with perminant damage. Trust me, I have been there.Not pretty.If your worried about your weight, see the doctor who can advise you but please remember that as a growing person, your body needs to gain weight in order to grow up, you cant stop the growing up, you will still age and you ll just end up with a body that looks and feels horrible. You need body muscle, breast fat, lean muscle to develop around your core (notice how little kids have pouty stomachs and adults dont? well having muscles around your core is why), to be able to process information in your brain, that needs to grow and get bigger- infact your brain is 70% fat, and weighs alot more then you think. You also need to have a certain percentage of fat on your thighs to have periods, if you dont have your periods and prevent them from happening, you can damage many organs in your body, and you cant have children if you dont have periods.Please talk to someone about this, you dont need to weigh what you did 3 months ago, your growing up, you actually need to put weight on!

I am afraid if you are really concerned about health, rather than looking for a quick fix, which if it does work is likely to be temporary, you need to concern yourself with lifestyle changes.Eat just a little less and do a lot more regular exercise, no less than 5 days a week.

Try the weight watchers ��points diet��.

You really don t need toat 5 0 you have to be 100 poundsand for every extra inch add 5 poundsyour at ur exact healthy weight

Well exercise is always an option; do it three times a day and drink a lot of water. Although judging by your weight you seem like a pretty good average weight to me. Don t go over board, if you go under the average weight you could become sick.

Same as going for me I am your age too. Exactly 5ft. That weight is perfect for you. You are growing that is why you weigh more. Your legs are probably the reason why you have gained a bit more pounds. You don t need to diet at that age it s perfect!

As per the above answers but I also just wanted to add that it is never healthy to lose 8 pounds in 1 - 2 weeks. The most you would ever want to lose is 1 pound a week, maybe 2 at a push. Any more and your body is liable to go in to a kind of shock where it will think you are starving it and then you will end up putting a lot more weight back on.

Whats the best way to lose weight quickly? -

Dulcolax if you need to shed half a stone in a week.Try to avoid tempting foods and opt for sensible options. Get on the treadmill and check your weight daily (great motivator) The very best of luck to you.

Less eating, more exercising in short...However things are not that simple; when on a diet, you have to be careful about number of things: 1. don t forget to drink; if you don t drink, you will dehydrate and that can affect your health in most unpleasant way - true enough, water means weight, but it is not water, that you really want to get rid off, it s fat... 2. start with regular exercises, you shouldn t exaggerate; two or three times a week take 30 min.running session at a pace you can easily can walk for an hour or so on a nearby hill instead of this if you like and if you have is not one of my favorites, but some people like it - you should be careful andwarm your muscles before any serious exercise - watch your bag ! 3. Change your eating habits; have a strong breakfast, normal lunch and light supper and remember, we all eat beyond our needs...

dont eat

eat less and exercise

The FASTEST way is amputation.

there is no safe way to loose weight quickly hunny. if you yo-yo diet chances are that you will put the weight back on. lots of healthy food and regular exercise is the way to go hunny. xx

try this website thatwebsite with help you a great deal it did for me good luck!

Read all the tips here.

obviously: healthy foods3.stay withing your kilojule limit. which depends on you age, between 14-18 i think its 10,000 to 12,000 kilojules. you can see how many kiljoules you wat on every packet (they show you on the ingredients label)4.intake (energy/kilojoules) vs. expenditure (exercise). which means: burn more energy than you intake. this means if you eat macca s, say a medium mac meal. thats about 4,500 kiljoules, you need to run for about an hour or more to burn ALL of that off. but remeber, u ll be eating healty, so u ll burn off more energy then taken in, which means u burn fat instead of energy.5.apparently jumping on a ttrampoline for 5 mins is the same as walking for 15 minutes??? thats what i heard...6.if u want to lose wait for real. there are pleanty of companies out there which can help set up a program for you...hope i helpedhappy exercising.

Will this weight loss program work? -

I m 15 years old, and looking to shift some weight =) not anything extravagent, but enough to make me feel healthy and comfortable. At the moment, I m skipping (as in jump rope) for about 30 minutes (1000 jumps in sets of 100 with marching / other stuff in between) in the afternoon. I m doing 150 sit ups a night to help strengthen my stomach, although i know that wont help the weight. Also planning on doing some pilates in the morning for flexibility. Will this work for me? Also, I eat as healthily as I can, strictly no junk food and im snacking on apples etc instead, but my parents arent on the same health kick as me, so I have to eat all the same white breads, pastas and meats that they eat. Thanks for your help =)

It s a good start, but it really depends on how you go about this. Proper diet and exercise is key to losing weight and keeping it off. So far you seem to be doing fine, at least I can t find fault with what you re doing.

Don t you find it odd that the majority of the answers are from the male population! Get a life boys you probably have beer guts and cant even see your own winkie without a mirror!

yes do that if u can and EAT HEALTHY !if u still eat fats u won t lose weight despite of what u ll do good luck xx

Eat proper food and do more exercise . That is the key to have your dream body. For more, you can get extra tips at it gave you some tips to follow.

That should work...but you can look up The Six Week Body Makeover by Michael eat more small meals, but the right foods and it helps burn off the extra weight. Your Mom might like it too. I lost 20 pounds in the first four or five weeks....plan to stay on it and keep losing!

Go ahead and eat. You won t lose much weight without keeping track of your eating though. Exercise is only half the battle. I like your exercise routine. Combine that with 1200 to 1500 calories a day and you have a sure fire recipe for a longterm healthy, productive lifestyle. Good for you, my guess is your weight will never be a problem for you. Enjoy life s journey...

How to lose weight quickly? -

would eating under 1000 calories lose weight? if so how much?what is a crash diet? anybody got an examples of one?yes i know about starvation mode etc. x

i personally dont think there is anything wrong with a low calorie diet for a short period of time but obviously i dont think you should have no longer than about 3 months on a strict low calorie diet .yes you would lose weight pretty quick from an under 1000 calorie diet, but it also depends on how much excercise you have.anyway good luck but dont stay onit for long because your organs will start to shut down.

I stop losing weight if I eat below a certain number of calories. For me, that s 1300, and I guarantee that for you, it will be above 1200 (since you already know about starvation mode, I won t explain to you why). Crash diets are diets that cannot be maintained for a long period of time because they re too extreme. You already gave an example, eating under 1000 calories. Your body will get hungry, and eventually (probably after a week) you ll get so hungry you ll go eat a ton of food. The only diets I ve seen work for anyone are those that deal in moderation, which means eating 1500-1300 calories a day (for most women under 200lbs), depending on how much you weigh.

You won t lose weight eating under 1000 calories a day. You will crash and go back to eating what you were before the diet, but the diet will have lowered you re metabolism and you will end up weighing more than before you started.If you do not crash and stay the course eating only 1000 calories a day you will die. You will not win eating less than 1000 calories a day.Eat 2000-2500 minimum, if you are over 300 pounds you can go to 3000. Just create a deficit through exercise if you want to drop weight the safe way.If you do not exercise and want to lose weight then calculate you re BMR(google it) and try to eat just over that many.

Under 1000 is to extreme, but the only diet that ever actually worked for me was a sort of crash diet. I cut out absolutely every extra, all sodas, anything with sugar, anything that could be considered a snack. I had two meals under 400 calories a day. A bagel with some imitation butter for breakfast and a Lean Cuisine for lunch. Then I had a large, but sensible, dinner to tide me over to the next day (a meat, a starch, and a veggie). I dropped the weight like a rock. After about a month of this I eased up and discovered I didn t have to try so hard because I simply wasn t that hungry anymore.

kathhy, I have been trying to lose weight for about 6 months now and have tried almost every single weight loss pill thats out there... 99% of them don t work, I say 99% because I recently tried one that is starting to show some real results, acai berry pills..? so far I have been taking them for 2 months and I have lost 22lbs! YEAH ME.. 28lbs to go, but anyways I got them for free from this website, they may still be doing it.. not sure but check it out. this helps,

it depends if you are working out, and for how long..good website for ana/mia diets that i use is fading obsession.. google it.hope this helps

Try using TREADMILL s very effective about 2 x 1 hour / day