Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How can i lose weight FAST? -

I m 19 years old im 6 4 weighing in at 315 and i really wanna be able to have the chest gone i have man **** now any help is well apreciated i wanna play college football also...help me!

You need to do a combination of cardio, sprints, and light weights with housands of quick fast reps.The goal is to increase your metabolism with the sprints. Sprints will be the only exercise that will do this for you. Hills are the best because the get your legs really well. Do one hill sprint everyday for every pound you want to loose.The cardio will just help you use energy. Do one hour every day.The light weights with a lot of fast quick reps is a combination of the cardio and the sprints. You should work every muscle in your body every day. Don t plan anything nor write anything down. All of the weights should never be more than 45 pounds. Just go from one machine to the other until you have worked every muscle group in your body.All exercises should be done every day 6 days per week.Next you will need to do is work on your diet. The less you eat the quicker you will loose weight.Stay away from fructose and corn syrup. The human body can t metabolize fructose in large amounts very well so you will need to stay away from soda and candy and pop.Stay away from excitotixins. These slow down your bodies abilities to metabolize and messes up your hormonal system to burn fats. Look up excito toxins on the internet. These include MSG, any glutenates, anything hydrolyzed, and any and all soy products.Try fasting for 9 days where you only drink fruit juices. NATURAL fruit juices ie. ones without added fructose. Be very careful with these.Don t sit in fron tof the TV unless you are doing crunches, pushups, handstands, or squats.Lastly, if you cant exercise while others are watching you (ie you feel embarrased) then you have allready lost the game. You have to get your mind into the workout and tell others to go to hell or you will be forever a looser and just a waterboy or armchair quarterback forever.

How to lose weight with diet pill? -

helpppp mee

Train Hard is correct. You must exercise also. If you just take the diet pills you will lose weight but the problem is when you stop taking them you will gain the weight back plus some.

Diet pills are not good, In fact only 15 to 30% of vitamins and minerals in any pill form are absorbed by the human body . To see how this translates, if you take 100mg tablet , your body will only get 8.3% concentrated in the blood, as compared to 98% if you consume a liquid product or shake which allows the body to utilize all the vitals nutrients. So where does the rest of the vitamins and minerals go that your body didn��t absorb from the pill? Well, In Tacoma Washington 250,000 Ibs of undigested pill are pulled out of the sewers every six weeks, and in Salt Lake City, Over 150 gallons of vitamins pill show up in their filters every month .I looked around and I found that the best way to lose weight after making the decision and setting your goal is to maintain a good balanced nutrition of vitamins, minerals, herbs, proteins ,amino acids and antioxidants to reach optimum performance throughout the day without gaining weight, I lost weight with the help of powder nutrition supplement that ensure quick ,optimal absorption for improved efficiency, it contains vitamins, minerals , protein (amino acids) and herbs and it is from food so any one can take them with no side effect whatsoever.suzantasros@ymail.com

I would suggest green tea extracts by applied nutrition. You can get a months supply for around $10. (They sell them at Walmart) They really do help. They have caffeine in them too but the EGCG is standardized to be 50% of the green tea extract. The EGCG will help boost your metabolism as will the caffeine. However, I d stay away from getting additional caffeing from anything else. I ve been taking them for a few days and have noticed a big difference in energy. I m probably going to take them for a month and then skip a month so that my body doesn t get used to it and they ll keep working. :)Just like everyone else is saying nothing is going to make you lose weight and be healthy if you re not trying to eat correctly and get excercise. Green tea extract will help you burn about an extra 100 calories a day. Add that to having 6 meals a day instead of 3 and you re metabolism will be faster. Add cardio and weight training and you ll be set. :) Oh... and plenty of water. About two liters of day. You have to stay hydrated! If your not into taking pills you can brew your own green tea instead.

Diet pills dont work. They ruin your metabolism so you cant lose wait ever again without pills and they also can damage many of your organs. Just dont use them. Start of my changing to healthier foods and walking 30 minutes everyday.

unfortunately and CONTRARY to media advertisements there isnt no DIET PILLS that work consistently even if it works for a few days it has its negative side effects

Diet pills only work if you work out 5-7 days a week and your diet is absolutely perfect.

What is the best weight loss supplement to help you lose weight fast? -

Need to know what really works in weight loss supplements.I hear Apidexin is good, but I dont know....Some say Hydroxy Cut,but others say it isnt.......ANy help with this

Hydration is the most important aspect of weight loss because your body uses a lot of water when burning fat. Supplements are unnecessary with a well balanced diet.

http://www.kaydensweightloss.com/Of course, this is WAY more than I ever wanted to admit publicly in my lifetime, but it is the truth, and that is what I am here to share with you.Take a look...... Report Abuse

The whole weight loss supplement industry benefits from their product hardly working - enough to see very small results, but not enough to solve your problems. Why? Because if they solved your problem, you wouldn t keep re-purchasing their product, now would you? These supplements are usually so ineffective that you would have been better off at a cost to time spent ratio to just do a little exercise.If you are interested in an alternative, I ve been hearing some really great things about calorie shifting from the health community! Its a new diet that will shock your metabolism into working for you. You can read up more on it below, I hope this helps and good luck losing that weight whichever path you end up taking!

Hydroxy Cut works pretty good, but can be very dangerous. I suggest you focus on your diet and exercise rather then taking magical pills. Eat 3-4 meals nutritious healthy meals everyday, and try to get 45-60minutes worth of exercise everyday. You also want to cut down on sweets/fats, and increase your intake of fibers and water. I hope this helped =). For more information you should check out http://loseweight-info.blogspot.com/

When you are looking at using a weight loss supplement, your first consideration should always be natural. Natural weight loss items can be found online or in your local health food store. Make sure if you don t understand what is the best item for you to ask and then ask some more.You need to follow a proven and effective eating plan where you don t deprive your body of essential nutrients. Your daily eating plan should boost metabolism rate and not deprive it of any nutrients whether its carbs, protein or even fat in reasonable quantities.

Well... most weight loss supplements work...BUT they make you gain weight as soon as you leave them. This is why the industry flourishes.What you need is something that is natural...and works using the most scientifically proven method..that of increasing youe metabolism rate.I would suggest going with green tea or white tea. Both are effective...however if you want changes to be fast and noticeable..i would suggest you go with white tea and acai... It has more antioxidants than any green tea... and thus it increases your metabolism big time!There are free packs of it available at many sites such as http://freewhitetea.com Its really worth a try...ive noticed differences in as little as 10 days.

CRAP!!!!!!!!!Try this it really works Ive lost 50 lbs and 20 to go.DietExerciseThe best thing about weight is it does not lie. You eat too much it shows, you eat too little it shows. There are not secrets or magical methods. It is all hard earned and for those who succeed well desired and for those who don t well deserved.

Hey i ve a great news for everyone. I too was suffering from over weight i tried some pills and even some tea but nothing worked-out. But i came to know that Proactol is doing well. One of my friend suggested this and I bought my pack from here http://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=140369 s=38 To be frank i am consuming this for the past 2months and I see some weight loss (i was 95kgs now i am 92), its working. You too try this i personally suggest this.

This award winning green tea is what I use and I am very happy with the results. The best thing is that its all natural.http://www.bionaturaldrops.com/index.php��Plus it won 3 awards as best slimming product!

Any type of weight loss supplement is dangerous and will only help you for a week or so. After that no more weight will be lost. Try a real program that is not full of misleading information.

Try the Wu-Yi Tea Diet: http://WuYiTeaDiet.infoIt s an all natural Chinese tea based diet and has helped me lose 9 lbs. in the past 2 weeks by curbing my cravings.

I would recommend you to read reviews of different weight loss programs and supplements mentioned below...

ACIA is good, but I have found books and other information that works even better. Check it out:

weight loss supplement will work, but I heard some friends who do research in pharmacology said that many weight loss supplements have negative effects in a long term, and it s not easy to keep a permanent effect. Here are 7 tips for scientific weight lossEat in first hourEat something within the first hour of waking to start your metabolism and begin burning more calories all day long. This can be as simple as eating a banana or a few crackers.Have multiple servingsEat eight to ten combined servings (approximately ? cup each) of fruits and vegetables a day. Five servings a day will promote good health, whereas eight to ten will promote almost effortless weight loss.Drink waterDrink eight to ten cups of water a day. Water is needed to break down body fat and flush the toxins.Eat every 3-4 hoursEat something every 3-4 hours. This will help stabilize blood sugars and prevent you from becoming over-hungry at your next meal. Ignoring true hunger will cause your body to increase its lypogenic, or fat storing enzymes. Always carry a snack with you so that you can respond to hunger signals quickly.Hunger satisfiedNever eat to the point of feeling uncomfortable, instead stop when your hunger has been satisfied. When you feel ��full�� after a meal you are storing body fat.Stop three hours before bedtime.Stop eating three hours before bedtime. Your body is preparing for fasting mode while you sleep. Any extra calories that you take in at this time have a good chance of being stored as body fat.ExerciseMove your body for 30 minutes most days of the week. This can be as simple as marching in place while watching the daily news. The more you move your body, the faster you will see results.

What are some exercises i can do at home easily to lose weight fast? -

Have you tried this workout program? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr��

Make sure that you eat proper foods and cut out the junk foods we have all become accostmed to.Watch The Videos at the resources box and you can do these at home. You need to set aside some time to take proper exercise - starting slow at first. Many diets can work but only if you stick to it, and that is usually where the problem is. If you find that you are always hungry - use a natural supplement. I came across one that works in harmony with your body and does not make you sick or jittery - which I recommended to my sister and she swears by it now. Lost weight and has kep it off since. Pick up your free report below http://www.abcbuys.com/feelgoodloseweight/freereport-3601.html

Any exercise you like is good. You want to do situps-good, pushups-good, touch your toes-good, run in place-good, etc. Just do a variety and enjoy doing them for about 20 minutes to half an hour per day. Work those mucles! Don t forget to cut back on carbs, snacks, and overall calorie intake.Good Luck!!!! Happy exercising!!!!

Jump the rope, fast for 25 min every daydo some aerobic excersize, like the one on Jane Fonda videos.get spin machine,sit ups,