Monday, February 12, 2007

What is your best weight loss tip for someone who doesnt exercise too often? -

There s not much time for me to exercise because of my business that requires a lot of hands-on work. I exercise whenever I can but sometimes I don t have enough interest or rather too tired to even do it.What s your best advice to loose 10 - 20 pounds in a month? I need to look my best for a business meeting in a month. Thank you so much for taking up the time to fuss over my blabber. ^__^

hi,10 pounds is not that much and you can easily lose it if you know how. In this article, I ll give you the 5 tips you need to shift it.Losing this kind of weight is not that much but it can make a big difference like being able to fit into clothes that you only just can t fit into. Or just giving your body a big head start in overall weight loss because even this amount of weight loss is noticeable to you.So here are the great tips that will see you lose this weight in one week.- Eat fruit for breakfast. Yes, you should eat fruit and preferably the very juicy variety such as melons. Oranges are also good as are any fruits that contain a stone as these are slow burners.- Eat (or is that drink?) soup for lunch. No bread allowed just a normal portion of soup. Make sure that you don t touch any kind of creamy soup as these have a lot of high fat dairy in them and calories. Pepper is OK but don t add any salt. The best soup for this is pea or cabbage soup. Both taste fantastic as well. I personally prefer a goulash or borsch.- For dinner at least half of your plate should be steamed vegetables and make sure to get some broccoli in there as this is very good for you. The other half should be a protein like lean meat e.g. chicken breast. Or just eat nothing but vegetables if you prefer.- No takeaway food. This is only for a week so surely you can stay away from fast food joints for a week? That also means restaurant takeaways too - these are full of saturated fats and hidden calories.- High Impact Interval Training. This is where you jog for 30 seconds and then sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Repeat again and again until you have done 15 minutes altogether. This will seriously have you shedding the pounds in no time because your metabolism will be increased for the rest of the day.

Get into the Groove you should constantly be moving - whenever you can. In the shower, bouncing while you shower, in the kitchen sitting there bouncing or moving your leg ( up and down). You want to stay in motion at all times so you can burn calories - it will add up. Drink six eight ounce glasses of water daily and watch the sodium on the foods you eat its in everything.

stop drinking soda.


Get off your butt and do some excersise, mixed with a proper diet. You will never lose 10-20 pounds a month doing nothing. Go for a 30minute walk after supper every night or something.

The worst thing that u can possibly drink is POP and if u want to lose a couple of pounds and then i guarentee u if u stop drinking POP ur bodys going to be healthy. They once did an experement putting a steak in a box covered with pop leftt it there and a week later it desolved because theres so many chemicals. Good Luck and hope i helped!

i m pretty much in the same situation. For the last 8 weeks i ve ate 1200 calories a day and occasionally treeating my self to a desired meal and allow myself a little extra and have lost 28 pounds so far. good luck

Dont starve yourself, Eat the normal 3 meals a day, If you can exercise for about 30 minutes that could work, try not to eat after like 6. Stay off the caffine you should be fine - It takes time to lose weight, cant guarentee anything.

eliminate sugar from your diet....and be very careful about carbs.

Hi! yes,exercise is a part of leading a healthy lifestyle but you don t need to do it everyday to lose some weight. All I did was change what I was eating and the time I was eating at. For example,Instead of eating sugary cereal...Enjoy some All Bran Guardian or Special K,Instead of driving to the store,walk down to it,choose a medium sized plate and keep your portions from touching the edge...That way it is easier to count calories without the hassle. Eat a balanced diet with 1/2 of your plate full of veggies,1/4 of lean protein or meat and 1/4 full of a healthy,whole grain carbohydrate. Also drink extra glasses of water through out your day,even at work because a cold glass of water can burn 25 calories because your body has to warm up the water It will restart your metabolism. Hope I helped and have a nice day! :)

don t eat. it s amazing how much weight you loss instantly. haha but you could die so be careful..

eat 6 to 8 small portions of food a day try to eliminate carbs and eat turkey and grilled chicken , tuna with out bread and walk for 20 minutes a day or jog in place for 10 minutes 3 times a week you will loose the weight.good luck

Sounds funny but restricting you caloric intake is about the only way, cut your portions down at meals, snack on healthy items fresh and raw fruits and vegetables. I take a bag of those baby carrots with me to work. How about walking a half hour every other day, take the stairs instead of the elevator.

eating healthy is 75% of the battle in my opinion...exercise is small...not everyone has the desire to be tip top shape and rock we re woman we dont have to be ...LOL thats for the men to worry ya eating healthy is most of it...just eat chicken vegs rice ...cereal ......eggs...wheat bread...baked only water for a whole will lose at least 10 pounds...and dont eat over 1600 calories a day....less if you wanna lose more ...but you might get really hungry...and end up eating more 1600 is a good place to be at...dont go less then 1200...

No carbohydrates, none, at all. You should buy some Diastix at your local pharmacy to measure ketones in your urine. Drink atleast 80 ounces of water a day. Every time you re sitting down, do some static exercises like contracting muscles for 10-20 seconds, then releasing for 5, repeat about 10 times. Work your way up your whole body doing this.Watch the fat in your diet as well, if you don t, you ll gain all the weight back faster than you lost it.

Don t eat oily or sugary stuff, and only eat till you re about almost full. Don t have tea.Better yet, screw the above and get some exercise!

Drink lots of water and eat healthier foods rich in protein an fiber; moreover, you will want to cut your portions to 1-2 Cups(volume) of food per meal.

Water, fruits and veggies (vitamin everyday and the occasional chicken breast). With the minimal exercise you do, you ll burn the sugar from the fruits. Eat this in moderation too. Too much of anything isn t good. Construct meals out of this and if you can stick to that diet, you ll drop a few.

exercise or just do some walking or joging armoud your block once a day and you drop that weight =)

Nutrition; Make sure you eat breakfast and don t skip meals, you need to keep your body engine burning and you can t do that by starving yourself! Avoid all refined sugars and white flour. Eat mostly lean meats, fruits and veggies. Salads are good but watch the salad dressing, many are loaded with sugar. Drink 8 glasses of water a day! Exercise: If you can t or don t have time for much exercise, do little things to increase your energy expended like park your car in the furthest part of the parking lot, whether it s in the office, the grocery store, etc...... It will make you walk more. Don t take the elevator, take the stairs. Little things like that can make a big difference. And get a pedometer to measure how far you are actually going each day. You need to increase your muscle mass as muscle burns fat, do some muscle building while talking on the phone. ie; bring a dumbell into the office and do some overhead presses or deep knee bends.

Watch what you eat! and also to fit exercise into your day, when you go out, you can park in a parking space farther than normal....the walk from there to wherever you wanted to go will give you some exercise

Eat less. Eat healthy. Avoid sugar and white flour.

Got any weight loss tips? -

this is kind of the wrong category but i thought maybe if a mom had lost weight succesfully she could help me. my youngest are 19 months and after they were born i lost all the weight i had gained...but since its nearly impossible to eat right while taking care of 3 kids i have gained it back and then some. so i know the just of gotta burn more calories/fat than you take in. but is there anything you did that was easy and helped you lose weight? im a mom of 3 so i dont really have time to pay super close attention to what i eat but i do want to lose weight. i have time to excersize when my husband is home in the morning and evening. what excersizes do you recomend for the belly? thats where most of my weight is along with hips and thighs. any tips would be appriciated. im looking to lose about 30 pounds and id like to do it in about 3 months.

Eat fruits with an empty stomack, wait at least 30 minutes to eat anything else. Spinning not only gives you beutifull legs, it also disolves fat from all your body. Try it out. It s fun.I am a mother of 2

The best and easiest system I ve come across is Weight Watchers. It uses a very simple points system--different points given to each food. BUT you have to attend weekly meetings and it s expensive. (You can do it online if you don t want to attend weekly weigh-ins but you have to sign up to direct debit. If you attend weekly classes it s cheaper if you arrange a direct debit but I always pay as I go as I have a limited budget and want to cancel payment he minute I hit my goal weight --which should be next week) However once you reach your goal weight membership becomes free. I d advise finding someone who belongs weight watchers or used to be a member, and get them to loan you their folder explaining the system. Then you can use the information without signing up to the classes. If you stick to it and don t waver from your daily amount of points allowed you WILL lose. I ve just lost 20 lbs in 10 weeks, but i kept track of everything I ate and if I went over my daily points allowance compensated the next day An average of 2lbs a week loss is what weight watchers gets you, but you will find it varies a little from week to week. It doesn t sound vey much but in 15 weeks you d reah your goal. Excercise helps but isn t essential. The aim is to recognise filling but low-calorie food and use these to stave off the hunger. You need to plan your meals in advance and not let anyone tempt you into eating pizzas etc. Or if you don t want to do WW just make sure you move more and eat less (Swimming gets the pounds off if you put in 2-3 hours a week)

Anyone know a quick weight loss tip? -

I need to lose about 15 pounds or more in like a week ive been dieting and exercising cardio workouts and i havent dropped much very fast any tips i dont want lipo and i dont want pills or any kind of surgery

first dont concentrate on weight you want to pay attention to inches. but bike and get some dumbbells.

I dont know your reason for wanting to lose the weight so quickly, but if you want to lose weight in a healthy realistic way, It will probably take about a week to lose 3-4 pounds

i ve done this and its not fun...there is nothing that important where you need to lose 15 lbs...drink lots of water...drink nonfat milk ... no meat [ the protein you get is useless, not enough amino acids...] eat nothing but raw fruits and other can t ingest anything else...except these four things...dont binge diet. dont starve yourself.lift weights before you do your cardio...can t gaurauntee 15, but you ll cut a serious amount of weight...please dont subject yourself to this

15 lbs in a week...cut off an arm thats the only way....the key to burning fat is using more calories than you eat during the day...figure up you basal metabolic rate...the amount of calories you burn in a day just being you...and then cut approx 500 of those calories to result in a 1-2 lb loss a week...if you try to lose 15 lbs in a week you are setting your self up for failure...heart failure that is...without all your necceasry calories, vitamins and minerals your body will put fat on reserve and go to protien for energy...i.e...heart cells, brains cells and mucsle your health really worth 15 lbs?

Exercise more.

umm.. the only thing that will make you loose weight fast is NOT TO EAT! lol, however i dont recommended it. Just eat healthy and do lots of exercise and you will loose the weight.

Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats.It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.Details such as my experience, meals, snacks, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc,

Diet Tips More for a Healthy and Trim Body��more

if you really want to lose your weight don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details view the website

Drink plenty of water early in the morning....approx 1 litre.... on empty stomach......and just be on leafy vegetables and oxidising fruits like apple and especialy papaya

if u are a bit fat come here and i will make u swet

Surely you can lose weight visit below given website and follow the steps given. Click adlinks to know more informations about weight loss and diet. Surely visit it will be very useful to you to lose weight. Check ads to know more.Scroll and visit full page so u can know more detials from links too.

I m sorry to say this... you can t lose fat quickly, safely. It s a long process that takes a lot of time, effort and consistency.If you want to loose weight quickly, then the absolute best (yet dangerous) way to do it is to stop eating.Sorry, that s just life.

Am i overweight?????? -

I m 11 and i weigh 62kg. If i am can u plz tell me sum weight loss tips!!! 10 points 2 best answer!!

Since ur only 11 u will get much taller. I got 1 important tip you get taller ur fat with streatch out around you and so from now on dont eat fatty foods. but u dont need to lose weight either.

Depends on your height. Some useful tips to loose weight:Eat several small meals throughout the day and do not skip any meals.Exercise, walk, or do anything physical (particularly after meals), up to twice a day if possible.Incorporate some kind strength/resistance training using a pair of light weights to build up muscles, which increases metabolism.Stay away from processed sugar and limit your intake of alcohol.

Weight loss tips for somebody with an underactive thyroid? -

Apart from the obvious eat healthy and exercise is there anything else I can do?

I also suffer from hypo-thyroidism and find it hard to keep my weight down. I try to limit sugar and carbs and eat veg in prefer to other food. Avoid bloating food like bread and wine.I recommend Mary J Shomon s book The Thyroid Diet , it had a lot of helpful info and tips for weight management as well as for general well-being. Take good care of yourself as you may find you are more prone to other illnesses, as I am. Good luck and feel free to email if you want to chat about how it is affecting you.

I hope Gary M reads this note: don t take Soya milk, because the phytoestrogens in soya depress your thyroid function. Steer clear! I take Lactofree, which is just normal milk (and tastes normal), but the milk sugar is removed by adding an enzyme to digest it. Much better for you and low in fat too. Report Abuse

you can take a iodine supplement and it helps

Drink alot of hot tea!!!! With NO sugar!!!There are so many different natural teas, if you drink 3 - 4 cups per day. Especially in the morning it cleans out your system. Dont purchase processed, look for natural tea leaf...There are some teas that actually can help heal an underactive thyroid.

I also have an U/T, had problems when eating healthily, (night cramps/muscle spasms and anxiety), try a high fibre cereal with chilled soyamilk first and last thing.

Well, go to a endocrinologist. (specializes in thyroid disorders) take the daily recommended prescribed dosage. It s important that you choose an exercise that will reeve up your fat burning, like aerobics. Good luck to you!

Yes, learn about the condition and lab values. Quite often doctors leave hypothyroid patients undermedicated, especially when only a TSH is done. If you are on T4 like Synthroid or Levoxyl, you d want the morning TSH to be around 1.0. If you are on a T4/T3 med like Armour or Thyrolar, you d want the free t4 midrange and the free t3 high in range. If your levels are not where they should be, wegiht loss will be almost impossible.Stay away from soy and fluoride, as they slow down thyroid function.

make sure you are taking thyroxine if necessary. this needs medical prescription and regular blood tests. too much and too little thyroxine are bad. apart from that , diet (try the pause diet on google) and exercise are the only real options.

Maybe there is some medication that can help along with a low-fat diet? I don t know but maybe your doctor can help

if you truly do have an underactive thyroid surely your doctor is giving you thyroxine etc to correct it. This means you don t need a special thyroid diet!

well really you kinda have answered this yourself! drink lots of water, cut out sugary items ect!!

There are no specific tips other than ensuring that your TFTs confirm your levothyroxine dose is optimum. I agree it will be even more difficult to loose weight if you are still biochemically under-active.

I have a hypothyroid and put on loads of weight with my meds and everything. I tried all kinds of things and finally I got put onto a nutritionist guy who has helped to lose 36 pounds in the last five months. He has made sure the products I have used and my diet have been in keeping with my medication and ensured I stay healthy. His advice has been so good and so have the products I have used. He has done it all the way through and tracked my progress and all aspects of my health. Try, you can reach him through this. I didnt think that because of my problem I would be able to lose any weight but I have and he is going to show me how to keep off the weight in a couple of months when I have hit my target weight. the guy is real nice and helpful too. I hope this helps.

Are you taking thyroxine, which should help speed up your metabolism.

Check the following diet tips Diet and Fitness Search Engine��Download Diet Reminder Application it may help to have a diet Quiz to increase your diet Information use Diet Calculator Wishes,Have a Nice Day

Take thyroxine to bring your level to the normal range then eat less and exercise more.

Go for swimming easy and efficient way..and fun too....isn t it?

Quick Weight Loss? -

Hi. I need some effective quick weight loss tips to lose 15-20 pounds in about 1.5 months. Any exersize tips and ways to eat healthy? Thanks!

Well since you helped me on my question a bit, I want to help you.Okay you want to loose fat right? to effectively loose fat you have to burn enough calories so that you total intake of calories is less then the amount for you to weight the same.This is one of my favorite websites;��I use it all the time.That calculator will tell you the amount of calories needed to stay at your same weight.Now, If you subtract about 500 calories to that, that is how much you should consume to loose one pound of fat a week. Now your thinking, Wtf. That isnt Quick. I want it off before school! I want to get into a bathing suit NOW. Yes, everyone wants their results now, and will be impatient. But for those who stick on slow results, they actually keep it off. Now this is not from experience, but I have seen a boy that has went from 202 lbs to about 140, average weight, in about a year.A year is a long time, but it flies by when your getting results. And in that long time you learn how to eat and live right all over again.

Try this website for solutions

I just answered this elsewhere so am answering the same here.A couple of years back I was really overweight and saw an article which said if you want to lose weight quickly avoid these 5 things: Bread, rice, pasta (all kinds), sugar and potatoes. So I ate as much as I wanted but kept off these 5 things. I also started walking 20-30 mins every day (very important - I now try to walk 45 mins everyday). I lost 10kgs (22 pounds) in 5 weeks :-) Losing weight is one thing, keeping it constant is another. Here s one tip for you that I learned some time back: one of the signs of dehydration is similar to hunger pangs. So whenever you get hunger pangs, drink water. In fact I drink a lot of water every day. That has helped in keeping my weight constant too.Lastly, eat small meals more frequently. I try to eat small meals every 3-4 hours.

You have to concentrate in your goal,firstly.About diet i can say don t try any weird diets, the best is the healty way as chicken,salmon ,lots of salads (with a minimum of olive oil),2 fruits a day,lots of water any kind of bread,pasta or rice,cheese.The best is eating somethin each 4 hours for having your metabolism working and doing double phisical activities,one in the morning and other in the evening if you have time. The best tip is doing activity when you wake up (40 minutes walking is ok) before eating breakfast because your body will take the energy from your fat deposits. And i can stronly recomend a product called HIDROXICUT that is magical for losing weight ,or you can try with other fat burner, but this is the best!!!Good luck!!!!

Natural foods only, yoga, fasting, hoodia, and tea...lots of water too and some hiking.... You can do it!

No such thing, It will take longer to lose that much weight safely