Sunday, September 15, 2019

Is walking a mile on the tredclimber a good, fast way to lose weight? -

if i walk a mile on my tredclimber everyday and eat smaller portions of food will i lose

if you want to lose it fast then try walking a bit further each day...

Depends on how much exercise you were taking before. If this is a start then you will loose weight quite quickly, but your body will get used to it. You will need to monitor your fitness and increase distance; time; and incline as required to maintain a good level of weight loss.However, you may find that you are gaining a little weight as you loose fat and tone your muscles, so don t feel down if your scales don t behave.A mile is a very short distance and you are going at a slow pace.Up the speed so that it is a very brisk walk, go on time rather than distance. Increase the incline.But it s great that you are taking exercise and reducing your calorie intake. A great way to improve your health and loose weight.

What is that fastest way to lose weight? -

I m going shopping for a bridesmaid dress in about 1 month and i want to lose weight before then? What s the best way to lose weight fast?

First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health .Basically there are 3 types of Diet+ ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISONFirst check out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group .-Blood group O is for Old.- Type O.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Blood group Type AB.�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples

I want to start this response by saying that whatever you do, stay away from the diet supplement industry. There are far too many scams going around there, and none of them are a fast nor permanent answer.So the first thing I would suggest is exercise; this one isn t too hard to figure out, just try to find an activity that you enjoy that happens to include a lot of moving around, like riding a bike, or playing the drums. The top reason people give up on their exercise plan is because they get bored!But what diet to choose? If you want to really get serious about losing weight, why not try a professionally planned diet? You have to be careful here as well, there is a lot of scams just like the supplement business. However, I just recently found out about this great site from a friend that has a new innovative diet I ve never heard about, and offers a full money refund guarantee. Check it out if you are interested, I hope this helps!

Depends on how much you want to lose...If it s more than 30 lbs., then don t try it! 1lb a day is almost too much, if you don t want to be too ill to get married!Of course, it has to do with caloric intake and caloric use; that is if you eat less than you burn (metabolize), you ll lose weight. So it s as simple as exercising more and keeping your calorie level down by eating less. But when you eat less, you need more vitamins and minerals cause you won t be getting enough nutrition otherwise. Exercise should be mainly aerobic in style (walking, running, bike riding, hiking, aerobic classes, etc.) Eat early in the day and stay away from late night (before bedtime) eating as the calories tend to accumulate easier into body fat during sleep.Look at every box/package/etc. of the food you are eating, which is required by the FDA to put the calories in every product. (Careful, however, as often it will give the calorie amount for one serving and the package may actually have 2 or more servings!).Drink lots of liquids, but NO just is filled with calories, esp., beer....but they all are useless if trying to lose weight....not only do they contain useless calories, they make you hungry. And no soft drinks. Also, stay away from milk, unless it s just one glass of non-fat milk a day.Don t go below 900 calories a day...and when hungry, drink something like vegetable juice. Keep track, on a daily basis, of how many calories you consume and keep as active as possible eg., walk up the stairs, don t take the elevator.Too fast of weight loss may cause serious health problems eg., osteoporosis, lowered immune system, etc.Just know that if you do it at the right rate, you ll feel better and look better, even if it s (only) 30 lbs! Good Luck, RB

According to studies made in relation to the red tea, it was observed that the people having an overweight lost up to 18 pounds only with its absorption. People having a moderated overweight, up to 12 pounds and people having a light overweight, between 4 and 7 pounds.With the diet of red tea, at a rate of 4 cups per day, it was observed a loss up to 7 pounds in 5 days.

I m currently trying to lose weight too. It s not so much as that i m big, because im not, its just my love handles. I try to eat less than 1000 calories a day and go running every time im off work with my dog.It doesn t really help, because I work at Taco Bell and I get to eat while im there.But I guess if you just do exercise and eat right, you should be good to go!It s just hard for me because i m balancing school and work.Good Luck!

My wife has tried all sorts to lose weight but nothing has worked just as well as the wu yi tea that she drinks, it s been covered on CNN and Fox News. She lost 5 pounds in five weeks. She gets it off a colleague at work but I discovered this site in Google; - they have a free trial on at the moment, maybe they re worth a try?

its not actually what you eat, its how much. have more of the healthy foods and cut back on the fatty foods.drink plenty of water (6 glasses a day) and involve regular excersise and you should be ready to go!

You can play hockey for half an hour and lose 600 calories.

My friend Sally was in the same situation and she lost 40 lbs in 12 weeks and made a site about it it out

Along with exercise, what are some other ways to lose weight faster? -

correct diet and run b4 eating when u wake up

healthy diet. make sure to cut down on foods w/ saturated fat and eat more veggies and fruits. though they might taste awful, seasoning them w/ healthy stuff is also good too

Count calories

Well, a low fat diet is classic but be careful with it. One of the best ways is to make sure your metabolism is on track. Sleep about 7.5 hours during the night, eat breakfast when you wake up to kickstart your metabolism and stick to proper meal times. Don t go exercising right after a meal, wait about an hour and drink plenty of water. Also try not to add any additional sugar or salt to your food.

eat healthy to boost your metabolism it will help you lose weight faster��