Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How can you lose weight fast ?? ? -

LIke can people tell me what should I eat and what should i do ?Plz dont Asnwer rude :D thanks

Eat a lot of protein. Don t eat bread or anything made from wheat. Don t eat junk food. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (salads). Don t drink or eat diet anything. Diet stuff makes you hungry and retain fluid. Ever noticed how it is always fat people with the diet stuff. Somehow they don t lose weight, cuz it doesn t work.

quot;Why do you lose weight faster running on the treadmill than the elliptical.? -

...even though the elliptical says you have burned more calories. Or is this true.

Possibly because you tend to stick with the treadmill longer - exercise more moderately but for longer periods at a time.

The treadmill is more work - but also more impact on your joints.I usually do an hour of cardio - split up between the elliptical, treadmill, and exercise bike.(Then I go circuit train with weights/machines).

I think the treadmill because I m always very sweaty afterwards. They both give you a workout so I use both.